Texas Historical Literature
by Don
B. Graham
Source: The Handbook of Texas Online

1900 to the present. At the
turn of the twentieth century historical subjects
were much in demand in American fiction, and once
again Texas fiction mirrored the national trend. The
republic era proved to be by far the most popular
historical subject during the early years of the new
century. Indeed the Alamo proved so popular that
Stephen Crane, after a visit to San Antonio in 1895,
wrote, "Statistics show that 69,710 writers have
begun at the Alamo." A partial listing of works
includes the following, each of which features the
Alamo: William O. Stoddard, The Lost Gold of the
Montezumas: A Story of the Alamo (1900); Opie Read,
In the Alamo (1900); Clinton Giddings Brown, Ramrod
Jones, Hunter and Patriot (1905); Frank Templeton,
Margaret Ballentine; or, The Fall of the Alamo: A
Romance of the Texas Revolution (1907); Eugene P.
Lyle, Jr., The Lone Star (1907); Edward Plummer
Alsbury, Guy Raymond: A Story of the Texas
Revolution (1908); Everett McNeil, In Texas with
Davy Crockett: A Story of the Texas War of
Independence (1908); and Joseph A. Altsheler, The
Texan Star: The Story of a Great Fight for Liberty
But the most notable work
dealt with the more recent past, the era of the
cattle drive, captured vividly in Andy Adams's The
Log of a Cowboy (1903). Written expressly to counter
the romanticism of Owen Wister's immensely popular
The Virginian, published the previous year, Adams's
book, constructed as a novel but without a romantic
plot, depicted the cowboy as a worker instead of a
dandy. It was instantly regarded as a classic of
cattle culture. In a more popular vein, some of the
local-color stories of William Sydney Porter [O.
Henry] were set in Texas. His 1907 collection, Heart
of the West, is typical.
Literary interest in the past took other forms than
the somewhat bloated, over-written historical novels
listed above but long forgotten. One of the
strongest expressions of this interest occurred in
the emerging field of folklore. The Texas Folklore
Society, launched in 1909, proved instrumental in
locating, collecting, and publishing material of
intrinsic interest as well as providing source
material for future writers. Francis Edward
Abernethy's The Texas Folklore Society, 1909-1943
and The Texas Folklore Society, 1943-1971 provide a
valuable historical record of the accomplishments of
the society. J. Frank Dobie, the foremost figure in
the society, mined the past for stories of
gold-seekers, legendary hunters, cattlemen, cowboys,
and every species of wild critter from mustangs to
His first book, A Vaquero of
the Brush Country, appeared in 1929, and his second,
Coronado's Children, an account of lost mines and
legends of fortune-seekers, followed in 1930 and
became a Literary Guild selection. Other members of
the society made substantial contributions also.
John A. Lomax collected songs and ballads from the
cattle range; his Cowboy Songs, and Other Frontier
Ballads (1910) is a major early collection. Emily
Dorothy Scarborough, a folklorist with a Ph.D. from
Columbia University whose curriculum vitae is
inscribed on her tombstone in Waco, published a
valuable collection of folklore, On the Trail of
Negro Folk Songs, in 1925.
That same year she
incorporated folkloric elements into her best known
novel, The Wind, published anonymously, and famous
for its depiction of harsh frontier conditions in
late-nineteenth-century West Texas. The Trail
Drivers of Texas (1923-24), collected and edited by
George W. Saunders and J. Marvin Hunter,q brought
together numerous oral accounts of old-time
cattlemen and cowboys that has proved a treasure
trove for future novelists such as Larry McMurtry.
Among later folklorists, Mody C. Boatright,
secretary and editor of the Texas Folklore Society
from 1943 to 1964, published several works featuring
another major Texas industry, oil, in such books as
Gib Morgan, Minstrel of the Oil Fields (1945),
Folklore of the Oil Industry (1963), and (with
William A. Owens), Tales from the Derrick Floor, A
People's History of the Oil Industry (1970). Ben K.
Green earned a reputation as an folk expert on
horses and cows. His Horse Tradin' appeared in 1967,
Wild Cow Tales in 1969, and The Last Trail Drive
Through Dallas in 1971 (see CATTLE TRAILING).
