County Divorces

This database is an index to approximately 2.9 million
divorces that were filed in Texas from 1968-2002.
Information that may be found in this database includes:
File number
Husband's full name
Husband's age
Wife's given and middle names
Wife's age
Number of children under the age of 18
Marriage date
Divorce date
Divorce county
It is important that you use the information found in
this database to locate your relative in the original
records that this index references. Usually more
information is available in the records themselves than
is found in an index. For example, divorce records may
list marriage information, birth information, or the
cause for divorce in addition to the information provided
in this index.
Divorce records have been maintained statewide by the
Bureau of Vital Statistics sine January 1968, but
certified copies are not available from this facility.
Divorce records are maintained under the jurisdiction of
the clerk of the respective district court. During the
first years of the Republic of Texas, divorces were
granted by special acts of Congress, but in 1841 district
courts took over this responsibility, with some
exceptions. After statehood, district courts had full
jurisdiction over divorces.
Taken from Wendy Bebout Elliot, "Texas," Red
Book, ed. Alice Eichholz (Provo, Utah: Ancestry, 2004).
Source Information: Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2002 [database
online]. Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original
data: Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas
Divorce Index, 1968-2002. Texas Department of State
Health Services, Texas.

This page was last updated July
21, 2005.