Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Kingfisher Free Press

transcribed by Mary Lou Morgan

Death List from the Kingfisher Free Press of 1892 

These are not listed in any of the Cemeteries of this County. They may be buried
on the family claim, or they may be buried in a Cemetery without any stone.
May even been taken back to where the family came from.

ANDERSON, Maggie Dec. 1, 1892
BRUCE, Estella March 31, 1892
A COLORED MAN, June 16, 1892
CORBETT, girl Jan. 15, 1892
CYPHERS, James R. Jan. 16, 1892
FLICK, Deliah June 21, 1882
FRISBIE, Marcus Feb. 26, 1892
GRAY, Mrs Emma Dec. 1892
HARTMAN, Freddie May 26, 1892
HOFFMAN, Freddie Aug. 4, 1892
JETTY, Norris June 28, 1892
JOHNSON, baby Aug. 1892
JOHNSON, Livina Jan. 1892
JONES, Endsley Feb. 5, 1892
JOYCE, Henry June 27, 1892
KERNS, Josie Sept. 1892
LEALY, Dora Jan 22, 1892
LOWHEAD, J. H. Aug. 1892
McKINLAY, Rosa Oct. 4, 1892
OVERSTREET, Fred June 1892
RENSHAW, Amy Jan. 17, 1892
RILEY, boy Aug. 4, 1892
SMITH, James Feb. 8, 1892
SPEER, Archie July 1892
SPURGEON, Joel May 26, 1892
TULL, infant June 1892
VAUGHN, MR. & MRS Feb. 11, 1892
WAGGOT, Harry Apr. 14, 1892
WAY, Ruth June 23, 1892
WHELING, son Nov. 1892
WELLS, infant June 1892
WOOD, Goldie Aug. 18, 1892
WARNIKE, Kate Aug. 18, 1892


Corbett, daughter died Jan. 15, 1892.

W. S. Dally of Anthony Kansas married Miss Lizzie Tharp of Hennessey Okla.
January 8, 1892

Born to Mr. & Mrs Spiece, a girl, on January 19, 1892, in Kingfisher.

Died, John L. Rose January 1892, burial Grimes Cemetery.

Died, Livina Johnson January 20, 1892 Pneumonia

Died, James Robert Cyphers January 17, 1892, inf son of N. G. &
Elizabeth, he was 3 years old. La Grippe

Died, Amy Renshaw, January 17, 1892, wife of Ed. She leaves 4 children
the youngest only 7 mo. old. La Grippe

Died, Sarah R. Hilton, January 16, 1892 she was born March 5, 1828, and
was the wife of W. D.

Guthrie, Okla Jan 23, 1892, U. S. Deputy Marshal Ed Shadly is reported to
have captured V. King. King was killed in the gun fight.

Died, Marcus Frisbie January 23, 1892, born February 26, 1808 in New
York, he married first Miss Clerissia Collings, his second wife was Miss
Abby Clark.

Mr. W. H. Beckwith married Miss Tinny Hopper, January 16, 1892 Hennessey,

Mr. & Mrs Mathew Vaughn were found dead on thier claim north of town.
Feburary 11, 1892 Penumonia Fever

Died, Endsley Jones February 5, 1892, he was born June 4, 1810. He was
a Quaker,

Born to Mrs John Stafford on February 6, 1892 a boy.

Died, James H. Smith, Feburary 8, 1892 in Colo. at the home of his sister.
He left a wife and small son. He had homesteaded in the Banner area.

Died, Miss Dora Lealy, {Laerly} hard to read} January 23, 1892, at her
home north of Hennessey, she was 16, years, 6 mounths, and 7 days old.

Died, child of Mr & Mrs John McGee, March 1892

Died, Lenney E. Curtis, second child of Mr. & Mrs A. S. March 1892 he
was 2 years I mounth and 28 days old. Hemorrahage of lungs.

Died. Mrs Woodworth wife of J. March 21, 1892 left 6 sm children. they
lived in Skeleton T. W. P.

