Sam Wood, shot and killed at Cottornwood Falls, June 28, 1891
July 9, 1891, a divorce was granted to Alonzo Stewert from Emma C.
charge abondonment, child was commited to the care of the mother.
On July 23, 1891 S. C. Ketch married Miss Nora Smith.
On Aug. 6, 1891 a son was born to C. P. Wickmiller and his wife.
Aug. 13, 1891, Harry Cotton married Jane Lock.
Aug. 13, 1891, Anton Vaverke married Fannie Pabler.
Aug. 14, 1891, Eva Lacy Silver, wife of Hon. W. S. Silver, Kingfisher,
Okla. died. she was the daughter of Rev. Henry J. Lacey, and was born Jan.
2, 18__2, in Columbia City, Ind.
Aug. 16, 1891 Noah D. Williams married Mary E. Gould
Aug. 24, 1891, C. E. Short shot and killed Deputy U. S. Marshall.
Shot and killed by member of the Dalton Gang.
Aug. 24, 1891, Charles Bryant was shot and killed by Marshall Short.
Aug. 27, 1891, Mr. Stewart, died.
Aug. 27, 1891, child of Mr. Overfreem died { hard to read name}
Aug. 27, 1891 Daughter of Mr.& Mrs J. F. Manly, burried in sheridan
Sept. 9, 1891, Harry Griffin, son of Mr & Mrs. A. W. Griffin died
he was 15 mo old and died of Cholera
Sept. 13, 1891, John H. Lowery married Miss May Taft.
Sept. 17, 1891, a son to Mr. & Mrs D. K. Cunningham.
Sept. 17, 1891, Verdie Jones, died.
Clear Creek, Cemterry laid out and chartered October 1, 1891.
President Mr John Boles, Secetary Mr. G. N. Smith
Died. Jorden son of Mr. & Mrs Jorden October 8, 1891
Died. Mrs Martha McOsher, October 10, 1891 27 years and 6 mounths old
Died. child of Mr & Mrs E. M. Barnum October 29, 1891
Died. Molie McPherson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs David. November 2, 1891
years old.
Died . Frances Shaw, daughter of Mr & Mrs A. P. November 19, 1891
Died. A. A. Moore Jr. November 19, 1891 this was son of A. A. and he
was shot. Burried on the claim of his father. {this death would there
fore not be listed in any cemetery.}
Died. Hettie L. D__________ Nov 19, 1891
Died. Mr Gobbler November 26, 1891 Strangled
Died. Miss Ada Taylor, daughter of Mr & Mrs Taylor November 22, 1891
Died. Mrs Owens, she died in a prarie fire. and left several small
children. she was colored. November 5, 1891
Died Sadie E. Thorne, wife of James November 20, 1891 diptheria
Died Mrs John Willett December 10, 1891 Grimes Cemetery.
I finally got the 1891 information checked again the cemeteries and I
some were not listed in the cemeteries and I supose that those were probaly
burried on the claim or where the family lived.
The paper listed one Barnum baby, The Hennessey cemetery lists two, Rae
Gladys. I dont know if both died same time. only date listed is Oct.
Bear, dau. Nov. 1891. Paper only.
Boland, Jackson Paper said Oct. 1891 {not 1897 as reported before, stone
was hard to read.}
D________, Hettie L. Nov. 19, 1891 {I searched for this person but could
not find any thing.}
Goobler, Mr. Nov 26, 1891 Paper only
Griffin, Harry son Sept. 9, 1891 Paper only
Jones, Verdie Sept. 1891
Jones, son of Clem. Oct 25, 1891
Jorden, Asa b. Feb. 8, 1890----Oct. 8, 1891. From the stone I got the
name Asa. and he was John's son. Paper and Stone
Manly, dau of H. V. Aug. 17, 1891. burried Sheridan cemetery.{correction
death was 1891 not 1892
McOsher, Mrs Martha Oct. 10, 1891
McPhearson, Molie Nov. 12, 1891. There is a M. L. burried in the Banner
cemetery same date. Stone and Paper
Meyers, Gracie R. Dec. 4, 1891 Kingfisher cemetery Paper and Stone
Moore, A. A. Jr. Dec. 4, 1891 shot and killed. burried on fathers claim.
Ovefreem, child Aug. 27, 1891
Owens, Mrs. Nov. 20, 1891 burned to death in prarie fire. colored lady
Silver, Eva Lacy Aug. 11, 1891 29 yrs., 6 mo. and 15, days. Kingfisher
cemetery. Paper and Stone
Stewart, Mr. Aug. 27, 1891 A Mr. Eli in the Banner cemetery no dates.
paper and stone
Taylor, Mrs Ada 1876---Nov. 22, 1891 Paper and stone
Thorne, Mrs Sadie E. 1871----Nov. 20, 1891 burried in the Clear Creek
cemetery. paper and stone
Willitt, Mrs John Dec. 10, 1891 Grimes cemetery {no date was listed on
her stone} paper and stone