Query Posts 
Submitter: Leaneta Eilers (txeilers5@aol.com)
Date: 14 Jun 1999
I am looking for information on Laura Myrtle Thomason b.
2/14/1893 in Kingfisher. Her parents were Andrew Jackson
Thomason and Adyah ?. Laura married Joseph Thomas Lisk in
Mountain View on 8/29/1909.

Submitter: Reed Morrow (rbmorrow@tctc.com)
Date: 21 May 1999
Interested in information on the Bracken and Mc Fadden
families of Kingfisher Co.

Submitter: Darlene Burke (RFBdar@worldnet.att.net)
Date: 18 May 1999
I am trying to locate information on William T. Burke b
25 May 1871 Stoutland, MO m6 Oct. 1904 to Louisa Myrtle
Collins b 17 May 1885 Verden, NE. They lived in Cashion
18 Jan 1927 when their last child, Billy LaVerne Burke,
was born. They are both buried in Cashion in 1945 and
1951. Would like any information or contact on this
family. I am willing to share what information I have.
There were six other children, in order: John Milton,
Alvin Thomas, Mary Estella, James Omer, Frank Ernest,
Martha Louise.

Surnames: HOUSE
Submitter: Margaret Behnke (marg3@gte.net)
Date: 06 May 1999
HOUSE About 1900 there was a family named HOUSE that was
at the Unitarian College at Kingfisher. Can someone look
up some history of this school, when it started, how long
it lasted, names of teachers etc.? Homer House, was one
of the teachers, I'd like to know more about him and his
family and the school. Thanks

Submitter: Joan Meister (jmeister@willinet.net)
Date: 30 Apr 1999
Am looking for any information regarding William Higgins
and his wife, Mary Ann (Grace) Higgins, who were living
in Kingfisher Co., OK, in 1902 and as late as 1909. Their
children's names were Sarah Jane, Andrew, Mary Jane, Rose
Belle, William and Charles, who were born from 1853 to
1867. Did this family stay there in Kingfisher Co. or
does anyone have any idea what happened to them? Am most
anxious to learn anything no matter how small, even if
there's nothing to be found for them there. Thank you
very much!

Submitter: Faye Montgomery (montgomeryf@usa.net)
Date: 26 Apr 1999
URL: www.maxpages.com/stewartfamily
I am looking for any information on the Stewart family
and/or Ogden Family that resided in kingfisher/Loyal
Oklahoma.Ferman Lee Stewwart married Minnie Ogden their
children names are Jodi (Joseph) Ferman Stewart Mable
Stewart Nettie Stewart who died at age three around the
same time Minnie died both of typhoid fever. Any
information Would be greatly Appreciated. Faye Montgomery

Submitter: Diane Preston (diane@voxprint.com)
Date: 21 Apr 1999
PHELPS/HARTSELL-Seeking ancestors of Isom PHELPS, b.
29Dec1844, MO; m. 19May1869, Macon Co., MO to Malinda
Jane DOUGLASS. Also seeking decendants of their children
and/or grandchildren: (1) Winnie M. b. 1870 MO, d. 1899
Payne Co., OK, m. 1885 KS to John GROVER b. 1864 IL; Ch.
(A) Grace GROVER b.1886 KS, (B) Eva B. 1888 KS d. 1889
OK, (C)Laura L. GROVER b. 1888 OK (D&E) 2 more
daughters adopted out to a doctor after WinnieÕs death.
John raised Grace and Laura. (2) Edward b. 1873 MO, no
children. (3) Lillie Jane (my grandmother) I have all
decendents. Twin sons-(4) Frank PHELPS b. Nov 1877, KS,
m. 25Dec1902 to Agnes L. HAMMER b. 1884 KS, Ch. (A) Mabel
M.b. 1904 OK m. 12Feb1923 to Claud DELAY, (B)Robert Earl
b. 1905 OK m. Chrystella, (C) Rutha L. b. 1910 OK,
(D)Fred Monroe b. 16Nov1912 Mulhall, Payne Co., OK
d.25Feb1993 m. 5Jun1937 Martha E. BAUMGARTNER, Ch. Elmira
m. QUALLS and LaNelma m. Ray JOHNSON (E&F)
Twins-Everett L. (PeeWee) (have all decendents) and Ervin
(Pat) b. 11Nov1914 Stillwater, Payne Co., OK (G) LaVern
ÒTuttiÓ (H) Arnold Floyd b. 14Apr1921 d. 21Nov1991
Stillwater, Payne Co., OK m. Alice Madeline CALDWELL, (I)
Lawrence (J) Lyle . (5) Fred Phelps b. Nov 1877, KS, m.
8Feb1902 to Odessa HAMMER, Ch. (A) Myrtle (B) Wynona (C)
Millie (D) Belle. (6) Pearl (Mose) b. Jul1882, KS d. 1942
Stillwater, Payne Co., OK (no children) (7) Louretta
(Etta) b Apr 1884 KS m. 25Dec1900 Stillwater, Payne Co.,
OK to Elisha L. HARTZELL Ch. (A) Leslie F. b. 1902, (B)
Howard I. b. 1904 (C) Adrin E. b. 1906 OK (D) Fay E. b.
1913 OK (E) Olive C. b. 1919 OK (F) boy. Elisha and Etta
Hartzell and Fred and Odessa Phelps are shown on several
census for Kingfisher County and are buried in Kingfisher

