County Census Records
1910 United States
Federal Census
Source: Ancestry.com

This database is an index to the head of households
enumerated in the 1910 United States Federal Census, the
Thirteenth Census of the United States.
Enumerators of the 1910 census were instructed to record
the names of every person in the household. Enumerators
were asked to include the following categories in the
census: name; relationship to head of family; age at last
birthday; sex; color or race; whether single, married,
widowed, or divorced; number of years of present
marriage; number of children born; number of children now
living; birthplace; mother tongue; birthplace of father
and mother; mother tongue of father and mother; year of
immigration to the U.S.; whether naturalized or alien;
whether able to speak English, or if not, give language
spoken; trade or profession; industry; whether employer,
employee, or working on own account; if an employee,
whether out of work on April 15, 1910; if an employee,
number of weeks out of work during year 1909, whether
able to read; whether able to write; attended school any
time since September 1, 1909; home owned or rented; home
owned free or mortgaged; farm or house; number of farm
schedule; whether a survivor of the Union or Confederate
Army or Navy; whether blind; whether deaf and dumb. The
categories allowed Congress to determine persons residing
in the United States for collection of taxes and the
appropriation of seats in the House of Representatives.
Few, if any, records reveal as many details about
individuals and families as do the U.S. Federal Censuses.
The population schedules are successive
"snapshots" of Americans that depict where and
how they were living at particular periods in the past.
Because of this, the census is often the best starting
point for genealogical research after home sources have
been exhausted.
Source Information:
Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database
on-line]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Indexed by
ProQuest from microfilmed schedules of the 1910 U.S.
Federal Decennial Census. Data imaged from National
Archives and Records Administration. 1910 Federal
Population Census. T624, 1,784 rolls. Washington, D.C.:
National Archives and Records Administration.
Name - Home In 1910 - Est. Birth Year -
Birthplace - Race - Gender
Alfred Ahlman 1 J-Pct, abt 1868
White Male
S J Allen 1 J-Pct, abt 1857 Alabama White Male
Margurite Ankeny 3 J-Pct, abt 1882 Nebraska White Female
D E Atchley 2 J-Pct, abt 1873 Texas White Male
Thomas J Atchley 3 J-Pct, abt 1879 Texas White Male
John M Balk 1 J-Pct, abt 1872 Missouri White Male
C B Ball 2 J-Pct, abt 1835 Kentucky White Male
Carlo Jr Ball 2 J-Pct, abt 1884 Texas White Male
Bart B Ballinger 4 J-Pct, abt 1873 Indiana White Male
J P Ballinger 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Kansas White Male
John R Barclay 4 J-Pct, abt 1855 Kentucky White Male
