Vital Records
East Hampton Marriages
1710 - 1719
An account of person married by me, Nathl. Huntting.
01 Mar 1710-11 - Name:
Nathl. Baker / a Stranger - Spouse: Annis More / East Hampton
13 Mar 1710-11 - Name: Nathan Miller - Spouse: Mary Conkline
27 Nov 1711 - Name: Timothy Wood / Hunttington - Spouse: Hannah
Conkline /: Easthampton
06 Dec 1711 - Name: Thomas Baker, Junr - Spouse: Elisabeth Osborn
.............................. Spouse's Relative: dau of:Joseph
Osborn Tayler -
................................. Family Comment: both of East
10 Jan 1711-12 - Name: David Peirson / Bridgehampton - Spouse:
Esther Conkline / Easthampton
18 Mar 1711-12 - Name: John Shaw, Junr - Spouse: Mary Wood
27 May 1711-12 - Name: Thomas Brickley / Boston - Spouse:
Sussanah Dyke / Easthampton
19 Jun 1711-12 - Name: Tho. Mulford, Junr - Spouse: Mercy Mell
15 Jul 1711-12 - Name: Daniel Edwards - Spouse: Widow Jane Brown
03 Nov 1711-12 - Name: Daniel Osborne - Spouse: Elisabeth Hedges
25 Dec 1711-12 - Name: Matthew Mulford - Spouse: Elisabeth
16 Jan 1712-13 - Name: Samll. Bennit - Spouse: Parthenia Haise
09 Apr 1712-13 - Name: Nathan Mulford - Spouse: Sarah Parsons -
...................................Spouse's Relative: eldest dau
of:John Parsons, deceased
09 Apr 1712-13 - Name: Benjamin Airs - Spouse: Deborah Parsons
15 Apr 1712-13 - Name: David Gardiner - Spouse: Rachel Skellinx
10 Jun 1712-13 - Name: Elias Mulford - Spouse: Mary Mason
10 Jun 1712-13 - Name: Daniel Osborn - Spouse: Elisabeth Astin
01 Oct 1712-13 - Name: Recompence Sherry - Spouse: Marget Cady
03 Dec 1712-13 - Name: William Osborn, Junr - Spouse: Elisabeth
14 Jul 1712-13 - Name: Edekiel Mulford - Spouse: Bea Osborn
26 Aug 1712-13 - Name: John Carle, Junr - Spouse: Mary Osborn /
07 Sep 1712-13 - Name: Daniel Baker - Spouse: Abigaii Osborn -
................................. Family Comment: both of
22 Sep 1712-13 - Name: Aaron Fithian - Spouse: Bethia Gardiner
03 Nov 1712-13 - Name: Stephen Leek - Spouse: Mary Shaw
22 Dec 1712-13 - Name: Ephraim Halsey / Southampton - Spouse:
Marth Conkling /: Easthampton
28 Dec 1712-13 - Name: Christopher Lupton / Bridgehampton -
.................................. Spouse: Abigail Diament /:
East Hampton
15 Mar 1715 - Name: Elipalet Stretton - Spouse: Phebe Conkling
16 Mar 1715 - Name: Cornelius Conkling, Junr - Spouse: Deborah
03 May 1715 - Name: William Whitehead Elisabethtown /: a
sojourner here -
..............................Spouse: Han. Skellinx / of ys town
15 Jun 1715 - Name: Benjamin Townsend - Spouse: Katherine Baker
13 Oct 1715 - Name: John Wheeler - Comment: tertius - S
............................pouse: Elisabeth Jones - Family
Comment: No. 100
14 Dec 1715 - Name: Sam. Parsons, Junr - Spouse: Hannah Baker
15 Dec 1715 - Name: John Merry - Spouse: Mary Wheeler
09 Feb 1716 - Name: Lewis Mulford - Spouse: Hannah Parsons