Submitter: Otis Slusher (ojfwb@webtv.net)
Date: 21 Apr 1999
Am researching the family of Alfred Elijah SLUSHER (b 18
Aug 1842 Moorefield, Hardy Co, Va/WVa - d 10 Mar 1894,
Kingfisher Co, Ok) and Elizabeth "Eliza" Jane
KELLOGG (b 20 Jul 1851 Palestine, Crawford Co, Il - d 20
Feb 1946 in Ok). Alfred and Eliza m 25 Aug 1867 Robinson,
Crawford Co, Il. Both of them, their daughters, Larua
Amelia SLUSHER VOGT (and husb William Henry) and Minnie
Abi SLUSHER BURSON (and husb Jacob Earl) and son, Howard
Clissold SLUSHER, are buried at Kingfsher Cemetery. Other
children of Alfred and Eliza: Frederick Elton SLUSHER (m
Delpha Jeanette "Nettie" STEEL), Ida Mae
HAUNSTEIN and Johnathan Grant STEPHENSON), Dr. William
Authur SLUSHER (m Sarah Margaret BRIANT), Worlie Allen
SLUSHER and Harvey Harold SLUSHER (m Millie Olive
ROBINSON). Alfred Elijah SLUSHER was the brother of my
GGGFather, George William SLUSHER (b 2 Jul 1838
Moorefield, Hardy Co, Va/WVa - d 15 Nov 1908 blvd Clinton
Co, Oh - buried Blanchester, Clinton Co, OH). Any
information/connections to this family will be greatly

Surnames: WELLS
Submitter: Marge Kinninmont (buzzwds@beachnet.com)
Date: 20 Apr 1999
I'm looking for information about my father, Paul James
Wells. He was born in Oklahoma (county unknown) in 1903.
His parents were James M. and Cora E. Wells. He also had
brothers, George B. Wells (1897-1959), Clarence W. Wells
(1919-1959) and a half-brother, Fred Tweedy (1913-1963).
My father was in the Marine Corp. from 1920 until his
death in 1946. He had been a POW in Bilibid during the
war. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank
you. Marge Kinninmont

Submitter: Kathryn (Marx) Kiter (kiter@ramcell.net)
Date: 17 Apr 1999
I'm am trying to locate my Mothers ancestors Her
birthname was Madonna Leona Koonce Shortened to Donna Lee
Born in 1920, Kingfisher, Oklahoma Brother Earnest Sister
Geraldine Fathers Name Ray or Raymond

Surnames: SHIRLEY
Submitter: Lorri Silveira (ronsr@vornet.com)
Date: 16 Apr 1999
SHIRLEY My grandfather was Don LeRoy Shirley. He was born
in Hennessey, Oklahoma August 25th 1895. He is supposed
to be related to Belle Starr( Myra Belle Shirley).If
anyone knows anything about the Shirleys, I would really
appreciate it. Aalso, his grandfather was a doctor, by
the last name of Cooke. Thank you, Lorri Silveira

Surnames: WEBB
Submitter: Rebecca Randall (songself@email.msn.com)
Date: 16 Apr 1999
Looking for information on Ulysses Webb and Mary Ellen
Ball Howard Webb. They came to Logan County/Cashion area
during the last Land Run. They are from Sevier Co. TN.
Abraham Webb and Elizabeth Stinnett are Ulysses Webb's
parents. Also, where do I find OK census records?

