Old Texas County

Eureka School Reunion, Baker, OK
Posted by Linda Martin on Wed, 24 May 2000
Surnames: Delgado, Hass, Etter, Smith
Eureka ISD will be sponsoring the third bi-annual reunion on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3 & 4th, 2000. The web page has dates, times, and locations. Monday will be a chuckwagon breakfast beginning at 9:00 AM at the picnic site in front of the old school in Baker, Texas County, OK. There are several associated with the school we have not been able to locate. Eva Delgado, Merlin Smith, Carolyn Hass, and Ruby Etter. This reunion is open to all family members that attended or worked at the school.
Posted by Bill Allison on Tue, 25 Apr 2000
Hello, Where can I get an up-to-date,accurate map of Texas County Oklahoma that shows the Townships, Ranges, Sections,lots, principal meridian , baselines, etc? Thank you.
Sincerely, Bill Allison
Posted by Bill on Wed, 03 May 2000, in response to Texas County, Oklahoma, posted by Bill Allison on Tue, 25 Apr 2000
Texas county maps showing R/T/S are available (or were about a year ago) at the courthouse in Guymon, OK. I believe I got mine from the assessor's office there. I think the phone number there is 338-3060, and the address is 319 N. Main Guymon, OK 73942. I believe the area code for the phones there might have changed, but it was 405. Hope this helps somewhat... at least you know the map exists! Bill
Sarah Roach
Wed, 23 Dec 1998
Some of the children of William Buck ROACH ended up in OK--some in Texas Co., OK, probably after 1880's. Anyone know anything about the Roaches?
Joyce Willhoit
Wed, 02 Dec 1998
Surnames: Archer, Yarberry, Wadley
Seeking information on Erma "Madge" ARCHER b. 1898 TX; d. 1967 and she is buried Guymon, OK; dau of Sam ARCHER and Tommie (surname unknown). In 1920 "Madge" m. Roy Calvin YARBERRY b. 1897 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, KS; d. Jul 1980 and he is buried at Guymon, OK. A dau, Ruth Constance YARBERRY b. 29 Sep 1922 Guymon; m. Jerald Lavern WADLEY (b. 1 May 1921 Headley, TX, d. 22 Jul 1997 in Guymon) on 23 Jul 1945 in Guymon. Two sons: Jerald Lavern WADLEY, JR. m. June Faye RATHKE of Nebraska City, NE, and James Vance WADLEY. On 14 Aug 1868, Roy YARBERRY m. (2) Edith Leota (Morss) ROUTH b. 14 Aug 1900 at Howard, Elk County, KS; d. 6 Apr 1985 at Kingman, Kingman County, KS. Roy & "Leota" resided in Guymon until his death.
Guymon Cemetery Lookup
Tracy Kauffman
Wed, 18 Dec 1998
Surnames: Kauffman
Valentine Kauffman and wife Susan Miller Kauffman both died and buried in Guymon, Texas Co. OK. Am told that Valentine died in the early 1940s and Susan died in the late 1940s to early 1950s. Do not know name of cemetery but believe it to be just outside of town. Looking for a listing of local cemeteries with names of interred or someone willing to do a lookup. Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Joyce Willhoit
Sat, 14 Nov 1998
Surnames: Yarberry
My grandfather, Ernest Allen (?) Cousins died in Guymon (Texas County Seat) Oklahoma, in late 1987 or early 1988. I searched the SSDI records and found no record of his death there, and am looking for his dob, and dod, as well as his parents names, and where he was born, and any sibblings he may have had...any help would be appreciated. Thank You
Seeking information on Roy Calvin YARBERRY b. 7 Nov 1897; d. Jul 1980 and is buried at Guymon, Texas County, OK; son of William Boise YARBERRY (1877-1943). He m. (1) Madge ARCHER; he m. (2) Edith Leota ROUTH (1900-1985).
Early Settler Texas Co
Joyce Willhoit
Fri, 06 Nov 1998
Surnames: Carter
CARTER, Enoch Preston b. Sept 19, 1845 ALA; d. May 3, 1920 Guymon Ok; m. 1887 Sarah Vessels, children Wm. F. Carter, Enoch P Carter, Paul Carter, Abner Carter, Mrs. Rea Gill, Mrs Mary Briar. He was a resident of Texas Co for 40 years. Please E-Mail twcarter@bayou.com with any info.
Gayla Adamson
Tue, 27 Oct 1998
Surnames: Bedford, Kennedy
Need a marriage verification: William Bedford m: Juanita Kennedy Oct,18,1919 Goodwell, Texas Co, OK
Bill Inmon
Wed, 21 Oct 1998
Surnames: Inmon, Reed, Tyler
Looking for my g-grandfather and g-grandmother, John Dolphus Inmon and Texanna (REED). May have lived in the Range area, (my parents and grandparents lived in Hardesty, Grand Valley areas.) Also any info on Benjamin Franklin TYLER's parents. His mother, Cynthia is buried in Range Cemetery, but have no idea about his father. He was married to Mary Francis Gaither. Would like to learn about his family. Reeds of interest in addition to Texanna (Annie?) are her parents, John B. Reed and Martha (Clayburn); Thomas B. Reed, who lived in the Range area as well, and are buried in Range Cemetery. John B. Reed and Thomas Bailey Reed.
Debi Tate
Sat, 31 Oct 1998
Posted by Debi Tate on Sat, 31 Oct 1998, in response to Looking for..., posted by Bill Inmon on Wed, 21 Oct 1998
Hello Bill,
I'm really slow in responding. However, I've emailed you a REED history from Volume 1. I hope you find the information helpful. I've tried scanning these stories, but it's awfully slow because the typeset isn't easily OCR'd. So, I've reverted back to manual entry. Slowly, I'll get to all the names. Please let all of us know if you find any helpful information in the REED history.