J W Barker 1 J-Pct, abt 1863 Illinois White Male
H C Barlow 1 J-Pct, abt 1866 Missouri White Male
Harry Barnes 1 J-Pct, abt 1880 Texas White Male
George Barnett 1 J-Pct, abt 1860 Virginia White Male
Raymond C Bates 1 J-Pct, abt 1891 Texas White Male
Walter B Bates 3 J-Pct, abt 1870 Georgia White Male
S G Battenfield 2 J-Pct, abt 1868 Michigan White Male
D K Bauman 1 J-Pct, abt 1861 Missouri White Male
O P Beagle 1 J-Pct, abt 1851 Illinois White Male
F M Beebe 1 J-Pct, abt 1870 Indiana White Male
Joseph J Bentley 3 J-Pct, abt 1880 Arkansas White Male
Jonn Bickel 1 J-Pct, abt 1857 Indiana White Male
George Biechel 1 J-Pct, abt 1850 Kentucky White Male
Charlie L Binford 1 J-Pct, abt 1871 Iowa White Male
Sydney J Black 3 J-Pct, abt 1866 California White Male
James M Blodgett 3 J-Pct, abt 1872 Minnesota White Male
Jeffersn P Bourland 4 J-Pct, abt 1853 Texas White Male
E Bowen 1 J-Pct, abt 1865 Tennessee White Female
J T Bowling 1 J-Pct, abt 1861 Kentucky White Male
Joseph Bremmer 1 J-Pct, abt 1875 Missouri White Male
W J Brewer 1 J-Pct, abt 1872 Arkansas White Male
L C Brillhart 1 J-Pct, abt 1885 Texas White Male
S C Brillhort 1 J-Pct, abt 1855 Virginia White Male
Charles L Brown 3 J-Pct, abt 1877 Nebraska White Male
Earnest Roy Brown 2 J-Pct, abt 1873 Indiana White Male
Lovick P Brown 3 J-Pct, abt 1870 Georgia White Male
Tom M Brown 3 J-Pct, abt 1872 Georgia White Male
A K Bruce 1 J-Pct, abt 1887 Arkansas White Male
James W Buckley 3 J-Pct, abt 1871 Arkansas White Male
W A Burran 1 J-Pct, abt 1840 Georgia White Male
Elizabeth Butler 1 J-Pct, abt 1846 Ohio White Female
T Ed Butler 2 J-Pct, abt 1885 Louisiana White Male
W G Butler 2 J-Pct, abt 1846 Kentucky White Male
Wm A Cade 4 J-Pct, abt 1873 Illinois White Male
Jim Cadwell 2 J-Pct, abt 1892 Texas White Male
C F Cagle 1 J-Pct, abt 1862 Arkansas White Male
Eldon Cain 3 J-Pct, abt 1886 Texas White Male
John L Cain 3 J-Pct, abt 1893 Texas White Male
Turner D Cain 3 J-Pct, abt 1896 Texas White Male
B I Caldwell 1 J-Pct, abt 1886 Illinois White Male
O E Calmes 2 J-Pct, abt 1884 Missouri White Male
Wm Calvin 4 J-Pct, abt 1855 Ohio White Male
Amanda E Campbell 1 J-Pct, abt 1852 Missouri White Female
Robert Cantrell 4 J-Pct, abt 1894 Missouri White Male
Estel Carpenter 1 J-Pct, abt 1885 Missouri White Male
Lee A Carr 4 J-Pct, abt 1881 Missouri White Male
Chester C Carter 3 J-Pct, abt 1881 Virginia White Male
J B Cartwright 1 J-Pct, abt 1870 Missouri White Male
Frank Chanders 2 J-Pct, abt 1884 Kansas White Male
Francis Cheatham 1 J-Pct, abt 1905 Texas White Male
J R Cheatham 1 J-Pct, abt 1894 Texas White Male
Eugene V Chick 3 J-Pct, abt 1850 Ohio White Male
Thomas E Chick 3 J-Pct, abt 1880 Illinois White Male
Ina Cirkpatrick 1 J-Pct, abt 1850 Missouri White Female
C V Clem 2 J-Pct, abt 1856 Indiana White Male
W M Clement 1 J-Pct, abt 1874 Kansas White Male
John B Cline 4 J-Pct, abt 1868 Kansas White Male
Robert W Cline 4 J-Pct, abt 1881 Ohio White Male
W T Cole 2 J-Pct, abt 1871 Texas White Male
