Texas Prehistory 
by Thomas R. Hester and Ellen
Sue Turner
Source: The Handbook of
Texas Online

Texas prehistory extends back
at least 11,200 years and is witnessed by a variety of
Indian cultural remains. The "historic" era
began with the shipwreck of Pánfilo de Narváez's
expedition and the subsequent account written by Álvar
Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. Indian culture was not modified,
as best we can tell, by Cabeza de Vaca or by the later
seventeenth-century French and Spanish exploration.
Indeed, the peoples the explorers found were not severely
affected until the advent of the Spanish missions and the
incursion of Apaches at the beginning of the eighteenth
It is possible, however, that
Spanish diseases, introduced in central Mexico, had begun
affecting the hunter-gatherer bands of northern Mexico,
causing displacement of these and similar groups in
southern Texas. The prehistory of Texas has been studied
by both professional and avocational archeologists for
many decades. The first excavations were apparently at
the "Old Buried City" (the Handly ruins) in
Ochiltree County, directed in the early 1900s by T. L.
Eyerly of the Canadian Academy. The most notable pioneer,
from the academic perspective, of early Texas archeology
was James E. Pearce, of the University of Texas, who
began excavations in Central Texas around World War I.
His techniques were crude and his analyses limited, but
his work provided the first insights into the prehistoric
past of the state. The beginnings of avocational
archeology in the state can be traced largely to Cyrus N.
Ray of Abilene, who was instrumental in founding the
Texas Archeological Society, which continues to play a
major role in fieldwork, training, and publication.
Broader views of the ancient past came from the
excavations, many of them supervised by A. T. Jackson on
behalf of Pearce, of the Work Projects Administration
during the depression years of the 1930s. Again, however,
techniques were poor in most cases and little
interpretation was done. Early museum research was
conducted by the Witte Museum at the Shumla Caves in the
lower Pecos region in the early 1930s; in addition, the
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum was established in
1932 and carried out research in the Panhandle of Texas.
The research of Alex D. Krieger at the University of
Texas from 1939 to 1956 served to integrate some of the
WPA work of the 1930s.
His publications provided
thorough site reports and syntheses of broad aspects of
the archeological record. His research brought national
attention to the prehistory of Texas. Krieger's influence
culminated in the first major synthesis of Texas
prehistory, published in 1954. Also of national interest
in the 1940s and early 1950s was the work on "early
man" in the New World (the Paleo-Indian period) by
E. H. Sellards and Glen Evans of the Texas Memorial
Museum. Great strides in learning the cultural history of
ancient Texas came in the 1960s, when archeological teams
carried out excavations in proposed reservoir basins
along many Texas rivers. Notable among these was the work
at Amistad Reservoir on the Rio Grande.
From the late 1960s through the 1990s, archeology
expanded greatly in the state. Numerous universities
established departments of anthropology, and
archeologists began new research programs in various
regions. In addition, federal environmental legislation
led to the study of "cultural resources," which
spawned a large number of archeological studies. The post
of state archeologist, held initially by Curtis D.
Tunnell, was inaugurated in 1965. The Texas Antiquities
Code, passed by the legislature in 1969, required
cultural-resource research on state-owned lands.
The explosion of archeology
that accelerated in the mid-1970s has produced a vast
literature on Texas prehistory, and a wealth of
information on the chronology and cultures of the ancient
Indian peoples of the state. It is important, however, to
understand the scientific approaches used by
archeologists. These make possible the advances in
knowledge that have taken place, and distinguish
archeology from the collecting of Indian relics or the
myths advanced by the rediscovery of Indian culture in
the late twentieth century.
Archeological methods include a variety of techniques to
ensure the systematic collection of data. The use of grid
systems to record horizontal information, and the
excavation of site deposits using arbitrary or natural
levels to record vertical data, are at the heart of
archeological systematics. Though there are many
variations within the practice of field archeology, the
critical factor for the scientific analysis of any bit of
data is its context: we have to know how, where, and
under what conditions an object was found, what other
objects were associated with it, and what pattern it may
be a part of.
