Texas County Cemeteries Union Center Cemetery Union Center is located 5 miles East of Adams, OK and 2 miles South. The cemetery was once known as Appleton Cemetery. A plaque was erected in 1989 at the entrance: "Eracted to the memory of Joe Eldridge (July 24, 1865-Novenber 11, 1945) the founder of this cemetery as a free burial ground for his relatives and friends." Plot 01: Regehr, Arthur d. abt 1921 (father of Rita Regher Crymes Crymes, Rita Regehr Koehler) May 11,1919 - July 20,1995 wife of Walton, daughter of Arthur Regehr Plot 02: Lowder, Clarence O. 1808-1826 Plot 03: Chaplin, William Kevin Sept.23,1952 - Nov.15,1968 Plot 04: Campbell, Amy Carolyn April 30, 1938 - Aug. 16, 1994 PLot 05: Stebens, Hershel N. PFC US Army WWII August 28,1914 - Sept. 13, 1982 Stebens, Vernie A. April 28, 1914 - January 13, 1993 Plot 07: Buxton, Charles Richard (son of Charles Hadden and Bertha) July 12, 1914 - Sept. 18, 1939 Buxton, Charles Hadden July 10, 1877 - March 21, 1949 (stone shows 1948) (father of Charles Richard brother of Jennie Buxton-Jennings) Plot 8: Price, Ira Elmer 1915 (son of David and Carrie Price) Price, Earlene Augusta Feb. 7, 1907 - Jan. 14, 1915 Plot 9: Calhoun, Linda Mae 1948-1948 (daughter of Lucretia and Roy) Calhoun, Ton Henry 1956-1956 (son of Lucretia and Roy) Calhoun, Lucretia 1912-1994 Plot 11: Johnston, David Ray Sept. 17, 1899 - Dec. 10, 1993 (husband of E. Irene) Johnston, Emma Irene Feb. 22, 1906 - May 15, 1978 wife of D. Ray, (maiden name)Jennings Johnston, Ethel Marie June 22, 1929 - June 25, 1929 (daughter of D. Ray and E. Irene) Plot 13: Houseman, (baby) Houseman, Laura L. April 6, 1882 - Feb. 8, 1921 (wife of Ben) Houseman, Ben F. Feb. 10, 1873 - Feb. 6, 1957 (husband of Laura) Plot 14: Houseman, Tom 1901 - 1979 (husband of Pansy, married - 6/1/1929) Houseman, Pansy 1911 - 1971 (wife of Tom) Plot 16: Jennings, Jerome Dec. 15, 1874 - Jan. 1960 Jennings, Jennie (maiden name Buxton wife of Jerome, sister of Charles Hadden Buxton) Jan. 15, 1876 - June 4, 1966 Plot 18: Alsdurf, Thurman A. 1897 - 1962 (husband of Hattie) Alsdurf, Hattie B. March 25, 1890 - Feb. 26, 1959 (wife of Thurman) Plot 19: Bowers, Johnnie J. Dec. 1, 1877 - March 31, 1921 Hhusband of Fannie) Bowers, Fannie June 12, 1884 - Sept. 14, 1975 (wife of Johnnie) Bowers, Bonnie (daughter of Mark and Thelma Houseman-Bowers) Bowers, Nancy E. August 12, 1916 - Sept. 2, 1918 (daughter of Johnnie and Fannie) Plot 20: Blaser, Jacob Fred May 29, 1884 - Dec29, 1969 (husband of Marie) Blaser, Marie "Nettie" Antionette Nov. 14, 1886 - Marach 22, 1956 (wife of Jacob, Maiden name - Reuszer) Plot 22: Stebens, Willard 1912 - 1946 Stebens, Myrl C. 1926 - 1947 Stebens, Levena L. 1886 - 1948 Stebens, Jacob W. 1884 - 1968 Stebens, Major M. 1908 - 1976 Plot 23: Campbell, John H. 1902 - 1980 husband of Evalee Campbell, Evalee 1923 - 1998 (wife of John) Plot 24: Page, Dixie L. 1920 - 1946 Plot 25: McGowan Curtis (51 Ill. Inf Co. C) Gilbert, Maude Emily March 27, 1864 - May 25, 1954 (wife of George, married June 20, 1888) Gilbert, George Stott April 13, 1858 - April 17, 1930 (husband of Barbara) Plot 26: Bentley, Elda Lee 1923 Miller, Vernon Monroe CO CPL #208 Infantry WWI Sept, 7, 1889 - June 18, 1957 (husband of Anna) Miller, Anna B. 1907 - 1971 Plot 27: Stebens, Fred F. 1886 - 1971 (husband of Jessie) Stebens, Jessie E. 1894 - 1978 (wife of Fred) Plot 28: McAdams, Eva Mae Oct. 14, 1941 - Jan. 1, 1942 (daughter of Matilda Briles and Benjamin McAdams) McAdams, Matilda 1920 - 1988 (wife of Benjamin, daughter of Lon and Elsie Briles) Plot 29: Jacobs, Jessie Dec. 12, 1878 - August 27, 1913 daughter in law of Mary & Charles (wife of Selah, maiden name, Wehmeier) Jacobs, Mary (Maria E.) Nov. 16, 1856 - August 3, 1927 (wife of Charles Henry, maiden name, Moheng) Jacobs, Charles Henry June 2, 1858 - Feb 15, 1926 (husband of Mary) Plot 30: Harness, Mamie Frances April 20, 1905 - August 21, 1995 Campbell, Frankie Jan. 27, 1914 - March 11, 1915 Campbell, Minnie 1874 - 1955 (wife of Edward) Campbell, Edward F. 1877 - 1953 (husband of Minnie) Plot 31: Atherton July 28, 1912 infant son to Eulah and Norah Atherton, Arlene August 23, 1916 - Nov. 8, 1919 (daughter of Eulah and Norah) Atherton, Dale July 9, 1930 - July 8, 1941 (son of Eulah and Norah) Atherton, Norah Lillian April 26, 1892 - Jan. 21, 1969 (wife of Eulah, maiden name, Schulze) Atherton, Eulah H. Sept. 27, 1888 - 1982 (husband of Norah) Plot 33: Atherton, Gary Lee Oct. 30, 1952 - Nov. 1, 1952 (son of Raymond, grandson of Eulah and Norah) Plot 34: Wilhoit, Oscar E. 1892 - 1970 (son of James and Sophia) Wilhoit, Sophia Martha 1864 - 1941 (wife of James) Wilhoit, James S. 1860-1947 (husband of Sophia) Plot 35: Bridenstine, David A. 1968-1968 (son of Larry and Ann, grandson of Vernis and Ida) Plot 37: Goss, John N. 1905 - May 1999 Plot 44: Bridenstine, Ida C. 1895-1996 (wife of Vernis) Bridenstine, Vernis A. 1890-1977 (husband of Ida) Plot 46: Grant, Arleta Fern Feb. 6, 1925 Eunice Grant Plot 48: Donnell, Carrie Matilda Jan. 10, 1883 - Sept. 6, 1976 (wife of Alva (sister of Elizabeth Schulze Marie Blaser, Fred and Henry Reuszer, Maiden name-Reuszer) Miller, Nellie Christina) Aug. 29, 1897 - Aug. 17, 1935 (daughter of Charles & Elizabeth Schulze) Schulze, Charles Edward Sept. 25, 1866 - 1951 (husband of Elizabeth) Schulze, Elizabeth "Lizzie" March 13, 1869 - Dec. 19, 1960 (wife of Charles, sister of Carrie Donnell maiden name - Reuszer) Plot 49: Eldredge, Bertha 1887 - 1910 Eldredge, Joseph 1865 - 1945 Eldredge, James T. 1869 - 1955 Plot 50: Wehmeier, Clarance "Tooter" Henry Aug. 12, 1908 - Nov. 26, 1983 (husband of June, married July 12, 1930 son of Maude and John) Wehmeier, June Audrey Dec. 13, 1911 - June 11, 1979 (wife of Clarance, married July 12, 1930 daughter of Charles Hadden Buxton) Plot 51: Briles, 1913 (infant daughter) Briles, Reverend Earl W. 1882 - 1945 Briles, Ella S. 1886 - 1961 Plot 52: Miller, Amelia M. Aug.12, 1850 - March 21, 1902 (wife of Abraham) Miller, Abraham March 3, 1852 - Oct. 4, 1913 (husband of Amelia) Briles, Forest Lee PFC US Army WWII Feb. 10, 1914 - April 8, 1986 (4th son of Lon and Elsie) Briles, Orville May 29, 1910 - Oct. 25, 1910 (2nd son of Lon and Elsie) Briles, Elsie A. 1892 - 1975 (wife of Lon) Briles, Lon 1885 - 1972 (husband of Elsie) Plot 53: Turner, Cora May March 1, 1889 - Dec. 