Joe Collier 1 J-Pct, abt 1885 Texas White Male
Fred G Congdon 4 J-Pct, abt 1871 Michigan White Male
J B Conley 1 J-Pct, abt 1860 Georgia White Male
J W Conley 1 J-Pct, abt 1871 Georgia White Male
J C Conway 2 J-Pct, abt 1866 Tennessee White Male
Jesse Cook 4 J-Pct, abt 1843 Indiana White Male
John W Cook 2 J-Pct, abt 1883 Texas White Male
T H Cook 1 J-Pct, abt 1847 Illinois White Male
Tillman Cook 1 J-Pct, abt 1877 Missouri White Male
J D Copeland 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Texas White Male
A M Corathers 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 West Virginia White Male
R T Correll 1 J-Pct, abt 1882 Virginia White Male
Ida E Cox 4 J-Pct, abt 1896 Texas White Female
James R Cox 3 J-Pct, abt 1868 Texas White Male
C S Crist 1 J-Pct, abt 1868 Wisconsin White Male
Bernard E Cropper 1 J-Pct, abt 1886 Texas White Male
Benjiman F Crow 4 J-Pct, abt 1866 Texas White Male
E C Cudd 2 J-Pct, abt 1859 Georgia White Male
Walter Cunningham 1 J-Pct, abt 1895 Illinois White Male
Albert F Cutler 3 J-Pct, abt 1877 Illinois White Male
George W Cutler 1 J-Pct, abt 1875 Illinois White Male
Jesse Cyleland 1 J-Pct, abt 1846 Missouri White Male
Frank R Davis 3 J-Pct, abt 1875 Tennessee White Male
George Day 3 J-Pct, abt 1870 Missouri White Male
Aaron W Deal 4 J-Pct, abt 1890 Nebraska White Male
A E Devers 1 J-Pct, abt 1872 Missouri White Male
Clarinda Dice 2 J-Pct, abt 1874 Texas White Female
Bert K Dinsmore 1 J-Pct, abt 1881 Texas White Male
S P Dives 2 J-Pct, abt 1881 Missouri White Male
Frank Dodson 1 J-Pct, abt 1860 Texas White Male
Henry C Dodson 1 J-Pct, abt 1871 Texas White Male
Theodore Doerrie 1 J-Pct, abt 1853 Missouri White Male
Virgil L Doerrie 1 J-Pct, abt 1838 Texas White Male
George L Dooley 3 J-Pct, abt 1866 Texas White Male
James A Dooley 3 J-Pct, abt 1888 Texas White Male
John T Douglas 1 J-Pct, abt 1856 Tennessee White Male
H L Doyle 1 J-Pct, abt 1870 Missouri White Male
T B Dudley 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Michigan White Male
J C Duncan 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Texas White Male
H H Dunnihoo 2 J-Pct, abt 1881 Illinois White Male
Edward Duse 4 J-Pct, abt 1887 Texas White Male
John Edson 1 J-Pct, abt 1869 Missouri White Male
B S Ellis 1 J-Pct, abt 1862 New York White Male
Levi J Ellis 4 J-Pct, abt 1855 Tennessee White Male
F Elmore 2 J-Pct, abt 1858 Georgia White Male
P C Emberson 1 J-Pct, abt 1861 Missouri White Male
Mark M Emmett 1 J-Pct, abt 1882 Texas White Male
Agnew Endy 2 J-Pct, abt 1902 Texas White Male
Andrew W Eubank 4 J-Pct, abt 1880 Kentucky White Male
Henry C Eubanks 4 J-Pct, abt 1885 Texas White Male
B J Fegan 1 J-Pct, abt 1881 Pennsylvania White Male
James L Ferguson 1 J-Pct, abt 1884 Nebraska White Male
Thomas D Finan 4 J-Pct, abt 1850 Missouri White Male
Harvey P Fisher 3 J-Pct, abt 1846 Mississippi White Male
James L Flowers 4 J-Pct, abt 1866 Alabama White Male
A W Fore 1 J-Pct, abt 1869 Arkansas White Male
