Texas County Census Records

1910 United States Federal Census - Texas County, OK

Goodwell Township



Source Information:
Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1910. T624, 1,178 rolls.

This database is an index to the head of households enumerated in the 1910 United States Federal Census, the Thirteenth Census of the United States. In addition, each indexed name is linked to actual images of the 1910 Federal Census. The information recorded in the census includes: name, relationship to head of family, age at last birthday, sex, color or race, whether single, married, widowed, or divorced, birthplace, birthplace of father and mother, and more.


Name - Parent/spouse names - Home in 1910 - BirthYear - Birthplace - Relation 

Lewis D Miller Pearl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1867 Iowa Head 
Pearl Miller Lewis D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 Iowa Wife 
Lura Miller Lewis D, Pearl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 Iowa Dhtr
Harry Miller Lewis D, Pearl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 Iowa Son 
George Miller Lewis D, Pearl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1905 Iowa Son 

John S M Phillippe Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 IL Head 
Mary E Phillippe John S M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 IL Wife 

Christopher A Grace Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1859 Texas Head 
Mary Grace Christopher A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1862 TN Wife 
Art Grace Christopher A, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1890 Texas Son 
Thomas N Grace Christopher A, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1893 Texas Son 
Adda Grace Christopher A, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas Dhtr
Eugene Grace Christopher A, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas Son 
Veda Grace Christopher A, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Dhtr
Roy Grace Christopher A, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 Texas Son 

Bluett C Coy Mariah J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1863 KY Head 
Mariah J Coy Bluett C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 KY Wife 
Arthur Coy Bluett C, Mariah J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 KY Son 
Monroe Coy Bluett C, Mariah J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas Son 
Estes Coy Bluett C, Mariah J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas Son 
Bessie Coy Bluett C, Mariah J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Dhtr
Dessie Coy Bluett C, Mariah J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 Texas Dhtr
Olie Pearl Coy Bluett C, Mariah J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Dhtr

Milton Coy Mary J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 KY Head 
Mary J Coy Milton Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 Georgia Wife 

Mathias Coy Saloma Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1877 KY Head 
Saloma Coy Mathias Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 KY Wife 
Artie Coy Mathias, Saloma Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Dhtr
Archie Coy Mathias, Saloma Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1910 OK Son 

Charles M Massey Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 TN Head 

George H Thompson Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1868 Texas Head 
Mary Thompson George H Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1875 Texas Wife 
Lucy E Thompson George H, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas Dhtr
Clara Bell Thompson George H, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas Dhtr
William J Thompson George H, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Son 
Jesse T Thompson George H, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 Texas Son 
George A Thompson George H, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 
Samuel B Thompson Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 Texas Brother 

Grover C Taggart Maggie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 IL Head 
Maggie Taggart Grover C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1885 IL Wife 
Delaus Taggart Grover C, Maggie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 IL Son 

Isaac Bell Julia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1844 IL Head 
Julia A Bell Isaac Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1849 Ohio Wife 

Casluss M Read Adda F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1862 Ohio Head 
Adda F Read Casluss M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1859 WV Wife 
Margaret A Read Casluss M, Adda F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 MO Dhtr
Hary S Scholl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 MO Nephew 
Florence L Scholl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 MO Niece 

Frank L Stanley Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1862 NC Head 

John Fernbach Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 Hungary Head 

John S Sager Anna R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1878 Iowa Head 
Anna R Sager John S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1880 Iowa Wife 
Sybil J Sager John S, Anna R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 Iowa Dhtr
Neva E Sager John S, Anna R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 Iowa Dhtr
Victor E Sager John S, Anna R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

Albert Smith Catharine Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1848 England Head 
Catharine Smith Albert Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 Canada English Wife 
Isabell Smith Albert, Catharine Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1879 Canada English Dhtr
Christine Smith Albert, Catharine Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 Canada English Dhtr
Ora L Clark Minnie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 IL Son-in-law 
Minnie Clark Albert, Catharine, Ora L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 Canada English Dhtr
Myrle J Clark Ora L, Minnie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 IL Granddaughter 

Frederic G Beerbower Norian A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1870 IN Head 
Norian A Beerbower Frederic G Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 Virginia Wife 
Jesse F Beerbower Frederic G, Norian A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 IN Son 
Homer O Beerbower Frederic G, Norian A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 IN Son 
Mina E Beerbower Frederic G, Norian A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 IN Dhtr
Merle M Beerbower Frederic G, Norian A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 IN Dhtr

