County Census Records
1900 United States
Federal Census
Source: Ancestry.com

This database is an index to
all individuals enumerated in the 1900 United States
Federal Census, the Twelfth Census of the United States.
Enumerators of the 1900 census were instructed to
record the names of every person in the household.
Enumerators were asked to include the following
categories in the census: name; address; relationship to
the head of household; color or race; sex; month and year
of birth; age at last birthday; marital status; number of
years married; the total number of children born of the
mother; the number of those children living; places of
birth of each individual and the parents of each
individual; if the individual was foreign born, the year
of immigration and the number of years in the United
States; the citizenship status of foreign-born
individuals over age twenty-one; occupation; whether the
person could read, write, and speak English; whether the
home was owned or rented; whether the home was on a farm;
and whether the home was mortgaged. The categories
allowed Congress to determine persons residing in the
United States for collection of taxes and the
appropriation of seats in the House of Representatives.
Few, if any, records reveal as many details about
individuals and families as do the U.S. Federal Censuses.
The population schedules are successive
"snapshots" of Americans that depict where and
how they were living at particular periods in the past.
Because of this, the census is often the best starting
point for genealogical research after home sources have
been exhausted.
Source Information:
Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database
on-line]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original
data: United States. 1900 United States Federal Census.
T623, 1854 rolls. National Archives and Records
Administration, Washington D.C.
Name - Home In 1900 - Est.
Birth Year - Birthplace - Race - Relation To
John Adams Justice Precinct 4 abt 1875 Kansas White Head
Buelah L Angel JPct. 1 abt 1875 Georgia White Wife
Elizabeth W Angel JPct. 1 abt 1900 Texas White Daughter
Joe W Angel JPct. 1 abt 1873 Georgia White Head
Elmer R Aubrey JPct. 4 abt 1880 Texas White Head
Oliver W Aubrey JPct. 4 abt 1873 Cherokee Nation White
Yona Aubrey JPct. 4 abt 1872 Illinois White Wife
Baerg JPct. 1 abt 1896 Texas White Son
Effie Baerg JPct. 1 abt 1871 Iowa White Wife
Ra Baerg JPct. 1 abt 1872 Iowa White Head
Nachariah t Banks JPct. 3 abt 1883 Texas White Servant
Loirsa s Bates JPct. 3 abt 1857 Indiana White Head
Paul P Bates JPct. 3 abt 1888 Texas White Son
Raymond C Bates JPct. 3 abt 1891 Texas White Son
Bll Beagle JPct. 1 abt 1851 Pennsylvania White Wife
Bruce H Beagle JPct. 2 abt 1875 Illinois White Servant
Forest H Beagle JPct. 1 abt 1891 Kansas White Son
John M Beagle JPct. 1 abt 1893 Kansas White Son
Obed P Beagle JPct. 1 abt 1851 Illinois White Head
Buelah M Bell JPct. 1 abt 1876 Kansas White Wife
William A Bell JPct. 1 abt 1867 Iowa White Head
Anson Bourbonnais JPct. 4 abt 1863 Kansas White Head
Auther L Bourbonnais JPct. 4 abt 1891 Oklahoma White Son
Calista A Bourbonnais JPct. 4 abt 1864 Wisconsin White
Isebel Bourbonnais JPct. 4 abt 1893 Oklahoma White
Lola Bourbonnais JPct. 4 abt 1899 Texas White Daughter