F W Forster 2 J-Pct, abt 1866 White Male
Jesse Forster 2 J-Pct, abt 1883 Texas White Male
John E Forster 2 J-Pct, abt 1865 White Male
Artemus W Foss 3 J-Pct, abt 1869 Arkansas White Male
James A Foster 3 J-Pct, abt 1877 White Male
Joseph W Fox 4 J-Pct, abt 1889 Kansas White Male
Robert H Francis 1 J-Pct, abt 1884 Missouri White Male
James T Fryer 4 J-Pct, abt 1870 Missouri White Male
Ed Furnish 2 J-Pct, abt 1861 Missouri White Male
Martin M Gardner 4 J-Pct, abt 1861 Alabama White Male
W H Garrett 1 J-Pct, abt 1850 Virginia White Male
Charlie L Gechter 4 J-Pct, abt 1884 Kansas White Male
Frank B Gerhart 4 J-Pct, abt 1872 Missouri White Male
W C Gilberson 1 J-Pct, abt 1880 Texas White Male
Hiram T Gilliam 3 J-Pct, abt 1873 Texas White Male
Wm W Gilliam 3 J-Pct, abt 1873 Kentucky White Male
William M Glasglow 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Illinois White Male
Obidiah T Glasgow 4 J-Pct, abt 1874 Illinois White Male
Wright T W Good 1 J-Pct, abt 1851 Missouri White Male
M W Goodnight 1 J-Pct, abt 1887 Missouri White Male
Mary F Goodnight 1 J-Pct, abt 1825 Missouri White Female
Ethel V Gorman 3 J-Pct, abt 1885 Georgia White Female
Robert L Graham 1 J-Pct, abt 1883 Arkansas White Male
Wm A Greever 3 J-Pct, abt 1837 Kentucky White Male
John P Grimes 3 J-Pct, abt 1878 Georgia White Male
P D Gross 1 J-Pct, abt 1874 Kansas White Male
David H Hammond 3 J-Pct, abt 1863 Mississippi White Male
Jesse R Hancock 3 J-Pct, abt 1870 Tennessee White Male
R I Hannan 1 J-Pct, abt 1862 Missouri White Male
Allison Hanson 4 J-Pct, abt 1898 Texas White Male
Ella Harper 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Kentucky White Female
John J Harrington 4 J-Pct, abt 1890 Kansas White Male
Philo S Harris 3 J-Pct, abt 1866 Missouri White Male
Willard P Harris 4 J-Pct, abt 1864 Illinois White Male
Hinkle Hart 1 J-Pct, abt 1901 Oklahoma White Male
Clayton R Hartman 4 J-Pct, abt 1873 Pennsylvania White
Otto W Hartman 4 J-Pct, abt 1883 Indiana White Male
Theodore L Hartman 4 J-Pct, abt 1888 Indiana White Male
Bertha Heart 1 J-Pct, abt 1894 Texas White Female
G D Holt 1 J-Pct, abt 1870 Kentucky White Male
Levi J Holt 4 J-Pct, abt 1868 Indiana White Male
Eddie C Hooper 3 J-Pct, abt 1870 Alabama White Male
J W House 2 J-Pct, abt 1884 Texas White Male
Albert Hudson 3 J-Pct, abt 1874 Texas White Male
George Hull 2 J-Pct, abt 1877 Kansas White Male
John Hull 2 J-Pct, abt 1829 White Male
W T Hull 2 J-Pct, abt 1865 Texas White Male
C S Hummer 1 J-Pct, abt 1854 Pennsylvania White Male
L L Huss 2 J-Pct, abt 1879 Georgia White Male
R W Huss 2 J-Pct, abt 1856 Kentucky White Male
Joun L Huster 1 J-Pct, abt 1862 Wisconsin White Male
Bennoni J Jackson 4 J-Pct, abt 1833 Kentucky White Male
Charles T Jackson 1 J-Pct, abt 1865 Indiana White Male
Edward B January 4 J-Pct, abt 1883 Texas White Male
John January 4 J-Pct, abt 1846 Texas White Male
A J Jarnigan 2 J-Pct, abt 1849 Texas White Male