Eldrige M Stith Annie E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1855 KY Head 
Annie E Stith Eldrige M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1855 KY Wife 
Zittie M Stith Eldrige M, Annie E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1887 KS Dhtr

Thomas J Merriott Emely M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1869 Iowa Head 
Emely M Merriott Thomas J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1868 MO Wife 
Bessie B Merriott Thomas J, Emely M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 MO Dhtr
Clarance L Merriott Thomas J, Emely M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 MO Son 

Alexander W Boston Sallie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 TN Head 
Sallie Boston James, Alexander W Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1878 TN Wife 
Ural Boston Alexander W, Sallie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 TN Dhtr
James Oldham Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1842 TN Father-in-law 

Robbert A Peck Ola M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas Head 
Ola M Peck Robbert A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1885 Texas Wife 
Holis Peck Robbert A, Ola M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

Madison S Rowan Alice F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 Virginia Head 
Alice F Rowan Madison S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1860 Virginia Wife 
Watson S Rowan Madison S, Alice F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 Virginia Son 
Nancy L Rowan Madison S, Alice F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 Virginia Dhtr

Isaac Jefferis Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 Ohio Head 
Georgia A Jefferis Isaac Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1879 Ohio Wife 
Jesse L Jefferis Isaac, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 Ohio Son 
Marie B Jefferis Isaac, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 Ohio Dhtr
Anna F Jefferis Isaac, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 Ohio Dhtr
Clara Jefferis Isaac, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 Ohio Dhtr
Mary D Jefferis Isaac, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 Ohio Dhtr
Isaac R Jefferis Isaac, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 Ohio Son 

Laren E Stewart Ida J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1861 IL Head 
Ida J Stewart Laren E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1862 IL Wife 
Lillia Stewart Laren E, Ida J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 IL Dhtr
Sylvan Stewart Laren E, Ida J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1893 IL Son 
Gladys Stewart Laren E, Ida J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1896 IL Dhtr

William S Henard Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1866 IL Head 

Bird McDaniel Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1880 IL Head 
Mary McDaniel Bird Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1880 IL Wife 
Ora H McDaniel Bird, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 IL Son 
Elfie May McDaniel Bird, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 IL Dhtr
Guy McDaniel Bird, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 IL Son 
Rosa A McDaniel Bird, Mary Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Dhtr

John R Davidson Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1860 AR Head 
Georgia A Davidson John R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1861 AR Wife 
Thomas H Davidson John R, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas Son 
George R Davidson John R, Georgia A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas Son 

David W Burrows May B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 Texas Head 
May B Burrows David W Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 IN Wife 

Dinsmore H Neeley Permelia Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1853 Louisiana Head 
Permelia Neeley Dinsmore H Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 Alabama Wife 
John C Neeley Dinsmore H, Permelia Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 Texas Son 

James E Kenedy Mollie M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 TN Head 
Mollie M Kenedy James E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 TN Wife 
Juanita Kenedy James E, Mollie M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 TN Dhtr
Duncan Kenedy James E, Mollie M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 TN Son 
Eddie Kenedy James E, Mollie M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Son 
Carlyle Kenedy James E, Mollie M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

Edmund Holschbach Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1887 WI Head 

Neil S Brown Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1848 TN Head 
Mary E Brown Neil S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1865 MS Wife 
Nelie Brown Neil S, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas Dhtr
Troy Brown Neil S, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 Texas Son 

James A Perryman Marry E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1852 IL Head 
Marry E Perryman James A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1853 MS Wife 
Gertha R Word Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 Texas Granddaughter 

John J Boston Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1869 TN Head 
Eva Boston John J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1878 TN Wife 
Alice Boston John J, Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 TN Dhtr
James A Boston John J, Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 TN Son 
John S Boston John J, Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 Texas Son 
Willie C Boston John J, Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Son 
Clyde A Boston John J, Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 Texas Son 
Robbert O Boston John J, Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Son 
McMillin Boston John J, Eva Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

George R Grant Millie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 Texas Head 
Millie L Grant George R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 TN Wife 
Vonnie W Grant George R, Millie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas Son 
Wayne A Grant George R, Millie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas Son 
Vena L Grant George R, Millie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 Texas Dhtr
Nina G Grant George R, Millie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Dhtr

