Vital Records


East Hampton Deaths

1740 - 1749


An account of Deaths in East-Hampton, since my coming thither,
which was in September, 1696, kept by Nathl. Huntting.


05 Apr 1740 - Relative: wif of:Severns Gold - Comment: No. 550

16 Mar 1740 - Name: Daniel Baker - Age: abt. 47 years - Comment: died abt. 10 of ye clock in evening
Abt. 30 --- 1740 - Relative: dau of:Jer. Talmage - Age: abt. 5 months

12 Aug 1740 - Relative: dau of:Jonathan Mulford - Age: abt. 25 days - Comment: died abt. noon

25 Aug 1740 - Name: John Squire - Age: abt. 48 years - Comment: died abt. 5 P. M.

15 Oct 1740 - Relative: dau of:John Talmage - Age: abt. 5 years - Comment: died abt. noon

25 Oct 1740 - Relative: son of:Ben. Eyres, Junr. - Age: abt. 8 days - Comment: died abt. 10 A. M.

31 Oct 1740 - Relative: dau of:Thomas Dibble, Junr. - Age: abt. 2 months - Comment: died abt. 8 A. M. About an hour before it was left in bed, as well to appearance as ever, but lying still wn yy went to look at it found it dead. Since I was told that it was well ye evening & when the mother got up she laid it off her arm thinking it was asleep & about an hour after found it dead & stiff & probably died in ye night

06 Nov 1740 - Relative: wif of:Edward Jones - Age: abt. 60 years - Comment: died abt. one P. M.

08 Nov 1740 - Relative: wid of:Seth Parsons - Age: abt. - Comment: died abt. 5 P. M.

13 Nov 1740 - Name: Stephen Hand, Senr. - Age: abt. 79 years - Comment: in night

20 Nov 1740 - Name: Richard Bailey - Age: abt. 38 years - Comment: being in drink, would get forward to drive a cart that he was riding up in & fell over, before the wheel, wh. ran over him, 19th day & died 20th abt. 9 in eve. He was coming from Sag Harbour, was carried back to Russels & died there; but brought up & buried in town

23 Nov 1740 - Relative: wif of:Timothy Miller - Age: abt. 28 years - Comment: died abt. noon; I suppose

26 Jan 1740-1 - Relative: wif of:Tho. Dibble, Junr. - Age: abt. 27 years - Comment: died abt. 5 of ye clock A. M.

20 Feb 1740-1 - Name: Joseph Osborn, Senr. - Age: abt. 90 years - Comment: died abt. A. M.

07 Mar 1740-1 - Relative: son of:Jonath. Conkling - Age: abt. 6 weeks - Comment: died in night by her, not knowing when it died

21 Apr 1741 - Relative: son of:John Edw'ds - Comment: born dead or died presently after

26 Apr 1741 - Relative: wid of:Jer. Conkling - Age: abt. 76 years - Comment: died abt. 11 at night

28 Apr 1741 - Relative: dau of:H. Sherrill - Age: abt. a fortnight

05 May 1741 - Relative: dau of:Jer. Osborn - Age: abt. 3 months

28 May 1741 - Comment: The widow haize in the night

15 Oct 1741 - Relative: son of:Lemuel Conkling - Age: abt. 21 dayes - Comment: P. M.

28 Oct 1741 - Relative: dau of:Nathan Dayton - Age: abt. 11 years - Comment: abt. 3 P. M.

29 Oct 1741 - Relative: dau of:Cor. Conkling, Junr. - Age: abt. 18 years - Comment: abt. 6 P. M.

11 Dec 1741 - Name: Timothy Mulford - Age: abt. 60 years - Comment: died in morning

26 Dec 1741 - Relative: wif of:Wm. Edwards - Age: between 60 & 70 years - Comment: abt. 2 in morn

08 Jan 1741-2 - Name: Robert Parsons, Senr. - Age: abt. 60 years - Comment: died abt. 7 P. M., taken ye evening before with a fit of apoplexy wn abroad & only spake a few words just wn he expired, died

13 Feb 1741-2 - Name: Hannah Barns - Age: between 60 & 70 years - Comment: died abt. 5 A. M.

04 May 1742 - Relative: son of:Jonathan Conkling - Comment: died 4 hours after it was born

21 May 1742 - Name: Jerusha - - Relative: wid of:Jer. Hedges - Age: near 28 years - Comment: died between 10 & 11 in eve.

24 Jun 1742 - Relative: wif of:David Edwards - Comment: abt. 7 A. M., in child bed

28 Jun 1742 - Relative: dau of:Rob. More - Comment: abt. 9 P. M.

23 Aug 1742 - Relative: son of:Elias Hand - Age: abt. 6 years - Comment: died of bloody flux abt. 2 P. M.

10 Sep 1742 - Relative: son of:Obadiah Osborns - Age: almost 11 years - Comment: died at Rob. Mores abt. 8 P. M. of bloody flux

15 Sep 1742 - Relative: wid of:James Edwards - Age: abt. 50 years - Comment: died abt. 10 in evening, I suppose; of bloody flux

15 Sep 1742 - Name: Cornelius - - Relative: son of:Eliph. Stretton - Age: abt. 25 years - Comment: died abt. 11 in evening; bloody flux

18 Sep 1742 - Relative: son of:Elikim Conkling - Age: abt. 10 months - Comment: abt. noon; of bloody flux

21 Sep 1742 - Name: John Hedges, Junr. - Relative: son of:John Hedges - Age: abt. 18 years - Comment: abt. 9 in evening, of bloody flux

