Comanche Indians Source: The Handbook of Texas Online The Comanches, exceptional horsemen who dominated the Southern Plains, played a prominent role in Texas frontier history throughout much of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Anthropological evidence indicates that they were originally a mountain tribe, a branch of the Northern Shoshones, who roamed the Great Basin region of the western United States as crudely equipped hunters and gatherers. Both cultural and linguistic similarities confirm the Comanches' Shoshone origins. The Comanche language is derived from the Uto-Aztecan linguistic family and is virtually identical to the language of the Northern Shoshones. Sometime during the late seventeenth century, the Comanches acquired horses, and that acquisition drastically altered their culture. The life of the pedestrian tribe was revolutionized as they rapidly evolved into a mounted, well-equipped, and powerful people. Their new mobility allowed them to leave their mountain home and their Shoshone neighbors and move onto the plains of eastern Colorado and western Kansas, where game was plentiful. After their arrival on the Great Plains, the Comanches began a southern migration that was encouraged by a combination of factors. By moving south, they had greater access to the mustangs of the Southwest. The warm climate and abundant buffalo were additional incentives for the southern migration. The move also facilitated the acquisition of French trade goods, including firearms, through barter with the Wichita Indians on the Red River. Pressure from more powerful and better-armed tribes to their north and east, principally the Blackfoot and Crow Indians, also encouraged their migration. A vast area of the South Plains, including much of North, Central, and West Texas, soon became Comanche country, or Comanchería. Only after their
arrival on the Southern Plains did the tribe come to be
known as Comanches, a name derived from the Ute word
Komántcia, meaning "enemy," or, literally,
"anyone who wants to fight me all the time."
The Spaniards in New Mexico, who came into contact with
the Comanches in the early eighteenth century, gave the
tribe the name by which they were later known to
Spaniards and Americans alike. Although the tribe came to
be known historically as Comanches, they called
themselves Nermernuh, or "the People." Their range extended from the Edwards Plateau to the headwaters of the Central Texas rivers. Because of their location, the Penatekas played the most prominent role in Texas history. North of Penateka country was the habitat of the band called Nokoni, or "Those Who Turn Back." The Nokonis roamed from the Cross Timbers region of North Texas to the mountains of New Mexico. Two smaller bands, the Tanima ("Liver-Eaters") and the Tenawa ("Those Who Stay Downstream"), shared the range of the Nokonis. These three divisions are sometimes referred to collectively as Middle Comanches. Still farther
north was the range of the Kotsotekas, or
"Buffalo-Eaters." Their territory covered what
is now western Oklahoma, where they often camped along
the Canadian River. The northernmost band was known as
the Yamparikas, or "Yap-Eaters," a name derived
from that of an edible root. Their range extended north
to the Arkansas River. The fifth major band, known as
Quahadis ("Antelopes"), roamed the high plains
of the Llano Estacado. They bartered
buffalo products, horses, and captives for manufactured
items and foodstuffs. The familiar Plains-type tepee
constructed of tanned buffalo hide stretched over sixteen
to eighteen lodge poles provided portable shelter for the
Comanches. Their clothing, made of bison hide or
buckskin, consisted of breechclout, leggings, and
moccasins for men, and fringed skirt, poncho-style
blouse, leggings, and moccasins for women. Buffalo robes
provided protection from cold weather. The first documented evidence of Comanches in Texas occurred in 1743, when a small band, probably a scouting party, appeared at the Spanish settlement of San Antonio seeking their enemies, the Lipan Apaches. No hostilities occurred, but it was obvious that the Comanches believed that the Spanish and Apaches were allies. However, fifteen years passed before the Spanish learned the true strength of Comanche presence in Texas. In 1758 a force
of some 2,000 Comanches and allied tribes attacked a
Spanish mission built for the Apaches on the San Saba
River near present Menard. Santa Cruz de San Sabá
Mission was sacked and burned, and eight of its
inhabitants, including two priests, were killed. A year
later, a Spanish punitive expedition led by Col. Diego
Ortiz Parrilla also met defeat at the hands of the
Comanches and their allies in a daylong battle on the Red
River near the site of present Spanish Fort. The first success of the new Spanish policy came in 1762, when Fray José Calahorra y Saenz negotiated a treaty with the Comanches, who agreed not to make war on missionized Apaches. Continued Apache aggression made it impossible for the Comanches to keep their promise, and ultimately led Spanish officials to advocate a Spanish-Comanche alliance aimed at exterminating the Apaches. That policy was officially implemented in 1772, and with the help of Athanase de Mézières, a French trader serving as Spanish diplomat, a second treaty was signed with the Comanches. The Comanche chief Povea signed the treaty in 1772 at San Antonio, thereby committing his band to peace with the Spaniards. Other bands, however, continued to raid Spanish settlements. Comanche attacks escalated in the early 1780s, and Spanish officials feared the province of Texas would be lost. To avoid that possibility, the governor of Texas, Domingo Cabello y Robles, was instructed to negotiate peace with the warring Comanches. He dispatched Pedro Vial and Francisco Xavier de Chaves to Comanchería with gifts and proposals for peace. The mission was
