Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Kingfisher Free Press

transcribed by Mary Lou Morgan

Items of interest from the Kingfisher Free Press of January of 1896 --
some items in too late to print in 1895 first.


Dec. 28, 1895 Mr. Charles A. Glass married Miss Mable Bradley
Died Mr. Neal Dec. 1895
Died Walter Rodney was killed Dec. 1895
Dec. 1895 The four Dunn Brothers were in a wagon in pursuit of
lawbreakers, when a large can of Powder became ignited by some matches and
all four were thrown into the air. One of them was hurt so badly that he
died soon after the others are said to be fatally injured. the wagon was
blown to peices, the horses killed. Some mounths ago the Dunns accepted
commissions from the United States government for killing "Bitter Creek" and
"Tulsa Jack". to noted members of the old Dalton gang.
Dec. 1895 Mr Winnie Deen married Miss Minnie Farr.
Died Mrs Cooper Dec. 1895 burried Grimes Cemetery
Dec. 34, 1895 Mr. Frank Brown married Miss Nonnie Snyder
Dec. 25, 1895 Mr. Edmond Kendrick married Miss Jessie Ross
Dec. 25, 1895 Mr. John Smith married Miss A. E. Buttler.
Jan. 1896 Johnnie Brown, aged 10 years, shot and killed a chicken theif in
his fathers hen house at midnight.
1896 Mr. James Wingert has donated three acres of land from his claim, for
a cemetery and a Union church building.
Born Mr & Mrs Ladwig a boy Jan. 1896
Jan. 1896 Mr. Enos Mullen married Miss Mable Roach
On a board at the head of Zip Wyatts grave is a board on which is written
"Goe By, Old Pard" signed Bill Doolin.
J. H. Casler has named his boy "Free Silver" Jan 1896
Jan. 22, 1896 Mr Chas M. Clute married Miss Nonnie Dalton
Died Mrs Kate Shanahon, wife of John Jan. 1896 Omega
Died Mrs Charles Stickle Jan. 30, 1896
Feb. 20, 1896 Twilight school had a Pie Supper and Cake Walk. Mr.
Sheckleford recited "Over the hill from the Poorhouse".
Mr Grabon of Alpha lost nine head of cattle. Mr Grabon thinks they died
from eating "chinch bug" infested corn stalks.
Feb. 1896 Mr. Robinson married Miss Katy Gore
Born Mr & Mrs H. C. Hess a boy, Feb. 1896
Feb. 1896 100 ft of main street went up in flames. Fire was discovered in
Grey and Co. Grocery store, a brick building. Merchants who lost
merchandise and stock are, Harris & Rogers, C. P. Wickmiller, {he lost
stock and fixtures} J. A. Bourzek, photographer, Grey & Co. Grocery,
Binans & Co. butchers, J. J. Raymaker, fixtures, Kelmonico Resterent J.
S. Tatum, taylor, Davis & Brothers dry goods, Harris & Rogers goods
stolen, broken and lost.
Born Mr. & Mrs George Omar a girl Fe. 1896
Died Charles Ol McKay orphan Feb. 22, 1896 He was brother-in-law to
Miles Judge diptheria
Died Mrs Rachel Holmes Feb. 21, 1896 laid to rest in a cemetery in the
black jacks.
Died Infant Stevenson Feb. 20, 1896
Born Mr. & Mrs H. E. Durgan a boy Feb. 27, 1896
Born Mr. & Mrs. Friedman a boy Feb. 21, 1896
March 1896 A man caught his neighbors cat and soaked its tail in keorsene
and set it on fire and thought it would run home and burn the neighbors out,
instead it ran into his own barn and burned it down.

More of 1896, not much happened in March.
Born, Mr. & Mrs R. A. Lyle a girl
Seventy five laborers are employed on the new Cimarron Bridge.
Buck Weightman has been identified as the outlaw killed by officers,
Duckworth, Shannon and others. He was a boon companion to the Daltons,
Bill Doolin, Zip Wyatt, and Tulsa Jack.
Apr. 9, 1896 H. W. Johnsons house and contents were deatroyed by fire.