A cigar box of
"arrowheads" may be of interest to the
archeologist and, if collected from a specific area, have
some interpretative value, but these relics lack context
and are thus of little value in exploring Texas
prehistory. Similarly, the random digging of a
prehistoric site does not contribute to archeology, but
prevents it-as ripping pages from a book destroys it.
Texas archeology has long been plagued, and was even more
plagued in the 1990s, by commercial digging of sites.
Such looting destroys the prehistoric record and greatly
diminishes our prospects of learning detailed information
about the ancient peoples of the state.
The Texas archeological record comprises sites. A site,
technically, is any spot on the landscape that has been
modified by human beings. Common among these are
campsites, where daily life took place; quarries or
lithic processing areas, the locales of stone-chipping;
temporary campsites, representing brief hunting or
gathering forays; kill-sites, where bison or other
mammals were slaughtered and butchered; rock-art sites,
overhangs, caves, or shelters with pictographs or
petroglyphs, such as Seminole Canyon State Park and Hueco
Tanks State Historical Park; caves and rockshelters,
protected overhangs in canyon walls, which some Indian
groups, particularly in West Texas, used for daily
occupation (these provide extremely well-preserved
organic remains reflecting everyday life); mound sites,
purposeful accumulations of earth found in East Texas,
used as platforms for dwellings or for burials;
burned-rock middens, incidental accumulations of
fire-cracked rock, often in mounds, used for
food-processing, and found associated with campsites in
Central and West Texas; shell middens, accumulations of
marine shells from shellfish collected as food,
principally oyster shells on the central coast and Rangia
brackish-water clams on the upper coast; and cemetery
sites, areas set aside for the disposal of the dead,
found in the Late Archaic and Late Prehistoric eras in
Central, coastal, and East Texas.
This abbreviated list of site types suggests the diverse
ways in which ancient Indians utilized the terrain and
took advantage of its plant and animal resources. At many
sites, the only surviving cultural remains are stone
tools. If we are to understand what was done at the site,
it is vital that we know the context of the stone tools.
For instance, at kill-sites, proper excavation will
usually discover projectile points and cutting or
butchering tools in association with animal bones. The
most common type of kill-site in Texas is the bison-kill
of Paleo-Indian times, from 9200 to 6000 B.C. For
example, at Bonfire Shelter, near Langtry in Val Verde
County, excavations revealed a mass of bison remains
associated with Folsom and Plainview points, accompanied
by flakes and bifaces used for processing the slaughtered
At quarries or lithic
processing areas, controlled surface collection will
often yield great numbers of large, crudely chipped
bifaces, rocks in the early stage of tool-making known as
quarry blanks. Rarely are projectile points or other
finished tools found, since this is a locality where the
basic levels of stone-working took place-securing good
chipping materials, using a hammerstone to remove the
rough exterior from the cobbles, and roughly shaping the
blanks for further reduction elsewhere. Though they have
long been ignored, lithic processing areas are important
sites for archeological study, as they shed a great deal
of light on a fundamental activity of prehistoric
cultures. One quarry site that is open to the public is
the famed Alibates Flint Quarries, on the Canadian River
in the Panhandle.