Mary Bourbonnais JPct. 4 abt 1840 Louisiana White Mother
Orvetta Bourbonnais JPct. 4 abt 1897 Texas White Daughter
Adlai S Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1893 Texas White Son
Amanda Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1856 Virginia White Wife
Blanch Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1895 Texas White Daughter
Dona W Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1880 Texas White Daughter
Ethel K Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1882 Texas White Daughter
George C Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1885 Texas White Son
Herbert Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1891 Texas White Son
Martin L Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1878 Texas White Son
Saint Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1888 Texas White Son
Samuel Brillhart JPct. 2 abt 1856 Virginia White Head
B b Brown JPct. 3 abt 1900 Texas White Daughter
Ethel P Brown JPct. 3 abt 1891 Arkansas White Daughter
Hollie W Brown JPct. 3 abt 1872 Arkansas White Wife
La Brown JPct. 3 abt 1870 Georgia White Head
Myrtle M Brown JPct. 3 abt 1894 Arkansas White Daughter
Odia p Brown JPct. 3 abt 1895 Texas White Daughter
Thomas M Brown JPct. 3 abt 1872 Georgia White Brother
Jane A Bull JPct. 1 abt 1887 Texas White Daughter
Marcy C Bull JPct. 1 abt 1891 Texas White Daughter
Russell V Bull JPct. 1 abt 1847 Alabama White Head
Sarah C Bull JPct. 1 abt 1896 Texas White Daughter
Sarah E Bull JPct. 1 abt 1858 Missouri White Wife
Edward L Carroll JPct. 4 abt 1867 Kansas White Head
John Clark JPct. 2 abt 1861 Iowa White Boarder
Harve Cook JPct. 2 abt 1879 Illinois White Servant
Jesse Cook JPct. 1 abt 1843 Indiana White Head
Jessie Cook JPct. 1 abt 1900 Texas White Daughter
Sina B Cook JPct. 1 abt 1870 Kansas White Wife
William Corndaller JPct. 3 abt 1890 Texas White Boarder
James Cornwell JPct. 3 abt 1848 Kentucky White Head
Teche Correll JPct. 4 abt 1881 Virginia White Head
Loretta Cowan JPct. 2 abt 1866 Kentucky White Wife
Orland C Cowan JPct. 2 abt 1857 Pennsylvania White Head
Orlando D Cowan JPct. 2 abt 1892 Texas White Son
Roscoe H Cowan JPct. 2 abt 1890 Oklahoma White Son
James Crabtree JPct. 3 abt 1871 Tennessee White Head
Elizabeth Cutler JPct. 4 abt 1844 Ohio White Wife
George W Cutler JPct. 4 abt 1875 Illinois White Head
Richard S Cutler JPct. 4 abt 1840 Ohio White Head
Albert T Cutter JPct. 4 abt 1877 Illinois White Head
Henry Cutter JPct. 4 abt 1898 Kansas White Head
Charles Deitrick JPct. 2 abt 1854 Pennsylvania White Head
Charles M Deitrick JPct. 2 abt 1899 Texas White Son
Christella l Deitrick JPct. 2 abt 1893 Texas White
Henry P Deitrick JPct. 2 abt 1892 Texas White Son
Marta Deitrick JPct. 2 abt 1870 Norway White Wife
Rufus K Deitrick JPct. 2 abt 1896 Texas White Son
Benjamin S Ellis JPct. 2 abt 1862 New York White Head
Carl Ellis JPct. 2 abt 1892 Oklahoma White Son
Lydia Ellis JPct. 2 abt 1865 Illinois White Wife
Pearl Ellis JPct. 2 abt 1885 Texas White Daughter
Francis E W Euband JPct. 1 abt 1892 Texas White Daughter
Hank C Euband JPct. 1 abt 1884 Texas White Son
Henry Euband JPct. 1 abt 1851 Kentucky White Head
James D Euband JPct. 1 abt 1887 Texas White Son
Lalonise Euband JPct. 1 abt 1896 Texas White Daughter
Lydia J Euband JPct. 1 abt 1851 Maine White Wife