Submitter: Claudia Meyer (remclm@pldi.net)
Date: 14 Apr 1999
MCDOWELL, Charles Calvin. Resided in Kiel/Loyal area from
approx 1897 until 1913 when he moved to Howell County,
Missouri. Married to Mary Delilah HIGGINBOTHAM. They had
16 children, 13 of whom I believe were born in Kiel/Loyal
area. Brother George Ellsworth MCDOWELL remained in Loyal
and one daughter of Charles Calvin lived with George
Ellsworth and his wife, Elizabeth. Looking for any
further information on these families.

Submitter: Glenda Anderson (vanderson@access-one.com)
Date: 03 Apr 1999
I am searching for descendants of Henry and Rebecca J.
"Becky" (ROBERTS) *PERCELL and decendants of
Samuel J. "Sam" and Salina E. (PERCELL)
ROBERTS. (Brother and sister married brother and sister.)
Both families went to the Kingfisher, OK, area about 1885
from Harrison Co., MO. Their known families were: Henry
PERCELL, b. January 1855 in Warren Co., IA, and Rebecca
J. "Becky" ROBERTS, b. 1862 in Harrison Co.,
MO, were m. July 8, 1877 in Harrison Co., MO. Their
chldren were: 1. Florence, b. Oct 1881 in MO, m. abt 1903
to Justus Claude ALYEA.They had: Henry F., b. abt 1903;
Leola, b. abt 1908; Erma, b. Aug 1909 (and perhaps more
children); 2. Lawrence, b. Feb 1883 in MO; 3. Ethyl, b.
abt 1885 in OK. Samuel J. "Sam" ROBERTS, b.
August 18, 1859 in MO, m. March 20, 1882 in MO to Salina
E. PERCELL, b. 1856 in Warren Co., IA. Their children
were: 1. Daisy, b. abt 1883 in MO; 2. Zeffie M., (male),
b. March 1885 m. abt 1907 in OK to Clara SWEATMAN. Zeffie
and Clara had Owen O., b. abt 1908 in OK and Hershel, b.
1910 in OK (and perhaps other children.) 3. Edward, b.
1887 in OK; 4. Verl, b. April 1891 in OK; 5. Ollie, b.
July 1893 in OK; 6. Vernon Owen, b. 1896 in OK; 7. Nora,
b. April 1898 in OK. *Some of this family spelled their
name "Percell" and some spelled it
"Purcell"--same family. I would be happy to
share information on these families.

Submitter: Carole Shanahan (Mingzmom@aol.com)
Date: 29 Mar 1999
Looking for information on CYNTHIA L> CONNER and
WILLIAM H. BECKNER, who probably met and married in
Kingfisher County, Oklahoma about 1890. Cynthia was
probably a teacher at an indian reservation, William was
a cowboy. The two married and moved to Woods County
Oklahoma by 1900. Cynthia's sister, MALINDA (KATIE)CONNER
and brother, DAVID CONNER, homesteaded in Kingfisher
County. Any information about any of the CONNERS or
BECKENRS(John, William, Sarah) will be very much

Surnames: HICKS
Submitter: Verla Pinkerton (vandhpinkerton@computron.net)
Date: 27 Mar 1999
I have a picture of Perry HICKS that was among my
grandmother's pictures and I would like to return it to
his family if possible. The picture was taken at Rice
Studio in Cashion, O. T. which would be Kingfisher
County, about 1900. If you think this might be your
ancestor please email me and I will be glad to send it to

Surnames: HOUX
Submitter: Carole Todd (brit_84414)
Date: 23 Mar 1999
Hello, I'm looking for any info on the name Houx, in
Kingfisher Co in the 1800's. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks Carole

Surnames: WATT WILEY
Submitter: Mary Nussbaum (mjnintex@hal-pc.org)
Date: 20 Mar 1999
I'm looking for the death date of Thomas K. Watt, still
in Coronado TWP in 1905, living with sister, Mary E.
Wiley. I find no record of him after 1905.

Surnames: WATT
Submitter: Mary Nussbaum (marynuss@juno.com)
Date: 15 Mar 1999
WATT. Searching for information about who might have
possession of any of the old records from the Old Harmony
Church, that was located just west of Hennessey. Also,
anything about Thomas K. Watt, who lived in Coronado Twp.
He was last listed in a 1905 county census; then I lost
him. He was my grandfather's (Edward S. Watt) brother.

