The following items were listed in the events of
1893 the January edition of 1894.
Jan. 25, 1893 Ad PAGES, daughter died Cholera infantum
Mar. 12, 1893 Mrs Pirer SMITH died she was burried
in Michigan.
Apr. 19, 1893 Cecil BURCHETT, daughter of Sheriff
died. She was 18 yrs old.
Apr. 2, 1893 Thomas C. PARVLEY, died
Apr. 2, 1893 W. MARSH, died
May 2, 1893 baby Rene Rawls ROACH, died
May 22, 1893 Mrs. Julia H. GLAHN, died
Aug. 1, 1893 A. C. HETTER, heart disease, burried
in Neb.
Oct. 30, D. A. DAGGER accidently shot his self and
Dec. 1893 Maj. William A. MONROE, died
Dec. 20, 1893 Mary H. SAIN, wife of J. H., daughter
of Col. N. F. Hichock
Dec. 20, 1893 George WILSON, died.
Mr Derr living east of Dover, was shot and
instantly killed. An old grudge
was the cause burried in the McIntyre Cemetery. Jan. 1894
[Who can tell me where the McIntyre Cemetery was?
Has it had a name change?
Thank You]
Born to Mr. & Mrs William Kitchell a baby Jan.
Born to Mrs Stafford a baby boy Jan. 28, 1894
Mrs Tillburry is very ill, she suffered a still
born baby Jan. 1894
Died Jan 1894, child of the Davises he was 4 yrs
old and his clothes
caught on fire. Parents were gone.
Died Jan 1894 Mr. Brown, Stepfather of Mr. Mell
Tull, burried in Bird
Creek Cemetery.
Married Jan. 11, 1894 Mr Albert R. Charlston to
Lennie Smith
Born Jan 1894 Mr & Mrs Charlie Cooder a baby
Born Jan. 18, 1894 Mr. & Mrs Bouch a baby girl
Married Jan. 1894 Mr. Thomas R. Kennedy to Miss
Jennie Jones
Died. Jan. 12, 1894 Comrade S. H. Foss died.
Murddered by George Derr,
burried Kingfisher Cemetery
Died Jan 24, 1894 John Higgins consumption
Marreid Jan 12, 1894 Mr. B. H. Pugh to Miss Mollie
E. Grout
Born Jan. 2, 1894 Mr. & Mrs E. A.Clump a baby
Married Jan. 17, 1894 Judge W. W. Benson to Miss
Annabell Battele
Died Jan. 1894 Will D. Meyers ran over by train
Died. Jan. 19, 1894 John Doffe
Born Feb. 1894 Mr & Mrs George Sears a baby boy
Died Fe. 1894 Miss Lucy Duffe, dau of John stomach
Died Feb. 1894 child of Mr & Mrs Kitchell
buried in grave on Williams
Died Feb. 11, 1894 Comrade I. H. Huff burried in
Died Feb. 15, 1894 Mrs. L. W. McFadden typhoid
fever Bird Creek
Died Feb. 1894 Okarche Okla. Henry Laney had
trouble with his neighbor man
name of Denny. Laney shot Denny in the leg and the leg had to be amputated
and Denny died the next day. Laney calimed self defense that Denny was
after him with a butcher knife.
Died Feb. 1894 Near Omega two brothers quarrled,
name of Hank and Casper
Stiles. Hank shot Casper and killed him quarrled over a pony.
Married March 14, 1894 Mr Frank Howard to Miss
Dosia McC______
Married March 1894 Comrade Patterson to Miss Lizzie
Death. Feb. 1894 Mrs Willits, she was the 6th chld
in a family of 16, 10
of whom are already dead.
Married Feb. 1894 Mr W. S. Miller to Miss Nora
Married Feb. 22, 1894 at Snyder, Mr. Allen Hubbard
to Miss Sarah M.
Died Dec. 14, 18___ ----Dec. 1894 Jacob A. Bennett
Married Feb. 21, 1894 Mr. Albert Kendrich to Miss
Carrie Sherter {not
sure of Sp.}
Married March 4, 1894 Mr. Jonathan L. Daniel &
Mrs Fannie Tucker
Snyder Okla
Died Mar. 1894 Mr. Webber
Born Mar. 15, 1894 Mr. & Mrs. C. Thompson a boy
Died. Feb. 1894 son of Mr. & Mrs. R. Smith.
