Homestead - Leonhardt
submitted by Herman
L. Weiland
Application No. 9907
Receivers Office, Kingfisher, OK
January 3, 1893
Received of Henry L. Leonhardt the sum of
Fourteen dollars and 75/100 cents; being the amount of
fee and compensation of register and receiver for the
entry of S2NE Lots 1 and 2 of Section 4 in Township 15 N
of Range 8W, under Section 2290, Revised Statutes of the
United States.
Signed J. V. Ad______ Receiver.
Note. It is required of the homestead settler that he
shall reside upon and cultivate the land embraced in his
homestead entry for a period of five years from the time
of filing the affidavit, being also the date of entry. An
abandonment of the land for more that six month works a
forfeiture of the claim.. Further, within two years from
the expiration of the said five years he must file proof
of his actual settlement and cultivation, failing to do
which, his entry will be canceled. If the settler does
not wish to remain five years on his tract, he can, at
any time after fourteen months, pay for it with cash or
land-warrants, upon making proof of settlement and
cultivation from date of filing affidavit to the time of