James King Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1846 IN Head 
Walter D King James Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1873 IN Son 

Hubert Berkley Nancy J, Onnie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 Texas Head 
Onnie L Berkley Hubert Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas Wife 
Velma Berkley Hubert, Onnie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 Texas Dhtr
Dora Berkley Hubert, Onnie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Dhtr
Nancy J Berkley Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1846 Texas Mother 

Jesse Helton Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1853 TN Head 
Mary E Helton Jesse Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1862 NC Wife 
Bessie M Helton Jesse, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas Dhtr
John H Helton Jesse, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 AR Son 
Luther Helton Jesse, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas Son 
Bertha Helton Jesse, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 Texas Dhtr
Alma Helton Jesse, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK Dhtr

Arthur W Morgan Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 Georgia Head 
Theodore S Brown Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 IN Head 

George B Kobe Mattie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1852 KY Head 
Mattie L Kobe George B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1856 KY Wife 
Marskall Neil Kobe Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1885 KY Adopted Son 
Lillie Kobe Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 KS Daughter-in-law 

Jesse C Helton Pearl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 TN Head 
Pearl Helton Jesse C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1890 Idaho Wife 
Cecil J Helton Jesse C, Pearl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1910 Texas Son 

Wilson Hast Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1843 Ohio Head 

David H Reid Sallie E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1848 TN Head 
Sallie E Reid David H Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1854 TN Wife 
Clara D Reid David H, Sallie E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 TN Dhtr

William F Davis Margaret S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 AR Head 
Margaret S Davis William F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 KY Wife 
Harrold Davis Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 AR Adopted Son 
William F Jun Davis William F, Margaret S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1910 AR Son 

Leonard Payne Kate A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1869 IL Head 
Kate A Payne Leonard Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1879 IL Wife 
Theodon H Payne Leonard, Kate A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 IL Son 
Irene M Payne Leonard, Kate A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 IL Dhtr
Virgil D Payne Leonard, Kate A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1905 IL Son 
Florence E Payne Leonard, Kate A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 IL Dhtr

Thomas A Brooks Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1856 TN Head 

James R Smith Elen Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1849 MO Head 
Elen Smith James R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1858 MO Wife 

Andrew S Bradfora Anna J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1853 TN Head 
Anna J Bradfora Andrew S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1864 Texas Wife 
Denzil E Bradfora Andrew S, Anna J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 Texas Son 
Willie S Bradfora Andrew S, Anna J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 Texas Son 
Annie J Bradfora Andrew S, Anna J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 Texas Dhtr
Charley A Bradfora Andrew S, Anna J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 Texas Son 
Clay H Danials Winnie A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 KS Son-in-law 
Winnie A Danials Andrew S, Anna J, Clay H Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 Texas Dhtr
Victor D Danials Clay H, Winnie A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Grandson 

George Hamilton Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1869 IN Head 
Eula E Hamilton George Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 IL Dhtr
Inez Hamilton George Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1896 IL Dhtr

John F Frazier Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1855 Iowa Head 

Thomas H Reid Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 TN Head 
Frances F Reid Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 TN Brother 
Charley A Reid Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 TN Brother 

Walliam P McGinity Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 Texas Head 
Mary E McGinity Walliam P Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1878 Texas Wife 
Mabel R McGinity Walliam P, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 Texas Dhtr
Mary M McGinity Walliam P, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 Texas Dhtr
Robbert W McGinity Walliam P, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 Texas Son 
Fredrick M McGinity Walliam P, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 OK Son 

Walter H Baker Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 Ohio Head 

George Wilson Mariah Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1856 Ireland Head 
Mariah Wilson George Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1870 IL Wife 
George F Wilson George, Mariah Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1890 KS Son 
Emma Wilson George, Mariah Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1893 KS Dhtr
Sarah Wilson George, Mariah Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 KS Dhtr
Laura Wilson George, Mariah Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 KS Dhtr
Lillie Wilson George, Mariah Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 KS Dhtr
Johny E Wilson George, Mariah Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1905 KS Son 

Benjamin F Hutcherson Mattie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1870 Texas Head 
Mattie L Hutcherson Benjamin F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 Alabama Wife 
Aubie F Hutcherson Benjamin F, Mattie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas Son 
Perman C Hutcherson Benjamin F, Mattie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1897 Texas Son 
Verginia L Hutcherson Benjamin F, Mattie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Dhtr
Eddie Glen Hutcherson Benjamin F, Mattie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 Texas Son 
Nellie G Hutcherson Benjamin F, Mattie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Dhtr