Carl Lundgren
Tue, 20 Oct 1998
Surnames: Cook, Stanley, Clarke James Harve and Eliza Cook lived in Texas County during the 1920's. Son's name Ray. Eliza had two sisters: Grace Stanley Hunt and Sarah Clarke who lived at 227 E. 10st, Olkahoma City in 1929. Looking for the cemetery in Texas County where the Cooks might be buried.
BROWN AND & FUNSTON, 1910-1910
Robert S. Brown
Sun, 04 Oct 1998
Searching for any record or leads concerning James David BROWN and the Rolla Earl FUNSTON family in the Guymon area of Texas County during the approximate period 1906-1910. Rolla Earl FUNSTON, wife Inez FUNSTON, and James David BROWN, brother of Inez FUNSTON, moved from Moultrie County, Illinois in 1906 and settled in the Guymon area of Texas County, Oklahoma. William FUNSTON, one of the FUNSTON couple's children, was born in Oklahoma, presumably Texas County, about 1908. James David BROWN removed from Guymon and settled in Minneola, Clark County, Kansas about 1909 and died there in 1915. Rolla and Inez FUNSTON and family had returned to Illinois by 1910. Any information concerning James BROWN and the FUNSTON family while in Oklahoma would be greatly appreciated. I had the 1915 published obituary of James D. BROWN. The obit describes the Oklahoma venture, and I would be pleased to pass the obituary on to any interested researcher or institution. Thank you.
Darlene Ames
Sat, 9 May 1998 20:15:38
I am searching for information on Lindsay Lee TAYLOR and his wife Susan STRODE. He died 27 Feb 1917 in Guyman. She died 1905, I am guessing in Guymon also. He was found living with his son, Elijah Taylor in the 1910 Soundex. These people are my husband's grandparents. Any help would be appreciated.
Linda Carter
Wed, 06 May 1998 22:51:32
Looking for information anyone might have on my grandfather and grandmother, Ernest and Bessie POER. They moved to Rice Oklahoma in Texas County from Young County in Texas around 1907. Some of their children were born in Rice OK. My grandmother died around 1918, but do not know if they were still in OK or if they were in Texas. Also where is Rice located in Texas County? Is it still in existence? Could not find it on the map. Thank you for your assistance. Linda Carter Rt 2 Box 417, Harlingen, Tx 78550
Jim Bramlett
Sun 29 Mar 1998
Has anyone done a survey of tombstone inscriptions in Texas County? Many members of my family lived in Texas County during the early part of this century (at least through 1921). Several male members of the family worked on the railroad that ran through Goodwell. I am almost positive that my great, great grandma Elizabeth Jane BRAMLETT and a great, great uncle John Henry BRAMLETT are buried somewhere in Texas County, probably in the vicinity of either Goodwell or Optima. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who has surveyed the county cemeteries or from anyone who knows if there is a county historian and/or genealogical society. -- Best Regards, Jim Bramlett 1111 East Ikard St. Henrietta, TX 76365 (940)538-4858
Lisa Brewer-Williams
Sun, 22 Mar 1998
My grandmother Ruth Delores HARPER was born in Texas County 19 August 1915. Her parents were Frank and Lilliam HARPER. I am looking for any other HARPERs from Texas Co. Thanks.
Debora K. Bush
Sun, 22 Mar 1998
I am researching the family of Julius Wilhelm BRUNE. He moved from Franklin County MO to Optima around 1906 as my gransfather Alfred Fredrick William BRUNE was born there in 1907. Julius was married to Maria Clara Katharine FREIE. Any help is appreciated.
Marty Keaney
Fri, 13 Mar 1998
My father, Avery S. KELLER, and his parents, Minor A. and Bertha KELLER, and his sisters lived in Optima around 1910-1913. They were part of the "Hooker Advance" and moved to Hooker around 1913-1915. My father graduated from Hooker High School. His parents operated a number of businesses in Hooker at that time. One of his sisters, Ruth, may have been born at that time. Any information is appreciated. Thanks.
Charles Jones
Fri, 27 Feb 1998
I would appreciate any information on James E. WALKER and Winnie GARRISON who were married in Texhoma on December 6, 1906. They later moved to Union Co. NM and onto Lubbock, TX. Thanks.
Tim Tamburrino
Fri, 20 Feb 1998
I am looking for information on and descendants of John and Sarah "Sallie" Ford HARMON. Sallie was born 25 Feb 1878. I do not have a time or place for her death. John and Sallie lived in Guymon. Their children were: Harold (married Ann ? and was a state policeman), Victor, Ruby, two other daughters, and another son. Victor had two daughters. Katha married ?? Allen and another who married a lawyer and had three children. Ruby married and had two sons and a daughter. Ruby's daughter had three children and lived in AZ. One of their daughters was ill with cancer according to a letter dated in 1975. I would like to know more about the family and contact some of the descendants.
Joe Kell
Tues, 10 Feb 1998
I am researching J. E. (Jasper) HICKMAN born 12 Mar 1833 in Fayette Co AL and died in Texas Co after 1910. I am interested in locating his burial place as well as exact date of death. Thanks.
Sondra Pershall Rush
Mon, 2 Feb 1998
I am researching my grandfather's family. His name was Clyde PERSHALL, Sr. He was born in Hooker 17 Jun 1908. He married to an M.A. Bean, who was married first to Clyde's brother Jacob. His father was Joseph Henry PERSHALL. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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