20 Jun 1716 - Name: Josiah Bewel Chillingworth - Spouse: Martha
Fithian / of ys town
30 Aug 1716 - Name: Edward Petty - Spouse: Widow Hannah Schellinx
08 Oct 1716 - Name: John Hill Gilford - Spouse: Elisabeth Dibble
/ Saybrook
01 Nov 1716 - Name: Benj. Osborn, Junr - Spouse: Elisabeth Hicks
22 Nov 1716 - Name: John Osborn / Elisabethtown - Spouse: Rebecca
Hand / of this town
12 Dec 1716 - Name: John Edwards, Junr - Spouse: Mary Dibble
20 Dec 1716 - Name: Anthony Ludlam Bridgehampton -
...............................Spouse: Rebecca Shaw / widow; of
ys town
04 Jan 1716-17 - Name: Daniel Dayton - Spouse: Deborah Brown -
................................Family Comment: both of this town
24 Jan 1716-17 - Name: John Conkling - Comment: (Whose relations
belonged to Southold)
................................. Spouse: Rebecca Talmage / East
14 May 1716-17 - Name: David Blackly East Gilford - Spouse:
Abigail Hand / East Hampton
06 Jun 1716-17 - Name: Saml. Bancroft - Spouse: Marget Miller
08 Oct 1716-17 - Name: Nathan Cooper - Spouse: Mary Miller
17 Dec 1716-17 - Name: John Conkling - Relative: son of:John
Conkling - Spouse: Dorcas Murdock
17 Dec 1716-17 - Name: John Hand - Spouse: Esther Fithian
13 Oct 1716-17 - Name: Gideon Wickham Wethersfield - Spouse: Mary
Noyes / of ys town
19 Nov 1716-17 - Name: Ebenezer Johnson Oysterpond - Spouse:
Rebecca Shaw
19 Nov 1716-17 - Name: Saml. Filer, Junr - Spouse: Joanna Loper
26 Nov 1716-17 - Name: William Conkling - Spouse: Ruth Hedges -
Family Comment: June 19
27 Nov 1716-17 - Name: Jeremiah Conkling, Junr - Spouse: Jane
Parsons - Family Comment: June 29
17 Dec 1716-17 - Name: John Diament - Spouse: Deb. Hedges
01 Jan 1718-9 - Name: Elisha Conkling - Spouse: Esther Parsons
13 Aug 1718-9 - Name: Cornelius Schellinx Cape May - Spouse:
Abig. Pain / Easthampton
11 Nov 1718-9 - Name: Severns Gold - Spouse: Phebe Talmage
19 Nov 1718-9 - Name: John Grave East Gilford - Spouse: Phebe
Hand / of this town
24 Dec 1718-9 - Name: Stephen Herrick Southampton - Spouse:
Deborah Conkling / East Hampton
07 Jan 1719-20 - Name: Abraham Pierson Bridgehampton - Spouse:
Elisabeth Conking / East Hampton
04 Mar 1719-20 - Name: Ebenezer Dimin - Spouse: Elisabeth Johnson
................................. Family Comment: both sojourners
of Shelter Island
19 May 1719-20 - Name: John Cooper Bridghampton - Spouse: Marget
Conkling / Easthampton
27 Jun 1719-20 - Name: Ebenezer Guy - Comment: of this town -
Spouse: Mary Gardiner/ Isle of Wight
25 Jul 1719-20 - Name: Robert Morrice - Comment: a stranger -
Spouse: Ruth Burnet
27 Oct 1719-20 - Name: Josiah Osborn - Spouse: Sarah Flint
09 Nov 1719-20 - Name: Daniel Dayton - Spouse: Mary Parsons
08 Dec 1719-20 - Name: Thomas Osborn, 3d - Spouse: Esther
08 Dec 1719-20 - Name: David Conkling, Junr - Spouse: Wid. Han
29 Dec 1719-20 - Name: John Stretton, 3d - Spouse: Amy Conkling
This page was last updated March 9, 2004.