County Death Records

The state department of health has the responsibility of
recording the deaths of tens of thousands of residents
who die each year. This index lists persons who died in
the state of Texas between 1964 and 1998 and was provided
by the Texas Department of Health. At minimum these
records include name, gender, death date and county for
those deceased in Texas. This database will prove very
useful to those searching for ancestors in the state of
Source Information:
Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Index, 1964-1998.
[database on-line] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000-.
Original electronic data from:Texas Department of Health.
Texas Death Indexes, 1964-1998. Austin, TX. Texas
Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit, 19xx-.
What Do I Do Now:
For additional information or copies of death records,
please contact:
Texas Deparment of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
P. O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040
(512) 458-7111

Source: VitalSearch

Source: Ancestry.com

This page
was last updated March 28, 2003.