Texas County Census Records
Source: Ancestry.com
1930 United States
Federal Census - Texas County, OK
Hooker Township
Source Information:
Ancestry.com. 1930 United States Federal Census [database
on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.,
2002. Original data: USA, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth
Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.:
National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626,
2,667 rolls.
Containing records for approximately 123 million
Americans, the 1930 United States Federal Census is the
largest census released to date and is the most recent
census available for public access. The census gives us a
glimpse into the lives of Americans in 1930, and contains
information about a households family members and
occupants including: birthplaces, occupations,
immigration, citizenship, and military service.
Name - Parent/Spouse - Home in 1930 -
BirthDate - Birthplace - Race - Relation
Manscht Cambbel Soueland Hooker,
Texas, OK abt 1878 Wife
Soueland Cambbel Manscht Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 New
Mexico Head
Garland C Canpbell Lletlie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901
Georgia Head
Bellye J Canpbell Garland C, Lletlie L Hooker, Texas, OK
abt 1928 Daughter
Lletlie L Canpbell Garland C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898
Albert L Canter Alice A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 Son
Pearl Canter Alice A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 Colorado
Carl Carstons Dora A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Germany
Edwin K Carstons Carl, Dora A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1926
Dora A Carstons Carl Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Wife
Irene C Carstons Carl, Dora A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1923
Herman G Carstons Carl, Dora A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1922
Ethel E Carter Wm B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Wife
Wm B Carter Ethel E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Tennessee
Anna Lee C Cambero Levi B, Anna M Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1928 Daughter
Anna M C Cambero Levi B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 Wife
Levi B C Cambero Anna M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Texas
Bertha M C Cambero Levi B, Anna M Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1926 Daughter
Azoid D Chagerga Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Illinois
Frank L Chambers Richard, Rose O Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1921 Missouri Son
Maranda Chambers Alice B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 Texas
Alice B Chambers Maranda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Wife
Reva B Childa Beagl E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 Wife
Beagl E Childa Reva B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Russia
Roy Chire Lorena L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 Virginia
Kenneth C Chire Roy, Lorena L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1921
Lorena L Chire Roy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 Wife
Manio L Chire Roy, Lorena L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919
Joanna M Chittenden Charles E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859
Charles E Chittenden Joanna M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1855
Illinois Head
Genevieve Chrimleigh Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 Nebraska
Clara L Chrispens Jake F, Alvina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1915 Daughter
Dolores M Chrispens Jake F, Alvina R Hooker, Texas, OK
abt 1925 Daughter
Jake F Chrispens Alvina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882
Kansas Head
Jake J Chrispens Jake F, Alvina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1910 Son
Demont Chrispens Jake F, Alvina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1928 Son
Maxine M Chrispens Jake F, Alvina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1920 Daughter
Alvina R Chrispens Jake F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Wife
Fred W Chrispens Jake F, Alvina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1908 Son
Fred W Chrispeus Gladys M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907
Oklahoma Head
Gladys M Chrispeus Fred W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 Wife
Anna Clark Earl B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Wife
Raye C Clark Earl B, Anna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911
Earl B Clark Anna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 Indiana Head
Frank S Clark Bebecca A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873
Illinois Head
Jess C Clark Frank S, Bebecca A Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1908 Son
Herld J Clark Frank S, Bebecca A Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1910 Son
Bebecca A Clark Frank S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 Wife
Comer Clark Robert H, Kirby M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915
Robert H Clark Kirby M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885
Tennessee Head
Kirby M Clark Robert H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Wife
Clarence Cline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas Roomer
Oren Ray Cline Forrest, Amy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925
Lois Cline Forrest, Amy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1924
Amy Cline Forrest Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Wife
Forrest Cline Amy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas Head
Orval Cline Forrest, Amy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1923 Son
Forrest Cline Forrest, Amy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1921 Son
Ralph W Clutter Alougo M, Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1916 Son
Grace N Clutter Alougo M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 Wife
Myrtle M Clutter Alougo M, Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1914 Daughter
Alougo M Clutter Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889
Kansas Head
Lou Larkin Clutter Alougo M, Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK
abt 1922 Son
John C Clutter Alougo M, Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1925 Son
Cewrela Clvie B F, Nora, Gene W Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1909 Daughter
Gene W Clvie Cewrela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 Texas
Orval C Cockey Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Kansas
Helen Cockey Orval C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 Wife
Alice Cocko Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1848 Kentucky
Murriel Collier Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 Missouri
Mable Collier Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 Sister-in-law
Annie J Colvert Janes F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Wife
Janes F Colvert Annie J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898
Oklahoma Head
Lura Jean Colvert Janes F, Annie J Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1918 Daughter
James E Compton Cora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 Oklahoma
Dean E Compton James E, Cora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1926
Cora Compton James E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 Wife
Glenna M Cooper Charles, Marie E Hooker, Texas, OK
Marie E Cooper Charles Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 Wife
Charles Cooper Marie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 Kansas
Harold G Corales Charles H, Clara A Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1913 Son
Charles H Corales Clara A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881
Nebraska Head
Clara A Corales Charles H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Wife
Cleo G Corales Charles H, Clara A Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1920 Son
Cara B Corales Charles H, Clara A Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1922 Daughter
Wilbur L Corales Charles H, Clara A Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1924 Son
Dare R Cornelson Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Kansas
Helen Cornelson Dare R, Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1923
Clarence Cornelson Dare R, Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1919 Son
Marvin Cornelson Dare R, Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920
Helen Cornelson Dare R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 Wife
Harry Cornelson Dare R, Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917
Mildred Cornelson Dare R, Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1928 Daughter
James Cornold Milburn, Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1927
Blanche Cornold Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 Mother
Jennie Cornold Milburn Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 Wife
Milburn Cornold Blanche, Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1901 Kansas Head
Nilla Covington Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas
James W Cox Clara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Illinois
Clara Cox James W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 Wife
Cloyce Cox James W, Clara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 Son
Florence Cox James W, Clara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920
Robert L Cox James W, Clara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1924
Mary Jane Cox James W, Clara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919
Flora Cox James W, Clara Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1921
Ruby Cramer Bert, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916
Even Cramer Bert, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 Son
Bert Cramer Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 Missouri
Ora Cramer Bert, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920
Edgar Cramer Bert, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925 Son
Flora Cramer Bert Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 Wife
Rosie Cramer Bert, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1922
Caroline Crispens Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1842 Germany
Fred Crispens Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1850 Germany Head
Carl W Crites Adelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Missouri
Raymond H Crites Carl W, Adelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt
1926 Son
Adelia Crites Carl W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Wife
Elbert W Crites Carl W, Adelia Hooker, Texas, OK Son
Dorthy L Crites Carl W, Adelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1925
Donald D Croy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 Kansas Roomer
Glenn H Cunningham Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Tennessee
Mary A Curby Zeb, Hilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1926
Millard Curby Zeb, Hilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 Son
Hilda Curby Zeb Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Wife
Zeb Curby Hilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Tennessee Head
David Curtis Bess F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 Iowa Head
Bess F Curtis David Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 Wife
Arel A Curtis Flavie A, Jema Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920
Jema Curtis Flavie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 Wife
Flavie A Curtis Jema Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 Missouri
Isla A Curtis Flavie A, Jema Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1928
John Curtis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 Iowa Head
William Curtis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 Iowa Head
Lowell N Custin Agness N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 Texas
Agness N Custin Lowell N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 Wife
Patricia A Custin Lowell N, Agness N Hooker, Texas, OK
abt 1929 Daughter
If you
have additional information for this page,
please contact the Texas County Coordinator.
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