John W Jones Rosa B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 Texas Head 
Rosa B Jones John W Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 OK Wife 

Thomas R Blake Bessie E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 Texas Head 
Bessie E Blake Thomas R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 AR Wife 
Mildred L Blake Thomas R, Bessie E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 Texas Dhtr

Benjamin F Jones Georgia E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas Head 
Georgia E Jones Benjamin F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 Iowa Wife 
Bennie L Jones Benjamin F, Georgia E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK Son 
Herbert G Jones Benjamin F, Georgia E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK Son 
Clarence W Jones Benjamin F, Georgia E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Son 
Teodore K Jones Benjamin F, Georgia E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

Edward A J Hughes Minnie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 Texas Head 
Minnie L Hughes Edward A J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 Texas Wife 
Brownie D Hughes Edward A J, Minnie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Dhtr
Catharine Hughes Edward A J, Minnie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK Dhtr
William L Hughes Edward A J, Minnie L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

William S Cooksey Gertrude S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 MS Head 
Gertrude S Cooksey William S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 OK Wife 
Barney C Cooksey William S, Gertrude S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Son 
Sadie L Cooksey William S, Gertrude S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 Texas Dhtr
Noble J Cooksey William S, Gertrude S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 Texas Son 
George W Davis Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1841 Georgia Lodger 

James Price Melvina C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1848 Virginia Head 
Melvina C Price James Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1858 MO Wife 
William J Price James, Melvina C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1878 MO Son 
Elizabeth L Price James, Melvina C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 MO Dhtr
Sallie A Price James, Melvina C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1896 MO Dhtr

James P Howard Lula A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1866 TN Head 
Lula A Howard James P Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 Texas Wife 
Oscar S Howard James P, Lula A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 OK Son 
Velma Howard James P, Lula A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1899 OK Dhtr
Mabel L Howard James P, Lula A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK Dhtr
Rosco Howard James P, Lula A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK Son 
William Howard James P, Lula A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

Reuban E Cooksey Mary L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 MS Head 
Mary L Cooksey Reuban E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1873 MS Wife 
Sarah E Cooksey Reuban E, Mary L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK Dhtr
Reuban O Cooksey Reuban E, Mary L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

Peter Fernbach Anna Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1856 Hungary Head 
Anna Fernbach Peter Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1864 Hungary Wife 
Antone Fernbach Peter, Anna Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Son 

Alma G Cobb Mary L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 MS Head 
Mary L Cobb Alma G Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 MI Wife 

George E Leonard Lallie P Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1860 MO Head 
Lallie P Leonard George E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 MO Wife 
Edward P Leonard George E, Lallie P, Vivian Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1887 MO Son 
Vivian Leonard Edward P Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 MO Daughter-in-law 
Edith P Leonard George E, Lallie P Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 MO Dhtr

Luther G Robberts Corrie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1879 Texas Head 
Corrie Robberts Luther G Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas Wife 
Vernan B Robberts Luther G, Corrie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Son 
Lola M Robberts Luther G, Corrie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1905 Texas Dhtr
Alvin H Robberts Luther G, Corrie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

Henry L Welch Cora C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1867 TN Head 
Cora C Welch Henry L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1863 IL Wife 
Annie E Welch Henry L, Cora C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 IL Dhtr
Henry L Jun Welch Henry L, Cora C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 IL Son 

Walter J McCollum Annie N Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1879 Texas Head 
Annie N McCollum Walter J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas Wife 
Vera McCollum Walter J, Annie N Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 Texas Dhtr
Loyd McCollum Walter J, Annie N Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK Son 
Raymon McCollum Walter J, Annie N Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

Andrew J Dunavin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1873 MO Head 

Friderick Trane Louise M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1875 Germany Head 
Louise M Trane Friderick Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 IL Wife 
Christian F Trane Friderick, Louise M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

William J Finn Nannie D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 KY Head 
Nannie D Finn William J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1855 KY Wife 
Ruth S Finn William J, Nannie D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 KY Dhtr

William A Farr Nettie E M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1853 Georgia Head 
Nettie E M Farr William A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1854 Alabama Wife 

