Native American
Research Project

The Native American Research Project is intended to provide a place where those with special interest in Native American families from Kingfisher County and surrounding areas may share their genealogical findings. These may include records of any kind, including census records, birth, marriage, and death records, and land records.

If you would like to share your research, please send your information to me at, with "NATIVE AMERICAN RESEARCH PROJECT" in the subject line. (If you send your information as an attachment, please be sure that it is in .txt format.)

submitted by Barbara Clayton

Source: THE KINGFISHER TIMES, Thursday, December 20, 1928.


It used to be that Paul SYKES, aged Negro singer, was one of Kingfisher's principal sources of advertising and remembrance.

Paul isn't singing now, but Kingfisher is still getting some unique advertising in many distant sections of the country.

The writings of Chief MOHIVOD WICKS, printed each week in THE TIMES under the heading of "Indian News," are being reprinted in newspapers all over the nation, from the small-town weeklies to the big town dailies.

Readers of THE TIMES in other states have frequently been inspired to clip the Indian news from this paper and take it to their local publishers, who reprint it. Other papers recopy it, and the thing is spreading farther all the time.

One of the most recent papers to print Kingfisher Indian News is the Vandalia, Illinois, Union. Frank DAVIS, brother of M. M. DAVIS of this city, was the contributor.

The principal interest in the Indian news lies in the unusual names which appear therein. Several local people have sent THE TIMES "back east" to relatives who have no other interest in Kingfisher than that of reading of the doings of "BIG KNEE," "LITTLE BEAVER," "Joe YELLOW EYES," "John TURTLE," "Mrs. DOG WOMAN," and others.

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This page was last updated on June 5, 2006.