Lived near Hennessey, child
burned to death.
Born Mar. 1894 Mr. & Mrs. James McCellan a girl
Died March 10, 1894 Comrade Alfred E. Lusser.
Died March 13, 1894 Benjamine McBride, father of
Mrs Charles Wright,
burried Kingfisher Cemetery
Married March 14, 1894 Mr Miles Judge to Miss
Theadora McKay
Married March 7, 1894 Mr John S. Scott to Miss
Lydie M. Burt.
Born March 1894 Mr & Mrs John Hill a boy
Married March 15, 1894 Mr. N. J. Smith to Miss
Susie Beacham
Died March 26, 1894 Comrade Samuel Y. Gillispie
Died March 25, 1894 Comrade Nieander McKay
Married March 1894 Mr. George Mayes to Mrs James
Born. March 1894 Mr. & Mrs Harrison a girl
Died. March 1894 Two children of Mr & Mrs Jas
Marshall, they were killed
when the roof of the sod house gave way and fell on them as they slept.
Died Apr. 1, 1894 David A. Byers Bird Creek
Married Apr. 5, 1894 Mr. Fairfax Milton to Miss
Laura Marshall
Born Apr. 19, 1894 Mr & Mrs Bert Cole a girl
Died Apr. 1894 Mr. Filer Austin Grave Yard
Born Apr. 1894 Mr. & Mrs Jeff Pearl a boy
Born Apr.1894 Mr. & Mrs James Conet a son
Born Apr. 22, 1894 Mr. & Mrs M. S. Purdy a boy
Born Apr. 24, 1894 Mr & Mrs E. A. Whipple a boy
Married Apr. 1894 Mr. J. B. Ferguson to Miss Della
F. Kelley
Married May 1, 1894 Mr Daune Forman to Miss Ida
Died May 1894 Frank Strong Sheridan Cemetery
Married May 10, 1894 Mr Frank Childers to Mrs Mary
Died May 1894 Miss Katie Kaylor age 19. she had
been taken to Kansas
City Mo. for a operation and died shortly after the operation was completed.
she suffered with "gravel" {My dictionary says that a word spelled
Gavage is when one has a stomach tube for feeding}
Married May 2, 1894 Mr William Long to Miss May
Born May 1894 Mr. & Mrs Levi Gowen a girl
Died May 13, 1894 A. L. Wood la grippie
Died May 6, 1894 infant son of Mr & Mrs George
Sears age 4 mo. Banner
Died May 8, 1894 Hugh Ernest heart failure
Died May 3, 1894 Harvey Doty, son of Mr. & Mrs
Leonard Doty.
Died May15, baby Cronwell, son of Mr. & Mrs T.
M. Cornwell
Married May 1894 Mr. William Billings to Mrs J. B.
Died May 1894 {This is from the Parvin Pickups} 2
bites from a
rattlesnake caused the death of a young child in 19 hours near Seay P. O.
Died May 20, 1894 Mrs Abigall Frisbie she was
followed to the grave by
43 wagons and carriages, a large number of road carts and men on horseback
burried in the Clear Creek Cemetery.
Her youngest son Lafayette was burried May 17, in
Died May 1894 John Walker Kingfisher Okla
Married June 7, 1894 Mr. John D. Miles to Miss
Margaret C. Hedrich
Married June 1894 Mr.Howard 11 Watkins to Miss Nell
Died June 1894 Emmons Miller 5 yr old son of Mr
Miller they had gone for
a load of fire wood and on the return trip the boy sitting beside his father
was jsotled off the seat and fell under the wagon, one of the wheels passed
over his chest and broke his ribs and he died within a few minutes.
Died. June 14, 1894 Killed near Admore by a U. S.
Marshal Bill Dalton,
paper said he was taken to Calif. for burial.
Married June 12, 1894 Mr. Bill Wilson to Miss
Conradi Swareson. Her
parents were in Sweden and had sent a man from there for her to marry and
she and Bill was married just before the man got there.