Franck C Pugh Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1842 IN Head 

James A Alexander Nina D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1878 Texas Head 
Nina D Alexander James A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1885 Alabama Wife 
Clarene D Alexander James A, Nina D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 Texas Son 
Mabel Alexander James A, Nina D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1905 OK Dhtr
Hazel L Alexander James A, Nina D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Dhtr
Jewel L Alexander James A, Nina D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Dhtr

Abe Palmer Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1867 IL Head 
Laura J Palmer Abe Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1873 MO Wife 
Walter A Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1896 MO Son 
Henry E Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 MO Son 
Abran L Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 MO Son 
Eugene S Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 MO Son 
Charles S Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 MO Son 
Hazel G Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 MO Dhtr
Bernice A Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Dhtr
Mary L Palmer Abe, Laura J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Dhtr

Jake A Hickman Josper E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 Texas Head 
Josper E Hickman Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1834 Alabama Father 
Lewis J Patterson Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas Hired Man 
Orpha Patterson Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 IL Housekeeper 

Ferando M Hollis Anna E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 Texas Head 
Anna E Hollis Ferando M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 AR Wife 
Lester E Hollis Ferando M, Anna E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 
Ora B Crismon Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 AR Sister-in-law 

Charley W King Maggie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 MO Head 
Maggie King Charley W Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 MO Wife 
Geraldine M King Charley W, Maggie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 MO Dhtr
Elenor C King Charley W, Maggie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Dhtr

James L Jordan Lucy B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 Texas Head 
Lucy B Jordan James L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1890 Texas Wife 
Esther Jordan James L, Lucy B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Dhtr

Felix N Huckleberry Emma J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 Iowa Head 
Emma J Huckleberry Felix N Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1864 MD Wife 
Bertie Carl Huckleberry Felix N, Emma J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 Iowa Son 
Walter Q Huckleberry Felix N, Emma J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1894 KS Son 
Maggie M Huckleberry Felix N, Emma J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 OK Dhtr
Fannie F Huckleberry Felix N, Emma J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 Texas Dhtr
Benton Huckleberry Felix N, Emma J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1903 OK Son 
William J Huckleberry Felix N, Emma J Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

Isaac T Reid Nora E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1880 TN Head 
Nora E Reid Isaac T Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 AR Wife 
Buford R Reid Isaac T, Nora E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

Frank Rus Very Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 Germany Head 
Very Rus Frank Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 Austria Wife 
Amelia Rus Frank, Very Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK Dhtr
Annie Rus Frank, Very Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 OK Dhtr
Celia Rus Frank, Very Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Dhtr

Boyd B Elkins Lela O Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas Head 
Lela O Elkins Boyd B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 Texas Wife 
Alleene E Elkins Boyd B, Lela O Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Dhtr

John N Fulton Carlotta M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1885 Texas Head 
Carlotta M Fulton John N Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 AR Wife 
Fred M Fulton John N, Carlotta M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 
Florence H Fulton John N, Carlotta M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Dhtr

James M Richey Sadie B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1869 MO Head 
Sadie B Richey James M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 Texas Wife 
Willie F Richey James M, Sadie B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 OK Dhtr
Lous Bell Richey James M, Sadie B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1893 OK Dhtr

Joel F Blake Susan M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1875 Texas Head 
Susan M Blake Joel F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 Texas Wife 
Josephin F Blake Joel F, Susan M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1901 Texas Dhtr
Alice Blake Joel F, Susan M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 Texas Dhtr
Thomas R Blake Joel F, Susan M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

Thomas J McFarland Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas Head 

George W Burrows Amanda Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1842 AR Head 
Amanda Burrows George W Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1846 MS Wife 
John Walter Burrows George W, Amanda Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1875 Texas Son 
Olivia Burrows George W, Amanda Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 Texas Dhtr
Dova Rankin George W, Amanda Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1878 Texas Dhtr
Hubert Rankin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1893 Texas Grandson 
Pearl Rankin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 OK Granddaughter 
Cora Rankin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 OK Granddaughter 
Winfred Rankin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 OK Grandson 
Carrol Rankin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK Grandson 

Elliott M Baker Lizzie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1869 IN Head 
Lizzie Baker Elliott M Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 KY Wife 
Chester Baker Elliott M, Lizzie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 IL Son 