Campsites are found throughout the state along streams or
other water sources; most are "open occupation"
sites, though caves and rockshelters were also often used
for habitation. Many represent the villages of hunters
and gatherers, whose foraging was the main way of life
throughout Texas until later times, when farming was
introduced in East Texas and in parts of the Panhandle
and far West Texas. Campsites, the locales of daily life,
were perhaps occupied for a few weeks or months before
the group moved on to exploit the plant and animal foods
of another area. These are the most common sites and
contain great quantities of stone tools, flakes, and
other debris. Context is particularly important in these
Even the surface collecting, by
hobbyists, of an eroded campsite can ruin fragile
patterns of tool distribution which, under controlled
conditions, might tell the archeologist a great deal
about site function and the ways in which different parts
of the site were used. Excavation presents an even larger
challenge. Test pits can plumb the depths of the site,
sometimes giving us information on the sequence of
occupations by recovering stone tool types from different
levels. However, to understand the behavior of the
ancient inhabitants and the activities they carried out,
a large block or open-area excavation is necessary. In
it, we can plot in place the projectile points, scrapers,
choppers, flakes, animal bones, snail shells, and other
items and study the patterns of their horizontal
distribution. The distribution often shows the
archeologist where tool-making took place, where animals
were skinned and butchered, where bone tools were made or
wooden spear shafts fashioned. The relationships of the
tools to the areas of the site and to other stone tools
provide, then, contextual information critical to
archeological interpretation.
Much of what is found in Texas prehistoric sites is
artifacts of chipped stone (such as projectile points),
pottery, antler, bone, and shell. If excavated with
systematic methods, the context of these artifacts-taken
as a whole-provides a picture of ancient life at certain
periods of time. Critical to our interpretations is the
dating of these materials and contexts. The most widely
used method for absolute dates is radiocarbon analysis,
in which associated organic remains (such as wood
charcoal from a hearth) can be assayed to yield a date
for cultural remains at the same level of the hearth.
Excavations can also provide relative dates by
determining which styles of artifacts are earlier or
later than others. Once a chronology is established at
several regional sites, types of known dates can then be
"cross-dated" by distinctive artifacts to other
sites. Gradually, a framework of prehistoric cultures can
be built up in a sequential fashion.
In Texas, research has shown
that in most regions, distinctive changes occurred in the
shapes of projectile points through time. These
artifacts, called "arrowheads" by
nonarcheologists, occur in two forms: as dart
points-large, heavy points ("arrowheads") used
on the tips of spears thrown with the spearthrower or
atlatl, common in the Paleo-Indian and Archaic periods;
and as arrow points ("bird points" to
collectors)-tiny, thin points that tipped arrow shafts,
often made of cane, when the bow and arrow was introduced
to ancient Texas cultures around A.D. 700. This weapon
appears to have wholly replaced the spearthrower, as it
was more accurate and more effective at longer distances
(tiny arrow tips could penetrate a bison, a man, or a
smaller creature). Many of the dart and arrow points can
be sorted into "types" of distinctive shapes
that are restricted in distribution in both time and
space. This makes the points "time-sensitive";
they are often valuable chronological aids for
archeological research.
Archeological work has continued in parts of Texas for
more than eighty years. Some areas, such as Central
Texas, have been intensively studied, and detailed
archeological sequences of them have been established. In
other regions, such as South Texas, research intensified
only in the 1970s, and much remains to be learned about
them. Cultural change proceeded at somewhat different
rates over the vast area of Texas; in some regions,
hunting and gathering cultures persisted throughout
prehistory; in others, cultures with farming and settled
village life appeared. Research has divided the Texas
archeological record into four general periods:
Paleo-Indian (9200-6000 B.C.), Archaic (6000 B.C. to
around the beginning of the Christian era), Late
Prehistoric (roughly A.D. 700-1600), and Historic.
Paleo-Indian. Although some claims have been made for
greater antiquity, the earliest known inhabitants of the
state, during the late Pleistocene (Ice Age), can be
linked to the Clovis Complex around 9200 B.C. The
distinctive Clovis fluted point is widespread and was
used at least in some cases in mammoth hunting. A mammoth
kill-site, Miami, is found in Roberts County in the
Panhandle. The Gault Site in Central Texas has a Clovis
occupation that includes incised pebbles, a blade core,
and several Clovis points, including one made of Alibates
material from the Canadian River quarries. At a deeply
buried Clovis campsite at the Aubrey Site in Denton
County, a Clovis point, Clovis blades, and thousands of
flakes were found.