successful, and the emissaries returned to San Antonio
with three principal Comanche chiefs who were authorized
by their people to make peace with the Spanish. The
result was the Spanish-Comanche Treaty of 1785, a
document that Comanches honored, with only minor
violations, until the end of the century. As Spanish
power waned in the early years of the nineteenth century,
officials were unable to supply promised gifts and trade
goods, and Comanche aggression once again became
commonplace. Comanches raided Spanish settlements for
horses to trade to Anglo-American traders entering Texas
from the United States. Those Americans furnished the
Comanches with trade goods, including arms and
ammunition, and provided a thriving market for Comanche
horses. However, when
two of the major peace chiefs died in the early 1830s,
Comanche-Mexican relations deteriorated once again, and
Mexican officials began encouraging Shawnees, Cherokees,
and other tribes to make war on the Comanches. The
Mexican Colonization Law of 1824 encouraged foreign
immigration to Texas, and settlers from the United States
poured into the province. As the Anglo-American
population grew, relations between Americans and
Comanches began to deteriorate. The amity that had
developed through mutually beneficial trade quickly
disintegrated when the newly arrived Texans began
surveying land that Comanches considered their
traditional hunting ground, and the two soon became
implacable enemies. In an effort to
stop Comanche destruction on the Texas frontier, Sam
Houston, first duly elected president of the Republic of
Texas, instituted a policy aimed at establishing peace
and friendship through commerce. Houston's peace efforts
were hampered because the Texas Congress refused to agree
to the one Comanche requirement for peace-a boundary line
between Texas and Comanchería. Peace commissioners did
succeed in negotiating a treaty with a band of Penateka
Comanches led by Muguara, Muestyah, and Muhy, but the
treaty was never ratified by the Texas Senate. When
Houston left office in late 1838, Texan-Comanche
relations were rapidly deteriorating and depredations
were being committed by both sides. In late summer Comanches launched a retaliatory raid. More than 500 warriors led by Buffalo Hump made a sweep through south Texas, devastating the towns of Victoria and Linnville and killing twenty-five Texans. After the Linnville raid of 1840, as the Comanches made their escape to the north, they were intercepted at Plum Creek near the site of present Lockhart and routed by Texan forces. Though some fifty Comanches were killed in the battle of Plum Creek, the Texans continued to seek retribution. In October an
expedition under the command of Col. John H. Moore
traveled 300 miles up the Colorado River and destroyed a
Comanche encampment near the site of present Colorado
City. Having suffered a tremendous loss of leadership and
manpower, the Penatekas moved beyond the Red River and
out of the range of Texas forces. Lamar's policy had
succeeded in removing the Comanches from the borders of
Texas, but at a terrible cost to both sides. In an attempt to protect both settlers and Indians, two reservations were established in Texas in 1854. A 23,000-acre reservation on the Clear Fork of the Brazos, in what is now Throckmorton County, became home to some 350 Penateka Comanches whose band had been weakened by warfare with Texans, epidemic diseases, and depletion of the buffalo herds. Other Comanche bands, farther removed from white settlement, still freely roamed the plains. The establishment of reservations did not stop Indian raids, however. Frontier Texans, who coveted the Indians' land, blamed the reservation Indians for the continued depredations and demanded the removal of the reservations. In 1859, in
response to complaints, the reservation Comanches were
moved to Indian Territory, where they were given a tract
of land near Anadarko and assigned to the Wichita Agency.
However, since the reservation Indians had not been the
perpetrators of the raids, removal of the reservations
did little to solve the Texas Indian problem. Raids
increased as the Civil War left the frontier virtually
unprotected, and the country west of a line from
Gainesville to Fredericksburg was abandoned by settlers. In 1874 the army
began a relentless campaign that became known as the Red
River War. A concerted five-pronged attack was launched
in the Panhandle for the purpose of driving all Indians
to the reservation. Forces under the command of Col.
Ranald S. Mackenzie surprised a Comanche camp in Palo
Duro Canyon and destroyed their horse herd. Very few
Indians were killed in the engagements, but their mounts
and supplies were so depleted that they could not survive
the winter on the plains and were forced to enter the
reservation. The
post-allotment period was a difficult time for Comanches,
who continued to lose their land as a result of financial
reverses or fraudulent schemes. Many were forced to leave
the vicinity of the old reservation to seek employment,
and those who remained were divided by factionalism.
World War II accelerated the breakup of Comanche society
as members of the tribe left to find jobs in the defense
industry or join the military service. In the postwar
years, the Comanche population continued to disperse in
search of economic opportunity. |