Vital Records
East Hampton Marriages
1730 - 1739
An account of person married by me, Nathl. Huntting.
23 Apr 1730 - Name: John
Diament - Spouse: Rachel Dayton
01 Oct 1730 - Name: Elisha Halsey / Southampton - Spouse: Naomi
Talmage / of ys town
15 Oct 1730 - Name: Daniel Bruce Hartford - Spouse: Francis
03 Nov 1730 - Name: Simon Glover/ Oysterpond - Spouse: Rachel
Dibble /: of ys town
10 Nov 1730 - Name: James Reeves / Southold - Comment: farms -
Spouse: Mary Hudson / of ys town
03 Dec 1730 - Name: George Coen - Spouse: Jane Leek - Family
Comment: both of ys town
08 Dec 1730 - Name: Edward Pettys / Oysterpond - Spouse: Rebecca
Filer / of ys town
16 Dec 1730 - Name: Edward Huntting - Spouse: Mercy Mulford
14 Jan 1730-31 - Name: Joseph Conkling - Spouse: Esther Jones
20 Jan 1730-31 - Name: Jonathan Stretton - Spouse: Mehitabel
09 Feb 1730-31 - Name: Ebenezer Blatchley / Hunttington - Spouse:
Hannah Miller/ Easthampton
01 Apr 1731 - Name: John Mulford, Junr. - Spouse: Anna Chatfield
- Family Comment: both of Easthampton
27 May 1731 - Name: Joseph Hicks - Spouse: Bethia Conkling
29 Sep 1731 - Name: Joseph King /Southold - Spouse: Mary
Chatfield / of this town
14 Feb 1731 - Name: Luke Prichard - Spouse: Sarah Read
11 Apr 1732 - Name: John Murdock - Spouse: Frances Conkling
27 Jun 1732 - Name: Joseph Coit / New London - Spouse: Mary
Huntting /
.............................Easthampton / only dau of:Rev. N.
06 Jul 1732 - Name: Sam Hedges, Junr. - Spouse: Experience
Talmage -
.............................Family Comment: both of East Hampton
04 Oct 1732 - Name: Daniel Leek - Spouse: Hannah Jessup
06 Oct 1732 - Name: Nathan Conkling - Spouse: Phebe Parsons / dau
of:Henry Parsons, deceased
21 Nov 1732 - Name: Josiah Glover / Oysterpond - Spouse: Hannah
Edwards/ of this town
23 Nov 1732 - Name: Jonathan Baker, Junr. - Spouse: Mary Talmage
.............................Family Comment: both of ys town. No.
14 Dec 1732 - Name: John Miller, Junr. - Spouse: Mercy Conkling -
Family Comment: both of ys town
05 Feb 1732-3 - Name: Anan Conkling, Junr. - Spouse: Mary Miller
02 May 1733 - Name: Rob. More, Junr. / Easthampton - Spouse: Mary
Beers / formerly of Southold
06 Sep 1733 - Name: Stephen Burnet / Southampton - Spouse:
Mehitabel Parsons / of ys town
19 Sep 1733 - Name: Deacon John Mulford - Spouse: Martha Conkling
/ wid of:An. Conkling, Junr.
04 Oct 1733 - Name: Mr. John Gardiner - Spouse: Wid. Elisabeth
16 Oct 1733 - Name: Saml. Curwin / Southold - Spouse: Phebe
Dominy / Easthampton
18 Oct 1733 - Name: Joseph Osborn, 3d - Spouse: Hannah Hedges
22 Nov 1733 - Name: Gideon Hedges - Spouse: Abigail Conkling /
dau of: John Conkling, Senr.
03 Jan 1733-4 - Name: Thomas Filer - Spouse: Jane Miller / dau
of:Hezekiah Miller
03 Jan 1733-4 - Name: Ezekiel Jones - Spouse: Mary Shaw - Family
Comment: Part June 10
02 Apr 1734 - Name: Peter Halluck / Southold - Spouse: Sybil
04 Sep 1734 - Name: Frances Pelletreau / Southampton - Spouse:
Wid. Mary King / Easthampton
18 Sep 1734 - Name: Nathl. Talmage - Spouse: Mary Fithian -
Family Comment: Part Feb. 4
30 Oct 1734 - Name: Timothy Miller - Spouse: Temperance Conkling
12 Nov 1734 - Name: Tho. Dibble, Junr. - Spouse: Mary Conkling /
dau of:Lewis Conkling
17 Feb 1734-5 - Name: Joseph Ogden / Elisabethtown - Spouse:
Widow Ester Baker
14 Oct 1735 - Name: Josiah Talmage - Spouse: Phebe Dibble
19 Oct 1735 - Name: Henry Hedges - Spouse: Phebe Miller
11 Nov 1735 - Name: Jeremiah Osborn - Spouse: Mercy Baker
11 Nov 1735 - Name: Tho. Chatfield, Junr. - Spouse: Abig. Mulford
13 Nov 1735 - Name: James Hand, Junr. - Spouse: Mary Hand
18 Nov 1735 - Name: John Hull / Chillingworth - Spouse: Elisabeth
Wheeler / widow; of ys town
24 Nov 1735 - Name: Elias Conkling - Spouse: Elisabeth Hedges /
dau of:Sam. Hedges
01 Dec 1735 - Name: Elisha Mulford - Spouse: Joanna Osborn
01 Dec 1735 - Name: Rob. Parsons, Junr. - Spouse: Mary Davis
