County, Texas
Texas Land Title Abstracts
Source: Ancestry.com

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Texas Land Title
This database contains abstracts of original titles
located in the archives of the Texas General Land Office
in Austin, Texas. The records provide information about
lands granted and transferred within the state of Texas
including those dated in the 1700s. Fields of information
include the district name (a three-letter code) the
county, page in original document, grantee, patentee,
date, volume, description/location, acreage, class, file,
and any additional data found in the record. This
database will prove useful for those seeking ancestors in
Texas. Thanks to the Texas General Land Office who have
worked with Ancestry.com to update this database with
current and accurate information.
Extended Description:
The following are the prefix codes for land districts in
AUS ------- Austin LAM Lamar
BAS ------- Bastrop LIB Liberty
BEX ------- Bexar MAT Matagorda
BOW ------ Bowie MIL Milam
BRA ------- Brazoria MON Montgomery
BRS ------- Brazos NAC Nacogdoches
COL ------ Colorado PAN Panola
FAN ------ Fannin PAS Paschall
FAY ------ Fayette RED Red River
FOR ------ Fort Bend REF Refugio
GAL ------ Galveston ROB Robertson
GOL ------ Goliad RUS Rusk
GON ------ Gonzales SAB Sabine
HAR ------ Harris SAU San Augustine
HAS ------ Harrison SHE Shelby
HOU ------ Houston SPA San Patricio
JAC ------ Jackson TRA Travis
JAS ------ Jasper VIC Victoria
JEF ------ Jefferson
Requests for more information about a name found in the
land title abstracts of Texas may be obtained for $5.00
from the Texas General Land Office. Upon completion of
the Name Submission form, available online at http://www.glo.state.tx.us/archives/, please mail the form and fee to the
following address:
Texas General Land Office
Stephen F. Austin Bldg.
1700 North Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701-1495
Source Information:
Ancestry.com. Texas Land Title Abstracts [database
online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data:
Texas General Land Office. Abstracts of all original
Texas Land Titles comprising Grants and Locations.
Austin, Texas.

This page
was last updated April 9, 2003.