Native American
Research Project

The Native American Research Project is intended to provide a place where those with special interest in Native American families from Kingfisher County and surrounding areas may share their genealogical findings. These may include records of any kind, including census records, birth, marriage, and death records, and land records.

If you would like to share your research, please send your information to me at, with "NATIVE AMERICAN RESEARCH PROJECT" in the subject line. (If you send your information as an attachment, please be sure that it is in .txt format.)

submitted by Barbara Clayton


Source: The Cheyenne Transporter, March 15, 1886

A dispatch of the 6th from Leavenworth says:  "ROMAN NOSE, the Indian chief confined in the post guard-house, attempted to commit suicide last night by hanging himself to the bars at the top of his cage with a 1 1/8 inch rope.  He procured a rope while doing his duties around the garrison, and secreting it about his person, carried it into his cell.  He then tied it onto the bars, with a noose at the lower end;  then, climbing up the side, he stuck his head into the noose and swung off.  The knot was not strong enough to hold him, and he fell to the floor.  The noise attracted the attention of the sentry, and rushing in, he found the would-be suicide lying on the floor, bleeding, but still conscious.  He is all right today, and says the cause of the deed was that he was lonesome."

ROMAN NOSE was sent from this Agency last July, but is not a chief.

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This page was last updated on June 5, 2006.