Loper Family Marriages

submitted by Anne Winters

Loper Marriages recorded in Suffolk Co., NY newspapers 
compiled by Dorothy Zaykowski in 1982 

Taken from "The Suffolk Gazette', "The Republican Watchman', "The Sag Harbor Express", "The Corrector", "Suffolk County Recorder." 

A copy of the mimeographed material can be found in the Sag Harbor History Room, John Jermain Memorial Library, Sag Harbor, New York

LOPER MARRIAGES............................Newspaper date

Abigail to Richard Squires.......................... Sept. 1826
Addie to Augustus C. Schroeder................. Oct. 1868
Azubah to Benjamin Nicoll .......................... March 1834
Charlotte to David Oakely........................... April 1850
Clarinda P. to William P. Smith ................... Dec. 1849
David Loper to Mary Elizabeth Payne....... March 1874
Frances to William Payne............................. June 1835
Frances M. to Azariah Anderson..................March 1861
Jeremiah to Elizabeth Sherwood..................Dec. 1859
Nancy to Alanson Babcock............................November 1836
Roxana to Hunting Payne...............................July 1836
Sally Ann to Joseph Rogers............................December 1825
Thomas S. to Mary C. Tallmadge...................March 1861


This page was last updated March 24, 2007.