In 1943 J. Frank Dobie's influential bibliography, A
Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest,
mentioned only a handful of fiction titles dealing
with Texas. Dobie ignored a good deal of extant
fiction, and since then the number of novels written
about Texas has increased exponentially to the point
where a substantial book-length bibliography would
be required to list them all. The following is an
attempt to chart the broad outlines of Texas fiction
in the twentieth century.
From the 1920s through the late 1960s, much of the
best of Texas writing came from the Southern side of
the ledger. This is contrary to received myth, but
the facts speak for themselves. There were at least
as many writers following in the Southern tradition
as in the Western, a point most saliently developed
by scholar James W. Lee. The Southern-based novels
explored the fabric of life on the farms and
plantations of East Texas, sometimes looking
nostalgically backwards at the past, but more often
looking critically at the present. Sue (Susanna S.
H.) Pinckney's In the Southland (1906) was an early
attempt to treat East Texas culture as an extension
of the Old South. Consisting of two novelettes
titled "Disinherited" and "White Violets," In the
Southland offers a highly romantic portrait of
cavaliers, ladies, and plantation customs familiar
to any reader of Southern historical fiction.
Laura L. S. Krey's And Tell of
Time (1938), a later effort in the same manner, is a
novel marinated in the Confederate worldview and one
that, like Gone With the Wind, found much of value
in the antebellum social order. Among the novelists
who explored cotton-plantation culture in East Texas
were a number who, instead of idealizing the past,
criticized the present, especially the system of
farm tenancy. Dorothy Scarborough alone wrote three
novels on the subject. The best of them, In the Land
of Cotton, appeared in 1923; the other two are Can't
Get a Redbird (1929) and The Stretchberry-Smile
(1932). Ruth Cross explored similar themes and
materials. The Golden Cocoon (1924) paints a grim
picture of life in the cottonfields and an even
grimmer one of the faculty at the University of
Texas, "a backwash of incompetents whom life had
rejected." In The Big Road (1931) Cross produced a
melodramatic study of the clash between provincial
ignorance (picking cotton) and cosmopolitan values
(pursuing a classical music career in Europe).
Several agrarian novels of the
Thirties and Forties deserve mention. Edward Everett
Davis's The White Scourge (1940) called cottonfields
"the great open air slum of the South," an
indictment that characterizes much of the fiction
written about tenant farming. In Land Without Moses
(1937) Charles Curtis Munz realistically portrayed
the life of an East Texas sharecropping family. John
W. Wilson's High John the Conqueror (1949) is
especially notable for its narrative skill in
convincingly portraying the lives of black
sharecroppers living on an East Texas farm. Though
set in Oklahoma, The Stricklands (1939), by Edwin M.
Lanham, Jr., of Weatherford, is also a fine
contribution to the literature of the tenant farmer.
Two other sharecropper novels of the period are
Sigman Byrd's The Redlander (1939) and John Watson's
The Red Dress (1949).
The most significant of the tenant-farming novels,
however, is easily George Sessions Perry's Hold
Autumn in Your Hand (1941), which won both the Texas
Institute of Letters award and the National Book
Award, the first Texas novel to be so honored. Set
on a small blackland farm near Rockdale in the late
Thirties, Hold Autumn in Your Hand is a kind of
Texas Georgics, developing themes put forward by the
Roman poet Vergil: "The farmer cleaves the earth
with his curved plough,/ This is his yearlong work,
thus he sustains / His homeland, thus his little
grandchildren" (Georgics, Book II). John W.
Thomason's Lone Star Preacher (1941) belongs in the
Southern tradition as well. It traces the life and
times of a fiery Methodist preacher in East Texas
during the Civil War era.
On the basis of international
reputation, the status conferred by inclusion in
major anthologies of American literature, and the
respect indicated by academic criticism, Katherine
Anne Porter must be judged the most acclaimed Texas
literary artist. She, too, belongs indisputably to
the Southern tradition. "The Old Order" sequence of
stories, contained in The Leaning Tower and Other
Stories (1944), includes her most widely
anthologized masterpiece, "The Grave." These
stories, along with the three short novels of Pale
Horse, Pale Rider (1939), the single greatest
artistic work authored by a Texas writer, define a
world of fading nineteenth-century moral assurance
symbolized by an older generation played off against
a younger one, dramatized chiefly in the developing
consciousness of Porter's alter ego, Miranda.