The Lewisville Site near Denton
is another Clovis campsite. The Folsom Complex, around
8800-8200 B.C., is distinguished by Folsom fluted points
and is known from sites where now-extinct forms of bison
were killed and butchered (Bonfire) or from campsites
(Adair-Steadman) where the points are found along with
other stone tools. The Clovis and Folsom materials might
be considered to fall within the early part of this
period. Although fluting ceases to be an important trait
of Paleo-Indian points after Clovis and Folsom, later
Paleo-Indian points maintain an overall lanceolate,
parallel-sided form, often with careful parallel flaking
and with the basal edges dulled to facilitate hafting.
One unfluted type that may well be "early
Paleo-Indian" is Midland, known from excavations at
the Scharbauer Site, near Midland, in the early 1950s. A
portion of a human cranium found at that site may be
linked to this early cultural pattern.
Dalton and San Patrice points may date around 8000 B.C.
in East Texas; Plainview points found from the Panhandle
into South Texas date from around 8200-8000 B.C. and are
associated with kills of Pleistocene bison at Plainview
and Bonfire. By around 8000 B.C., the end of the
Pleistocene, remnants of the animals of that era-mammoth,
bison, camel, horse, sloth-disappeared. Climates became
more like those of modern times, yet in some regions,
group mobility and stone toolmaking continue to follow
the patterns of earlier times. There is a great
diversification of point types, several of which we still
cannot precisely date, in post-Pleistocene, late
Paleo-Indian times. Excavations done in the 1980s and
1990s at the Wilson-Leonard Site in Williamson County,
Central Texas, may help to resolve some of these issues,
as well as provide archeologists with a broader view of
the cultural patterns associated with distinctive
Paleo-Indian points.
The Scottsbluff points in East
Texas are from around 6500 B.C.; in the lower Pecos and
South Texas, hunters and gatherers used Golondrina
points, radiocarbon dated at 7000 B.C. Excavations at
Baker Cave, a dry rockshelter on the Devils River
drainage, has yielded a wide array of information on the
climate, which was essentially modern though probably
drier, and the diet of peoples there 9000 years ago (the
Golondrina Complex). A well-preserved cooking pit yielded
the remains of small game, especially rabbits, rodents,
and several species of snakes; the cave also yielded
charred walnut and pecan hulls as well as other organic
remains. The Angostura projectile point marks the end of
the Paleo-Indian period; radiocarbon dates from the
Wilson-Leonard Site and the Richard Beene Site near San
Antonio date it at around 6800 B.C. The peoples who made
these points, like the peoples of the Golondrina complex,
were hunters and gatherers who used resources quite
similar to those of the modern era.
Archaic. Much of Texas prehistory is subsumed within a
long time span of hunting and gathering cultural patterns
known collectively as the Archaic. The period begins
around 6000 B.C. and is notable for changes in the style
of projectile points and tools, the distribution of site
types, and the introduction of grinding implements and
ground-stone ornaments, all reflecting a gradually
increasing population that utilized abundant plant and
animal resources of environments similar to those of
modern times. As noted earlier, the primary weapon during
the Archaic was the spearthrower or atlatl, and the bow
and arrow had not yet been introduced. Climatic patterns
surely vacillated during the Archaic, though we have
little detailed knowledge of them; a dry, warm episode
known as the Altithermal (about 5000-3000 B.C.) was
clearly present, but we are uncertain about its effects
on local populations. The details of the Archaic sequence
vary from region to region within the state. In general,
the span can be divided into Early, Middle, Late, and
Transitional eras. Each period is represented by changes
in cultural patterns, often including specific artifact
forms, hunting patterns, types of site utilized, and
other elements. In some regions we have enough
information to subdivide these periods into
"phases" or "intervals."
The Early Archaic (6000-2500 B.C.) is poorly known in its
earliest phases, though a number of point and tool types
can be linked to that era. In general, settlement appears
more scattered than in later times, and populations were
still rather small and quite mobile. There are broader
relationships among several regions, as indicated by the
widespread occurrence of distinctive points, such as the
Martindale, Uvalde, Early Triangular, Andice, and Bell
(the latter two part of a cultural pattern known as Calf
Creek, which encompasses Oklahoma and parts of Arkansas).
