County Obituaries
Source: Social Security

Billy Holden
1962 - 1976
Billy Holden died in December 1976.
Born June 14, 1962, Holden was 14 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Mary Meier
1907 - 1976
Mary Meier died in December 1976.
Born February 14, 1907, Meier was 69 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Dewey Allen
1899 - 1976
Dewey Allen died in December 1976.
Born April 17, 1899, Allen was 77 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
May Rupprecht
1908 - 1976
May Rupprecht died in November 1976.
Born November 20, 1908, Rupprecht was 67 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Elizabeth Ferguson
1904 - 1976
Elizabeth Ferguson died in November 1976.
Born July 24, 1904, Ferguson was 72 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX
Virgil Olmstead
1899 - 1976
Virgil Olmstead died in November 1976.
Born December 30, 1899, Olmstead was 76 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Myrtie Conley
1899 - 1976
Myrtie Conley died in November 1976.
Born September 7, 1899, Conley was 77 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Leo Johnson
1906 - 1976
Leo Johnson died in November 1976.
Born November 7, 1906, Johnson was 69 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Onno Schuster
1898 - 1976
Onno Schuster died in October 1976.
Born April 19, 1898, Schuster was 78 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
James Dodson
1887 - 1976
James Dodson died in October 1976.
Born June 12, 1887, Dodson was 89 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Samuel Condo
1904 - 1976
Samuel Condo died in September 1976.
Born February 27, 1904, Condo was 72 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Mabel Curtis
1878 - 1976
Mabel Curtis died in September 1976.
Born February 9, 1878, Curtis was 98 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Ola Mclarty
1892 - 1976
Ola Mclarty died in September 1976.
Born July 31, 1892, Mclarty was 84 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Ellis Kelly
1917 - 1976
Ellis Kelly died in September 1976.
Born October 8, 1917, Kelly was 58 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Dallie Snyder
1907 - 1976
Dallie Snyder died in August 1976.
Born September 3, 1907, Snyder was 68 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Virginia Dupuy
1904 - 1976
Virginia Dupuy died in August 1976.
Born September 30, 1904, Dupuy was 71 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Maggie Shepherd
1894 - 1976
Maggie Shepherd died in August 1976.
Born December 28, 1894, Shepherd was 81 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Bill Mclanahan
1911 - 1976
Bill Mclanahan died in July 1976.
Born February 19, 1911, Mclanahan was 65 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Dennis Selby
1900 - 1976
Dennis Selby died in July 1976.
Born July 6, 1900, Selby was 75 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Alice Morris
1892 - 1976
Alice Morris died in July 1976.
Born October 27, 1892, Morris was 83 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Aaron Schnell
1904 - 1976
Aaron Schnell died in July 1976.
Born March 4, 1904, Schnell was 72 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
George Richie
1896 - 1976
George Richie died in June 1976.
Born July 15, 1896, Richie was 79 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
George Rupprecht
1902 - 1976
George Rupprecht died in June 1976.
Born May 8, 1902, Rupprecht was 74 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Leon Conner
1900 - 1976
Leon Conner died in June 1976.
Born January 23, 1900, Conner was 76 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Myrtle Wilson
1889 - 1976
Myrtle Wilson died in June 1976.
Born February 13, 1889, Wilson was 87 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Mary Munger
1907 - 1976
Mary Munger died in April 1976.
Born November 8, 1907, Munger was 68 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Mattie Philley
1889 - 1976
Mattie Philley died in April 1976.
Born December 2, 1889, Philley was 86 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Hester Adams
1912 - 1976
Hester Adams died in April 1976.
Born February 6, 1912, Adams was 64 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
John Ross
1875 - 1976
John Ross died in March 1976.
Born December 17, 1875, Ross was 100 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Lena Reichard
1904 - 1976
Lena Reichard died in March 1976
Born November 15, 1904, Reichard was 71 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Era Calhoun
1897 - 1976
Era Calhoun died in March 1976.
Born December 18, 1897, Calhoun was 78 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Samuel Judice
1906 - 1976
Samuel Judice died in March 1976.
Born October 28, 1906, Judice was 69 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Gertrude Neilson
1882 - 1976
Gertrude Neilson died in March 1976.
Born September 26, 1882, Neilson was 93 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Effie Steer
1905 - 1976
Effie Steer died in March 1976.
Born January 3, 1905, Steer was 71 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Letha Steele
1905 - 1976
Letha Steele died in March 1976.
Born June 18, 1905, Steele was 70 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Frank Ferguson
1902 - 1976
Frank Ferguson died in March 1976
. Born November 13, 1902, Ferguson was 73 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Maria Thurman
1886 - 1976
Maria Thurman died in February 1976.
Born January 31, 1886, Thurman was 90 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Robert Morris
1888 - 1976
Robert Morris died in February 1976.
Born June 13, 1888, Morris was 87 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Belle Leatherman
1893 - 1976
Belle Leatherman died in February 1976.
Born December 21, 1893, Leatherman was 82 years old and
lived in Perryton, TX.
Ina Turner
1904 - 1976
Ina Turner died in January 1976.
Born March 24, 1904, Turner was 71 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
John Bolin
1894 - 1976
John Bolin died in January 1976.
Born April 23, 1894, Bolin was 81 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.
Lewis Cowart
1906 - 1976
Lewis Cowart died in January 1976.
Born February 20, 1906, Cowart was 69 years old and lived
in Perryton, TX.
Maude Bryan
1890 - 1976
Maude Bryan died in January 1976.
Born April 30, 1890, Bryan was 85 years old and lived in
Perryton, TX.

This page
was last updated April 25, 2003.