Mr. James H. Lowery married Miss Lizzie McGrew of Kingfisher, married in
Wichita Kanasa March 21, 1892

Born to Mr. & Mrs Noah Williams a girl, March 7, 1892

Died. Estella Bruce, March 31, 1892, she was the youngest child of Mr &
Mrs J. W. she was only 1 year & 6 mounths old. Sheridan Cemetery

Born to Mr & Mrs D. M. Lentz a baby boy, Apr. 12, 1892, wt. 12 lbs.

Died. Frank Linville, March 31, 1892 burried in Coumblia City, Ind.
morphine over dose.

Died. Harry Waggot April 14, 1892. Killed in poker game in Kingfiaher.

Born. Mr. & Mrs J. C. Post a daughter, April 11, 1892

Born. Mr. And Mrs. Newton a girl May 1892

Mr George Sarden married Miss Dollie Wold May 2, 1892

Died. Will Black, May 14, 1892, son of J. W. he was 22 yrs old

Died. Fred Hartman, May 26, 1892, he was kicked in the side by a horse
and died from the blow. 8 years old.

Died. Joel Spurgeon May 26, 1892 consumption

Died. Fred Overstreet June 2, 1892. He had accidentaly shot hinself in
the side and it proved fatal. He was the brother of Dr. Oliverstreet of
Kingfisher, Ok.

Mr. Benjamine W. Vanedeven married Miss Sallie Hopkins May 15, 1892

Mr. Don R. Rowhead married Miss Edith Vankirk May 25, 1892

Born to Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Lyle a son June 9, 1892

Died. infant child of Wells

Died. Israel Cooper, June 16, 1892. He was 72 yrs old and died at the
home of his son Jack.

Died. a colored man was found dead under a shead just east of the Court
house June 16, 1892

Died. Ruth Way daughter of Austin & Anna. June 23, 1892 age 10 years.

Died James Clark June 23, 1892 of Kingfisher

Mr. Ross Gould married Miss Ella Dugger June 23, 1892

Died. Deliah Edith Flick, infant and only child of Mr & Mrs John
June 21, 1892 Grimes Cemetery

Died Henry Joyce June 27, 1892 age 22 yrs.

Mr Otis Duis married Miss Hattie McCandlass June 27, 1892

Died infant child of Mr. & Mrs Mell Tull of Wandel, Ok. June 1892

Died. Norris Jetty died of his wounds. burried Wichita, Kan. June 1892

Mr Riley married Miss Smith {colored} June 5, 1892

Mr. Emmitt Courtney married Miss Maggie Ross June 5, 1892 Kingfisher.

Died. Henry Wickmiller, infant son of Charlie . June 30, 1892 11 mo Old.

Mr W. A. Adams married Miss Elsie Hib____ in Olathe, Kansas June 30, 1892

Mr M. Burch married Miss Anna Herberlee July 17, 1892

Mr D. B. Johnson married Miss Annie Hadlock, Okarche, Ok. July 17, 1892

Died. Archie Speer, infant son of Mr. & Mrs H. S. Speer, July 1892
First child born in Okarche, he was 7 weeks old.

Died. Miss Fannie Lee Pedigo, July 24, 1892 18 yrs old.

Mr John P. Kidney married Miss Bessie Crow, July 27, 1892 Hennessey Ok.
she was 17.

Mr Isaac S. Chubbs married Miss Laura Rutherford, July 27, 1892

Died. the sm son of James Riley, age 5 years Aug. 4, 1892

Died Freddie Hoffmans 18 mo. old son of Fred Aug. 4, 1892

Died Miss Slade. Aug. 1892 Hennessey, Ok.

Born. Aug. 1892, a baby boy to Mr. & Mrs J. G. Strong.

Mr James W. Crimer married Miss Etta Blair Aug. 1892

Mr. Wesley L. Gamble married Maggie M. King Aug. 1892

Died Mrs Kate Warnicke, wife of F. D. Aug. 18, 1892

Joe Mendells 10 year old son was bitten by a large rattlesnake, he is doing
O. K.

Born. Aug. 1892 to Joe Mendells a baby boy.