The Middle Archaic (2500 B.C.-1000 B.C.) marks a time
throughout the state of significant population increase,
large numbers of sites, and abundant artifacts,
especially projectile points of various forms.
This appears to have been a
time when Indian cultures became more specialized on a
regional basin. For example, most regions appeared to be
typified in the Middle Archaic by one or two distinctive
points: Gary and Kent points in East Texas, for example,
Pedernales in Central Texas, Langtry in the lower Pecos,
and Tortugas in South Texas. In some regions, specific
types of site are present, especially the burned-rock
middens of Central Texas (apparently used for cooking
wild plants of various sorts, especially the bulbs of
sotol) and shell middens on the Texas coast.
Additionally, cemeteries with large numbers of interments
begin to appear late in the period, perhaps reflecting
territoriality on the part of some hunting and gathering
societies. Similarly, trade connections are established
and artifacts of stone and shell are brought from distant
areas, especially Arkansas.
The Late Archaic (1000 B.C.-300
B.C.) sees the continuation of hunting and gathering in
most of Texas, again distinguished by certain types of
projectile points and stone tools. In East Texas,
pre-Caddo sites mark the beginning of settled village
life shortly after 500 B.C. Cemeteries are more notable
in some regions, such as Southeast Texas. Bison appear to
be an important game resource in Central Texas and in the
lower Pecos, where another bison-kill occurs at Bonfire
Shelter. Other bison-kills are known in the Panhandle and
South Plains at this time. The Transitional Archaic (300
B.C.-A.D. 700) marks an interval which in some ways is
little more than a continuation of the Late Archaic.
Still, it features distinctive
point styles, such as Ensor, Darl, Frio, and Fairland.
Although this period is important in the Archaic
sequences of Central and lower Pecos Texas, it is not
part of the East Texas archeological record, where
village sites such as the George C. Davis Site of the
make their initial appearance and fully develop only
during the subsequent Late Prehistoric period. These
sites often have large mounds, flat-topped ones sometimes
used to support structures and conical ones for burials.
Such sites mark the introduction of, and reliance upon,
agriculture which leads to this population growth and the
emergence of social and political systems.
Many Indian rock art sites in Texas, especially in the
lower Pecos, date from the Archaic. The Archaic
pictographs in the lower Pecos can be recognized by the
presence of spearthrower motifs in the panels of
polychrome Pecos River Style art. Studies using a
specialized type of radiocarbon dating, known as AMS
(accelerator mass spectrometry), suggest that this style
may date as early as 4000 B.C.
Late Prehistoric. This period (A.D. 700 to historic
times) is particularly noticeable in the archeological
record throughout the state. The bow and arrow is
introduced, along with other distinctive types of stone
tools. Pottery is also present, even among hunters and
gatherers in Central, South, and coastal Texas. Bison
hunting appears to be very important in most regions. The
occurrence of tiny arrow points marks the spread of the
bow and arrow throughout the state. Many local types
develop: Livermore in the Trans-Pecos, Friley and
Catahoula on the Texas-Louisiana border, Lott and Garza
on the Llano Estacado, and McGloin and Bulbar Stemmed on
the coast. In some areas we can discern distinct shifts
in arrow point styles through time, especially with
Scallorn (Austin Phase) and, later, Perdiz (Toyah Phase)
in Central Texas.
