Texas County Census Records

Source: Ancestry.com

1920 United States Federal Census - Texas County, OK

Hooker Township


Source Information:
Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA - http://www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-catalogs/census/1920/part-07.html
Note: Enumeration Districts 819-839 on roll 323 (Chicago City. Original data: USA, Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1920. T625, 2,076 rolls.

This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1920 United States Federal Census, the Fourteenth Census of the United States. It includes all states and territories, as well as Military and Naval Forces, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the Panama Canal Zone. The census provides many details about individuals and families including: name, gender, age, birthplace, year of immigration, mother tongue, and parents’ birthplaces.


Name - Parent/Spouse - Home in 1920 - BirthDate - Birthplace - Race - Relation

C D Smith Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 Texas White Head
Elizabeth Smith C D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 IN White Wife
Ferdynand Smith C D, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 NM White Son

G M Shives Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS White Head
Minnie Shives G M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 Iowa White Wife
Leonard Shives G M, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Son
Wilber Shives G M, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 KS White Son
Wilna Shives G M, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Dhtr
Mary Shives G M, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Dhtr
Mildred Shives G M, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Dhtr
Clee Shives G M, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Dhtr
Francis Shives G M, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 KS White Dhtr

E R Wisby Cecelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Cecelia Wisby E R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Wife
Myrtle Wisby E R, Cecelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Dhtr
Wiley Wisby E R, Cecelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KS White Son
Dale Wisby E R, Cecelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son
Wayne Wisby E R, Cecelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

A M Norton Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 KY White Head
Mary Norton A M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 KY White Wife

C Curtis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 Iowa White Head

G A Collar Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Germany White Head
Alice Collar G A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Dhtr
C C Collar G A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 TN White Son

J Autio Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 Iowa White Head

Thomas Bolls Lucinda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1840 Ohio White Head
Lucinda Bolls Thomas Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1850 IN White Wife
O H Bolls Thomas, Lucinda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 KS White Son

S Callins May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 IL White Head
May Callins S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Wife
Eva Pearl Callins S, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK White Dhtr
Arthur Frank Callins S, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 Oregon White Son
Albert F Callins S, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Son
Gladys May Callins S, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Dhtr
Elin Roy Callins S, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Opal Hannah Callins S, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Leroy Callins S, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

Joseph Hampsten Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 IL White Head
Ada Hampsten Joseph Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 KS White Wife
Mary Hampsten Joseph, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Dhtr
Phillip Hampsten Joseph, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Son
Joseph Hampsten Joseph, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Son
James Hampsten Joseph, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Son
Alice Hampsten Joseph, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr

L Z Croft Fannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Iowa White Head
Fannie Croft L Z Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Wife
Velma Croft L Z, Fannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Dhtr

W B Sloan Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 KY White Head
Matilda Sloan W B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KY White Wife
Maggie Sloan W B, Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KY White Dhtr
Mabelle Sloan W B, Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 KY White Dhtr
Mattie Sloan W B, Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Winnie Sloan W B, Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Ceil Sloan W B, Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Hershel Sloan W B, Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

R Murphy Agnes Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 KY White Head
Agnes Murphy R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KY White Wife
Robert Murphy R, Agnes Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Son
George Murphy R, Agnes Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Nicy Murphy R, Agnes Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Ray Murphy R, Agnes Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son

Haley W Wood Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Ohio White Head
Ada Wood Haley W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KY White Wife
Robert Wood Haley W, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son
Blanche Wood Haley W, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Dhtr
Raymond Wood Haley W, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

C M Rosse Gerturde Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Head
Gerturde Reese C M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas White Wife
Marrie Reese C M, Gerturde Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Horace Reese C M, Gerturde Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Peter Bolze Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 KS White Head
Mary Bolze Peter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 KS White Wife
Aleda Bolze Peter, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 CA White Dhtr
Waldo Bolze Peter, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son

W Roth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 Switzerland White Head

Fred Rath Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Switzerland White Head

T J Rist Leila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 WI White Head
Leila Rist T J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 AR White Wife
Pet Alton Rist T J, Leila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas White Dhtr
Cullen T Rist T J, Leila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
J D Rist T J, Leila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Elmer Rist T J, Leila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son
Doland Rist T J, Leila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

J H W Shanks Lottie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 Germany White Head
Lottie Shanks J H W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 Sweden White Wife

L C Matthews Wanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Wanda Matthews L C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas White Wife
Glen Matthews L C, Wanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Harald Matthews L C, Wanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

W H Curts Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 Iowa White Head

Matilda E Stern Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1852 IL White Head
Charles Stern Matilda E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Iowa White Son

C W Dusseau Mary J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 IL White Head
Mary J Dusseau C W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 KS White Wife
Faye Remling C W, Mary J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Dhtr
Raymond Remling Faye Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Grandson

F P Secust Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 IL White Head

W W Mandes Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Jennie Mandes W W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 CO White Wife
Loyd Mandes W W, Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Irene McArdle W W, Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Dhtr
Helen McArdle W W, Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Ruth McArdle W W, Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 KS White Dhtr

T M Grace Nannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1852 TN White Head
Nannie Grace T M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 TN White Wife
Ezra W Grace T M, Nannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 AR White Son

H C McBee Ella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 MO White Head
Ella McBee H C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 MO White Wife
Georgie McBee H C, Ella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 MO White Son
John McBee H C, Ella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 MO White Son
Guy McBee H C, Ella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Son
Mary McBee H C, Ella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr
Ethel McBee H C, Ella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Dhtr
Lewis McBee H C, Ella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son

John Bleuer May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 Switzerland White Head
May Bleuer John Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 Germany White Wife
John Henry Bleuer John, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 OK White Son
Emelia Bleuer John, May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Dhtr
Ben Bleuer Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1847 Switzerland White Brother

R B Hoopes F A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 PA White Head
F A Hoopes R B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 MO White Wife
Alice Hoopes R B, F A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr

C O Remling Edna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 MO White Head
Edna Remling C O Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Wife
Wayne Remling C O, Edna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Clare Vincent Lois Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 TN White Head
Lois Vincent Clare Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 TN White Wife
Gandy M Vincent Clare, Lois Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Frank Matlock Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 TN White Cousin

J A Witt Harriett Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 IL White Head
Harriett Witt J A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 KS White Wife
Carrie Belle Witt J A, Harriett Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 MO White Dhtr
Ella Witt J A, Harriett Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Dhtr
Forrest Witt J A, Harriett Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
J H Witt J A, Harriett Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KS White Son
Lucille Witt J A, Harriett Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS White Dhtr

C L Witt Edna Alice Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Head
Edna Alice Witt C L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Wife
Orville J Witt C L, Edna Alice Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 CO White Son

C E Mitchell Nellie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Head
Nellie Mitchell C E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 TN White Wife
Linna Jena Mitchell C E, Nellie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KS White Dhtr

W H Teel Tela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 MO White Head
Tela Teel W H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 MO White Wife
Esther Teel W H, Tela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 MO White Dhtr
Glen Teel W H, Tela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 MO White Son
Jaunita Teel W H, Tela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 CO White Dhtr
Earl Teel W H, Tela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son

Charles Ruggles Florence E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1853 MI White Head
Florence E Ruggles Charles Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 England White Wife
E W Ruggles Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 MI White Brother

S V Mores Bessie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 TN White Head
Bessie E Mores S V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 KY White Wife
George Mores S V, Bessie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 KY White Son
Carl Mores S V, Bessie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son
I H Niell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KY White Nephew

W A Bowen Osie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 IL White Head
Osie A Bowen W A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 IN White Wife
Myrna Bowen W A, Osie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 IL White Dhtr
Sarah Helen Bowen W A, Osie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 IL White Dhtr
Mary Bowen W A, Osie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 IL White Dhtr

E W Reetz Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 PA White Head
Bessie Reetz E W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Ohio White Wife

G M Raimer Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 TN White Head
Lena Raimer G M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 TN White Wife
Dayton Raimer G M, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 TN White Son
Clarence Raimer G M, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 TN White Son
Elizabeth Raimer G M, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 TN White Dhtr
Flora May Raimer G M, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
George Raimer G M, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son
Paul Raimer G M, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 AL White Son

D A Pittma Rose Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 MO White Head
Rose Pittma D A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 MO White Wife
V E Pittma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 MO White Brother
Francis Pittma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Iowa White Sister-in-law
Arnold Pittma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Nephew
Raymond Pittma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Nephew
Robert V Pittma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 SD White Nephew

C E Martz Hila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 IN White Head
Hila Martz C E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Ohio White Wife
Cora Martz C E, Hila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 IN White Dhtr
Wilson Martz C E, Hila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 IN White Son
Paul Martz C E, Hila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 IN White Son
Roy Martz C E, Hila Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 IN White Son

J W Eaton Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 IN White Head
Enna Matilda Eaton J W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 KS White Wife
Made Eaton J W, Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 IN White Son
Ola Eaton J W, Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 KS White Son
Donald Eaton J W, Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Ruby Eaton J W, Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Son
Denton Eaton J W, Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Son
James Eaton J W, Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Talitha Eaton J W, Enna Matilda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 OK White Dhtr
Ernest Barns Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Maryland White Boarder

Ralph Mitchell Mabel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Mabel Mitchell Ralph Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 OK White Wife
Jesse Mitchell Ralph, Mabel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
George Mitchell Ralph, Mabel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

S S Jones Avanah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 TN White Head
Avanah Jones S S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 TN White Wife
John Jones S S, Avanah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Son
Floyd Jones S S, Avanah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Son
Orville Jones S S, Avanah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Son
I R Howell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 TN White Cousin
Shelie Howell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 TN White Cousin

Fannie Hull Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1842 PA White Head
Jennie Hull Fannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 Ohio White Dhtr
Mary Hull Fannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 PA White Dhtr

W P Morris Serephina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 MO White Head
Serephina R Morris W P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Wife
Irene Morris W P, Serephina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Edna May Morris W P, Serephina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 CA White Dhtr
William Morris W P, Serephina R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 CA White Son

Will Pace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 MO White Head
Paul Pace Will Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 Texas White Son
Perm Pace Will Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 Texas White Son

A C Hoobler Essie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 MO White Head
Essie Hoobler A C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 IL White Wife
Aiden Hoobler A C, Essie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

J R Hoobler Malissa T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1853 Ohio White Head
Malissa T Hoobler J R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 MO White Wife
Ana Hoobler J R, Malissa T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 MO White Dhtr

I Duncan Ruth B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 TN White Head
Ruth B Duncan I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 MO White Wife
Deloris Dare Duncan I, Ruth B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr

G A Pray Alta Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 NY White Head
Alta Pray G A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 MI White Wife
Clifton Thurman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Grandson

C V Taylor Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas White Head
Maude Taylor C V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 IN White Wife
Andrey Taylor C V, Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

Jacob Ehrhardt Rachel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 Russia White Head
Rachel Ehrhardt Jacob Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife
Lucille Ehrhardt Jacob, Rachel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Opal Ehrhardt Jacob, Rachel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

P W Davis Dorman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Dorman Davis P W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Wife
Eugene Davis P W, Dorman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

M Henderson Mabel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 MO White Head
Mabel Henderson M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 MO White Wife
Mal Henderson M, Mabel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Dhtr

