Texas County Census Records

Source: Ancestry.com

1930 United States Federal Census - Texas County, OK

Hooker Township



Source Information:
Ancestry.com. 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2002. Original data: USA, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls.

Containing records for approximately 123 million Americans, the 1930 United States Federal Census is the largest census released to date and is the most recent census available for public access. The census gives us a glimpse into the lives of Americans in 1930, and contains information about a household’s family members and occupants including: birthplaces, occupations, immigration, citizenship, and military service.


Name - Parent/Spouse - Home in 1930 - BirthDate - Birthplace - Race - Relation

Ellis L Fallont Cllio J, Evaline J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1927 Son

Marjory B Fallont Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Ohio Niece

Marguerit Fant Dan W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 Wife

Dan W Fant Marguerit Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 Arkansas Head

Marvin Fast John F, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 Son

John F Fast Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 Kansas Head

Minnie Fast John F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Wife

Paul D Fast John F, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1929 Son

Otto Fast John F, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 Son

Norbert Fast John F, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1923 Son

Lucile Fast John F, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 Daughter

John Fast John F, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1922 Son

Harold V Fast Abraham F, Sara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Son

Abraham F Fast Sara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 Kansas Head

Ruth M Fast Abraham F, Sara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1924 Daughter

Keneth R Fast Abraham F, Sara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1922 Son

Sara Fast Abraham F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Wife

Clarence A Fast Abraham F, Sara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 Son

Leonard Faust Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 Son

Ida M Faust Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Illinois Head

Julia Feil Gotfried, Thersa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1922 Daughter

Thersa Feil Gotfried Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Wife

Gotfried Feil Thersa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 Russia Head

Harry Feil Gotfried, Thersa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Son

Laura Feil Gotfried, Thersa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 Daughter

Olinda Feil Gotfried, Thersa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 Daughter

Marlin Feil Gotfried, Thersa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1926 Son

Clifford W Ferguson Helen W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Iowa Head

Clifford Ferguson Clifford W, Helen W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925 Son

Helen W Ferguson Bertha, Clifford W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 Wife

Joan Ferguson Clifford W, Helen W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1927 Daughter

Jenneilen Ferguson Clifford W, Helen W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925 Daughter

Roy C Ferk Minnie V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Iowa Head

Roberta V Ferk Roy C, Minnie V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1921 Daughter

Minnie V Ferk Roy C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 Wife

Bernard Fesenborg Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1847 Germany Head

Joe Fesenborg Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 Nephew

Norest O Fessler Nony L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Tennessee Head

Nony L Fessler Norest O Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Wife

Maxine M Fessler Norest O, Nony L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 Daughter

George E Fessler Emma V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 Indiana Head

Bonnie L Fessler George E, Emma V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1921 Daughter

Wita K Fessler George E, Emma V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 Daughter

Vida V Fessler George E, Emma V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 Daughter

Emma V Fessler George E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Wife

John W Foglesong William E, Amanda M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925 Son

William E Foglesong Amanda M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Oklahoma Head

Amanda M Foglesong William E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Wife

Opal M Foglesong William E, Amanda M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 Daughter

J E Foglesong Ira Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Kansas Head

Ira Foglesong J E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 Wife

Ana Lee Foglesong J E, Ira Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925 Daughter

John F Foglesong Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 West Virginia Head

Emma B Foglesong John F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 Wife

Janes J Foglesong John F, Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Son

Son M Fooshee Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Indiana Roomer

Mary E Forty Janes M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 Wife

Janes M Forty Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 Illinois Head

Violet J Fouty Lester J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Wife

Lester J Fouty Violet J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Illinois Head

Tona R Fouty Lester J, Violet J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1924 Daughter

Glenn A Fouty Lester J, Violet J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1921 Son

Charles A Fowler Fern E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1927 Son

Fern E Fowler Lewis D, Marie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 Kansas Daughter

Forest C Francuer Forest C, Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925 Son

Hope M Francuer Forest C, Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 Daughter

Forest C Francuer Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Nebraska Head

Clara M Francuer Forest C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Wife

Jennie E Francuer Forest C, Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 Daughter

William G Francuer Forest C, Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1923 Son

Donald Freeman Robert, Ivy N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 Son

Robert Freeman Ivy N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Kansas Head

Ivy N Freeman Robert Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 Wife

Elam Friesen Dick B, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1928 Son

Eva Friesen Dick B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 Wife

Dick B Friesen Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 Kansas Head

Fred J Fritzler Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Son

Lydia Fritzler Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Daughter

Fred Fritzler Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 Russia Head

George Fritzler Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 Son

Mildred E Froelich William W, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 Daughter

William W Froelich Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Pennsylvania Head

Jane Froelich William W, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 Daughter

Mary E Froelich William W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Wife

Martha E Froelich William W, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1928 Daughter

Daniel P Froelich William W, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1926 Son

Esther R Froelich William W, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 Daughter

Mary M Froelich William W, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1924 Daughter

William Froelich William W, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1922 Son

Theadore M Fulton Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 Oklahoma Roomer


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Texas County Coordinator.

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