The Toyah Phase is of
particular interest because it represents a widespread
bison-hunting tradition in Central and South Texas from
around A.D. 1300-1600; in addition to Perdiz points, its
material culture includes end scrapers for hideworking,
beveled knives for bison butchering, and a distinctive
bone-tempered ceramic. On the central Gulf Coast, the
Rockport Complex represents a population that may be
ancestral to the historic Karankawas; these peoples
hunted and fished along the bayshores and oftentimes
moved inland to hunt bison. An asphalt-lined, thin-walled
pottery called Rockport Ware is diagnostic of this
complex. In the Rio Grande Delta, the Brownsville Complex
is unique for its trade with frontier Mesoamerican
cultures (e.g., the Huastecs of Veracruz), which began
around A.D. 1300-1400. Representatives of the Brownsville
Complex made shell beads and other ornaments in large
numbers and traded these to the Huastecs in return for
pottery vessels, jadeite ornaments, and obsidian, all
found in Brownsville Complex sites in the lower Rio
Grande valley.
Although a hunting and gathering continues in the Late
Prehistoric as in the Archaic, the material culture,
hunting patterns, settlement types and other facets of
the era mark a fairly distinctive break with the past. In
East Texas, agriculture provides the base for the Gibson
Aspect, which marks the earliest Caddoan culture; mound
building, specific types of pottery and arrow points,
sedentary villages, ceremonial centers, and an
established social hierarchy are salient features. Around
A.D. 1200, Gibson gives way to the Fulton Aspect, which
continues into the Historic era and is clearly linked
with the Caddos.
In the Panhandle and Llano
Estacado, settled villages (also engaged in bison
hunting) are found in the Antelope Creek Phase on the
Canadian River around A.D. 1400 and in Andrews County.
Village sites with links to southeast New Mexico appear
around the same time. In the Trans-Pecos, a sequence of
settled horticulturists with strong ties to the Southwest
Mogollón culture begins in the early centuries A.D. and
develops more fully around A.D. 600. It is marked
especially by pithouse dwellings. Down the Rio Grande,
near Presidio, another center of agriculturally based
villages, the Bravo Valley Aspect, dates to around A.D.
One distinctive aspect of the Late Prehistoric was
widespread, long-distance trade, best reflected in the
distribution of obsidian artifacts in parts of Texas.
Artifact-quality obsidian (volcanic glass, usually black
to gray in color) does not occur in Texas. Yet at sites
in deep South Texas, across Central Texas, and into the
Panhandle, obsidian artifacts are often reported. The
geologic origin of the obsidian can be traced using
methods of nuclear chemistry, such as X-ray fluorescence
or neutron activation analysis of a chemical
"fingerprint" of trace minerals in a specimen.
The specimen can then be linked
to a specific obsidian quarry. In the Panhandle, most of
the obsidian comes from sources in the Jemez Mountains of
northern Mexico, and was part of Plains-Pueblo trade in
Late Prehistoric times. However, some of the obsidians
found in South and Central Texas can be definitively
traced to sources in southern Idaho (Malad), Wyoming
(Obsidian Cliff), and central Mexico. These facts reflect
long-distance trade networks, especially in the case of
the Idaho and Wyoming obsidian, which were part of a
north-south trade system through the Great Plains that
continued into Historic times.
The transition from Late Prehistoric to Historic is
difficult to discern in many parts of the state. The
initial European expeditions had little, if any, effect
on the native cultures, which were largely unchanged for
another 100-150 years. Texas archeologists refer to this
brief span as the "Protohistoric." Perhaps it
is best exemplified by sites of the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries on Galveston Island and in South
Texas, where no tangible evidence of contact (e.g., glass
beads) is found. However, by the early eighteenth century
most peoples of these areas were affected by the Spanish
missions, and their cultures began to unravel.
Historic. The Historic era (after ca. A.D. 1600) marks
the beginning of the end for the Indian cultures of the
state. The Spanish and French brought change to both
agriculturalists and hunter-gatherers, though the latter
were decimated by the introduction of the Spanish mission
system and the intrusion of Apache, and later, Comanche
groups. Archeologically, we can recognize certain sites
as Historic Caddo on the basis of their pottery and arrow
points. Similarly, some arrow point types such as Harrell
and Washita are found with historic hunter-gatherers and
village farmers in north central Texas and the Panhandle.