S E Jayroe 1 J-Pct, abt 1879 Texas White Male
Emmett L Jernigan 2 J-Pct, abt 1880 Texas White Male
Alfred M Jines 4 J-Pct, abt 1864 Kentucky White Male
General Sherman Jines 4 J-Pct, abt 1866 Illinois White
Lester C Johnson 2 J-Pct, abt 1887 Texas White Male
Nannie Johnson 2 J-Pct, abt 1855 Indiana White Female
A M Jones 1 J-Pct, abt 1883 Georgia White Female
Mary B Jones 3 J-Pct, abt 1890 Kansas White Female
E W Jordan 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Arkansas White Male
Joseph E Jordan 3 J-Pct, abt 1880 Tennessee White Male
Robert L Keith 3 J-Pct, abt 1874 Arkansas White Male
Wm L Kelley 4 J-Pct, abt 1880 Alabama White Male
James Henry Key 2 J-Pct, abt 1876 Missouri White Male
Wm C Kinder 2 J-Pct, abt 1883 Tennessee White Male
E J King 1 J-Pct, abt 1866 West Virginia White Male
L E King 1 J-Pct, abt 1875 Texas White Male
Wm P King 3 J-Pct, abt 1871 Texas White Male
A B Klapp 2 J-Pct, abt 1838 Ohio White Male
J F Klapp 1 J-Pct, abt 1868 Illinois White Male
Henry Klein 1 J-Pct, abt 1858 White Male
John F Laird 4 J-Pct, abt 1870 Texas White Male
W B Lamaster 1 J-Pct, abt 1883 Kentucky White Male
H L Lamb 2 J-Pct, abt 1873 Illinois White Male
L H Lance 2 J-Pct, abt 1871 Georgia White Male
E Lawrence 2 J-Pct, abt 1875 Missouri White Male
French Lawrence 2 J-Pct, abt 1877 Missouri White Male
David A Laws 3 J-Pct, abt 1882 Virginia White Male
Oscar Lawson 3 J-Pct, abt 1890 Missouri White Male
Birtha Leach 1 J-Pct, abt 1899 Texas White Female
A J Leafford 2 J-Pct, abt 1857 Mississippi White Male
Luther Learey 1 J-Pct, abt 1874 Missouri White Male
Silas Lewis 1 J-Pct, abt 1889 New Mexico White Male
B C Like 1 J-Pct, abt 1884 Missouri White Male
W L Lilly 1 J-Pct, abt 1866 Missouri White Male
M D Lockwood 2 J-Pct, abt 1874 Minnesota White Male
Ellen Longe 1 J-Pct, abt 1895 Arkansas White Female
J T Lougenridge 1 J-Pct, abt 1855 Ohio White Male
F J Lourant 1 J-Pct, abt 1868 Indiana White Male
James M Lyon 3 J-Pct, abt 1872 Missouri White Male
Bertie Lyons 1 J-Pct, abt 1888 Texas White Female
L C Lyons 1 J-Pct, abt 1851 Texas White Male
H Mallett 1 J-Pct, abt 1847 Kentucky White Male
Wm M Mallett 3 J-Pct, abt 1877 Texas White Male
S V Masemore 1 J-Pct, abt 1869 Indiana White Male
J A Mattern 1 J-Pct, abt 1853 Pennsylvania White Male
Howard W May 1 J-Pct, abt 1872 Mississippi White Male
M A Mccartney 1 J-Pct, abt 1879 Iowa White Male
S E Mccling 2 J-Pct, abt 1873 West Virginia White Male
James L Mcclung 3 J-Pct, abt 1890 West Virginia White
Newel P Mcgahy 4 J-Pct, abt 1888 Indiana White Male
John W Mcglinn 1 J-Pct, abt 1866 Indiana White Male
H S Mclarty 1 J-Pct, abt 1848 Georgia White Male
James T Mclarty 1 J-Pct, abt 1872 Texas White Male
W W Mclorty 1 J-Pct, abt 1872 Georgia White Male
Henry A Mcmillen 3 J-Pct, abt 1886 Texas White Male
Moody M Mcmillen 1 J-Pct, abt 1879 Texas White Male
J R Mcmillon 1 J-Pct, abt 1852 Texas White Male
James Mcmurry 2 J-Pct, abt 1835 Alabama White Male