Thomas Euband JPct. 1 abt 1879 Texas White Head
William R Euband JPct. 1 abt 1882 Texas White Son
Ahel m Eubank JPct. 1 abt 1874 Missouri White Wife
James D Eubank JPct. 1 abt 1852 Kentucky White Head
Thomas B Finan JPct. 2 abt 1881 Missouri White Boarder
Agnes D Foyer JPct. 1 abt 1874 Iowa White Wife
Clara A Foyer JPct. 1 abt 1897 Texas White Daughter
Gertrude W Foyer JPct. 1 abt 1894 Texas White Daughter
James E Foyer JPct. 1 abt 1896 Texas White Son
James P Foyer JPct. 1 abt 1870 Wisconsin White Head
Charles R Garrett JPct. 3 abt 1897 Texas White Son
Freemon L Garrett JPct. 3 abt 1896 Texas White Son
Martha Garrett JPct. 3 abt 1873 Virginia White Wife
William Garrett JPct. 3 abt 1850 Virginia White Head
William L Garrett JPct. 3 abt 1900 Texas White Son
Ellen W George JPct. 4 abt 1873 Arkansas White Head
James George JPct. 4 abt 1853 Texas White Head
Robert H George JPct. 4 abt 1875 Arkansas White Head
Elver C Glasgow JPct. 2 abt 1899 Texas White Son
Etta D Glasgow JPct. 2 abt 1878 Kansas White Wife
Hazel L Glasgow JPct. 2 abt 1898 Texas White Daughter
Obed Glasgow JPct. 2 abt 1874 Missouri White Head
Thomas Glasgow JPct. 2 abt 1871 Kansas White Head
William Glasgow JPct. 2 abt 1877 Illinois White Head
Francis Halliday JPct. 3 abt 1878 Kansas White Boarder
Bert Hampton JPct. 1 abt 1882 Missouri White Boarder
Lora E Heater JPct. 4 abt 1874 Ohio White Boarder
Edmond M Horn JPct. 1 abt 1888 Texas White Son
Franklin G Horn JPct. 1 abt 1885 Kansas White Son
George Horn JPct. 1 abt 1847 Indiana White Head
Maud A Horn JPct. 1 abt 1897 Chichalaw Hation White
Rachel A Horn JPct. 1 abt 1852 Iowa White Wife
Sarah M Horn JPct. 1 abt 1892 Iowa White Daughter
James A House JPct. 1 abt 1874 Texas White Servant
Ethel Hutton JPct. 4 abt 1899 Ohio White Daughter
Laura M Hutton JPct. 4 abt 1878 Kansas White Wife
Lena A Hutton JPct. 4 abt 1896 Ohio White Daughter
Robert L Hutton JPct. 4 abt 1867 Alabama White Head
James E Irvin JPct. 2 abt 1831 North Carolina White
Jackson JPct. 1 abt 1833 Kentucky White Head
Jackson JPct. 1 abt 1856 Missouri White Wife
Jackson JPct. 1 abt 1879 Georgia White Son
Jackson JPct. 1 abt 1886 Kansas White Daughter
Anna L Jackson JPct. 4 abt 1868 Indiana White Wife
Charlie Jackson JPct. 4 abt 1866 Indiana White Head
Chester W Jackson JPct. 4 abt 1895 Indiana White Son
George Jackson JPct. 1 abt 1883 Kansas White Son
India M Jackson JPct. 4 abt 1890 Indiana White Daughter
Alford M Jines JPct. 2 abt 1864 Kansas White Head
Cassie Jines JPct. 2 abt 1891 Kansas White Daughter
Charlie Jines JPct. 2 abt 1900 Texas White Son
Dollie Jines JPct. 2 abt 1896 Kansas White Daughter
General S Jines JPct. 2 abt 1866 Illinois White Head
Hattie Jines JPct. 2 abt 1869 Kentucky White Wife
John Jines JPct. 2 abt 1899 Texas White Son
Laura Jines JPct. 2 abt 1875 Illinois White Wife
Nathen Jines JPct. 2 abt 1897 Kansas White Son
Orlando D Jines JPct. 2 abt 1899 Texas White Son
Selia Jines JPct. 2 abt 1837 Illinois White Head
Sibley A Jines JPct. 2 abt 1896 Texas White Son
Allie A Keath JPct. 1 abt 1872 Arkansas White Wife
Frank Keath JPct. 1 abt 1871 Illinois White Head
Jessie Keath JPct. 1 abt 1895 Oklahoma White Daughter
Kramer Keath JPct. 1 abt 1899 Kansas White Son
David Kettell JPct. 1 abt 1839 England White Head