Surnames: WATT
Submitter: Mary Nussbaum (marynuss@juno.com)
Date: 15 Mar 1999
WATT. Searching for information about who might have
possession of any of the old records from the Old Harmony
Church, that was located just west of Hennessey. Also,
anything about Thomas K. Watt, who lived in Coronado Twp.
He was last listed in a 1905 county census; then I lost
him. He was my grandfather's (Edward S. Watt) brother.

Submitter: Lorri Silveira (ronsr@vornet.com)
Date: 12 Mar 1999
Earlier today, I wrote about finding more information
about my grandfather, Don LeRoy Shirley. I gave the wrong
birthdate. It was Aug.25th,1895. All the rest of the
information is correct. Thank you, Lorri Silveira

Submitter: Lorri Silveira (ronsr@vornet.com)
Date: 12 Mar 1999
I am looking for more information on my grandfather's
family. He was born Don LeRoy Shirley, on Aug. 25th,
1898, in Hennessey. His mother was Edna Cooke Shirley and
his father was Edwin Shirley. We have been told that
Belle Starr (Myra Belle Shirley) was my grandfater's
aunt. My grandfather had no siblings. He married my
grandmother, Ethel Jane Bradshaw, on Oct. 8th,1915. At
that time, my grandfather was living in Guymon,Ok.,and my
grandmother had been living in Texhoma, Ok. Any
information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,
Lorri Silvrira

Submitter: Sandy Oleo (Sandrako2@aol.com)
Date: 10 Mar 1999
I am looking for someone to give me the obituary of Kerbe
Trammell of Kingfisher that died in 1983. I believe in
October of that year. He was a very dear friend of mine.
Also need an obit for Joel Moss of Loyal who died in a
car accident in 8-1998. Thanks so much! Sandrako2@aol,com

Surnames: CHILDERS
Submitter: Jo Fender (jfender@bellsouth.net)
Date: 08 Mar 1999
I saw the name of Francis M. Childers on the 1890
Oklahoma Territorial Census. Does anyone know anything
about this man? I had a gg uncle, Francis Marion
Childers, born 1833 in Macon County, NC. He left home at
an early age, went west and never returned to NC. No one
in our family knows anything about him except when and
where he was born. If anyone has any information on the
Francis in Kingfisher County I would appreciate it very
much if you would share. I have a feeling I have a lot of
cousins out there I would love to meet. Thank you for
your time and consideration. Jo

Submitter: janet metcalf (metcalf@moment.net)
Date: 08 Mar 1999
surname: Reynonlds, Eberman, Blevin &Ferguson ,John,
Welborn married to Edith Eberman, Ferguson son to James
Ferguson, wife Cornila Ferguson. I am looking for info on
Ebermans. Edith Eberman daughter to William Lawrence
Eberman & Jennie Reynolds, Eberman, Blevins,. I know
that Edith had a 1/2 sister named Mrs. Bill Elliott also
from Durant, OK . Also looking for in fo on Ferguson's.
My father is Bill Ferguson 1 of 13 kids of John and Edith
Ferguson all from Calera ok and burried at Calera
Cemetary. John died May 15, 1955, Edith died March 30,
1962. Jennie Eberman, Blevins died Sept. 29,1900 and
William Eberman died in 1887 . I would like all info
anyone has. There is only my father and 1 sister still
alive and would like to find out all I can for them.
Thank For your Time.

Surnames: BECKWITH
Date: 05 Mar 1999

Submitter: w. Jane Stroehmer (w.jane@dlrweb.com)
Date: 04 Mar 1999
I am searching for anyone who has a connection to
G.W.LACEY family. Did Mr. Lacey die in Banner Township,
Kingfisher County Oklahoma ??? Was he married to
Elizabeth Fitzsimons from Virginia ? Appreciate any
tidbit. W. Jane Stroehmer w.jane@dlrweb.com or snailmail
2248 Washington Ave. Granite City, Illinois 62040-5430

Submitter: Sandra Howard (Shsandra@aol.com)
Date: 03 Mar 1999
Seaking family and information on MARTIN and HURT.
Probably brfore 1900.