J M Mead 1 J-Pct, abt 1862 Indiana White Male
George W Mears 4 J-Pct, abt 1851 Mississippi White Male
Goolie B Mears 4 J-Pct, abt 1886 Texas White Male
James W Mears 4 J-Pct, abt 1883 Texas White Male
Nathaniel S Messenger 4 J-Pct, abt 1834 Michigan White
A M Mills 1 J-Pct, abt 1879 Missouri White Male
G W Mills 2 J-Pct, abt 1848 Indiana White Male
Hampton F Minter 1 J-Pct, abt 1874 Kentucky White Male
R L Mitchell 2 J-Pct, abt 1881 Texas White Male
Willis G Montgomery 4 J-Pct, abt 1864 Kentucky White Male
John Moore 4 J-Pct, abt 1844 White Male
T J Morgan 1 J-Pct, abt 1858 Alabama White Male
John J Morrissey 4 J-Pct, abt 1874 Missouri White Male
Harry C Mullin 3 J-Pct, abt 1888 Texas White Male
B H Murphy 1 J-Pct, abt 1867 Missouri White Male
Andrew J Neff 4 J-Pct, abt 1856 Ohio White Male
C D Newman 2 J-Pct, abt 1886 Illinois White Male
E Newton 1 J-Pct, abt 1845 Tennessee White Male
Ira C Nils 3 J-Pct, abt 1842 Georgia White Male
Joe Noff 1 J-Pct, abt 1871 White Male
J H Norwood 2 J-Pct, abt 1865 Texas White Male
Sarah B Nutt 1 J-Pct, abt 1892 Texas White Female
E G Odell 2 J-Pct, abt 1871 West Virginia White Male
Charles Orr 1 J-Pct, abt 1876 Indiana White Male
David G Orr 4 J-Pct, abt 1859 Kentucky White Male
E C Paer 1 J-Pct, abt 1888 Texas White Male
Almer E Page 3 J-Pct, abt 1884 Tennessee White Male
Rolla A Parish 4 J-Pct, abt 1876 Illinois White Male
T S Parker 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Arkansas White Male
Elizabeth Parrish 1 J-Pct, abt 1837 Illinois White Female
J W Payne 1 J-Pct, abt 1874 Alabama White Male
Miles J Pearson 3 J-Pct, abt 1870 Tennessee White Male
Wm Pearson 3 J-Pct, abt 1858 Tennessee White Male
Chas I Pendergrass 4 J-Pct, abt 1883 Tennessee White Male
Geo M Perry 1 J-Pct, abt 1865 Iowa White Male
Allen W Peteet 3 J-Pct, abt 1869 Texas White Male
L D Pierce 1 J-Pct, abt 1879 Nebraska White Male
T S Pletcher 1 J-Pct, abt 1854 Ohio White Male
Charlie M Powell 3 J-Pct, abt 1888 Texas White Male
John J Powell 2 J-Pct, abt 1867 Tennessee White Male
James H Prasch 3 J-Pct, abt 1867 Alabama White Male
J A Pray 1 J-Pct, abt 1850 Ohio White Male
Dock F Presswood 3 J-Pct, abt 1869 Tennessee White Male
J M Pribble 2 J-Pct, abt 1858 Illinois White Male
E M Puckett 1 J-Pct, abt 1880 Arkansas White Male
H F Purcell 1 J-Pct, abt 1868 Illinois White Male
Thomas Ray 4 J-Pct, abt 1888 Virginia White Male
F N Raymond 1 J-Pct, abt 1849 New York White Male
Maude Rbinson 1 J-Pct, abt 1875 Ohio White Female
Jesse C Reagan 1 J-Pct, abt 1897 Texas White Male
J W Reddell 1 J-Pct, abt 1880 Arkansas White Male
William Redding 2 J-Pct, abt 1841 Missouri White Male
I L Redemer 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Illinois White Male
James Reed 3 J-Pct, abt 1855 Alabama White Male
J H Rhodes 2 J-Pct, abt 1854 Indiana White Male
F A Ricards 2 J-Pct, abt 1850 Indiana White Male
John H Rice 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Iowa White Male
John W Richardson 4 J-Pct, abt 1876 Missouri White Male