A T Sandusky Ethel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Ethel Sandusky A T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Ohio White Wife
Harland Sandusky A T, Ethel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

J L Welch Ruth M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Texas White Head
Ruth M Welch J L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Iowa White Wife
Howard Welch J L, Ruth M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 CO White Son
Zella Welch J L, Ruth M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Minnie Lee Welch J L, Ruth M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

N E Tarrant Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1848 IL White Head
Mary Tarrant N E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 MO White Wife

W E Foglesong Amanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 OK White Head
Amanda Foglesong W E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 GA White Wife
Opal Foglesong W E, Amanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Velma Foglesong W E, Amanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Delma Foglesong W E, Amanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

August Lopa Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 MO White Head
Carrie Lopa August Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 KS White Wife
Helen Lopa August, Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 KS White Dhtr
Rome Davis Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Stepson
Victor Davis Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK White Stepson
Charlie Davis Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Stepson
Eugene Davis Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Stepson

Mel M Toroner Ola M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 IL White Head
Ola M Toroner Mel M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 NE White Wife
Floyd Toroner Mel M, Ola M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 MO White Son

J H Hancock Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1852 IN White Head

Ona Tarrant Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Head
Minnie Tarrant Ona Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 PA White Wife
Maxine Tarrant Ona, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Virgie Tarrant Ona, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Goy Tarrant Ona, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

A Buzzard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 MI White Head

A L Clutter Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Head
Bessie Clutter A L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 MO White Wife
Elmer Clutter A L, Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Duane Clutter A L, Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Utah White Son

W W Tantlinger Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 Iowa White Head
Frank Loveland Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Partner
Pearl Loveland Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Partner
Albert Loveland Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 MO White Partner

Walter Duncan Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 TN White Head
Maude Duncan Walter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 MO White Wife
Reba Duncan Walter, Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Eston Duncan Walter, Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
Verta Duncan Walter, Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Bedford Duncan Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 TN White Brother

J S Wiegel Laonie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 PA White Head
Laonie Wiegel J S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 IL White Wife
Walter Wiegel J S, Laonie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Son
Caroline Tatro Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Niece

L T Leners M J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1849 IL White Head
M J Leners L T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 KY White Wife
Mary Leners L T, M J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KY White Dhtr
Z T Tucker M J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KY White Stepson

George Niedens Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1853 Russia White Head
Mary Niedens George Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1855 Russia White Wife

Fred Becker Christina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Russia White Head
Christina Becker Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Russia White Wife
Ruben Becker Fred, Christina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Son
Ella Becker Fred, Christina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Dhtr
Athene Becker Fred, Christina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr
Evelyn Becker Fred, Christina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 Russia White Dhtr
Helen Becker Fred, Christina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 KS White Dhtr

E Hershey Mabel S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 IL White Head
Mabel S Hershey E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 MO White Wife
Helen Hershey E, Mabel S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Hazel Hershey E, Mabel S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Elders Hershey E, Mabel S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
Nellie Hershey E, Mabel S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Roy Hershey E, Mabel S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Ralph Hershey E, Mabel S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

G D Bahr Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 PA White Head

Anton Gavmek Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 Bohemia White Head
Julia Gavmek Anton Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 Bohemia White Wife
Mary B Gavmek Anton, Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Dhtr
Julia Gavmek Anton, Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Lila Gavmek Anton, Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Francis Gavmek Anton, Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Richard L Lebeck Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas White Stepson
Joseph Lebeck Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS White Stepson
Antonin Lebeck Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Stepson

C Spady Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 Russia White Head
Eva Spady C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 Russia White Wife
Wilbert Spady C, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Son
Bertha Spady C, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Dhtr

F W Herne Dora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 KS White Head
Dora Herne F W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Wife
Leonard Herne F W, Dora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son
Pauline Herne F W, Dora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 IL White Son
Rolland Herne F W, Dora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son
Dermith Cook Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 NE White Boarder

Owen Baker Myrtle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 IN White Head
Myrtle Baker Owen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 OK White Wife
Jauneta Baker Owen, Myrtle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr

J W Lovewell Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 MO White Head
Lucy Lovewell J W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 Ohio White Wife
C D Lovewell J W, Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Son
Florence Lovewell J W, Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Dhtr
Mildred Lovewell J W, Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Merle Lovewell J W, Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Dhtr
Oleta Lovewell J W, Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Ruby Lovewell J W, Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Cecil Lovewell J W, Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

C M Shan Mary F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 MO White Head
Mary F Shan C M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 MO White Wife
Lola Burno C M, Mary F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 MO White Dhtr
C G Countryman Lola Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Grandson

J M Oleary Maud C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 IL White Head
Maud C Oleary J M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 MO White Wife
Howard Oleary J M, Maud C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Son
Flora Oleary J M, Maud C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Clorance Oleary J M, Maud C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

J S Wallace F E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 IN White Head
F E Wallace J S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 Ohio White Wife
Garnet Wallace J S, F E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS White Dhtr
Maude Wallace J S, F E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Charlie Wallace J S, F E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son

E P Royse Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Head
Hugh Royse E P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 KS White Son
Lois Royse E P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 KS White Dhtr
Edith Royse E P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KS White Dhtr
George Royse E P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Daviell Royse E P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Anna Small Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Sister
Harry Herod Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KY White Boarder

Henry Hoobler Effie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 MO White Head
Effie Hoobler Henry Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 AR White Wife

C L Pitts Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 MO White Head
Ellie Pitts C L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 MO White Dhtr
Myrtle Pitts C L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Dhtr
Grace Pitts C L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Dhtr

F M Bower Malvina A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 IL White Head
Malvina A Bower F M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 IL White Wife
H A Bower F M, Malvina A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 IL White Son

D C Hampsten Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 KS White Head
Bertha Hampsten D C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 IL White Wife
Roy Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 IL White Son
Cecil Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 IL White Son
Tella Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 IL White Dhtr
Sadie Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 IL White Dhtr
Bessie Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Dhtr
Floyd Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Lester Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
Otis Hampsten D C, Bertha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Harry Hampsten Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 IL White Nephew

E G Bell Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 IL White Head
Bessie Bell E G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 IL White Wife
Loma Bell E G, Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 IL White Son
Carl Bell E G, Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 IL White Son
Charles Fouty Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 IL White Brother-in-law

E M Olney F M, R M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 MO White Head
R M Olney E M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 PA White Wife
F M Olney Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 IL White Father

R D Dispennett Mattie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 IL White Head
Mattie L Dispennett R D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 IL White Wife

C C Spady Esnertine Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Head
Esnertine Spady C C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 SD White Wife

E J Broth Josie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 OK White Head
Josie Broth E J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 MO White Wife

W C Barley Katy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 OK White Head
Katy Barley W C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Wife
Ernest Barley W C, Katy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
Mary Lee Barley W C, Katy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr

P Y Henize Roy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 KS White Head
Roy Henize P Y Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 SD White Wife
Laverna Henize P Y, Roy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
Mildred Henize P Y, Roy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Bennie Henize P Y, Roy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Adolph Walter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 MO White Partner
Fred Heinze Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 Russia White Cousin

Guy Daniels J M, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 PA White Head
Eva Daniels Guy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Iowa White Wife
Eunice Daniels Guy, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Hazel Daniels Guy, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Laverne Daniels Guy, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
J M Daniels Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1848 PA White Father

F B Lasswell Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 MO White Head
Maude Lasswell F B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Wife
Elmer Lasswell F B, Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Son
Glen Lasswell F B, Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
John Lasswell F B, Maude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

E G Tracy Freda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 NE White Head
Freda Tracy E G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife

A H Nelson Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1852 West VA White Head
Carrie Nelson A H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Iowa White Wife
May Carter Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Stepdhtr

N D Schnell Daniel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Russia White Head
Daniel Schnell N D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Russia White Wife
Joseph Schnell N D, Daniel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Son
Josephine Schnell N D, Daniel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Dhtr
Anna Belle Schnell N D, Daniel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
George Schnell N D, Daniel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
David Schnell N D, Daniel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

G C Albright Coyle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 NE White Head
Coyle Albright G C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Iowa White Wife

J B Lollar Myron Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 TN White Head
Myron Lollar J B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Wife
Wayne Lollar J B, Myron Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

James Fouty Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 IL White Head
Mary Fouty James Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 IL White Wife
Fannie Fouty James, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 IL White Dhtr

Lorenz Woveller Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 Germany White Head

J E Booth Gussie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 VA White Head
Gussie M Booth J E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 MO White Wife
J C Booth J E, Gussie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO White Son
Giles Booth J E, Gussie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 MO White Son

F A Weishaar Ruth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KS White Head
Ruth Weishaar F A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Wife
Charline Weishaar F A, Ruth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 NE White Dhtr
Evelyn Weishaar F A, Ruth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 CA White Dhtr
H H Weishaar Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 KS White Brother
C A Weishaar Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Brother
John P Hanson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 Denmark White Lodger

John Prine Charity Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1855 Ohio White Head
Charity Prine John Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 Ohio White Wife
Waldy Prine John, Charity Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Son

L W Schaapvell Allen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Iowa White Head
Allen Schaapvell L W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Ohio White Wife
Lucille Schaapvell L W, Allen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Agnes Schaapvell L W, Allen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Fayetta Schaapvell L W, Allen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

E A Myers Alice Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 TN White Head
Alice Myers A, E A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 TN White Wife
Kenneth Myers E A, Alice Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 TN White Son
Rachel Myers E A, Alice Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Dhtr
A Cole Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 TN White Mother-in-law

D C Hanington Ellen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1855 KY White Head
Ellen Hanington D C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1863 IL White Wife
Cramer Mathews Jean Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO White Son-in-law
Jean Mathews D C, Ellen, Cramer Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 IL White Dhtr
Ruby Hanington D C, Ellen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 IL White Dhtr

C Acker George, Nancy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 NE White Head
Nancy Acker C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Texas White Wife
Emie Acker C, Nancy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
Alice Acker C, Nancy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
George Acker Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1850 Canada White Father

W C Hadley Jane Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 IL White Head
Jane Hadley W C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Wife
Eva Hadley W C, Jane Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr

C T Fatta Ema Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 NY White Head
Ema Fatta C T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 WI White Wife
Marley Fatta C T, Ema Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 WI White Son
Merle Fatta C T, Ema Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 MI White Dhtr

H L Weishaar Aletha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Head
Aletha Weishaar H L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Iowa White Wife
Aletha Bonnie Weishaar H L, Aletha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Dhtr
Hollis Weishaar Jr. H L, Aletha Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 NM White Son

Henry Driggins Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1863 IN White Head

Everett Lassiter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 IN White Head
Fern Holloway Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 IN White Sister
Eugene Holloway Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 IN White Nephew

Ray L Thompson Jewell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Head
Jewell Thompson Ray L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 MO White Wife
Wayne L Thompson Ray L, Jewell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

Roy A Jenks Bertha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Head
Bertha M Jenks Roy A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Wife

Van W Carl Lucile J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 AR White Head
Lucile J Carl Van W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 AR White Wife
Mildred Carl Van W, Lucile J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 AR White Dhtr
Justina A Harder Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Servant

Robert O West Ida G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1847 NC White Head
Ida G West Robert O Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 GA White Wife
Harvey M West Robert O, Ida G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 Texas White Son
Marie J West Robert O, Ida G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 Texas White Dhtr
Herma I Davis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Boarder
Ruth R Hecke Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 IL White Boarder
Paul A Adams Ida G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Texas White Stepson
John H Fox Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 IN White Boarder
Esther I Reed Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Ohio White Boarder