April 1896 The notorious outlaw Carl Thorne alias Diamond Point, who led
the raid at Coffeyville, Kansas,and who while a member of the Dalton gang
killed four men, was killed by U. S. Marshal George Richards at Dover. Both
the outlaw and the officer exchanged shots. Richards will get the $3, 200.
00 reward.
Born Mr. & Mrs. D. Meecham a boy
Apr. 1896 Mrs Wolf"s servant had cleaned the room with gasoline, a match
was struck and the room became engulfed in flames. Mrs Wolf had her hands
badlay burned trying to put the fire out, Mr Wolf came to her aid and got
the fire out, but ever thing in the room was badly scorched .
Apr. 1896 Mr. James Pruyne married Miss Bessie Deering
Apr. 16, 1896 Rev. J. C. Williams married Miss Annie Jordan
Apr. 8, 1896 Mr. Angus E. Callahan married Miss Ida McGee
Apr. 7, 1896 Mr. H. Pauley married Mrs Anna Williams
Died. Andrew Williams Apr. 1896 colored
Died. Paul Bishop 2 yrs. son of Mr. & Mrs Frank
thphoid pneumonia
Died. J. E. Bixby Apr. 14, 1896
Lots of square dances. Chase that rabbit, chase that squirrel, chase that
pretty girl, around the world.
Died An old man named James T. Rowland living on Mud Creek was shot 3
times by his daughter-in-law. Mrs James Rowland who accused him of sucking
3 eggs.
Died. Mr. John Tighe, he drank carbolid acid by mistake he said in his
dying statement, he thought it was whiskey. {just a thought what a taste
that whiskey must have had.}
Apr. 1896
May 1896. Mr. & Mrs W. F. Doorley were the recipients of a May basket May
11, someone left a baby girl on their door step. They never hesitated to
accept it. Mrs Doorley got a letter form the childs mother who had waited
to see if they would keep the baby. The baby was born May 5, 1896
May 28, 1896 A Hail storn did much dammage to crops and windows here. At
the same time there was one in El Reno, and not a whole window was left on
the north side of buildings and houses.
Born Mr & Mrs Harvey M. Cleaver a girl named Meta Elizabeth
May 1896 Mr. James A. Butts married Miss Ratie Lawson
Died. Bessie McDowell, 8 yr. old colored girl, her step mother had to
work, and she took care of the other childrenat home. She tried to light
the fire to cook breakfast, with kerosene nd her clothes caught fire and she
burned to death.
Born Mr. & Mrs Ves Carter a boy May 29, 1896
Died Inf son of John Mullen's May 1896
In Blaine Townships, Garfield county, the recent hail storm killed hundreds
of chichens and dead rabbits can be picked up everywhere.
June 1896 John Bullrose and Frank Ross were found drowned.
James Fowler shot at his sister the ball passing threw her bonnet. He had
been arested and put in the county jail.
William Holt shot and killed William Fowler two years ago and the family
of Fowler had been complaining about this. The sister remonstrated with her
brother James and this caused him to shoot at her.
Died. Mrs Mitchael Eaton June 1896 Wandell.
June 1896 Last Wednesday Jake Admire, who says he has been hearing of
hail-stones as big as hen eggs saw them for the first time.
A young man was recently bitten through the lip by a pole cat and fears of
hydrophobia are entertained.
A Kingfisher man has a chick in alchol which was possesed of three wings and
four legs. Handy to get away from the Cyclones no doubt.
A cyclone at Garber destroyed a mans house and killed his baby. His name
was Norris.
Charles N. Dugger, one of the oldest fedreal officers in Oklahoma, was
killed while attempting to arrest a band of whiskey peddlers. Also killed
was his possieman Jim Boyle
J. S. Allen made a trip to El Reno on his bicycle on Tuesday , he started at
8 A. M. and returned that eve.
King David, an exsaloon keeper of Kingfisher, recently of Hennessey,
comitted suicide by the morphine route.
Died. Martha Shoemaker June 15, 1896
Died Mrs Lucinda P. Wilcox May 26, 1896
July 2, 1896 Lots of sickness among infants, eight deaths since last
June 1896 Mrs S. B. Weir, got scared during a storm and started to run to
the cave and tripped over a chair, she was carrying her small child and the
chair leg penetrated the womans abdomen 6 inches making a fatal wound.
Died. Mr James Burk June 27, 1896 Okarche Cemetery.