W H Richardson 1 J-Pct, abt 1846 Kentucky White Male
T W Rives 2 J-Pct, abt 1874 Tennessee White Male
F Roach 2 J-Pct, abt 1876 Missouri White Male
Frank F Rogers 2 J-Pct, abt 1877 Missouri White Male
Louis Rogers 1 J-Pct, abt 1880 Indiana White Male
A D Rowles 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Missouri White Male
C D Rowles 1 J-Pct, abt 1862 Missouri White Male
John W Rowles 4 J-Pct, abt 1879 Texas White Male
Hamilton A Russell 4 J-Pct, abt 1880 Texas White Male
J A Russell 1 J-Pct, abt 1857 Mississippi White Male
John C Russell 3 J-Pct, abt 1892 Texas White Male
John Clifford Russell 1 J-Pct, abt 1892 Texas White Male
Annie Rutherford 1 J-Pct, abt 1872 Missouri White Female
Walter W Sanders 3 J-Pct, abt 1866 Alabama White Male
A C Scott 1 J-Pct, abt 1882 Texas White Male
C D Scott 1 J-Pct, abt 1849 Illinois White Male
Jacob A Seitz 4 J-Pct, abt 1856 Pennsylvania White Male
G E Selby 1 J-Pct, abt 1883 Kansas White Male
M J Selby 1 J-Pct, abt 1877 Kansas White Male
Ira F Seney 1 J-Pct, abt 1862 Missouri White Male
H H Shafer 1 J-Pct, abt 1889 Minnesota White Male
T D Shelton 1 J-Pct, abt 1869 Tennessee White Male
James E Shewmaker 4 J-Pct, abt 1885 Indiana White Male
R T Shindler 1 J-Pct, abt 1876 Texas White Male
W F Shipp 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Texas White Male
E R Shurman 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Tennessee White Male
J E Simmons 1 J-Pct, abt 1869 Kansas White Male
J W Simmons 2 J-Pct, abt 1867 Illinois White Male
Wm A Simmons 3 J-Pct, abt 1855 Louisiana White Male
George A Slavin 3 J-Pct, abt 1839 Tennessee White Male
Charlie C Smilley 3 J-Pct, abt 1886 Kansas White Male
Grady Smith 4 J-Pct, abt 1890 Texas White Male
Henson Smith 1 J-Pct, abt 1887 Missouri White Male
J F Smith 2 J-Pct, abt 1861 Tennessee White Male
M E Smith 1 J-Pct, abt 1863 Alabama White Female
Wm J Smith 3 J-Pct, abt 1868 Tennessee White Male
F C Spencer 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Ohio White Male
W N Stapleton 1 J-Pct, abt 1866 West Virginia White Male
Irvin Stender 1 J-Pct, abt 1877 Missouri White Male
Vera M Stenson 3 J-Pct, abt 1855 Texas White Female
Elener Stephens 3 J-Pct, abt 1867 Louisiana White Female
Will Stevens 1 J-Pct, abt 1870 Alabama White Male
Benjamin Stewart 1 J-Pct, abt 1871 Texas White Male
W L Stewart 1 J-Pct, abt 1868 Missouri White Male
William P Stollings 1 J-Pct, abt 1861 Missouri White Male
Mamie E Stribling 4 J-Pct, abt 1884 Oklahoma White Female
David D Stump 4 J-Pct, abt 1865 Michigan White Male
James L Stump 4 J-Pct, abt 1875 Missouri White Male
Jesse V Stump 3 J-Pct, abt 1883 Missouri White Male
John N Stump 3 J-Pct, abt 1861 Indiana White Male
Jesse M Summers 4 J-Pct, abt 1883 Missouri White Male
Ogle Summers 1 J-Pct, abt 1893 Missouri White Female
James M Swiser 4 J-Pct, abt 1883 Illinois White Male
Dell Taliaphro 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Kansas White Male