Claude E Kettner Geno B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 IL White Head
Geno B Kettner Claude E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 IL White Wife
John W Kettner Claude E, Geno B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 IL White Son
Mary M Clouse Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 IN White Boarder

Dayton P Metcalf Beatrice J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Head
Beatrice J Metcalf Dayton P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Wife
Mary L Metcalf Dayton P, Beatrice J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Thomas P Metcalf Dayton P, Beatrice J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Robert L Metcalf Dayton P, Beatrice J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

John Irvin Carrie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 Iowa White Head
Carrie Irvin John Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 KS White Wife

Henry Duncan Eunice G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 MO White Head
Eunice G Duncan Henry Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 OK White Wife
Waldo C Duncan Henry, Eunice G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Marguerite Luck Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Texas White Boarder

George P Murphy Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 VA White Head
Mary C Murphy George P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 MO White Wife
George R Murphy George P, Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 MO White Son
Helen L Murphy George P, Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr

William A Ellis Laura C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 MO White Head
Laura C Ellis William A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 MO White Wife
Alta E Ellis William A, Laura C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 MO White Dhtr

Louis D Barrows Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 KS White Head
Mary E Barrows Louis D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 MI White Wife
Kenneth D E Barrows Louis D, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Son
Orval G Barrows Louis D, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Son
Fern E Barrows Louis D, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 KS White Dhtr
Jaunita L Barrows Louis D, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr

Arthur May Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 AR White Head
Mary E May Arthur Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Texas White Wife
Samuel A May Arthur, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 AR White Son
Alice D May Arthur, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 AR White Dhtr
James Applewhite Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Nephew

Manley Martin Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS White Head

John Allen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1848 IL White Head

Joseph E Bellomy May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 MO White Head
May Bellomy Joseph E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KY White Wife

John T Williams Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 TN White Head
Stella Williams John T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 TN White Dhtr
Anges E Williams John T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 TN White Dhtr
Thomas H Williams John T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 TN White Son

Fred Samples Cleo Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 West VA White Head
Cleo Samples Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Wife
Albert F Samples Fred, Cleo Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 VA White Son
Robert T Samples Fred, Cleo Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

Paul Huff Dorothy N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS White Head
Dorothy N Huff Paul Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Wife

Dee M Gill Joye Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 AR White Head
Joye Gill Dee M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 IN White Wife
Hanald B Gill Dee M, Joye Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son

Fred D Liebrand Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 KS White

William R Menefee Mary A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 Texas White Head
Mary A Menefee Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1840 AR White Mother
Sallie J Menefee Mary A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 Texas White Sister

Summers W Tatum Olive M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 KY White Head
Olive M Tatum Summers W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 KY White Wife
Newton A Tatum Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 KY White Brother
Richard Tatum Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KY White Nephew

Orville C McCollum Freda C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 Ohio White Head
Freda C McCollum Orville C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 IL White Wife
Beulah M McCollum Orville C, Freda C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Maurita C Regenold Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1842 IL White Boarder
Pressley C Regenold Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 IL White Boarder
Arvil D Clemens Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 IL White Brother-in-law
Arthur E McCollum Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 Ohio White Brother

John A Akers Alice P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 VA White Head
Alice P Akers John A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 VA White Wife
Cecil V Akers John A, Alice P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Son
Eugene J Akers John A, Alice P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Osa W Akers John A, Alice P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Roscoe F Akers John A, Alice P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son
Melvin Akers John A, Alice P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Joel G Hallmark Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 TN White Head

Robert B Litchfield Lina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 IL White Head
Lina L Litchfield Robert B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 IL White Wife
Kyle C Litchfield Robert B, Lina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Son
Clara N Litchfield Robert B, Lina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Cleta V Litchfield Robert B, Lina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Lyle G Litchfield Robert B, Lina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Clarice Rhea Robert B, Lina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Cavceta L Rhea Robert B, Lina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 OK White Dhtr

Bert Sims Nora B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 Texas White Head
Nora B Sims Bert Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 OK White Wife
George L Sims Bert, Nora B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Russell Brayton Edna E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 IN White Head
Edna E Brayton Russell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife
Edward R Stell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 IL White Boarder

Lawrence B Harrington Ola Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 IL White Head
Ola Harrington Lawrence B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 IN White Wife
Gladys M Harrington Lawrence B, Ola Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Dorris E Harrington Lawrence B, Ola Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Maxine M Harrington Lawrence B, Ola Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr

Wade H Ojile Hearn N, Zakia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Syrian Arab Republic White Head
Zakia A Ojile Wade H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 Syrian Arab Republic White Wife
Margarite W Ojile Wade H, Zakia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 KS White Dhtr
Hearn N Ojile Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 Syrian Arab Republic White Father
John H Ojile Hearn N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 Syrian Arab Republic White Brother

August Lorenz Thresie W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Thresie W Lorenz August Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Wife
Levien E Lorenz August, Thresie W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Son

Athol M Logan Vivian O Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KY White Head
Vivian O Logan Athol M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KY White Wife
Brenton W Logan Athol M, Vivian O Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Vera Hawkins Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KY White Boarder

Evan N Nicholson Hattie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 AL White Head
Hattie Nicholson Evan N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 WI White Wife
Hattie E Nicholson Evan N, Hattie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 CA White Dhtr
Evan W Nicholson Evan N, Hattie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 CA White Son
Leroy Nicholson Evan N, Hattie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 Ohio White Son
Maud M Dowcis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Boarder

Thomas A Pieper Mary A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 KS White Head
Mary A Pieper Thomas A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 IN White Wife
George L Irvin Mary A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Stepson

Jack G Lynch Belva Lee Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 VA White Head
Belva Lee Lynch Jack G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 OK White Wife
Louise Lynch Jack G, Belva Lee Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr

Sam M Foochee Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 IN White Head

Louis W Brack Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 IN White Head

North Neff Morris Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Head

William E D Akers Elizabeth B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 VA White Head
Elizabeth B Akers William E D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 MO White Wife

Maggie Thompson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 Canada White Head
Laura Killingsworth Maggie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 North Dakota White Dhtr
James C Killingsworth Laura Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Grandson

Florence Quigley Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 IN White Head

George W Moore Nancy C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 GA White Head
Nancy C Moore George W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 AL White Wife

William N Huddleston Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 AR White Head

Mattie B Begole Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 MO White Head

Emmanuel J Albright Laura H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 MN White Head
Laura H Albright Emmanuel J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 New Brunswick White Wife
Pearl L Logan Emmanuel J, Laura H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 OK White Dhtr
William L Browning Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 Iowa White Boarder
Dorothy L Browning Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 IL White Boarder
Karl Carston Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Germany White Boarder
William J B Fitzgerald Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Boarder

John R Blake Cora B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 KS White Head
Cora B Blake John R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 KS White Wife
Lee P Blake John R, Cora B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 OK White Son

Boss S Neff Ida May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 Ohio White Head
Ida May Neff Boss S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 KY White Wife
Orel G Neff Boss S, Ida May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 OK White Dhtr
Maud Neff Boss S, Ida May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 OK White Dhtr
Margaret Neff Boss S, Ida May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Dhtr

Charles E Neff Boss S, Ida May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
William T Huff Birdie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 MO White Head
Birdie Huff William T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 MO White Wife
Helen Casto Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Boarder

Mattie A McDonald Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 IL White Head
Grace G M Snell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 NY White Sister-in-law
Louis E Snell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 IL White Niece

Frank White Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 IL White Head

Eugene J Richard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1853 IL White Head
James R Patterson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 Iowa White Nephew
Thomas J Patterson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Iowa White Nephew

Emma A Satterlee Eula G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 OK White Head
Eula G Satterlee Emma A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Wife
Thelma C Satterlee Emma A, Eula G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 NM White Dhtr
Helen E Satterlee Emma A, Eula G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Ralph E Satterlee Emma A, Eula G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 OK White Son

Roy W Lane Ada T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Head
Ada T Lane Roy W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 MO White Wife
Wilbur H Lane Roy W, Ada T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Ina J Lane Roy W, Ada T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
George M Lane Roy W, Ada T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Thomas J Richard Hattie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Iowa White Head
Hattie M Richard Thomas J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Wife
Helen E Richard Thomas J, Hattie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Dhtr
Edith E Richard Thomas J, Hattie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Dhtr

Carl E Radford Lula L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS White Head
Lula L Radford Carl E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Texas White Wife
Fannie I Radford Carl E, Lula L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Dhtr
Helen E Radford Carl E, Lula L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 CO White Dhtr
William R Radford Carl E, Lula L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

William E Adams Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 Texas White Head
Sarah E Adams William E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 Texas White Dhtr
Joe J Adams William E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Son

Whittier L Haynes Mattie W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 KY White Head
Mattie W Haynes Whittier L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 KY White Wife
Emma A Haynes Whittier L, Mattie W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
GA R Haynes Whittier L, Mattie W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Lee Wayne Haynes Whittier L, Mattie W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr

Thomas S Haynes Sadie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 KY White Head
Sadie Haynes Thomas S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 AR White Wife
J S Haynes Thomas S, Sadie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son

Charles F Rose Violet L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 TN White Head
Violet L Rose Charles F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 Texas White Wife

Emma J Hayes Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 MO White Head

Elmer J Gully Norma M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 KS White Head
Norma M Gully Elmer J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 IL White Wife
Morris K Gully Elmer J, Norma M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KS White Son
Naomi E Gully Elmer J, Norma M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Dhtr
J Loewell Gully Elmer J, Norma M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 KS White Son
Clara B J Gully Elmer J, Norma M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Tillman Caille Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 Russia White Boarder

Charles E Wilson Pearl L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Head
Pearl L Wilson Charles E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 IL White Wife
Helen I Wilson Charles E, Pearl L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Charollote E Wilson Charles E, Pearl L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Marcele Decker Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 IL White Boarder

Thomas Reynolds Eunice Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 MO White Head
Eunice Reynolds Maria J, Thomas Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Texas White Wife
Maria J Porter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 TN White Mother-in-law

M Charles Williams Catherine Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 OK White Head
Catherine Williams M Charles Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 MN White Wife
Deitrich J Hiebert Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Nephew
Sarah Hiebert Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 MN White Sister-in-law

William J Piser Henrietta J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 KY White Head
Henrietta J Piser William J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 KY White Wife
George S Piser William J, Henrietta J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 KY White Son
Homer J Piser William J, Henrietta J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KY White Son
Cora H Piser Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KY White Niece

William King Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 AL White Head

Hillard S David Pearl Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 AR White Head
Pearl David Hillard S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KY White Wife
Francis E David Hillard S, Pearl Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Mable C Decker Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 IL White Boarder
Ray S Talley Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Boarder

Ellis J Baker Evaline J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 Ohio White Head
Evaline J Baker Ellis J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 Ohio White Wife
Evangeline J Baker Ellis J, Evaline J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Ohio White Dhtr

Clifford B Voiles Bess F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 IL White Head
Bess F Voiles Clifford B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas White Wife
Devon Voiles Clifford B, Bess F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Lenell Voiles Clifford B, Bess F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son
Hilda Myers Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 TN White Boarder

