Carson County Obituaries
Source: Social
Security Administration
William Houghton
1923 - 1999
William Houghton died on December 24, 1999.
Born November 16, 1923, Houghton was 76 years old and
lived in Skellytown, TX.
I Sewell
1924 - 1999
I Sewell died on December 17, 1999.
Born February 10, 1924, Sewell was 75 years old and lived
in Skellytown, TX.
Juanita Mcbroom
1920 - 1999
Juanita Mcbroom died on May 2, 1999.
Born January 30, 1920, Mcbroom was 79 years old and lived
in Skellytown, TX.
Bertha Mercer
1914 - 1999
Bertha Mercer died in April 1999.
Born June 19, 1914, Mercer was 84 years old and lived in
Skellytown, TX.
Paul Sangster
1930 - 1999
Paul Sangster died on March 27, 1999.
Born February 13, 1930, Sangster was 69 years old and
lived in Skellytown, TX.
This page
was last updated July 6, 2008.