J S Talley 1 J-Pct, abt 1874 Texas White Male
Addie S Tally 4 J-Pct, abt 1848 Texas White Female
Maggie F Tay 4 J-Pct, abt 1904 Texas White Female
Andrew J Taylor 3 J-Pct, abt 1871 North Carolina White
Jessie K Taylor 1 J-Pct, abt 1885 Mississippi White Male
John W Taylor 3 J-Pct, abt 1845 Virginia White Male
Wm F Taylor 4 J-Pct, abt 1860 Texas White Male
Jim Teague 1 J-Pct, abt 1871 North Carolina White Male
A Teas 1 J-Pct, abt 1858 Indiana White Male
John M Teas 2 J-Pct, abt 1882 Indiana White Male
Luzena Teas 2 J-Pct, abt 1826 North Carolina White Female
J H Tedder 2 J-Pct, abt 1889 Alabama White Male
L W Tedder 2 J-Pct, abt 1863 Alabama White Male
A Thompson 2 J-Pct, abt 1858 Pennsylvania White Female
N R Tipton 1 J-Pct, abt 1858 Missouri White Male
Ernest F Toothman 2 J-Pct, abt 1897 Oklahoma White Male
Lewis D Turner 4 J-Pct, abt 1867 Texas White Male
E J Vincent 1 J-Pct, abt 1866 Mississippi White Female
Wm C Waggoner 4 J-Pct, abt 1858 Virginia White Male
J A Wagner 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Arkansas White Male
Levin F Waide 3 J-Pct, abt 1879 Texas White Male
Yollie F Waide 3 J-Pct, abt 1886 Texas White Male
Harry W Walker 1 J-Pct, abt 1871 Indiana White Male
Rufus E Wamble 4 J-Pct, abt 1879 Mississippi White Male
J L Welch 1 J-Pct, abt 1863 Texas White Male
George A Well 3 J-Pct, abt 1861 Georgia White Male
Daniel E Wentz 4 J-Pct, abt 1867 West Virginia White Male
Ulystus T Westerfield 4 J-Pct, abt 1876 Ohio White Male
M D Whipple 1 J-Pct, abt 1885 Kentucky White Male
E L Whipps 2 J-Pct, abt 1862 Indiana White Male
G W White 1 J-Pct, abt 1867 Missouri White Male
Allen M Wilbanks 1 J-Pct, abt 1880 Texas White Male
E R Wilbanks 1 J-Pct, abt 1874 Texas White Male
W P Will 2 J-Pct, abt 1847 Tennessee White Male
A C Williams 2 J-Pct, abt 1862 Indiana White Male
Frank Williams 1 J-Pct, abt 1887 Indiana White Male
Wm Y Williams 3 J-Pct, abt 1853 Texas White Male
Charlie O Wilson 3 J-Pct, abt 1878 Texas White Male
H J Wilson 1 J-Pct, abt 1875 Missouri White Male
J W Wilson 1 J-Pct, abt 1882 Missouri White Male
Ralph W Wilson 4 J-Pct, abt 1885 Ohio White Male
Robert Wilson 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Missouri White Male
Edgar W Witt 2 J-Pct, abt 1873 Virginia White Male
R A Witt 1 J-Pct, abt 1878 Texas White Male
A L Woodbury 1 J-Pct, abt 1836 Ohio White Male
W H Woodley 1 J-Pct, abt 1873 Michigan White Male
D F Woods 2 J-Pct, abt 1863 Missouri White Male
Charlie K Wright 4 J-Pct, abt 1888 Missouri White Male
Leonard E Wright 1 J-Pct, abt 1887 Missouri White Male
T W Wright 2 J-Pct, abt 1863 Missouri White Male
Wil Wright 1 J-Pct, abt 1875 Texas White Male
James H Wrippo 1 J-Pct, abt 1870 Indiana White Male
James D Wyman 1 J-Pct, abt 1877 Illinois White Male
Wm N Yates 3 J-Pct, abt 1862 Texas White Male
W G Yeary 2 J-Pct, abt 1880 Virginia White Male
Carlos W Yokley 1 J-Pct, abt 1883 Texas White Male

This page
was last updated August 5, 2005.