Frederick W Feik Delia M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 Germany White Head
Vritus J Feik Frederick W, Delia M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Iowa White Son
Delia M Feik Frederick W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 Iowa White Wife

Ed W Hopkins Nettie B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KY White Head
Nettie B Hopkins Ed W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KY White Wife

Aaron B Walter Catherine La Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 KY White Head
Catherine La Walter Aaron B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KY White Wife
Cartnell E Walter Aaron B, Catherine La Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KY White Son
Aaron B Walter Jr. Aaron B, Catherine La Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 KY White Son
Thomas W Walter Aaron B, Catherine La Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Ella Becker Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Boarder

Zaka Ojile Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Syrian Arab Republic S Head
James Ojile Zaka Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 KS S Son
Philip Ojile Zaka Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KS S Son
Harry Ojile Zaka Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS S Son
Mitchell Ojile Zaka Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK S Son
Sam Ojile Anna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 Syrian Arab Republic S Father-in-law
Anna Ojile Sam Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 Syrian Arab Republic S Mother-in-law

Clarence B Lisman Callie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KY White Head
Callie L Lisman Clarence B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KY White Wife
Claude J Lisman Clarence B, Callie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
Ruth G Lisman Clarence B, Callie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr

George F Lyman Lenice W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 IL White Head
Lenice W Lyman George F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 TN White Wife
Mildred L Lyman George F, Lenice W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 TN White Dhtr
Elbert E Lyman George F, Lenice W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 TN White Son
James K Lyman George F, Lenice W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 TN White Son
Hobart W Lyman George F, Lenice W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

Adam B Ketterman Iva I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 MO White Head
Iva I Ketterman Adam B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Iowa White Wife
Sadie J Ketterman Adam B, Iva I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Dhtr
Adam A Ketterman Adam B, Iva I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Son
Emly J Ketterman Adam B, Iva I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Dhtr
Roy E Ketterman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Brother
Hattie A Ketterman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas White Sister-in-law
Charlie O Warner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Boarder

Decora F Snyder Rella G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO White Head
Rella G Snyder Decora F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Wife
Lester S Snyder Decora F, Rella G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Leslie I Snyder Decora F, Rella G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Fay B Snyder Decora F, Rella G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
George M Snyder Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 MO White Brother
John M Hensey Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 NC White Brother-in-law

John F Bishop Alma A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Head
Alma A Bishop John F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 AL White Wife
Jus E Bishop John F, Alma A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Call A Bishop John F, Alma A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son
John F Bishop John F, Alma A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Ethel V Bishop John F, Alma A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Aaron W Regier Mattie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Head
Mattie M Regier Aaron W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 AR White Wife
Verna M Cox Mattie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Texas White Stepdhtr

Rola S Fetterman Ella L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Head
Ella L Fetterman Rola S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK White Wife

Nicholas T Rogers Inez M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 KY White Head
Inez M Rogers Nicholas T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Wife

James H Mason Margaret M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 AR White Head
Margaret M Mason James H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Texas White Wife
Joe H Mason James H, Margaret M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas White Son
Glenn G Mason James H, Margaret M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 AR White Son

George E Richard Stella E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 Iowa White Head
Stella E Richard George E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Wife
Frank G Richard George E, Stella E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Elizabeth J Richard George E, Stella E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Rolland K Richard George E, Stella E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Son
Dora Honemann Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Boarder

Edgar G Brittingham Lura A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Texas White Head
Lura A Brittingham Edgar G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 MO White Wife
Lois A Brittingham Edgar G, Lura A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Dhtr
Audrey L Brittingham Edgar G, Lura A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Dhtr
Walter M Brittingham Edgar G, Lura A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son
Caswell B Brittingham Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 OK White Brother

Benjiman F Townsend Mayme E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 AR White Head
Mayme E Townsend Benjiman F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 IN White Wife
Ruby E Townsend Benjiman F, Mayme E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Wanda M Townsend Benjiman F, Mayme E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Albert P Westhafer Nettie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 IN White Head
Nettie D Westhafer Albert P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 IN White Wife
Andrew M Westhafer Albert P, Nettie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 IN White Son
Helen A Westhafer Albert P, Nettie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 IN White Dhtr

Edgar H Howard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 TN White Head
James W Howard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 TN White Brother
William D Howard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 TN White Brother
Arthur L Howard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 TN White Brother

Isaac C Seawright Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 SC White Head
Ealtha M Seawright Isaac C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 TN White Wife
Rowena C Seawright Isaac C, Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Ealtha J Seawright Isaac C, Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Buster Seawright Isaac C, Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Hewit Seawright Isaac C, Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Infant Seawright Isaac C, Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Walter W Seawright Isaac C, Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Texas White Son
Clarence B Seawright Isaac C, Ealtha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 OK White Son
Lela I Seawright Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Granddhtr

Eliza R Hamling Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1842 MO White Head

Arthur M Hitchcock Ursula Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Head
Ursula Hitchcock Arthur M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 TN White Wife
Maud H Hitchcock Arthur M, Ursula Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 KS White Dhtr
Mable A Hitchcock Arthur M, Ursula Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Dhtr
Merle C Hitchcock Arthur M, Ursula Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Son

William J Jones Elizabeth J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1855 TN White Head
Elizabeth J Jones William J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 TN White Wife
Almond T Jones William J, Elizabeth J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 TN White Son

Theodosia A Isbell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1848 MO White Head
Percy H Isbell Theodosia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO White Son
Thomas H Franey Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 IL White Grandson

General N Mealey John A, Callie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 TN White Head
John A Mealey Callie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 TN White Father
Callie M Mealey John A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1853 TN White Mother

Alice J Moore Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 TN White Head
Carrie I Moore Alice J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr

Loren G Blackmer Zella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 MN White Head
Zella Blackmer Loren G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Iowa White Wife
Lawrence C Blackmer Loren G, Zella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 CO White Son
Zella R Blackmer Loren G, Zella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Esther E Blackmer Loren G, Zella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr

Joseph L Bainum Nellie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Head
Nellie M Bainum Joseph L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 MO White Wife
Flossie M Bainum Joseph L, Nellie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr
Floyd E Bainum Joseph L, Nellie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Son
Hazel B Bainum Joseph L, Nellie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Mildred B Bainum Joseph L, Nellie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Wilma D Bainum Joseph L, Nellie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
William D Bist Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Brother-in-law

Fred L Hagaman Abby L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Abby L Hagaman Fred L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Wife
Eugene Hagaman Fred L, Abby L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Maurita J Hagaman Fred L, Abby L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Freda Anna D Hagaman Fred L, Abby L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Dhtr
Fred Hagaman Jr. Fred L, Abby L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Norman D Hagaman Fred L, Abby L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Richard Hoeme Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Marie Hoeme Richard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Germany White Wife
Walter F Hoeme Richard, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Henry E Hodges Winnie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 MO White Head
Winnie D Hodges Henry E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas White Wife
Banche M Hodges Henry E, Winnie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Esther H Hodges Henry E, Winnie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Isaac T Welch Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas White Brother-in-law

William V Massa Emma J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 TN White Head
Emma J Massa William V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 TN White Wife

Edwin A Dobson Lora L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 MO White Head
Lora L Dobson Edwin A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS White Wife
Mary L Dobson Edwin A, Lora L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 KS White Dhtr

Earl D Jones Marie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 IL White Head
Marie L Jones Earl D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 KS White Wife
Earl A Jones Earl D, Marie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Son

Joseph S Golden Ellen F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 TN White Head
Ellen F Golden Joseph S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 TN White Wife
Nannie M Golden Joseph S, Ellen F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Dhtr
Nina F Golden Joseph S, Ellen F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Dhtr
Pearl E Golden Joseph S, Ellen F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr

William Burdge Nellie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Nellie E Burdge William Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 OK White Wife
Maud E Burdge William, Nellie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
George T Burdge William, Nellie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
William E Burdge William, Nellie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son
Lawrence L Burdge William, Nellie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Nellie May Burdge William, Nellie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Arthur J Burge Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Nephew

Charles E Kinsinger Pearl M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 Iowa White Head
Pearl M Kinsinger Charles E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Wife
Ronald Kinsinger Charles E, Pearl M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 Florida White Son
Infant Kinsinger Charles E, Pearl M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Richard M Jones Sudie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 TN White Head
Sudie M Jones Richard M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Wife
Ethel M Jones Richard M, Sudie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr
Gladys M Jones Richard M, Sudie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Dhtr
William V Jones Richard M, Sudie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Opal Jones Richard M, Sudie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

Jacob E Gillmore Fredia E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 MO White Head
Fredia E Gillmore Jacob E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas White Wife
Opal I Gillmore Jacob E, Fredia E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 CO White Dhtr
Ehtel E Gillmore Jacob E, Fredia E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Elmer B Gillmore Jacob E, Fredia E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son
Richard K Stearman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KY White Boarder

James G Jones Bertha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 TN White Head
Bertha M Jones James G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 TN White Wife
Keith H Jones James G, Bertha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son
Nathan D Jones James G, Bertha M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 KS White Son

Jame F Wallace Beulah F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Head
Beulah F Wallace Jame F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 MO White Wife

George E Fessler Emma V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 IN White Head
Emma V Fessler George E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 TN White Wife
Weta K Fessler George E, Emma V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 TN White Dhtr
Vida V Fessler George E, Emma V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr

Charles D Remmel Josie I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 NY White Head
Josie I Remmel Charles D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas White Wife
Charles H Remmel Charles D, Josie I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

Albert F Hodges Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 MO White Head
Grace Hodges Albert F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KY White Wife
Hazel P Hodges Albert F, Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Dhtr
Ernest L Hodges Albert F, Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son

John J Greene Martha A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 AR White Head
Martha A Greene John J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1843 Ohio White Wife
Charley E Curtis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Wyoming White
Orvin C Stambrough Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO White Boarder
Nellie E Stambrough Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Granddhtr

John W Smith Lona C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 West VA White Head
Lona C Smith John W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 West VA White Wife
Violet L Smith John W, Lona C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Dhtr
Vivian L Smith John W, Lona C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Hugh W Smith John W, Lona C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son

Stanton G Ewing Musette S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 MO White Head
Musette S Ewing Stanton G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 KS White Wife
Latha E Ewing Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 AR White Adopted Dhtr

Thomas T Rothell Myrtie G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 GA White Head
Myrtie G Rothell Thomas T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas White Wife
R L Rothell Thomas T, Myrtie G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 Texas White Son
June A Rothell Thomas T, Myrtie G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 AR White Dhtr

Elmer Beach Joanna D, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 IN White Head
Addeline Beach Elmer Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 IN White Wife
Louis W Beach Elmer, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 IN White Son
Harriet F Beach Elmer, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 OK White Dhtr
Frank D Beach Elmer, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Son
Elmer Beach Jr. Elmer, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Son
Robert F Beach Elmer, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Joanna M Beach Elmer, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Ralph M Beach Elmer, Addeline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Joanna D Beach Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1849 IN White Mother

Elbert S Hensley Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 NC White Head
Lilie Hensley Elbert S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas White Dhtr

Forest O Fessler Nancy L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 TN White Head
Nancy L Fessler Forest O Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 KY White Wife
Mella M Fessler Forest O, Nancy L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr

Mary A Laneve Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KY White Head

Frank A Bateman Laura E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 IL White Head
Laura E Bateman Frank A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 PA White Wife
Erma Wilcox Frank A, Laura E, Joe P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Dhtr
Joe P Wilcox Erma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas White Son-in-law
Maxine I Whittet Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Granddhtr
Carmen Whittet Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Granddhtr

Henry Pauls Maggie P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 Russia White Head
Maggie P Pauls Henry Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 Texas White Wife

Lonzo M Clutter Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Head
Grace N Clutter Lonzo M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 MO White Wife
Myrtle M Clutter Lonzo M, Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Dhtr
Ralph W Clutter Lonzo M, Grace N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Opal E Clutter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 OK White Sister-in-law
Beulah M Clutter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 OK White Half Sister

Harvey P Cox Lela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 AR White Head
Lela Cox Harvey P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas White Wife
Cecil H Cox Harvey P, Lela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Son
Elmer R Cox Harvey P, Lela Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son

Robert H Mayer Nannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Texas White Head
Nannie Mayer Robert H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Texas White Wife
Robert F Mayer Robert H, Nannie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
Sam Wiens Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Boarder

Thomas W Haynes Emma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1849 KY White Head
Emma Haynes Thomas W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1848 KY White Wife

Elmer L Barrows Louise E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Head
Louise E Barrows Elmer L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 MO White Wife

Ralph H McLearen Ethel A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 Iowa White Head
Ethel A McLearen Ralph H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Wife
Fred Welch Ethel A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 MO White Stepson
Bertha A Martin Ethel A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Stepdhtr

May Mullinix Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 IL White Head
Charles G Mullinix May Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Son

John H Shields Hazel H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 AR White Head
Hazel H Shields John H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Wife
Helen O Shields John H, Hazel H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr

Horace B Wilson Mattie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 TN White Head
Mattie D Wilson Sue A, Horace B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 Texas White Wife
Wallace Wilson Horace B, Mattie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 TN White Son
Ruth A Wilson Horace B, Mattie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 TN White Dhtr
Horace B Wilson Jr. Horace B, Mattie D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 TN White Son
Sue A Grizzard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 AL White Mother-in-law

John T Foglesong Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 West VA White Head
Emma B Foglesong John T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 West VA White Wife
John E Foglesong John T, Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Son
Edith M Foglesong John T, Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 OK White Dhtr
James L Foglesong John T, Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Son
Clarence A Foglesong John T, Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Son
Grace D Isham John T, Emma B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Dhtr
Alice M Isham Grace D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Granddhtr

Hiram A Whitney Eliza J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 Iowa White Head
Eliza J Whitney Hiram A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 MO White Wife

Symon F Whitney June M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 MO White Head
June M Whitney Symon F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 NY White Wife

Virgil Z Alexander Ruby L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 TN White Head
Ruby L Alexander Virgil Z Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 OK White Wife

John Hodges Myrtle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas White Head
Myrtle Hodges John Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 Ohio White Wife
Ethel Workman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Iowa White Sister-in-law

Frank D Nelson Lydia S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 AR White Head
Lydia S Nelson Frank D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 West VA White Wife
Hershel Edman Nelson Frank D, Lydia S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Lester David Nelson Frank D, Lydia S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

W L Perry M C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Texas White Head
M C Perry W L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 AR White Wife
Zella Perry W L, M C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 OK White Dhtr
Freddie Perry W L, M C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 Texas White Son
Lucille Perry W L, M C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Raymond Perry W L, M C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son

L L Cloniger Pearl Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Texas White Head
Pearl Cloniger L L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 West VA White Wife
Violet Cloniger L L, Pearl Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 NM White Dhtr

Boris B Hamilton Gladys Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 IL White Head
Gladys Hamilton Boris B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 IL White Wife

W H Latham Gertrude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KY White Head
Gertrude Latham W H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KY White Wife
Troy D Latham W H, Gertrude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KY White Son
Louise Latham W H, Gertrude Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KY White Dhtr
Louise Shayler Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 KY White Sister-in-law
Gertrude Shayler Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Niece

V L Montandon Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 West VA White Head
Mary C Montandon V L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 TN White Wife
A B Montandon V L, Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 Texas White Son
Victor Lee Montandon V L, Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Son
Orien Montandon V L, Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son
George Montandon V L, Mary C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 TN White Son

L C Grehan Hettie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KY White Head
Hettie Grehan L C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KY White Wife
Anne Lee Grehan L C, Hettie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KY White Dhtr
Sterling Grehan Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KY White Brother

G C Martin Oldra Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 Russia White Head
Oldra Martin G C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 IL White Wife
Dan Martin Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 KS White Brother

F C Cox Ida Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 AR White Head
Ida Cox F C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 Texas White Wife
Eugene Cox F C, Ida Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Son
Roy Cox F C, Ida Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Lucille Cox F C, Ida Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Dhtr

F B Adams Laura Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 Iowa White Head
Laura Adams F B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 MO White Wife
Leata Adams F B, Laura Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Lucille Adams F B, Laura Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

D H Akers Malina G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1849 VA White Head
Malina G Akers D H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1851 VA White Wife
F A Curtis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 KS White Son-in-law
Gena Curtis F A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 VA White Dhtr
Orel Curtis F A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Grandson
Glen L Akers D H, Malina G, Lelia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 VA White Son
Lelia Akers Glen L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 Iowa White Dhtr-in-law

M A Thompson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 Ohio White Head

H G Bardwell V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1863 Louisiana White Head
V Jackson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1836 MS White Mother

C L Mundy Frankie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Head
Frankie Mundy C L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 AR White Wife
Letta Mundy C L, Frankie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 Iowa White Dhtr
Paul Mundy C L, Frankie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Charles Mundy C L, Frankie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son

E R Hill Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 IL White Head
Grace Hill E R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Wife
Arlene Hill E R, Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Marshall Hill E R, Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 KS White Son

J H Stephenson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 MI White Head
Earl Wager Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 IN White Lodger

R E Sydenstricke Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 MO White Head
Bessie Sydenstricke R E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife
Eleanor Sydenstricke R E, Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Dhtr
Bessie Dora Sydenstricke R E, Bessie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

A W Lochridge Hazel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 IL White Head
Hazel Lochridge A W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Wife
Levon Lochridge A W, Hazel Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son

I L Beck Pearl Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 NE White Head
Pearl Beck I L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 IN White Wife
Wesley Beck I L, Pearl Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 MO White Son

A K Mitchell Sarah A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 Ohio White Head
Sarah A Mitchell A K Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 KS White Wife

J C Young Hattie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KY White Head
Hattie Young Hester, J C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KY White Wife
Jone Young J C, Hattie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Hester Douglas Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 KY White Father-in-law

L B Chamber Annie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Texas White Head
Annie Chamber L B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 Texas White Wife

F C Femiano Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 MO White Head
Clara M Femiano F C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Ohio White Wife
Jennie Femiano F C, Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Hope M Femiano F C, Clara M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr

C E Barker Nora C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 IL White Head
Nora C Barker C E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS White Wife
Raymond Barker C E, Nora C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Son
Nora M Barker C E, Nora C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Dhtr
Charles A Barker C E, Nora C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Mildred Barker C E, Nora C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

M I Chambers Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1855 Texas White Head
Alice Chambers M I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas White Dhtr
Ruth Chambers M I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas White Dhtr
Joseph Chambers M I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas White Son

Sam Oblander Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Head
Mary Oblander Sam Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Wife
Raymond Oblander Sam, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son
Helen Oblander Sam, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Mildred Oblander Sam, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 OK White Dhtr

A B Shaw Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 SC White Head
Minnie Shaw A B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 NC White Wife
Chadrick Shaw A B, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son

Charles A Kilpatrick Dora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Head
Dora Kilpatrick Charles A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Texas White Wife
Bessie Kilpatrick Charles A, Dora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 AR White Dhtr
Russell Kilpatrick Charles A, Dora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

C M Evans Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 Iowa White Head
Alice Evans C M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Dhtr
Lena Evans C M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KS White Dhtr

A E Willet Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 KY White Head

M O Losing Nellie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 IL White Head
Nellie Losing M O Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 MO White Wife
Rellie Losing M O, Nellie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Glenda Losing M O, Nellie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 Iowa White Son

J D Holzrichter Dollie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 OK White Head
Dollie Holzrichter J D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 MO White Wife

G T Metcalf A E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1845 TN White Head
A E Metcalf G T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1851 KY White Wife
Georganna Metcalf G T, A E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Dhtr

G C Metcalf Esther Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Esther Metcalf G C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Wife
Mary M Metcalf G C, Esther Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Dhtr
Marcella Metcalf G C, Esther Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Dhtr

N Byrd Lillie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1863 IN White Head
Lillie Byrd N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 IL White Wife
Ellis Byrd Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 IN White Brother

Sam Williams Florence Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 TN White Head
Florence Williams Sam Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 MO White Wife
Lucille Williams Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Adopted Grandchild

H W Skinner Myria Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1849 England White Head
Myria Skinner H W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1852 England White Wife

C H Decker Sybil Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 IL White Head
Sybil Decker C H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 MO White Wife
Lowell Decker C H, Sybil Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Fannie Decker C H, Sybil Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Francis Decker C H, Sybil Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Haine Harle Wynona A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 Ohio White Head
Wynona A Harle Haine Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 MO White Wife

W E Mead Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Head
Ada Mead W E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Wife
Lloyd Mead W E, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Son
Le Roy Mead W E, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Son
Everett Mead W E, Ada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

G Matter Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 Switzerland White Head
Lena Matter G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 MO White Wife
John Matter G, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 MO White Son
Ruth Matter G, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Dhtr
Edna Matter G, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Dhtr
Arthur Matter G, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 OK White Son
Ida Matter G, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Harvey Matter G, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son

A G Oblander P W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Head
P W Oblander A S, A G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS White Wife
Maera Oblander A G, P W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Lamont Oblander A G, P W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
Francis Oblander A G, P W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
A S Ehilick Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1852 Russia White Mother-in-law

B F Brown Florrie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 Iowa White Head
Florrie E Brown B F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 MI White Wife
Maxine Brown B F, Florrie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Dhtr

C E Thompson Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 IN White Head
Grace Thompson C E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 IL White Wife
Charles W Thompson C E, Grace Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

W H Weedon Mattie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 IL White Head
Mattie L Weedon W H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 AR White Wife
A E Blencowe Pauline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 England White Son-in-law
Pauline Blencowe W H, Mattie L, A E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 IL White Dhtr
James E Forson Inez Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 IL White Son-in-law
Inez Forson W H, Mattie L, James E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 IL White Dhtr
Williams Forson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 Iowa White Lodger
Joseph D Weedon W H, Mattie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 IL White Son
Margaret Weedon W H, Mattie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Paul B James Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 AR White Boarder

C S Potter Ade Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1855 NY White Head
Ade Potter C S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 NY White Wife
William J Stell Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 IL White Boarder

F W Thompson Belle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 IN White Head
Belle Thompson F W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 Mexico White Wife
La Vann Thompson F W, Belle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 MO White Dhtr
Maple J Thompson F W, Belle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Son