12 Jan 1735-6 - Name: Daniel Edwards - Spouse: Rachel Conkling
26 Jan 1735-6 - Name: Benjamin Leek - Spouse: Charity Alexander
13 Apr 1736 - Name: Jeremiah Hedges - Spouse: Jerusha Mulford
17 May 1736 - Name: Saml. Huntting - Spouse: Mary Gardiner
14.4 Jul 1736 - Name: Capt. Isaac Halsey - Spouse: Widow Mary
19 Aug 1736 - Name: Obadiah Wells / Southold - Spouse: Mary
Conkling /
............................ dau of:Capt. Conkling - Family
Comment: Part Jan. 23
21 Sep 1736 - Name: Samuel Merry - Spouse: Mary Parsons / dau
of:Jerusha Cady /
.......................... wif of:Henry Parsons, deceased
27 Oct 1736 - Name: Sylvanus Brown / Auchabauge - Spouse: Esther
Dayton / of ys town
01 Nov 1736 - Name: Cornelius Pain - Spouse: Joanna Sherril -
........................... Family Comment: both of ys town
Parted May 10
04 Nov 1736 - Name: Henry Sherril - Spouse: Jane Conkling -
Family Comment: both of ys town
30 Dec 1736 - Name: Nathl. Dominy, Junr. vSpouse: Elisabeth Eyres
...........................Family Comment: both of ys town, July
07 Mar 1736 - Name: Isaac Barns, Junr. - Spouse: Hannah Conkling
..........................dau of:Anan. Conkling - Family Comment:
both of ys town
24 Mar 1736 - Name: Daniel Baker, Junr. - Spouse: Mary Osborn
25 Apr 1737 - Name: Lion Loper - Spouse: Susanna Filer
10 May 1737 - Name: Samuel Bill, Junr. / New London - Spouse:
Martha Wheeler / Easthampton
11 May 1737 - Name: Ebenezer Jennings / a sojourner here -
Spouse: Keturah Miller / of ys town
07 Sep 1737 - Name: Tho. Mulford - Spouse: Wid. Kath. Talmage
13 Oct 1737 - Name: John Talmage, Junr. - Spouse: Sarah Hand -
Family Comment: Part Oct. 30th
10 Nov 1737 - Name: Jeremiah Talmage - Spouse: Damaris Hand
14 Dec 1737 - Name: Ezekiel Hand - Spouse: Joanna Miller / dau
of:Hezekiah Miller
15 Dec 1737 - Name: Recompence Sherril, Junr. - Spouse: Sarah
05 Jan 1737-8 - Name: Sam. Mulford, Junr. - Spouse: Zerviah
Conkling - Family Comment: No. 300
17 Apr 1738 - Name: Jonathan Conkling - Spouse: Abigail Talmage /
dau of:John Talmage
09 May 1738 - Name: Zebulon Bennet - Spouse: Sarah Miller / dau
of:George Miller
26 Oct 1738 - Name: Timothy Mulford, Junr. / of ys town - Spouse:
Mary Dimon / Southold
01 Nov 1738 - Name: Ezekiel Sandford / Mecox - Spouse: Widow
Phebe Higgins / Elisabethtown
04 Dec 1738 - Name: Henry Dayton - Spouse: Hannah Parsons
24 Jan 1738-9 - Name: Jonathan Fisher / Philadelphia - Spouse:
Martha Miller / of ys town
10 Apr 1739 - Name: Rec. Sherril, Junr. - Spouse: Puah Parsons
07 May 1739 - Name: Eliakim Conkling, Junr. - Spouse: Rebecca
Talmage / dau of:John Talmage
.............................Family Comment: Part Aug. 24
07 May 1739 - Name: Elisha Davis - Spouse: Ame Pierson
27 Aug 1739 - Name: John Parsons, Junr. / Sam Parsons, Senr. -
............................ Spouse: Martha Cook / Mecox, tho
living in this town
01 Sep 1739 - Name: Joseph Miller - Spouse: Sarah Hedges - Family
Comment: Part abt. Dec. 28
25 Sep 1739 - Name: Timothy Woodruff / Elisabethtown -
............................ Spouse: Elisabeth Parsons / dau
of:Seth Parsons, deceased
20 Nov 1739 - Name: John Parsons, ye 3d / son of:Rob. Parsons -
Spouse: Sarah Sherril
18 Dec 1739 - Name: John Chatfield - Spouse: Jane Mulford / dau
of:Lewis Mulford, deceased
25 Dec 1739 - Name: Thomas Osborn, 3d / son of:Joseph Osborn,
Junr. -
.............................. Spouse: Jane Conkling / dau
of:Cor. Conkl., Junr.
08 Jan 1739-40 - Name: Samuel Hedges - Spouse: Ame Dimon /
Southold / a sojourner here
22 Jan 1739-40 - Name: John Hopin - Spouse: Ann Druit / Mecox
30 Jan 1739-40 - Name: Jonathan Mulford - Spouse: Esther Conkling
- Family Comment: Part July 18
19 Feb 1739-40 - Name: John Merry, Junr. - Spouse: Elisabeth
Miller /: dau of:Daniel Miller
17 Mar 1739-40 - Name: Benj. Conkling, Junr. - Spouse: Sarah
20 Mar 1739-40 - Name: Ebenezer Hedges - Spouse: Mehitable
This page was last updated March 9, 2004.