David C Kettell JPct. 1 abt 1898 Texas White Son
Edmund Kettell JPct. 1 abt 1870 Wisconsin White Head
Effie Kettell JPct. 1 abt 1872 Arkansas White Wife
George H Kettell JPct. 1 abt 1882 Kansas White Son
Mable L Kettell JPct. 1 abt 1889 Texas White Daughter
Maria L Kettell JPct. 1 abt 1843 Virginia White Wife
William King JPct. 4 abt 1877 Iowa White Head
Augustus Klapp JPct. 4 abt 1838 Ohio White Head
Edward Klapp JPct. 4 abt 1843 Ohio White Head
Hanna J Klapp JPct. 4 abt 1850 Virginia White Wife
John F Klapp JPct. 4 abt 1867 Illinois White Head
May Leas JPct. 1 abt 1886 Iowa White Servant
Amos C Less JPct. 4 abt 1859 Iowa White Head
Amos L Less JPct. 4 abt 1893 Oklahoma White Son
Grant A Less JPct. 4 abt 1891 Oklahoma White Son
Lulu A Less JPct. 4 abt 1896 Oklahoma White Daughter
Martha A Less JPct. 4 abt 1863 Iowa White Wife
Minnie E Less JPct. 4 abt 1899 Iowa White Daughter
Olivie M Less JPct. 4 abt 1887 Iowa White Daughter
Thomas D Less JPct. 4 abt 1889 Kansas White Son
Mart M Maloney JPct. 3 abt 1879 Texas White Boarder
Courtney H Mc Kee JPct. 3 abt 1872 Kansas White Head
Hattie Mc Kee JPct. 3 abt 1863 Indiana White Wife
Hazel Mc Kee JPct. 3 abt 1893 Oklahoma White Daughter
Dosia Mclarty JPct. 4 abt 1881 Texas White Wife
Emma F Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1886 Alabama White Daughter
Francis W Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1888 Alabama White Son
George T Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1880 Alabama White Son
Henry M Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1890 Alabama White Son
James W Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1881 Alabama White Son
John J Mclarty JPct. 4 abt 1875 Georgia White Head
Madora D Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1852 Georgia White Wife
Marion Mclarty JPct. 4 abt 1899 Chickasaie Not White Son
Sarah E Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1884 Alabama White Daughter
Thomas S Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1848 Georgia White Head
William W Mclarty JPct. 3 abt 1874 Georgia White Son
Charles Mclasby JPct. 4 abt 1877 Georgia White Head
Banks L Miller JPct. 3 abt 1899 Texas White Son
Cathrine E Miller JPct. 3 abt 1848 Texas White Mother
Hacher Miller JPct. 3 abt 1878 Texas White Wife
Robert L Miller JPct. 3 abt 1871 Texas White Head
Agnes Millhollon JPct. 3 abt 1871 Texas White Wife
Kent Millhollon JPct. 3 abt 1871 Texas White Head
Lois E Millhollon JPct. 3 abt 1898 Texas White Daughter
Albert J Minton JPct. 1 abt 1877 Missouri White Head
Anne L Perry JPct. 3 abt 1897 Iowa White Daughter
George Perry JPct. 3 abt 1863 Texas White Head
Harriet E Perry JPct. 3 abt 1899 Iowa White Daughter
Winnie E Perry JPct. 3 abt 1866 Iowa White Wife
Adalasbon l Rush JPct. 3 abt 1862 Ohio White Head
Esther Rush JPct. 3 abt 1896 Kansas White Daughter
James W Rush JPct. 3 abt 1900 Texas White Son
Leslia Rush JPct. 3 abt 1865 Ohio White Wife
Alice E Seitz JPct. 1 abt 1875 Wisconsin White Wife
George H Seitz JPct. 1 abt 1889 Texas White Son
Jacob Seitz JPct. 1 abt 1856 Pennsylvania White Head
Lula J Seitz JPct. 1 abt 1899 Kansas White Daughter
Minnia b Seitz JPct. 1 abt 1894 Texas White Daughter
Roy R Seitz JPct. 1 abt 1896 Texas White Son
William A Seitz JPct. 1 abt 1885 Kansas White Son
Cyrus E Short JPct. 1 abt 1873 Missouri White Boarder