Joe Hodges Sarah E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 Texas White Head
Sarah E Hodges Joe Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 Texas White Wife
Bernice Hodges Joe, Sarah E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas White Dhtr
Joe Hodges Joe, Sarah E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas White Son

J T Marshall Lillie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 KY White Head
Lillie Marshall J T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 KY White Wife
Hubert Marshall J T, Lillie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KY White Son

Mattie Marshall Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KY White Head

A D Brawner Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 MO White Head
Mary Brawner Margaret, A D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 PA White Wife
Luther Brawner A D, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Texas White Son
Margaret Clutter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 PA White Mother-in-law

Raye E Raher Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1850 Germany White Head
Elizabeth Raher Raye E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1850 Germany White Wife
Hattie Raher Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 KS White

J A Marshall Lucy T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 KY White Head
Lucy T Marshall J A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 KY White Wife

J A Henderson Elsie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 MO White Head
Elsie Henderson J A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 NE White Wife

L M Goodwin Lizzie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Head
Lizzie Goodwin L M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Wife
Clifford Goodwin L M, Lizzie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 Florida White Son
Louis Goodwin L M, Lizzie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Florida White Dhtr
Ellice Goodwin L M, Lizzie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
La Von Williams Lizzie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 TN White Stepson

Charles Page Margaret Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 IN White Head
Margaret Page Charles Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 IN White Wife
Fred Page Charles, Margaret Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 IN White Son

Omie Moody Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 KY White Head
Ollie Moody Omie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Elbert H Crowley Omie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KY White Son
Effle Crowley Omie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KY White Dhtr
Frank Gill Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 AR White Boarder
Clyde Gill Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 Texas White Boarder
Robert Gill Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 Texas White Boarder
Virgil Chenault Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 MO White Boarder

Holt Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 MO White Head
Carl Holt Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 OK White Son

F W Marshall Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KY White Head
Marie Marshall F W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife
Joe Frank Marshall F W, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son

D B Almond Beanle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 KS White Head
Beanle Almond Lula, D B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas White Wife
Helen Almond D B, Beanle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Elean Almond D B, Beanle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
D B Lien Almond D B, Beanle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr
Lula Dugger Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1863 Louisiana White Mother-in-law
Opal Garsow Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS White Servant

Edna McElhiney Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 Nova Scotia White Head
Vesta Rand Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Iowa White Boarder

W G Childers J R, Verna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Texas White Head
Verna Childers W G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 Texas White Wife
Clement Childers W G, Verna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
J R Childers Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1853 MS White Mother

G H Richardson William, Delia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 NE White Head
Delia Richardson G H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 AR White Wife
Doris Richardson G H, Delia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Dhtr
Rosebud Richardson G H, Delia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 CO White Dhtr
Roberts Richardson G H, Delia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 CO White Dhtr
Henry Holt Richardson G H, Delia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
William Richardson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1846 Iowa White Father

Bred W Chrispen Ulva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Ulva Chrispen Bred W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Wife
Harold Chrispen Bred W, Ulva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Neonie Chrispen Bred W, Ulva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Alethe Chrispen Bred W, Ulva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

H H Oldham Laura L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 IN White Head
Laura L Oldham H H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 MO White Wife
Roy Lee Oldham H H, Laura L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 MO White Son

J W Hamilton Della Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1863 VA White Head
Della Hamilton J W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 West VA White Wife
F M Hamilton J W, Della, Lynn Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 West VA White Son
Lynn Hamilton F M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Dhtr-in-law

E T Thorn Rena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 TN White Head
Rena Thorn E T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Wife
Esther Helen Thorn E T, Rena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Miriam Thorn E T, Rena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

S E Pieles Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 IL White Head
Helen Pieles S E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK White Dhtr
Ruth Pieles S E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr

N H Young Susan Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 PA White Head
Susan Young N H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 PA White Wife

E R Barr Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 Ohio White Head

C T Craft Edith Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 IN White Head
Edith Craft C T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 KS White Wife
Cloyd Craft C T, Edith Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Son
Pearl Craft C T, Edith Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Dhtr
Burrel Craft C T, Edith Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 KS White Son
Eleanor Craft C T, Edith Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Dhtr
Goldie Craft C T, Edith Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Doris Craft C T, Edith Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr

John Hunton Elberta Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 IL White Head
Elberta Hunton John Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 IL White Wife
Eugene Hunton John, Elberta Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 IL White Son

Thea McPherson Doxie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 KY White Head
Doxie McPherson Thea Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 KY White Wife
John Ray McPherson Thea, Doxie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KY White Son
Carey Logan Doxie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KY White Stepdhtr

William C Bowser Grace F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 MO White Head
Grace F Bowser William C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Ohio White Wife

David D Boyd Agnes M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 Texas White Head
Agnes M Boyd David D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 MO White Wife
Russle V Boyd David D, Agnes M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO White Son
Olive F Boyd David D, Agnes M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 MO White Dhtr
Ruth I Warner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Boarder

Anna L Bryant Marion Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1846 KY White Head
Marion Bryant Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1837 KY White Father

William F Mullinix Mayme Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Texas White Head
Mayme Mullinix William F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 KS White Wife
Edna T Stevens Mayme Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Stepdhtr
Walter T Stevens Mayme Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Stepson

Bernard Fresenburg Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1847 Germany White Head

Oscar A Geer Stella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 KS White Head
Stella Geer Oscar A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 NM White Wife
Effie L Callis Stella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 NM White Stepdhtr
Andy A Callis Stella Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 NM White Stepson

Clude F Grounds Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Iowa White Head
Florence M Grounds Clude F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Dhtr
Charles R Grounds Clude F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Harold C Grounds Clude F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Son
Elsie R Grounds Clude F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Lloyd D Grounds Clude F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Frances I Grounds Clude F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Fred H Pearson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 TN White Boarder
Elizabeth E Pearson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 MO White Boarder

Constantine L Highley Sarah E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Head
Sarah E Highley Constantine L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 MO White Wife
Homer C Highley Constantine L, Sarah E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Phyllis L Highley Constantine L, Sarah E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

David Gonsalez Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 NM White Head
Alfonzo M Baca Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 NM White Boarder

Joaquin Garcia Amanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 NM White Head
Amanda Garcia Joaquin Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1920 NM White Wife
Levi Garcia Joaquin, Amanda Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 NM White Son

Adolfo Blea Antonia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 NM White Head
Antonia Blea Adolfo Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 NM White Wife
Aloisa Garcia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 NM White Niece
Cicipirina Blea Adolfo, Antonia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 KS White Dhtr

Sesaria Sanchez Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 NM White Head
Florencia G Sanchez Sesaria Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 NM White Wife
Antonio Sanchez Sesaria, Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 NM White Son
Eumitea Sanchez Sesaria, Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 NM White Dhtr
Amora Sanchez Sesaria, Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 NM White Dhtr
Agapita Sanchez Sesaria, Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 NM White Dhtr
Marcelina Sanchez Sesaria, Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 NM White Dhtr
Isias Sanchez Sesaria, Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 NM White Son
Marcela M Sanchez Sesaria, Florencia G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 NM White Dhtr

Pedro Ranglas Deresa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Mexico White Head
Deresa Ranglas Pedro Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Mexico White Wife
Balenta Ranglas Pedro, Deresa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 Mexico White Dhtr

James M Bishop Ulastar Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 TN White Head
Ulastar Bishop James M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 IL White Wife
May M Bishop James M, Ulastar Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Dolly E Bishop James M, Ulastar Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 Texas White Dhtr

James Reaich Marquit E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Scotland White Head
Marquit E Reaich John, Sarah C, James Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 IL White Wife
Sarah C Snell John Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1849 IL White Mother-in-law
John Snell Sarah C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1849 Ohio White Father-in-law

Robert H Fergason Jose L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 PA White Head
Jose L Fergason Robert H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 IL White Wife

Thomas W Vanderburg Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1841 Canada White Head

William Winkler Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Head

Frederick R Barnes Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 TN White Head
Mary E Barnes Frederick R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 TN White Wife
Clyde A Barnes Frederick R, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 TN White Son
Oney L Barnes Frederick R, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 TN White Son
Paul R Barnes Frederick R, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 TN White Son
Louis M Barnes Frederick R, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 TN White Son
Wayte Barnes Frederick R, Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 TN White Son

Clarence H Brown Emily C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 NY White Head
Emily C Brown Clarence H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1856 TN White Wife
Edward C Brown Clarence H, Emily C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 TN White Son

Reuben A Hamby Harriet M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 TN White Head
Harriet M Hamby Reuben A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 TN White Wife
Volney A Hamby Reuben A, Harriet M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 NM White Son
Verdie M Hamby Reuben A, Harriet M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 NM White Dhtr
Jessie W Hamby Reuben A, Harriet M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Harry E Hamby Reuben A, Harriet M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Alfred W Gigger Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Iowa White Head
Georgia A Gigger Alfred W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Maryland White Wife
Grace S Gigger Alfred W, Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK White Dhtr
Mable L Gigger Alfred W, Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Dhtr
Stella R Gigger Alfred W, Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 Texas White Dhtr
Pearl D Gigger Alfred W, Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 Texas White Dhtr
Lois R Gigger Alfred W, Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Texas White Dhtr
Charles E Gigger Alfred W, Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Texas White Son
Lilly E Gigger Alfred W, Georgia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 Texas White Dhtr

Frederick Loeffler Rosie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Germany White Head
Rosie C Loeffler Frederick Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Germany White Wife
Plaenholdt Loeffler Frederick, Rosie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 Germany White Son
Ruth M Loeffler Frederick, Rosie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 MA White Dhtr
Emmanuel Loeffler Frederick, Rosie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 NE White Son
Frida Loeffler Frederick, Rosie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Ermoel P Loeffler Frederick, Rosie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Julia Schaapweld Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 Iowa White Head
Anthony A Schaapweld Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Iowa White Son
Loretta F Schaapweld Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 Iowa White Dhtr
Adran H Schaapweld Julia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son

Mary E Kilpatric Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1854 IN White Head
Oliver R Kilpatric Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 KS White Son
Ernest Y Kilpatric Mary E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 KS White Son

Robert J Wilson Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 VA White Head
Ida M Wilson Robert J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 VA White Wife
Sylvia A Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 VA White Dhtr
Frank A Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 VA White Son
Guy D Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 VA White Son
Lucy A Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 VA White Son
Ira E Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 VA White Son
Ottie K Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Son
Alva N Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Ina M Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Elaine A Wilson Robert J, Ida M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr

James F Brown Evlyn C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 Texas White Head
Evlyn C Brown James F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 IL White Wife
James A Brown James F, Evlyn C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
Lydia E Brown James F, Evlyn C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Chriss C Brown James F, Evlyn C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Roy G Brown James F, Evlyn C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son
Pauline E Brown James F, Evlyn C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Mary L Brown James F, Evlyn C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr

Walter W Ellis Lula M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 Texas White Head
Lula M Ellis Walter W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 AR White Wife
Rondell O Ellis Walter W, Lula M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Virgil L Ellis Walter W, Lula M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 Texas White Son
Dorothy L Ellis Walter W, Lula M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Bue Browning Eliza Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 KY White Head
Eliza Browning Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1840 KY White Mother

Buford F Browning Nora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 KY White Head
Nora Browning Buford F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 KY White Wife
Rollie Browning Buford F, Nora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KY White Son
Gobel Browning Buford F, Nora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KY White Son
Basile Browning Buford F, Nora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KY White Son
Aurelia Browning Buford F, Nora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Geneva Browning Buford F, Nora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr

Gottieb Huck Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 Russia White Head
Katie Huck Gottieb Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1867 Russia White Wife

Flavel A Curtis Zenia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 MO White Head
Zenia A Curtis Flavel A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 VA White Wife
Arel A Curtis Flavel A, Zenia A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Jacob P Garde Anna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 Russia White Head
Anna Garde Jacob P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Russia White Wife

John F Malicoat Lucy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 MO White Head
Lucy Malicoat John F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 KY White Wife

Sylvanus V Moore Luner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 TN White Head
Luner Moore Sylvanus V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 TN White Wife
Maud Moore Sylvanus V, Luner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 TN White Dhtr
William C Moore Sylvanus V, Luner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 TN White Son
Clyde H Moore Sylvanus V, Luner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 TN White Son
Clay C Moore Sylvanus V, Luner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 TN White Son
Alia M Moore Sylvanus V, Luner Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 TN White Dhtr
Walter H Phillips Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 TN White Brother-in-law

Con Lassiter Alice A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 NC White Head
Alice A Lassiter Con Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 IN White Wife
Olive Lassiter Con, Alice A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 IN White Dhtr
Letitia L Lassiter Con, Alice A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 IN White Dhtr
Hazel C Lassiter Con, Alice A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Thelma F Lassiter Con, Alice A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Elvis Mecklin Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Boarder
Alphus N Gibbons Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 TN White Hired Man

John W Elmore Minnie V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 MO White Head
Minnie V Elmore John W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 MO White Wife
John C Begole Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 MO White Nephew
Clydia M Begole Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 MO White Niece

Harvey E William Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 PA White Head
Ralph B William Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS White Partner

John W Hesoa Jennie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 IL White Head
Jennie E Hesoa John W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 IN White Wife
Edna E Hesoa John W, Jennie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Dhtr
Ivan O Hesoa John W, Jennie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Son

Iris Cox Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 IN White Head

Martin Herman Lena W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 IL White Head
Lena W Herman Martin Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Wife
Raymond B Herman Martin, Lena W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Calestertine J Highley Emma J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 IN White Head
Emma J Highley Calestertine J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 IN White Wife

Earnest V Montandon Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 TN White Head
Dais P Rimer Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 TN White Sister
Jerrel R Rimer Earnest V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 Texas White Son
Vivite Rimer Earnest V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Dhtr
Cline Z Rimer Earnest V Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Lucile C Sanders Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 TN White Niece

John H Brown Alice Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 Texas White Head
Alice Brown John H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 TN White Wife

Carl M Stanford Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Iowa White Head
Anna B Stanford Carl M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Wife

Doyle W Strain Joseph J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas White Head
Joseph J Strain Doyle W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas White Wife
George W Strain Doyle W, Joseph J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Arthur K Strain Doyle W, Joseph J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son

Fred Fritzler Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 Russia White Head
Elizabeth Fritzler Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 Russia White Wife
Fred J Fritzler Fred, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Russia White Son
Jerry Fritzler Fred, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 Russia White Son
Lydia Fritzler Fred, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Dhtr
George Fritzler Fred, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Son

Robert H Patter Blanch S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Blanch S Patter Robert H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Wife
Cora A Patter Robert H, Blanch S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 KS White Dhtr
Cecil M Patter Robert H, Blanch S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son

William G Mears Celia E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1870 KY White Head
Celia E Mears William G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 KY White Wife
Guy T Mears William G, Celia E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KY White Son

Loe Webb Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas White Head
Katie Webb Loe Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Texas White Wife
Winnie M Webb Loe, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Jerrel M Webb Loe, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 Texas White Dhtr
Virgie E Webb Loe, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son
Johnnie H Webb Loe, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son

Harry G Less Irene F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Head
Irene F Less Harry G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 MO White Wife
Irma V Less Harry G, Irene F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 KS White Dhtr

David Ehrhardt Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 Russia White Head
Eva Ehrhardt David Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 Russia White Wife
James D Ehrhardt David, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Russia White Son
Iva Ehrhardt David, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son
Irene Ehrhardt David, Eva Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr

Abraham B Harmer Helena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Russia White Head
Helena Harmer Abraham B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Russia White Wife
Bernard A Harmer Abraham B, Helena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 Russia White Son
Jacob A Harmer Abraham B, Helena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 KS White Son
Margaret A Harmer Abraham B, Helena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 CA White Dhtr
Susie A Harmer Abraham B, Helena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 CA White Dhtr
Walter A Harmer Abraham B, Helena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 CA White Son
Elmer A Harmer Abraham B, Helena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 CA White Son

Ralph A Grounds Lulu Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Head
Lulu Grounds Ralph A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KS White Wife
Ralph Grounds Jr. Ralph A, Lulu Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Dortha S Grounds Ralph A, Lulu Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Hazel Grounds Ralph A, Lulu Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Dick Grounds Lillie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Lillie M Grounds Dick Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas White Wife
Dennie O Grounds Dick, Lillie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
Beulah I Grounds Dick, Lillie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Claudie I Grounds Dick, Lillie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr

Fred Lundgren Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Russia White Head
Mary Lundgren Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 Russia White Wife
Edwin F Lundgren Fred, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Ruben M Lundgren Fred, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Jacob Blohm Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 Russia White Head
Marie Blohm Jacob Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 Russia White Wife
Jacob P Blohm Jacob, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Russia White Son
Henry Blohm Jacob, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 Russia White Son
Daniel Blohm Jacob, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Son
Ferdinand Blohm Jacob, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Son
Victor W Blohm Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Grandson
Jacob Winter Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 Russia White Stepson

Goottfred Fritzler Katheirne Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 Russia White Head
Katheirne Fritzler Goottfred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 Russia White Wife
Robert Fritzler Goottfred, Katheirne Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 OK White Son
Henry Fritzler Goottfred, Katheirne Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 OK White Son
Herman Fritzler Goottfred, Katheirne Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Son
Willie F Fritzler Goottfred, Katheirne Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Manuel G Fritzler Goottfred, Katheirne Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Indie M Fritzler Goottfred, Katheirne Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr

George B West Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS White Head
Katie West George B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1874 SD White Wife
Irene West George B, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr
Hulda West George B, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Erma West George B, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Helen R West George B, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Vernon West George B, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Veneda West George B, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

George Rabenhorst Della Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Della Rabenhorst George Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 MO White Wife
Emma Rabenhorst George, Della Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Lewis Rabenhorst George, Della Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Raymond Rabenhorst George, Della Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Viola Rabenhorst George, Della Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Elton Stothard Della Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Stepson

Wilson L Frank Sarah J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1848 VA White Head
Sarah J Frank Wilson L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1857 MO White Wife
Florence A Frank Wilson L, Sarah J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Son
Okie T Frank Wilson L, Sarah J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KS White Son

Michael Krieger Caroline A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 Alsace-Lorraine White Head
Caroline A Krieger Michael Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 Ohio White Wife
Andrew Krieger Michael, Caroline A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 NE White Son
Laurence Krieger Michael, Caroline A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 NE White Son
Anna B Krieger Michael, Caroline A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 NE White Dhtr

Marshall J Lawder Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 NC White Head
Lizzie M Lawder Marshall J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 KS White Wife
Mary M Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 Texas White Dhtr
Minnie M Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas White Dhtr
Tom J Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 Texas White Son
Marshall L Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 Texas White Son
Clarence O Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Son
Debe Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Ernest Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son
Orvile Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Helen F Lawder Marshall J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

Henry J Bergkamp Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Head
Lizzie M Bergkamp Henry J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 IL White Wife
Anthony B Bergkamp Henry J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Pauline M Bergkamp Henry J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Barnerdine R Bergkamp Henry J, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Ross L Crawford Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Head
Lizzie M Crawford Ross L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 Texas White Wife
Bela M Crawford Ross L, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Rose L Crawford Ross L, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Pearl Crawford Ross L, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Berl Crawford Ross L, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Ross L Crawford Ross L, Lizzie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Albert Lille Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 CA White Hired Hand

William T Garrett Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 TN White Head
Anna P Garrett William T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 MS White Wife
Horace Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 AR White Son
Ruby J Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas White Dhtr
Mable J Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Dhtr
Virgil H Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Son
Hazel O Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Bettie A Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr
Hansford W Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Mildred M Garrett William T, Anna P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

Abraham Cornelson Sarah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1850 Russia White Head
Sarah Cornelson Abraham Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1852 Russia White Wife

Jane R Cornelson Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Head
Helen Cornelson Jane R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife
Harry Cornelson Jane R, Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Clarence Cornelson Jane R, Helen Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Will J Abbott Esther T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Head
Esther T Abbott Will J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife
Claudine G Abbott Will J, Esther T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 KS White Dhtr
Marjorie M Abbott Will J, Esther T Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 KS White Dhtr

Jim W Presley Josie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 TN White Head
Josie L Presley Jim W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 TN White Wife
Beulah M Presley Jim W, Josie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 TN White Dhtr
Herbert H Presley Jim W, Josie L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 TN White Son

Martin L Franz Agnes Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 SD White Head
Agnes Franz Martin L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Russia White Wife

Will F Rick Lulu M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas White Head
Lulu M Rick Will F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Texas White Wife
Viola V Rick Will F, Lulu M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK White Dhtr
Elmer T Rick Will F, Lulu M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Son
Clora B Rick Will F, Lulu M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Pinkney E Rick Will F, Lulu M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Nannie L Rick Will F, Lulu M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr

Gerhard Bergen Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Head
Marie Bergen Gerhard Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KS White Wife
Ethelen Bergen Gerhard, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Clora Bergen Gerhard, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son
Ervile Bergen Gerhard, Marie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Roy M Pline Lorina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 West VA White Head
Lorina L Pline Roy M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 Iowa White Wife
Marrie L Pline Roy M, Lorina L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Jacob W Regier Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 Russia White Head
Lena Regier Jacob W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1869 Russia White Wife
Mennie Regier Jacob W, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS White Son
Arthur Regier Jacob W, Lena Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Son

Jacob W Loewen Kathrina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Russia White Head
Kathrina Loewen Jacob W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 Russia White Wife
Kathrina Loewen Jacob W, Kathrina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Dhtr
Nellie Loewen Jacob W, Kathrina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Frank Loewen Jacob W, Kathrina Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Dora Dunson Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Boarder

Fred Reiswig Anna W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Head
Anna W Reiswig Fred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Wife
Leona L Reiswig Fred, Anna W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Dhtr

Frank A McKirahan Beulah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Beulah McKirahan Frank A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Wife
Mildred E McKirahan Frank A, Beulah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Dhtr

Lewis R Southern Elsie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 Texas White Head
Elsie M Southern Lewis R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Wife
Noah L Southern Lewis R, Elsie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Son
Audra V Southern Lewis R, Elsie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Dhtr
Chester M Southern Lewis R, Elsie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son