Surnames: WELCH
Submitter: Charles Hoffman (chfbsh409@aol.com)
Date: 10 Feb 1999
WELCH - The 1890 Territorial Census for the town of
Kingfisher, Oklahoma listed BENAJAMIN F. WELCH page 990.
I am looking for any information or descendants of this

Surnames: /
Submitter: Brenda Young (carrolle@hotmail.com)
Date: 10 Feb 1999
I,am lookin for anyone that might have information on my
grandmother that was born in Kingfisher,Okla. She was
born in 1904. I believe her mothers name was Wills . I do
know her mother lived later in Witchata ,Kansas. She had
my mother in Kansas city general hosipital. Flossie
Sherod married Richard KEARNEY.MY mothers name was Jessie
Evelyn Kearney 11-15-23 all are deceased. Thank you .

Submitter: Marilyn K. Moore (oenghus@ix.netcom.com)
Date: 09 Feb 1999
Prior queries include one from Doris Moore, who is
seeking information on the wife of Benjamin RENSHAW.
However, the email address given (djmoore@yell.com) did
not function on 8 February 1999. Ms. Moore, please
contact me for the substantial amount of information that
I have on Mary Agnes MCCARTY RENSHAW and her family.

Submitter: Vicky Eads (4711@pld.com)
Date: 05 Feb 1999
I have two obituaries from Union Hall Cemetery for John
Henry (JH) LIGHTNER and his wife Belinda Rebecka JOHNSON
LIGHTNER. Is anyone interested?

Submitter: Deidre Wright (deidre@webo.com)
Date: 01 Feb 1999
I am looking for Will Rottger born 1884? He married Ruey
Bourne 1911? They had 1 child Mae Belle b 1920. They
lived in Hennessey. She died sometime in the 1960's and
is buried in Hennessey?

Submitter: Louise Matney (zenrio@aol.com)
Date: 30 Jan 1999
I am looking for information on my great grandfather
Charles Fredregill and his wife Susan O'Brooks as well as
my great great grandfather Isaac Fredregill and his wife
Louisa Nelson, spelled Fredrogill on the 1890 census.

Surnames: BRATCHER
Submitter: Ronnie Bratcher (rbikebrat@aol.com)
Date: 28 Jan 1999
I am loking into more information about my grandfather.
His name is Reubin P. Bratcher, born on September 1, 1904
and rested on December 22, 1986. He is buried in the
Kingfisher Cemetery. My grandmothers name is Lorene. From
what I know he was born in Arkansas and moved to
Kingfisher, OK. He was a carpenter. If anyone has any
more info, please let me know.

Surnames: HICKEY
Submitter: Steve Hickey (padre@cowboy.net)
Date: 28 Jan 1999
Looking for info. re: Martin HICKEY and his son, William
D. HICKEY who lived in Kingfisher County (around
Hennessey) in the 1890's and early 1900's. Your help is
appreciated greatly. Mainly interested in occupations,
etc. (They are my great-great and great-grandfather,

Submitter: Jane Clancy Debenport (jcdeben@vvm.com)
Date: 18 Nov 1998
Washington L SAVAGE and Sarah Elizabeth ROBERTS came into
Kingfisher co OK by 1890. Wash was the first probate
judge of the county. They had 13 children: Margaret Ann m
John W LOWE; Mary Jane m Frank G TILBURY; Almeda died
young;Adah Belle m Arthur Merrill BURNETT;Estella m 1)Ira
ROSSEN, 2)Arthur WILLS;Snowa died as baby; Ruth Leta m O
Ray HAMMER; Jessie Addison m James Harvey PHIPPS;Ocie C
died at age 8 buried at Old Sheridan Cemetery; Orpha
Myrtle m Charles Bertram MOORE (my line); Edna R
"Nettie" m William Jacob SHIFFERT;Ira W d
young; and Judson William m 1)Joella ?, 2) Mrs. Frances
Pearl HOLT. Would like to contact other descendants. I
have been working on this line for many years.

Submitter: Carole Shanahan (Mingzmom@aol.com)
Date: 05 Dec 1998
Looking for William Henry BECKNER, who married Cyntha
Louise CONNER about 1892, probably in Kingfisher County.
Cyntha was KATIE CONNER's younger sister. Katie
homesteaded in Kingfisher County as a single woman. Katie
also was a teacher in an Indian School nearby. My
grandmother, Cyntha, may haave been living with Katie. I
believe that my grandfather William H. BECKNER may have
been working as a farm hand nearby.

Submitter: Elaine Lawson (ealawson@home.com)
Date: 31 Dec 1998
Looking for information about the PAPPE family in
Oklahoma. Richard Pappe emigrated from Germany in the mid
1899s and homesteaded in Kingfisher. He had five
children: Albert, Richard, Arthur, Court and Louise.
Arthur was born in Kingfisher in 1889 and married Violet
Major, also born in 1889, probably in Nebraska.