Robert Simpson JPct. 4 abt 1880 Kentucky White Boarder
Andrew R Smith JPct. 3 abt 1866 Ohio White Head
Grace L Smith JPct. 3 abt 1873 Ohio White Daughter
Hannah L Smith JPct. 3 abt 1845 Connecticut White Wife
King A Smith JPct. 3 abt 1876 Kansas White Son
Mary A Smith JPct. 3 abt 1878 Kansas White Daughter
Roy E Smith JPct. 3 abt 1879 Missouri White Son
Walter G Smith JPct. 3 abt 1882 Missouri White Son
William K Smith JPct. 3 abt 1874 Kansas White Son
Joseph Sommons JPct. 1 abt 1868 Kansas White Head
Mary A Sommons JPct. 1 abt 1882 Kansas White Wife
Mary E Stinson JPct. 4 abt 1840 Virginia White Boarder
Delbert Taliafirro JPct. 1 abt 1877 Kansas White Head
Charles W Taylor JPct. 1 abt 1873 Texas White Brother
Ethel F Taylor JPct. 1 abt 1893 Texas White Daughter
Helen F Taylor JPct. 1 abt 1869 Missouri White Wife
Lillie D Taylor JPct. 1 abt 1897 Missouri White Daughter
William D Taylor JPct. 1 abt 1896 Texas White Son
William F Taylor JPct. 1 abt 1861 Texas White Head
Alvin Teas JPct. 3 abt 1858 Indiana White Partner
John M Teas JPct. 3 abt 1883 Indiana White Boarder
Adel Thurman JPct. 4 abt 1866 Tennessee White Head
Byron R Thurman JPct. 4 abt 1895 Texas White Son
Elsie E Thurman JPct. 4 abt 1891 Texas White Daughter
Emmet R Thurman JPct. 4 abt 1879 Tennessee White Nephew
Sarah J Thurman JPct. 4 abt 1869 Tennessee White Wife
Luatta g Tracey JPct. 1 abt 1880 Texas White Stepdaughter
Alice Van Ness JPct. 3 abt 1870 Kentucky White Wife
Bergen Van Ness JPct. 3 abt 1869 Kansas White Head
Clarkson W Van Ness JPct. 3 abt 1862 Kansas White Head
Eliza C Van Ness JPct. 3 abt 1839 Pennsylvania White
George A Van Ness JPct. 3 abt 1864 Kansas White Head
Lela T Van Ness JPct. 3 abt 1900 Texas White Daughter
William Van Ness JPct. 3 abt 1877 Kansas White Head
Elizabeth A Westbrook JPct. 3 abt 1872 Texas White Wife
Paywell Westbrook JPct. 3 abt 1862 Texas White Head
Mary Whicker JPct. 1 abt 1840 Indiana White Mother
Mary L Whicker JPct. 1 abt 1862 Indiana White Wife
Sebert L Whicker JPct. 1 abt 1859 Indiana White Head
Carrie E Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1889 Texas White Daughter
Charles E Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1892 Texas White Son
Edmond L Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1862 Indiana White Head
Elizabeth E Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1900 Texas White Daughter
James H Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1870 Indiana White Head
Luella T Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1863 Indiana White Wife
Mararia t Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1886 Indiana White Daughter
Mary E Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1880 Texas White Wife
Mattie T Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1884 Indiana White Daughter
Spencer E Whippo JPct. 4 abt 1897 Indiana White Son
Guy Widmer JPct. 1 abt 1875 Kansas White Head
Etta E Wood JPct. 3 abt 1882 Nebraska White Servant
Alfred L Woodbury JPct. 3 abt 1836 Ohio White Boarder
Inez Woodbury JPct. 3 abt 1882 Ohio White Boarder
Naomi Woodbury JPct. 3 abt 1846 Ohio White Boarder
Guss Wright JPct. 3 abt 1852 Illinois White Servant
William J Wright JPct. 4 abt 1875 Illinois White Boarder

This page
was last updated August 5, 2005.