In the post-World War II years
the Southern tradition in Texas writing informed the
careers of three major Texas authors: Charles
William Goyen, William Humphrey, and William A.
Owens. Goyen's The House of Breath (1950) is one of
the more daring works of experimental modernist
narration by a Texas writer. Told in highly
convoluted oral and rhetorical style, it conveys a
powerful sense of a provincial East Texas community
giving way before the tide of modernity. Today
Goyen's work is more highly valued in France than it
is in the United States. William Humphrey has
produced a number of novels and short stories
grounded in the culture and mores of the corner of
Northeast Texas where he grew up, in Clarksville,
near the Arkansas-Oklahoma border. Home from the
Hill (1958) is a tale of a legendary hunter and a
Gothic marriage, laced with the sometimes too
obvious influence of William Faulkner.
The Ordways (1964) is a comic
picaresque tale that rambles across Texas. Perhaps
best of all is Humphrey's 1975 memoir, Farther Off
From Heaven, a book that charts the changes in East
Texas from the 1930s to the 1960s. Also of interest
is No Resting Place (1989), a historical novel that
explores the lamentable removal of the Indians from
East Texas during Mirabeau B. Lamar's presidency of
the republic. William A. Owens, folklorist,
novelist, and memoirist, produced his best work in
an autobiographical trilogy that comprises This
Stubborn Soil (1966), A Season of Weathering (1973),
and Tell Me a Story, Sing Me a Song (1983). This
Stubborn Soil gives an especially vivid account of
the arduous struggle of a youth attempting to obtain
an education in dirt-poor rural Texas in the first
decades of the twentieth century.
Other recent East Texas
writers of note include Bill Brett, whose
first-person vernacular narration is reminiscent of
Mark Twain. His collection of back-country tales,
Well, He Wanted To Know and I Knew So I Told Him
(1972), reissued as East Texas Tales (1972), and his
novel, The Stolen Steers: A Tale of the Big Thicket
(1977 ), bring the old tradition of Southwestern
humor into modern times in rural East Texas. Leon
Hale's Bonney's Place (1972) captures well the
flavor of life surrounding a honkeytonk in East
Texas. In his Half a Look of Cain: A Fantastical
Narrative (1994) Reginald Gibbons consciously drew
upon the example of William Goyen for its East Texas
setting and themes. Mary Karr's memoir of a
dysfunctional East Texas family, The Liar's Club
(1995), received glowing reviews in the national
Although the history and
culture of African Americans have been treated by
most of the white writers in the Southern tradition,
often very stereotypically, there is one major
exception. John Howard Griffin, a Catholic who
studied art in France, underwent skin treatments to
darken his skin in order to travel in the South as a
Negro and recorded his experiences in an influential
book during the civil-rights movement, Black Like Me
(1961). There have as yet been few works by black
Texas writers, though there is also some indication
recently that things are beginning to change in this
regard. The earliest black writer of fiction in
Texas was Sutton E. Griggs, whose Imperium in
Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem, a Novel
(1899) was one of several novels that he wrote about
race in America.
Two important black writers are folklorist J. Mason
Brewer and C. C. White, a black preacher. In his
collections of folk tales, The Word on the Brazos
(1953) and Dog Ghosts and Other Texas Negro Folk
Tales (1958), Brewer depicted the humorous side of
black life, though at the same time revealing the
harshness and unpleasantness of life in a segregated
society. C. C. White's No Quittin' Sense (1969),
told to Adam M. Holland, is the best account in
Texas literature of growing up black in East Texas.
Albert Race Sample's Racehorse: Big Emma's Boy
(1984) is a work of raw power that details the life
of a black convict in Texas prisons. A promising
recent black author who deals with Texas in varying
degrees in his short fiction is Reginald McKnight,
whose The Kind of Light That Shines on Texas
appeared in 1992. More recently, Anita Richmond
Bunkley in Black Gold (1994) combined historical
research with a flair for steamy melodrama in a
novel about blacks living in a Texas oil boomtown in
the 1920s.

This page
was last updated January 9, 2014.