Married June 12, 1894 Mr. Frank B. Whitaker to Miss
Mary C. Wengert
Born June 1894 Mr. & Mrs J. E. Osborne a girl
Married June 1894 Mr. W. W. Noffsinger to Miss
Frankie Bort.
Married July 4, 1894 Mr. G. w. Butner to Miss Lena
Died. July 3, 1894 Samuel Jones Kingfisher colored
Married June 27, 1894 Mr. J. J. Preece to Miss
Nancy Bell Stowell
Married July 26, Mr. Chas Clark to Miss Nancy V.
Born 1894 Mr. & Mrs Frank Bishops a new baby
Died June 21, 1894 William Whitefield Patterson age
67 yrs.
Married July 12, 1894 Mr. Johnstone to Miss Needham
Married July 4, 1894 Mr Harry Hurt to MIss Welthie
Married July 2, Mr John Clark to Miss Minnie E.
Married July 1894 Mr. G. W. Pedigo to Mrs Ballard
Died July 4, 1894 Mrs Gowan inflammation of bowels
Born July 1894 Mr. & Mrs L. N. Butts a boy
Fritz Kordis and son of Snyder attented to business
in the city Monday, and
gave us a call.
Born Aug. 1894 Mr. & Mrs Delmar Smith a boy
Died Aug. 1894 Mr. Walker D. Wade burried on his
home stead west of
Married Aug. 13, 1894 Mr. David E. Emmons to Miss
Minnie Hall
Born Aug. 1894 Mr & Mrs James Duff a boy
Born Aug. 1894 Mr. & Mrs Jerry Deal a boy
Born Aug. 1894 Mr & Mrs Smith a boy
Born Aug. 12, Mr & Mrs A. V. McDowell a girl
wt. 16 lbs.
Died Aug. 11 1894 Mrs Rosina Thorp
Died Aug. 20, 1894 A. Valintine 38 yrs
Died Aug. 15, 1894 George Curtis a colored man shot
from ambush
Died Aug. 1894 Jennie M. Jones typhoid fever
Born Aug. 1894 Mr. & Mrs R. G. Holsted a girl
Married Aug. 1894 Irvin Kesler to Bertha Asher
Married Aug. Dr Scott to Miss Addie Asher
Married Aug. 23, 1894 Mr. Leonard Bond to Miss
Carrie Bixler
Married Aug. 10, 1894 Mr. P. S. Nagle to Miss Angie
Dr's report considerable Typhoid fever in this area
Ham selling for 13 cents a lb in grocery store
A boy named McLeod about 10 yrs old had his left
foot mashed by the cars of
the train last Thursday. Dr. Nosse Amputated the crushed parts of the foot
and he is getting along nicely.
Born Aug. 26, 1894 Mr & Mrs Nat Campbell a boy
Married Aug. 1894 Mr R. L. Collings to Miss Mayme
Died Aug. 23, 1894 Mrs Mary J. Northup
Died Aug. 23, 1894 Mrs Jones
Born Aug. 28, 1894 Mr & Mrs R. F. Gibson a girl
Born Aug. 30, 1894 Mr. & Mrs H. L. Leonhart a
Died Aug. 1894 Mr Fred Allen four miles south of
Born 1894 Mr. & Mrs John Meacham twin boys
Married Sept. 5, 1894 Mr. James E. Roice to Miss
Mary Steiner
Married Sept. 1, 1894 Mr. Martin L. Sanders to Miss
Eve Childres
Born Sept. 7, 1894 Mr & Mrs J. D. Hill a boy
Born Sept. 1894 Mr & Mrs J. Mott a girl
Born Sept. 1894 Mr. & Mrs W. W. Wheeler a girl
Married Sept. 7, 1894 Irving W. Hennig to Miss
Hattie Watson
Married 1894 Henry Ryan to Miss Clara Taylor
Died Sept. 1894 Jacob I Collings brother in law to
Gov. A. J. Seay
Married Sept. 15, 1894 William M. Harris to Miss
Mary E. Crider
Married Sept. 18, 1894 J. J. Walton to Miss Maggie
Died Sept 23, 1894 Ashworth dau of J. W. 14 years