Rock art sites incorporate such
historic motifs as churches and horse-borne Indian
warriors or Spaniards. With the advent of the Spanish
mission system, the Indians who adopted mission life
continued for a while to make stone tools, and a
distinctive point type, Guerrero, is often found in
missions, ranchos, and Indian campsites of that era.
However, by the late eighteenth century, stone tools gave
way to glass, and brass and iron points replaced those
chipped from stone, thus signaling the end of an
11,000-year tradition.
Lawrence E. Aten, Indians of
the Upper Texas Coast (New York: Academic Press, 1983).
Thomas N. Campbell, The Indians of Southern Texas and
Northeastern Mexico: Selected Writings of Thomas Nolan
Campbell (Austin: Texas Archeological Research
Laboratory, 1988).
David S. Dibble and Dessamae Lorrain, Bonfire Shelter: A
Stratified Bison Kill Site, Val Verde County, Texas
(Texas Memorial Museum Miscellaneous Papers 1 [Austin:
University of Texas, 1968]).
Grant D. Hall, Allens Creek: A Study in the Cultural
Prehistory of the Lower Brazos River Valley (University
of Texas at Austin, 1981).
Thomas Hester, Digging into South Texas Prehistory: A
Guide for Amateur Archaeologists (San Antonio: Corona
Press, 1980).
T. R. Hester et al., From the Gulf to the Rio Grande:
Human Adaptation in Central, South and Lower Pecos Texas
(Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series 33
[Fayetteville: University of Arkansas, 1989]).
T. R. Hester et al., Field Methods in Archaeology (Palo
Alto, California: Mayfield, 1975).
J. L. Hofman et al., From Clovis to Comanchero:
Archeological Overview of the Southern Great Plains
(Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series 35
[Fayetteville: University of Arkansas, 1989]).
Jack T. Hughes, "Prehistoric Cultural Developments
on the Texas High Plains," Bulletin of the Texas
Archeological Society 60 (1989).
LeRoy Johnson, Jr., The Devil's Mouth Site (University of
Texas Department of Anthropology Archaeology Series 6,
Austin, 1964).
Alex D. Krieger, Culture Complexes and Chronology in
Northern Texas, with Extension of Puebloan Datings to the
Mississippi Valley (University of Texas Publication 4640,
Austin, 1946).
H. P. Newell and A. D. Krieger, The George C. Davis Site,
Cherokee County, Texas (Society for American Archaeology
Memoir 5, Menasha, Wisconsin, 1949).
Parker Nunley, A Field Guide to Archeological Sites in
Texas (Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1989).
R. A. Ricklis, Aboriginal Life and Culture on the Upper
Texas Coast: Archaeology at the Mitchell Ridge Site,
41GV66, Galveston Island (Corpus Christi: Coastal
Archaeological Research, 1994).
Martin Salinas, The Indians of the Rio Grande Delta
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990).
Harry Shafer and Jim Zintgraff, Ancient Texans: Rock Art
and Lifeways along the Lower Pecos (Austin: Texas Monthly
Press, 1986).
Alan Simmons et al., Human Adaptations and Cultural
Change in the Greater Southwest (Arkansas Archeological
Survey Research Series 32 [Fayetteville: University of
Arkansas, 1989]).
Dee Ann Story et al., The Archeology and Bioarcheology of
the Gulf Coastal Plain (Arkansas Archeological Survey
Research Series 38 [Fayetteville: University of Arkansas,
Dee Ann Suhm et al., "An Introductory Handbook of
Texas Archeology," Bulletin of the Texas
Archeological Society 25 (1954).
A. J. Taylor and C. L. Highley, Archeological
Investigations at the Loma Sandia Site (41LK28), a
Prehistoric Cemetery and Campsite in Live Oak County,
Texas (Texas Archeological Research Laboratory Studies in
Archeology 20, University of Texas at Austin, 1995).
Ellen Sue Turner and Thomas R. Hester, A Field Guide to
Stone Artifacts of Texas Indians (Austin: Texas Monthly
Press, 1985).