Died. Dr. J. J. Thompson of Dover July 2, 1896
Born Mr. & Mrs J. E. Woodsworth a girl July 1896
Born Mr. & Mrs F. L. Boling a girl July 1896
Born Mr & Mrs H. H. Watkins a girl July 1896
July 1896 Rats entered the coop of Pearl Randalls chichens the other night
and murdered in cold blood seventy little chickens.
July 1896 Two boys charged up an old anvil with powder and proceded to
cellebrate. The explpsoion that followed proved disastrous to one of them.
Both eyes were blown out, and his chest and adbomen was blown to shreads.
Died Will Arnold shot and killed Prof. James Swain, a negro school teacher.
Swain had slandered Arnolds wife and they met on a country road and hot
words were exchanged. and Swain jumped into the wagon Arnold was driving and
slashed Arnold with a knife. Arnold then shot him with a shot gun.
Died. Mrs W. H. Hanson was gored to death by a cow she was milking.
July 1896
Died. one of the little twin of T. J. Sherrill age 6 mo. July 16 1896
July 1896 Charles Smith son of William, last Thursday while roping a horse
had the two middle fingers torn off his right hand, pulling the leaders from
his elbow loose with them and may hafto have the arm amptated.
Died. Mrs. Meyers and her baby were killed by lighting as she was sitting
in the door way when it hit.
Died Jeremiah Smith Died at home of son Richard S. Smith
The bitten by tarantula cases are much less numerous in Oklahoma this year
than they have ever been beforel
Died. Louis Miller, who was shot by Deputy Owens has died. He was suposed
to be harboring the Chirstian Borthers.
Died Mrs Margaret Grey McAuthur July 16, 1896
Died White Rabbit, a Cheyenne Indian, was killed instantly by lighting.
A Garfield boy who was a cigarette fiend has become insane as the result.
John Harris looked into an empty gun, and he had a big funeral.
Mrs T. A. Davis was bitte by a pet squirrel necessating the amputation of
hand and arm.
Died Mrs A. Q. Fanian was ran over by horses and fataly injured the first of
the week July 1896
July 30, 1896, while playing with an old revolver the 5 year old son of Bill
Carr, the noted outlaw, shot himself in the stomach, dying a short time
Died Miles T. Allen Had just married Miss Jett. June 4, 1895. He died
July 30, 1896
Born Mr & Mrs W. D. Corneluis a girl July 1896
Died Child of Elder Rehorn, b July 1896 Kingfisher Cemetery
W. A. Henpsmyer, aged 19 driver of stage from Hennessey to Okeene.
Delivered mail at Lacy and claimed to have been robbed of mail and $72.00
He was later arested when he bought a new watch and a revolver. He still
had the balance of the money, $37.00 on him when he was arested.
Died Simon Watson, a Choctaw, killed by unknown parties.
Died. Nine year old son of James Sater, dragged and trampled by a horse and
fataley injured.
Died Mrs Susan Hart she was killed by her nephew over the $5.00 he owed
Born to Mr. & Mrs P. Sn Nagle a boy Aug. 1896
Died Mary Sophia Gill, July 19, 1896 Dropsy
Died Little daughter of T. J. Sherrill's, she has gone to meet her little
twin sister who died 4 weeks ago. 1896
Died James Cooper July 25, 1896 Grimes Cemetery
Died Jeremiah Smith Jul 1896
Died Ora Thomas age 10 yrs, while praparing the morning meal and some how
her dress cought fire and she was burned to a crisp, she died in terriable
Born Mr. & Mrs Hagar a boy July 1896
Died De. Manning shot and killed by a chicken theif.
Dogs were poisioned last week. Load up the revolvers and be ready for the
Monday was the suposed to have been the hottest day in 100 years Aug.
Ever body fought ever body else last Saturday. We have heard of dying the
hair black, but why ever body wants black eyes is peculiar.
Aug. 6, 1896 Mr G. Tate married Mrs Lizzie L. Whitesides.
Joseph Pentecost is lying very low from the effects of a bite from a
spider. Within the past three weeks more than a dozen persons have been
bitten and one death occurred. The spider is a little black one, and quick
as lighting it leaps at a victim and fastnes its fangs, sprading its poision
direct to the heart and brain, and those bitten suffer the bad effects for
mounths after the first sickness is gone.