21, 1983 (wife of Jesse Lee) Turner, Jesse Lee Oct. 23, 1887 - Feb. 3, 1966 (husband of Cora) Turner, Harold B. EM3 US Navy WWII Korea Oct. 16, 1925 - June 17, 1989 Turner, Jesse Floyd Jan. 17, 1917 - Feb, 16, 1918 Plot 54: Turner, George T. Jan. 21, 1852 - Jan 31, 1916 (husband of Florida, father of Horace, Ruby, Ross and Nellie, Lela Reuszer) Turner, Florida J. July 26, 1863 - Dec. 28, 1941 (wife of George, Mother of Horace, Ruby, Ross Nellie and Lela Reuszer) Turner, Horace E. April 3, 1886 - Oct. 15, 1956 husband of Irena, son of George and Florida) Turner, Ruby L. 1901 - 1918 (daughter of George and Florida) Plot 55: Williams, John P. Plot 56: Schulze, Alva Plot 57: Reuszer, Henry christian Aug. 17, 1889 - Jan. 18, 1980 (husband of Nellie) Reuszer, Nellie Grace Feb. 26, 1898 - Nov. 6, 1983 (wife of Henry, sister of Lela Reuszer, Ruby, Ross and Horace Turner, daughter of Florida Turner) Plot 75: Dorman, Charles F. 1910 - 1976 (husband of Dorothy, son of Miles and Ina) Dorman, Dorothy D. 1913 - 1988 (wife of Charles) Dorman, Miles E. Dec. 26, 1938 (husband of Ina) DeHart, Ina Mae 1881 - 19975 (wife of Miles, daughter of Asa and Mina DeHart) DeHart, Asa Clarence 1859-1949 (husband of Mina) DeHart, Mina Belle 1858 - 1935 (daughter of Asa and Mina DeHart) DeHart, Mina Belle 1858 - 1935 (daughter of Asa) Plot 77: Miller, Georgia "Gerrie" G. Oct. 7, 1918 - May 17, 1978 (grand daughter of G. Ross and Ruth) Turner, G. Ross June 5, 1893 - Feb. 20, 1973 (husband of Ruth, married May 20, 1920) Turner, Ruth May 22, 1893 - Dec. 21. 1991 (wife of Ross, married May 20, 1920) Fisher, Erlene (twin to Fred) Fisher, Fred (twin to Erlene) Reuszer, Frederick "Fred" Bernhardt April 12, 1884 - April 22, 1969 (husband of Lela, brother of Henry Reuszer, Carrie Schulze and Marie Blaser) Reuszer, Lela Agnes Aug. 14, 1899 - May 7, 1986 (wife of Fred, sister of Nellie Reuszer, Ruby, Ross and Horace Turner, daughter of George and Florida Turner) Plot 78: Apple, (baby) Plot 79: Humphreys, Jr. Humphreys, (baby, abt. 1900 or earlier, first to be buried in this cemetery) Thompson, Plot 80: Tanner, Leslie Plot 81, Briles, Lauva E. April 3, 1918 - Sept. 5, 1997 (wife of Clyde) Clyde E. Feb. 3, 1912 - Dec. 12, 1993 (husband of Lauva) Plot 82: Wilkins, Bonnie K. 1920 - 1973 (wife of Chester) Wilkins, chester William 1902 - 1073 (husband of Bonnie) Plot 84: Kammerzell, Harry L. PFC US Army WWII 1906 - 1987 Kammerzell, Rosie 1887 - 1964 Kammerzell, Charley 1914 - 1934 Kammerzell, Otto (baby, 1920's) Kammerzell, J.F. 1912 - 1997 Plot 86: Gorden, Bonnie L. 1936 - 1988 (wife of Randy, daughter of Fred and Venice) Gorden, Randy Gene 1961 - 1996 Kammerzell, Venice M. 1910 - 1979 (wife of Fred) Kammerzell, Fred L. 1909 - 1980 (husband of Venice) Kammerzell, Royal E. TX PFC HQ & HQ BTRY, 49 Armd Div Arty Plot 87: Clancy, Thomas 1924 - 1990 Plot 102: Beal, Houston Feb. 14, 1836 - Jan 31, 1909 Plot 103: Logston (baby) Plot 104: Wehmeier, Lida May 1906 (daughter of Maud & John) Weihmeier,(our darling boy, 1907) (son of Maud & John) Wehmeier, Maud 1878 - 1928 (wife of John, mother of Clarance) Wehmeier, John H. 1876 - 1939 (husband of Maud, father of Clarance) |