Homer N Kelly Roberta M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 Texas White Head
Roberta M Kelly Homer N Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 West VA White Wife
Harold V Kelly Homer N, Roberta M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
Desmond H Kelly Homer N, Roberta M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son
Stanley B Kelly Homer N, Roberta M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Leland W Kelly Homer N, Roberta M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Roberta W Kelly Homer N, Roberta M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Homer P Deur Dottie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 IL White Head
Dottie C Duer Homer P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KS White Wife
Cecil L Duer Homer P, Dottie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Son
Vera E Duer Homer P, Dottie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Dhtr
Dottie W Duer Homer P, Dottie C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Harvey H Presley Mollie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 TN White Head
Mollie Presley Harvey H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 TN White Wife
Minnie R Presley Harvey H, Mollie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 TN White Dhtr
Clarence B Presley Harvey H, Mollie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 TN White Son

Green B Massey Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1858 TN White Head
Michell Massey Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 TN White Partner
Winnie B Massey Green B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 KS White Dhtr
Rinda Massey Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 TN White Dhtr-in-law

Henry H Garde Lizzie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Head
Lizzie A Garde Henry H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 KS White Wife
Marson E Garde Henry H, Lizzie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Carline H Garde Henry H, Lizzie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Aaron Garde Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK White Brother

West S Harrington Maud L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 IL White Head
Maud L Harrington West S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 KS White Wife
Ivan L Harrington West S, Maud L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 KS White Son
Laren E Harrington West S, Maud L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son
Ruby S Harrington West S, Maud L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Henry A Birt Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 MO White Head
Minnie Birt Henry A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 IL White Wife
Rossie E Birt Henry A, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Donald H Birt Henry A, Minnie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son

Abe F Fast Sarah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1880 KS White Head
Sarah Fast Abe F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS White Wife
Florence A Fast Abe F, Sarah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son
Harold V Fast Abe F, Sarah Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son

John F Fast Minnie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 KS White Head
Minnie A Fast John F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS White Wife
Otto Fast John F, Minnie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Son
Marvin Fast John F, Minnie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Son
Lucile Fast John F, Minnie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

Otto Deharde Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1866 Germany White Head
Anna I Deharde Otto Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1871 Germany White Wife
Frank Deharde Otto, Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 KS White Son
Otto Deharde Otto, Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Son
Anna Deharde Otto, Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Dhtr
Amanda Deharde Otto, Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Dhtr
Eddie Deharde Otto, Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 KS White Son
William Deharde Otto, Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 KS White Son
Peter Deharde Otto, Anna I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Son

Henry Balzer Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 Russia White Head
Elizabeth Balzer Henry Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 Russia White Wife
Peter V Balzer Henry, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1891 KS White Son
Anna Balzer Henry, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Dhtr
John V Balzer Henry, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Son
Jake F Balzer Henry, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Son
Abe V Balzer Henry, Elizabeth Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Son

Jarold W Robenkoup Arna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 KS White Head
Arna Robenkoup Jarold W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Wife
Ruth E McElroy Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 IN White Boarder

Lizzie S Stracker Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 IL White Head
Ben J Stracker Lizzie S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1896 KS White Son
John H Stracker Lizzie S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Son
Louis G Stracker Lizzie S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Son
Anthony J Stracker Lizzie S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 KS White Son
Anna E Stracker Lizzie S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 KS White Dhtr
Leo Stracker Lizzie S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Leonard Stracker Lizzie S Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son

Burton F Presley Anna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 TN White Head
Anna Presley Burton F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 TN White Wife
Leslie L Presley Burton F, Anna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 TN White Son
Fred C Presley Burton F, Anna Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Son

August H Hollman Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 MO White Head
Mary Hollman August H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 MO White Wife
Jessie H Hollman August H, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 MO White Dhtr
Elmer H Hollman August H, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK White Son
Gerald H Hollman August H, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Son
Florence W Hollman August H, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son

Harry L Davis Dellie I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 KS White Head
Dellie I Davis Harry L Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS White Wife
John B Davis Harry L, Dellie I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 Iowa White Son
Henry F Davis Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 OK White Brother

John C Ramon Lizzie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 AR White Head
Lizzie E Ramon John C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 TN White Wife
Opal I Ramon John C, Lizzie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Dhtr
Bonnie M Ramon John C, Lizzie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 KS White Dhtr
Raymond H Ramon John C, Lizzie E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Son

Carl A Moore Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1883 TN White Head

Obin E Nocks Grace P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 KS White Head
Grace P Nocks Obin E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 MO White Wife
Elmer L Nocks Obin E, Grace P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 KS White Son

Wheeler A Guston Agnes A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Head
Agnes A Guston Wheeler A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Iowa White Wife
Amar B Guston Wheeler A, Agnes A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Son
Wilburn J Guston Wheeler A, Agnes A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son

Henry J Remling Patrick Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1865 MO White Head
Patrick Remling Henry J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 Iowa White Wife
Opal O Remling Henry J, Patrick Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 Iowa White Dhtr
Walter J Remling Henry J, Patrick Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Samuel A Remling Henry J, Patrick, Elsie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 MO White Son
Elsie M Remling Samuel A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 KS White Dhtr-in-law
Zella M Remling Samuel A, Elsie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Grandchild
Era J Remling Samuel A, Elsie M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 KS White Grandchild

Ola Hanson Sophia C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1859 Sweden White Head
Sophia C Hanson Ola Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 Sweden White Wife
Wendel P Hanson Ola, Sophia C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 MO White Son
Franklin A Hanson Ola, Sophia C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 MO White Son

Gattfred F Herbel Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1868 Russia White Head
Mary Herbel Gattfred F Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 KS White Wife
Ferdinand Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Son
Theresa Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS White Dhtr
Harry Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK White Son
Betha Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK White Dhtr
Floren Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son
Selma Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr
Willie Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 Texas White Son
Mary Herbel Gattfred F, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr
Verett Reece Olada Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas White Son-in-law
Olada Reece Gattfred F, Mary, Verett Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Dhtr

George C Howman Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1877 Germany White Head
Anna B Howman George C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Germany White Wife
Dora A Howman George C, Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS White Dhtr
August H Howman George C, Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Son
Louis C Howman George C, Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 KS White Son
Murrie R Howman George C, Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1908 KS White Dhtr
Walter R Howman George C, Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Edward G Howman George C, Anna B Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 KS White Son

George Lindgren Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Russia White Head
Mary Lindgren George Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 Russia White Wife
George F Lindgren George, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Leona Lindgren George, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Clora Lindgren George, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Villa Lindgren George, Mary Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Dhtr

Miras C Arnold Blanch A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 KS White Head
Blanch A Arnold Miras C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 IN White Wife
Milburn C Arnold Miras C, Blanch A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS White Son
Inez N Hurd Miras C, Blanch A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Dhtr

Samuel W White Myrtle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 Texas White Head
Myrtle White Samuel W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas White Wife
Herbert C White Samuel W, Myrtle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas White Son
Willa M White Samuel W, Myrtle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK White Dhtr
Ira J White Samuel W, Myrtle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Son

Gus J Sylvester Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1878 MO White Head
Flora Sylvester Gus J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 MO White Wife
Lawrence J Sylvester Gus J, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO White Son
Erna Sylvester Gus J, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1901 MO White Dhtr
Hilda Sylvester Gus J, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 MO White Dhtr
Esther Sylvester Gus J, Flora Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 OK White Dhtr

Gettlich F A Jauch Amalie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 Russia White Head
Amalie Jauch Gettlich F A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 KS White Wife
Harry G Jauch Gettlich F A, Amalie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 OK White Son
Clara Jauch Gettlich F A, Amalie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Anna Jauch Gettlich F A, Amalie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
E Laura Jauch Gettlich F A, Amalie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

Henry C Petrowsky Anna H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1888 KS White Head
Anna H Petrowsky Henry C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Wife
Eva Petrowsky Henry C, Anna H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 KS White Dhtr

Bernard J Lampe Catherine E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1892 IL White Head
Catherine E Lampe Bernard J Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 IL White Wife
Marie E Lampe Bernard J, Catherine E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
John W Lampe Bernard J, Catherine E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Frank R West Minnie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 KS White Head
Minnie A West Frank R Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Wife
Kermit V West Frank R, Minnie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1912 KS White Son
Welden L West Frank R, Minnie A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son
Rolland V Bauerle Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 KS White Brother-in-law

Hurley P McKirahan Oma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1881 MO White Head
Oma McKirahan Hurley P Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 KS White Wife
Mary F McKirahan Hurley P, Oma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1906 KS White Dhtr
GA B McKirahan Hurley P, Oma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 OK White Dhtr
Stella R McKirahan Hurley P, Oma Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr

Welda E Davis Bertha E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Iowa White Head
Bertha E Davis Welda E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS White Wife
Russel W Davis Welda E, Bertha E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Glenn A Davis Welda E, Bertha E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1918 OK White Son

Verne A Schoenwald Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1903 Iowa White Head
George Hoffer Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 KS White Brother

Purtis I Davis Pearl D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Iowa White Head
Pearl D Davis Purtis I Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 MO White Wife
Leroy I Davis Purtis I, Pearl D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Mella E Davis Purtis I, Pearl D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr
Odrener Davis Purtis I, Pearl D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Alexander Davis Ida D Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1860 Iowa White Head
Ida D Davis Alexander Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1864 Iowa White Wife

Frank Humble John W, Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 IL White Head
Fred Humble Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1899 IL White Brother
John W Humble Jennie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1861 IL White Father
Jennie Humble John W Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 IL White Mother

Will E Acker Clora H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1875 MI White Head
Clora H Acker Will E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 TN White Wife
Melvin C Acker Will E, Clora H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1914 NM White Son
Marparie C Acker Will E, Clora H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Dhtr
Carl N Acker Will E, Clora H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1916 OK White Son
Edward F Acker Will E, Clora H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Son

Fred G Fritzler Rosa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1897 Russia White Head
Rosa Fritzler Fred G Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS White Wife
Herman Fritzler Fred G, Rosa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Mary Fritzler Fred G, Rosa Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 OK White Dhtr

John A Strain Lydia M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1872 MS White Head
Lydia M Strain John A Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1873 MS White Wife
Ruth G Strain John A, Lydia M Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 Texas White Dhtr

John Thines Ratie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1876 IL White Head
Ratie Thines John Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1889 Iowa White Wife
Edward Thines John, Ratie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1911 OK White Son
Viola Thines John, Ratie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Virgil Thines John, Ratie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Son
Vernon Maybury Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas White Lodger

Adam Wagorles Sophia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1836 Russia White Head
Sophia Wagorles Adam Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1862 Russia White Wife
Henry Rudwill Sophia Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1905 Russia White Stepson

Gottfred Steinle Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1885 Russia White Head
Katie Steinle Gottfred Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1894 Russia White Wife
Viola Steinle Gottfred, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1913 USA White Dhtr
Emma Steinle Gottfred, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 USA White Dhtr
Theresie Steinle Gottfred, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 USA White Dhtr
Esther Steinle Gottfred, Katie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1919 USA White Dhtr
Carl Winter Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1900 Russia White Hired Man

Roy C Feck Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1893 Iowa White Head
E Tillman Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1904 Russia White Lodger
Forest L Cline Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas White Lodger

John C Burke Laura E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1884 TN White Head
Laura E Burke John C Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS White Wife
June E Burke John C, Laura E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1915 OK White Dhtr
Thelma I Burke John C, Laura E Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1917 OK White Dhtr

Charlie H Rahenkamp Lizzie Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1879 KS White Head
Lizzie Rahenkamp Charlie H Hooker, Texas, OK abt 1886 Russia White Wife


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