Why are little birds depressed of a morning? Because their little bills are
Died Colored girl found dead. she was a confirmed morphine eater and
commited suicide.
Died Mrs Gertrude Hill, wife of Will Sept. 1896 Kingfisher cemetery
The five men that killed Bill Doolin are quareling among their selves as to
who fired the fatal shot.
A number of horsed has died from eating Castor beans.
One of the most fendish crimes ever known in the territory was enacted at 11
O'clock Wednesday night, between Jasper Wilson and Dr. Mahren, both
prominent citizens of Kingfisher Co.The genteleman did not agree politically
and meeting Wednesday night in the barber shop Dr.Mahren became furious and
dashed a bottle of vitrol into Wilsons face. Wilson was blinded. The skin
dropped from his face in patches and there is little hope of his recovery.
Mahren escaped.
Sept. 9, 1896 Mr. Frank J. Walcher married MIss Carrie A. Seely
Born Mr. & Mrs William Parks a girl Sept. 1896
Sept. 9, 1896 Mr. Frank L. Wilkins married Miss Lenore V. Jones
Sept. 24, 1896 Mr Austin Tighe married Miss Laura DeWeese she was just
Miss Lilly M. Lyons was marreied last week
Born Dr.& Mrs F. L. Winkler a girl Sept. 19, 1896
Sept. 1896 Mr Jacob Copeland married Miss Emma Bolenbach
Born Mr. and Mrs Bert Ramsey a girl Oct. 1, 1896
Died A child of James Conway drank a cup of lye and died
Oct 22, 1896 John Clark age 10yrs, shot and killed his 15, yr old brother
Samuel. He did not know the gun was loaded.
Oct. 1896 Mr. Hesbough married Miss Grace Lewis
Died. Britania Doughlas Oct. 7, 1896 wife of John
Died Harry St Johns
Died P. G. Smith

Died Fred Edwin Belt, Dec. 7, 1896 son of Fred & Lettie
Kingfisher cemetery
Died Mrs Elvira C. Seeley Nov. 1896 Kingfisher cemetery
Died Mr John Leitzke Dec. 1896 Kingfisher cemetery
December 1896 The notorious Green gang of desperados have been captured by
U. S. Marshals. Bill and Edward Green was shot and killed, the youngest
borther Athur was shot and captured.
Bill adams was kicked in the face by a vicious horse and may not recover.
Died Willie Ludwich son of Theadore Oct. 15, 1896
Oct. 11, 1896 Mr C. d. Levering married Miss Lillie Burgette
Died Rev. J. Brown Oct. 29, 1896 Alpha cemetery
Harry St. John is dead, in fact as dead as Bill Dalton and Bill Dalton is
pretty dead.
Oct. 21, 1896 Mr. Geo. B. Francis married Miss Nora N. Clair
Died Mr Hubbard Nov. 1896
Died Mr Geo Meyer, travling from Mo. to Tex. accidently shot him self. The
full losd of shot entered his arm tearing it away and he bled to death
before help could reach him.
Died the baby of Mr Kim recently died from the effects of swalloing a
Died Aurthur Hunt Killed in accident on north side of cotton gin.
Dec. 1896 Items found on the claim of Pat Berry near Altona led to the
arrest ot Pat, his son, and Mike and Bill Conway and George Welch and
Claude Callison. Some of the items were from Okarche and some from
Dec. 1896 Mr J. A. Handcock married Miss Mae Murray
Died Hanging Judge Parker Dec. 1896
Died. A baby was found in a peice of wood north of Marshal, it was wrapped
in a old quilt. It showed evidence of being murdered.
Died Mrs Thomas Moran Dec. 1896
The obit's that Judge Parker recieved from I. T. papers were not very
Dec. 31, 1896 A postmaster at Guthrie returned a paper to the editor with a
note. "Foreward another copy in an abestos wrapper the man is dead"
Dec. 25, 1896 Mr L. C. Gould married Miss Rhoda L. Burns
Born Mr. & Mrs Geo. Mooney twin babies a boy and a girl Dec. 18, 1896
Dec. 18, 1896 Mr Oscar Lee married Miss Adelaide M. Murry.


This page was last updated October 19, 2007.