Orin B Lloyd Mary D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 KS Head 
Mary D Lloyd Orin B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1870 IL Wife 
Ray M Lloyd Orin B, Mary D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1898 KS Son 
Fay G Lloyd Orin B, Mary D Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 KS Dhtr

Isaac S Frazier Louisa S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1877 MO Head 
Louisa S Frazier Isaac S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 TN Wife 
Henry L Frazier Isaac S, Louisa S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 OK Son 
Mattie C Frazier Isaac S, Louisa S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 OK Dhtr
Lizzie M Frazier Isaac S, Louisa S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK Dhtr
Fanny G Frazier Isaac S, Louisa S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1907 OK Dhtr
Ira F Frazier Isaac S, Louisa S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

Alexander T Hammond Lula Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1861 KY Head 
Lula Hammond Alexander T Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1862 KY Wife 
John G Hammond Alexander T, Lula Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 KY Son 
Janes Joshlin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1861 Iowa Boarder 
Colonel W Potter Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 NE Boarder 
George Shalton Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1893 IL Boarder 
Cloa Clanton Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 Texas Boarder 
Lobig Rolstad Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 WI Boarder 
Effie Niccum Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1890 IL Servant 

George R Elkins Pearl B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1890 Texas Head 
Pearl B Elkins George R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 IL Wife 
John D S Elkins George R, Pearl B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Son 

George W Leonard Catharine Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1835 MO Head 
Catharine Leonard George W Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1840 MO Wife 

Edward Greck Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 MO Head 
Mary E Greck Edward Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1874 MO Wife 
Stella Greck Edward, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 MO Dhtr
Ralph Greck Edward, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1906 MO Son 
Dorotha Grick Edward, Mary E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1909 OK Dhtr

John S Scroggins Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 KY Head 
Iva Scroggins John S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 Texas Dhtr
Agnes E Scroggins John S Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1895 Texas Dhtr
Henry E Scholl Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1867 IN Boarder 
Fannie Hammon Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1877 KY Boarder 
William Grhulkey Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 IL Boarder 
Henry W Clopton Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1868 KY Boarder 
Mamie H Clopton Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 MO Boarder 

Ganders W Black Ida L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1856 IL Head 
Ida L Black Ganders W Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1865 KS Wife 
Alvin W Black Ganders W, Ida L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1892 KS Son 

James McMillin Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1855 KY Head 

Joseph Godlove Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1850 IN Head 

John F Thompson Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1856 AR Head 
Eugene W Thompson John F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 OK Son 

James M Kelley Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1854 TN Head 

Len A Avenett Comie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1876 Texas Head 
Comie Avenett Len A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1884 KY Wife 
Raymond J Avenett Len A, Comie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 OK Son 
Maggie Avenett Len A, Comie Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Dhtr

Jhomas R Su Blake Martha E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1841 Virginia Head 
Martha E Blake Jhomas R Su Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1845 KY Wife 
Charles R Blake Jhomas R Su, Martha E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1877 Texas Son 
Albert B Blake Jhomas R Su, Martha E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 Texas Son 

Leon F Alby Mary F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1863 Virginia Head 
Mary F Alby Leon F Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1871 Texas Wife 

James R Cooksey Elen L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1845 MS Head 
Elen L Cooksey James R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1847 Alabama Wife 
Alvin R Cooksey James R, Elen L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 MS Son 
Rose L Cooksey James R, Elen L Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1886 MS Dhtr

Howard P Bradford Ada Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1882 Texas Head 
Ada Bradford Howard P Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1888 Texas Wife 
Archie C Bradford Howard P, Ada Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 OK Son 

Stephen E Dunham Virginia R Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1887 TN Head 
Virginia R Dunham Stephen E Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1889 KY Wife 
George M Dunham Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1891 Louisiana Brother 

Dewitt C Batis Marie H Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1881 MO Head 
Marie H Batis Dewitt C Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1883 Texas Wife 
Erma L Batis Dewitt C, Marie H Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1908 Texas Dhtr

James B Elkins Mary A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1854 TN Head 
Mary A Elkins James B Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1853 TN Wife 

William E Thomas Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1868 MO Head 

Isaac A Holt Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1872 Texas Head 
Myrtte Holt Isaac A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1900 Texas Dhtr
Lee Ora Holt Isaac A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1902 Texas Dhtr
Garland Holt Isaac A Goodwell, Texas, OK abt 1904 Texas Son 


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