Born Sept. 1894 Mr & Mrs W. S. Whirlow a girl
Married Sept. 20 ,1894 Mr. Oscar Brewster to Miss
Minnie Kirby
Married Sept. 24, 1894 Mr Geo F. Robinson to Miss
Ethel McNeal
Married 1894 Mr. Ira Lookabough to Miss Gertrude
Married Oct 1, 1894 Mr. Vick e. a. Lambatte to Miss
Aline Bosserdet
Married 1894 Mr. W. F. Bort to ______________
Married Sept. 9, 1894 Mr Elijah A Cooper to Miss
Zora J. White
Born Oct. 8, 1894 Mr. & Mrs P. A. Paulsey a boy
Born Oct. 14, 1894 Mr & Mrs Robinson a boy
Died 1894 Miss Virginia Dee Scott
Married Oct 1894 Mr. Walter Grey to Miss _________
Married Oct. 1894 Mr. James Starkey to Miss Hattie
Born Oct. 14, 1894 Mr & Mrs Terry a girl
Born Oct 1894 Mr. & Mrs Noel a boy
While out hunting Mr Emery Edison accidently shot
one of his horses, the
wound was not dangerous.
Died Oct. 19, 1894 Comrade John P. Sweetman
Born Oct. 17, 1894 Mr & Mrs Frank McClung a
a boys 2 peice suit .50 cents
Born Oct. 13, 1894 Mr & Mrs Fred Kranning a boy
Born, Oct 31, 1894 Mr. & Mrs Ed Smith a boy
Married Oct. 27, 1894 Mr Harry Johnston 27 to Mrs
Mary Everitt 24 yrs
Married Oct. 1894 Joseph Hicks 23 to Miss Lula
Whitworth 25
Died Oct. 29, 1894 Mr. R. F. Head, typhoid fever
burried Mathewson
Married Nov 1, 1894 W. S. Lamb to Miss Alma McClure
Married Nov 5, 1894 Ed. S. Carroll to Miss Myrtle
Richardson Dover
Born 1894 Mr. & Mrs McWhittie a boy
Born Nov 13, 1894 Mr. & Mrs Chas Smith a girl
Born Nov. 1894 Mr. & Mrs Jas L. Admire a girl
Married Nov 20, 1894 Mr Homilcar Greenland to Miss
Emma s. Spuhler
Born Nov. 1894 Mr & Mrs W. S. Coshow a girl
eggs are worth 17 1/2 cents a dozen
Married Dec. 11, 1894 Shubble E. Glazier to Miss
Hanna E. Cholher
Born Dec. 17, 1894 Mr. & Mrs Chas Howell a girl
A Literary has been orginized at Clear Creek School
Married Dec. 1894 Mr. William F. Penington to Miss
Grace Bliss
Born Dec. 1894 Mr & Mrs F. L. Boynton a girl
Deid. Dec. 1894 Sim Colard Seals, young son of
William Seals died when a
load of cord wood came off the wagon and pushed him off. the frount
standard on the wagon broke. He fell under the wagon and the wheels ran
over his chest he was found later and was able to tell what had happened but
died several hours later burried in the Odd Fellows burying ground.
This is liste the end of the year Marriages for
Dec. 1894
Jacob H. Frantz 31 to Sarah H Seals 23
Isaac Page 26 to Polly Ann Sounders 18 colored
John Jelicka 26, to Annie Diagoun 17
John L. King 25 to Bessie Handy 18 colored
Josire Tharp 24 to Katie Stephenson 24
Wilber E. Pratt 25 to Cassarville Anderson 22
James Sidel 27, to Lizzie Throckmorton 20
Henry Williams 25 to Victoria Hattan 15.
Oscar J. Buxton 34 to Mary C. Cannon 18
Amos K. Steed 50 to Mrs Mahala Styles 36
Evan G. Barnard 30 to Orie Reynolds 26
Daniel W. Lewis 38 to Mrs Mary N. Cupers 22 colored
Dec. 25, 1894 Enos J. Goff to Mrs Harried M. Patch