Vital Records
East Hampton Deaths
1760 - 1769
An account of Deaths in
East-Hampton, since my coming thither,
which was in September, 1696, kept by Nathl. Huntting.
02 Jan 1764 - Relative: wif of:David Millers
27 Jan 1764 - Name:
Saml. Miller
05 Mar 1764 - Relative: wif of:Jer. Daytons
08 May 1764 - Relative: chi of:Benjn Hoppins
10 May 1764 - Relative: wif of:Jer. Mulfords
16 May 1764 - Name: Mary Sheril
18 May 1764 - Name: Capt. Jones
19 May 1764 - Name: Lord Gardiner
06 Jun 1764 - Name: Benjamin Conklin
21 Jun 1764 - Name: Talmage Jones
19 Jul 1764 - Relative: chi of:David Osborns
28 Aug 1764 - Name: Jon. Lester
24 Oct 1764 - Name: Mr. Thomas Talmage
01 Nov 1764 - Relative: wif of:Jon. Miller, Junr.
02 Nov 1764 - Name: Jon. Talmage
07 Nov 1764 - Name: Bethiah Burnet - Comment: widow
11 Nov 1764 - Name: Daniel - - Comment: Indian
14 Nov 1764 - Name: Esther Hand
24 Jan 1765 - Relative: chi of:Jon. Miller, junr.
28 Jan 1765 - Name: Hannah Hudson
15 Feb 1765 - Relative: wif of:Daniel Millers
08 Mar 1765 - Name: Thomas Mulford
20 Mar 1765 - Name: Jon. Mulfords - Comment: negro
21 Mar 1765 - Name: Thomas Talmages - Comment: Negro
06 May 1765 - Relative: wif of:Esq. B. Millers
31 May 1765 - Name: Jon. Demon
10 Jul 1765 - Name: Stephen Burnet
10 Jul 1765 - Name: Wid. H. Parsons
17 Jul 1765 - Relative: wif of:Sweten Grants
23 Jul 1765 - Relative: wif of:Nat. Bakers
- Oct 1765 - Relative: chi of:Jon. Mulfords
30 Oct 1765 - Name: Eliz. Mulford
31 Oct 1765 - Relative: chi of:David Strattens - Comment: No. 45
26 Nov 1765 - Relative: chi of:Esther Scellix
27 Nov 1765 - Relative: chi of:Micah Hearts
27 Nov 1765 - Relative: chi of:Esther Scellinx
27 Nov 1765 - Name: Paul Wickham
25 Jan 1766 - Name: Abigail Fisher
04 Jan 1766 - Name: Jeremiah - Relative: son of:Thomas Bakers -
Age: 6 weeks
07 Jan 1766 - Name: Thomas - - Comment: His son; Died by ye fall
of a logg
01 Mar 1766 - Comment: Negro servant child of Esq. B. Millers
01 Mar 1766 - Comment: Also a negro servant child of Noah Barns
02 Mar 1766 - Name: Nath. Hunttings - Comment: Indian servt.
06 Mar 1766 - Name: Noah Barnses - Comment: Another negro
19 Mar 1766 - Relative: wif of:Briah Daytons
05 May 1766 - Name: Abigail Davis
30 May 1766 - Name: Mr. Jon. Strattin
19 Jul 1766 - Relative: wif of:Stephen Osborns
19 Jul 1766 - Relative: chi of:Capt. Ellises
01 Aug 1766 - Name: Capt. Wickhams - Comment: negro man
03 Aug 1766 - Name: Capt. Jon. Davis
20 Sep 1766 - Relative: chi of:Daniel Hedges
05 Oct 1766 - Name: Mr. Jer. Mulford
08 Oct 1766 - Name: Col. Gardiners - Comment: negro child
17 Oct 1766 - Name: Samuel Hedges
27 Oct 1766 - Relative: chi of:David Strettins
09 Dec 1766 - Name: Mr. Cornelius Conkling
15 Dec 1766 - Relative: chi of:Jonathan Osborns
25 Dec 1766 - Relative: chi of:Tim Hedges
01 Jan 1767 - Relative: twin chi of:Jonathan Osborns
- Feb 1767 - Relative: chi of:Capt. David Baker
01 Mar 1767 - Relative: chi of:David Osborns
13 Mar 1767 - Relative: 2 chi of:David Osborns
15 Mar 1767 - Relative: chi of:Elizabeth Fields
06 May 1767 - Name: Capt. Wickhams - Comment: negro child
27 May 1767 - Relative: chi of:Isaac Demonds
15 Jun 1767 - Name: Moses Gonack - Comment: Drowned
08 Jul 1767 - Name: Josiah Hedges - Comment: Indian child.
28 Jul 1767 - Name: Josiah Hedges
28 Jul 1767 - Name: Nathan Conklings - Comment: Indian Girl
16 Sep 1767 - Name: Stephen Hedges - Comment: negro child
15 Oct 1767 - Name: Widow Daytons - Comment: Indian C.
26 Nov 1767 - Relative: wif of:Thomas Hedges
17 Dec 1767 - Name: David Conkling
30 Dec 1767 - Name: Widow Daytons - Comment: other Indn Child.
01 Jan 1768 - Name: Thomas Miller
15 Jan 1768 - Relative: chi of:Joseph Hicks
17 Feb 1768 - Name: Mary Hedges
29 Feb 1768 - Name: Judah - - Comment: Indian
14 Mar 1768 - Name: Deacon Huntting
08 Apr 1768 - Name: Widow Mary Miller
27 Apr 1768 - Name: Jonathan - Relative: son of:Capt. D. Mulfords
05 May 1768 - Name: Nathl. Domine - Comment: No. 500
11 May 1768 - Name: Stephen Hedges - Comment: Negro child
11 May 1768 - Name: Aaron Isaacs - Comment: negro child
10 Jan 1768 - Name: Henry Stratton - Comment: Died at Sea
19 May 1768 - Name: Widow Ann Edwards
28 Jun 1768 - Relative: wif of:Abraham Hand
28 Sep 1768 - Name: Mehitable Hedges
13 Oct 1768 - Relative: chi of:Elias Hands
01 Nov 1768 - Name: Samuel - Relative: son of:Isaac Hunting
04 Nov 1768 - Name: William Hedges
12 Dec 1768 - Relative: wif of:Esqr. Bakers
12 Feb 1769 - Name: Gennee - Comment: In. Millers Servt.
28 May 1769 - Relative: chi of:Daniel Hedges
11 Jun 1769 - Relative: wif of:Jesse Daytons
30 Jun 1769 - Relative: chi of:William Hunttings
31 Jul 1769 - Name: Capt. Barnabe
- Aug 1769 - Name: Capt. Wickhams - Comment: Servt.
20 Aug 1769 - Name: Isaac Barnes
19 Sep 1769 - Relative: chi of:Enos Talmages
- Oct 1769 - Name: Esqr. Bakers - Comment: Servt. child
12 Nov 1769 - Name: Jonathan Hedges
18 Nov 1769 - Name: Widow Fithen
25 Nov 1769 - Relative: chi of:Isaac Demons
07 Dec 1769 - Name: Widow Conkling
13 Dec 1769 - Name: Daniel Miller
25 Dec 1769 - Relative: chi of:Nathan Conkling
This page was last updated March 9, 2004.