Surnames: CHOAT
Submitter: Gloria Maxwell (gloriajo@webtv.net)
Date: 07 Jan 1999
I am looking for information on my G Grandfather James
Dunn CHOAT born 11 Jan. 1831 died about 1917 in
Kingfisher County. I need to know where he is buried.
Thank you.

Submitter: Carole Shanahan (Mingzmom@aol.com)
Date: 08 Jan 1999
BECKNER/CONNER -- Looking for information about my
grandparents' marriage. My grandmother grew up in
Oklahoma Territory and I have reason to believe that she
was married in KINGFISHER COUNTY about 1892. Names are
Cyntha's sister KATIE CONNER and brother, DAVID CONNER,
both homesteaded in Kingfisher County. Father JEFFERSON
CONNER may have been associated with Pawnee Indians
nearby. KATIE CONNER was teacher on reservation before
her marriage. Any new information would be very much

Submitter: Amy Siefke (manytell@abscompanies.com)
Date: 09 Jan 1999
URL: http://www.flash.net/~gageeber/genealog.htm
Looking for any info about the GARRETT family in
Kingfisher about 1900, definatly by 1920. Joseph Henry
GARRETT and Marth Ellen BROWN came to visit sons, Francis
"Arthur" and Isaac Edwin "Ed", who
lived in Kingfisher. Martha became ill and died, and
shortly there after Joseph also died. Both are buried in
Kingfisher cemetery.

Submitter: Betty Jo Nolan (bjnolan@cen.quik.com)
Date: 17 Jan 1999
looking for info on RICHARDSON, Daniel, Mary Ann or
Sterling Price. abt 1890 to 1930. Also Emma F
(Richardson) VANCE abt 1890. children of above. Any info
would be appreciated. Sterling Price was member of the
IOOF and an officer in 1893.

Submitter: Ramona Ralstin (ramonajl@presys.com)
Date: 26 Oct 1998
Ralstin, Richardson Researching Rolla Ralstin family.
Rolla's father was Quimby Hubbard, mother was Lillian
Austin. Also,researching Alvin and Ella
(Rennison)Richardson,willing to share information.

Submitter: Phyllis Zeleny (Vangoz@netscape.net)
Date: 26 Oct 1998
I'm researching the Joseph ZELENY ancestors. I have
discovered he married a MARY FRANCES VOCASEK, rumored to
have been from the Kingfisher area. They were married
sometime c.1897-1898. They lived in the Saltfork,OK area,
before moving to California and then settling in New
Mexico. They lived in the Artesia, NM area in the 1920's.
Jos. Zeleny also had relatives living in OK by the name
of PETR. Please e-mail me at Vangoz@netscape.net

Submitter: Carole Shanahan (Mingzmom@aol.com)
Date: 26 Oct 1998
My grandmother, CYNTHA LOUISE CONNER, was born in
Oklahoma and it appears she may have taught school in or
near Kingfisher, Oklahoma in the early 1890's. I believe
she may have met and married my grandfather, WILLIAM
HENRY BECKNER, in Kingfisher as well. Cyntha's sister and
listed in the 1890 census for Kingfisher County. They
were very close. I would appreciate any possible lead to
marriage records or early Baptist Churches.

Submitter: Jane Clancy Debenport (jcdeben@vvm.com)
Date: 22 Oct 1998
My ggrandfather Washington L Savage (18 Feb 1849-4 Sept
1921) was the first probate judge of Kingfisher co OK. He
was also an ordained Baptist preacher. He married (6 Oct
1867 in DeKalb co MO) Sarah Elizabeth Roberts. They had a
large family of girls and one son who survived: Margaret
Ann who m John W Lowe; Almedia (died young); Mary Jane
(Manie) m Frank Tilberry; Adah Bell m Arthur Merrell
Burnett; Estella m 1)Ira Rossen, 2) Arthur Wills; Snowa
(died as infant); Ruth Leta m O Ray Hammer; Jessie A m
James Harvey Phipps; Ocie C (died young, bur in Sheridan
cem); Edna R (Nettie)m William J Shiffert; Orpha Myrtle m
Charles Bertram Moore (my line); Ira W (died young);
Judson William m 1)JoElla ?, 2)Frances Pearl Holt. They
came into OK by 1890 and lived near old town of Sheridan.
I have done much research on this family and am willing
to share.

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