Died. Goldie Wood died from a morphine overdose, she was in Jail.
Aug. 18, 1892

Mr. Frank Woods married Miss Mollie Hart, Aug. 16, 1892

Mr Gustavus H. Bullenback married Miss Ladaska Morgan Aug. 21, 1892

Died. Baby of Mr. & Mrs Johnson. Aug. 1892

Died. Prof. J. H. Lowhead. Aug. 1892

Post Office established at Wandell, Okla. Sept 1892

Mr. James Guy married Mary L. Foote Sept. 1892 {colored}

Mr William B. Thorpe married Miss Mamie Savage Aug. 1892

Birth a boy to Mr. & Mrs Arthur Haines Aug. 1892

Mr. John C. Hill married Miss Edna Hubbard Sept. 8, 1892

Mr. Chas C. Wells married Cassie Brown Sept. 30, 1892

Died Raymond, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs John M. Rootcap, Sept. 11, 1892,
burried at Arkansas City, Kan.

Born to Mr. & Mrs F. L. Broling a girl, Sept. 19, 1892

Died. Josie A Kerns Sept. 1892 {sp also Kirus}

Died amy, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs Chas Binding. Sept. 30, 1892

Oct. 5, 1892 Coffeyville, Kansas. Bob and Grat Dillon, Thomas Evans and
Jack Moore, members of the Dalton Gang were killed and Emmitt Dalton was
mortally wounded, also killed was four citizens of Coffeyville, City
Marshal, Charles T. Connelly, Charles Brown, George Cubine and L. Baldwin,
Thomas G. Ayers was also wounded.

Dr. J. A. Overstreet married Miss Ella Poggenburg, Oct. 4, 1892, in
Cloumbus, Ohio.

Died. Miss Rosa McKinlay, at Topeka, Kansas she was brought to the farm in
Kingfisher County and burried.

Died. Cassuis P. Baker, at the home of his father C. P. Sr. Oct. 4, 1892.
Typhoid Fever

Mr. W. F. Custer married Miss Docia Mocafee Oct. 20, 1892

Mr H. E. Hendreson married Mrs Ida M. Blessing Oct. 27, 1892

Born to Mr. & Mrs Oscar Jensen a son. Oct. 26, 1892

Died. Omaga, Okla. Oct 26, 1892. Mrs W. L. Pechens, maiden name was

1892 A Mr. Blager teaching at Snyder School.

Mr. Grubb Renshaw married Miss Nora McCarty. Lacy, Nov. 14, 1892

Mr. Dennis J. Martz married Mrs K. Lam. Nov. 1892

Born to Mr. & Mrs D. B. Learne a boy, Nov 23, 1892

Died son of Mr. & Mrs Charles Wehilng Nov. 1892

Born to Mr. & Mrs H. C. Wilson a girl. Dec 7, 1892

Dover, Okla. Miss Maggie Anderson accidentely shot and killed. Daughter of
William T. Dec. 1, 1892

Mr Wm. Becher 24 married Miss Lizzie Haffeeld. 17, Dec. 15, 1892

Mr Joseph Stallner 34 married Miss Anna Morris 23, Dec. 15, 1892

Died. Mrs Emma Gray 32 year old daughter of H. Olivants

Mr. A. S. Phillips 28 married Miss Minnie E. Phillips 17, Dec. 7, 1892

Mr. Charles Schaff 39 married Miss alice Wilson 23, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Wills Lewis 27 married Miss Carrie Mitchell 17, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Thomas J. Copus 23 married Miss Polly Wolly 19, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Charles Woods 27 married Miss Katie Reed 21, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Douglas M. Finley 31 married Miss Alice M. McMillen 30, Dec. 21,

Mr. Simon P. Aeries {or Neries} 49 married Miss Rebecca J. Ellis 18,
Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Clinton M. Snit 23 married Miss Ora Bowles 24, Dec 21, 1892

Mr Lemmuel Reeves 22 married Miss Sarah Fost 24, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Willam Latford 40 married Miss Sepri Campbell 20, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Allison C. Barbee 28 married Miss Sarah C. Hartley 14, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Ben Robbinson 21 married Miss Carrie Allen 17, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Andy J. Murry 24 married Miss Annie Sansberry 23, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. Thomas Omey 28 married Miss Florence Griffin 20, Dec. 21, 1892

Mr. David W. Last {or Lost} 29 married Miss Mrytle Bainer 15, Dec. 21, 1892


This page was last updated October 19, 2007.