Southampton Town Records - Deaths

submitted/transcribed by Dick Halsey

Halsey Death Records from Southampton, NY

These are Halsey death records transcribed from "Records of the town of Southhampton, with other ancient documents of historic value" published by the Town of Southampton, 1874 - ? in eight volumes. These deaths were in Volume 4; pages 125 -130 and 149 - 175.

Date of death Name Age Residence Occupation Status Cause of death
Apr. 10, 1847 Jacob Halsey 77        
Aug. 8, 1847 Hezekiah Halsey 69        
Nov. 30, 1847 Mary Halsey 88        
Sept. 4, 1848 Cynthia Halsey 24 Bridge-Hampton   unmarried typhoid fever
Sept. 4, 1848 Talla Halsey 84 Bridge-Hampton   married osefication of heart
Jan. 14, 1849 Edward Halsey 25 Southampton mariner unmarried hemorrhage of lungs
Feb. 17, 1849 Shepherd Halsey 59 West-Hampton farmer married measles
Feb. 25, 1849 Barzillai Halsey 73 Southampton farmer married lung fever
May 23, 1849 Sarah T. Halsey 30 Bridge-Hampton   unmarried consumption
May 28, 1849 Luther Halsey 54 Bridge-Hampton farmer married chronic dysentary
March 22, 1850 Mary Halsey 64 Bridge-Hampton   married consumption
Oct. 14, 1850 Stephen R. Halsey Bridge-Hampton     convulsions

Source: The Early History of Southampton, L.I., New York
by George Rogers Howell, M.A.
Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1887

John SHEPHERD died March 24, 1683

David HOWELL died May 2, 1684

Sarah wife of Job SAYRE died October 29, 1684

Sarah daughter of Edmund HOWELL died April 10, 1685

Samuel MILL died April 1, 1685

Sarah wife of Obadiah ROGERS died October 11, 1685

William HAKELTON died September 6, 1685

Mary wife of Samuel WHITEHEAD died April 20, 1687

Samuel son of Samuel WHITEHEAD died August 13, 1685

Phebe daughter of Samuel WHITEHEAD died April 14, 1694

Martha wife of John HOWELL died June 7, 1688

Mary wife of Thomas TOPPING died June 9, 1688

Sarah wife of Edmund HOWELL died August 29, 1688

Mary wife of Isaac WILLMAN died September 3, 1688

Martha wife of Jonah FORDHAM died October 4, 1688

Amy wife of Joseph PIERSON died October 3, 1692

Sarah wife of Samuel JOHNES died October 3, 1692

Hannah wife of Christopher FOSTER died February 7, 1697

Mary wife of Jeremiah CULVER, died February 23, 1707

Joseph FOSTER died January 30, 1708

Mary wife of Israel HOWELL died March 26, 1716

Jeremiah FOSTER died May 25, 1732, age 24

Robert PATTON died May 12, 1700

Benoni NEWTON died March 4, 1706, age 53

Robert NORRIS died July 23, 1729

Manassah KEMPTON died November 28, 1737, age 86

Caleb DAYTON died October 4, 1688

Richard WOOD died May 16, 1734, age 57

Joana wife of Benoni NEWTON died May 1710, age 56

Isaac BOWER died January 20, 1746, age 78


This page was last updated May 31, 2001.