30 Sep 1742 - Relative: son of:Wm. Hedges, junr. - Age: abt. 3 or 4 months - Comment: of bloody flux, P. M. a little before midnight

01 Oct 1742 - Name: Shubaal Talmage - Age: abt. 85 or 86 years - Comment: abt. 5 P. M.; I suppose of ye same distemper, tho voiding very little blood

06 Oct 1742 - Relative: son of:Tho. Chatfields, junr. - Age: abt. 10 days - Comment: abt. 5 P. M., I suppose of same distemper

08 Oct 1742 - Relative: wid of:Thomas Edwards - Age: above 70 years - Comment: died abt. 10 in evening, had ye bloody flux with other illness; I suppose

01 Nov 1742 - Name: Mr. Mead - Comment: who had preached here some time, died abt. 10 A. M., of bloody flux (1742)

25 Dec 1742 - Name: Cady - - Age: above fourscore years - Comment: widow; died P. M. abt. midnight

01 Jan 1742-3 - Name: Thomas Chatfield, Junr. - Age: 30 years - Comment: taken wth bloody flux, continued ill abt. 2 week and died P. M. abt. 4

26 Jan 1742-3 - Relative: twin dau of:Jer. Conkling - Relative Comment: of Amagansett - Comment: died soon after it was born

03 Apr 1743 - Relative: son of:Nathan Conkling - Age: abt. 4 years - Comment: died abt. 3 P. M., died suddenly, having been a weakly child

14 Apr 1743 - Relative: wif of:Mr. Eleazer Miller - Age: abt. 41 years - Comment: abt. sunrise

15 Apr 1743 - Relative: wid of:Nath. Talmage - Age: abt. 84 or 85 years - Comment: died abt. 9 of ye clock in morning

10 May 1743 - Relative: wif of:Stephen Hand - Age: abt. 50 years - Comment: abt. 10 in evening, I suppose

15 Jun 1743 - Relative: wid of:Tho. Mulford - Age: abt. 85 years - Comment: died abt. two P. M.; No. 600

10 Jul 1743 - Name: Saml. Mulford - Age: abt - - Comment: died abt. 7 of ye clock in ye morning

23 Jul 1743 - Relative: wif of:Beriah Dayton, junr. - Age: abt. 32 years - Comment: abt. 3 P. M.; I suppose

11 Sep 1743 - Name: Lion Loper - Comment: died of bloody flux abt. 5 of clock in morning

24 Sep 1743 - Relative: son of:Capt. Baker - Age: abt. 1 year & half - Comment: of bloody flux, abt. 10 A. M.

24 Sep 1743 - Relative: wif of:Ichabod Leek - Age: abt. 74 years - Comment: of bloody flux, abt. 10 A. M.

28 Sep 1743 - Relative: wif of:Saml. Parsons, senr. - Age: abt. 70 years - Comment: died of bloody flux between 9 & 10 A. M.

02 Oct 1743 - Name: Joseph Osborne - Relative: son of:Th. Osborn - Relative Comment: deceased - Age: almost 83 years - Comment: sunk down and died in ye meeting house just after morning prayer was begun, abt. a quarter after ten; he never spoke a word but expired at once

22 Oct 1743 - Name: Wm. Osborn, Junr. - Comment: of Wainscot, died in ye morning

22 Nov 1743 - Relative: wif of:Tho. Dibble, senr. - Age: 59 years & abt. 9 months - Comment: died abt. 9 A. M.; She had not been well & taken out her bed complained she was faint & died in a little time.

. 12 Dec 1743 - Relative: son of:Uriah Miller - Age: two years & about 3 or 4 months - Comment: had ye bloody flux & then turned to the dropsie, died before day

20 Mar 1743-4 - Name: Sarah - - Relative: wif of:Tho. Miller - Comment: died in child bed

22 Mar 1743-4 - Relative: son of:Rob. More - Comment: died a little after it was born

04 Jul 1744 - Name: Isaac Conkling - Relative: son of:Lewis Conkling - Age: abt. 32 years - Comment: who had been crazed in his understanding sevl. years

06 Jul 1744 - Name: Ephraim Osborn - Age: abt. 78 years - Comment: died abt. two of ye clock in ye morning

14 Jul 1744 - Relative: wif of:Adam Cady - Age: above 60 years - Comment: died abt. 3 of ye clock P. M. of a sort of an Apoplexie; having been ill a day or two; on 12th fell down in eve & never (I think) spake a word till she died

22 Jul 1744 - Relative: wif of:Edw'd Jones, Junr. - Age: abt. 23 years - Comment: having lain in about 3 weeks up & (I think) abroad, was seized in the night ye 21st & died ye 22d abt. 11 of ye clock at night

30 Jul 1744 - Relative: wif of:John Miller - Age: abt. 34 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of clock in morning of a consumption

01 Aug 1744 - Relative: son of:Joseph Conkling - Age: almost 3 weeks

06 Sep 1744 - Name: Theophilus Wilman - Age: abt. 72 years - Comment: designing over to connecticut, stopt at Isle of Wight & in about a minute after he got into Mr. Gardiners house dropt down dead between 6 & 7 P. M.

06 Oct 1744 - Relative: dau of:H. Sherrills - Comment: died soon after it was born

08 Oct 1744 - Relative: wid of:Isaac Hedges - Age: between 60 & 70 years - Comment: abt. 3 of ye clock P. M.; (as I suppose)

14 Oct 1744 - Relative: wif of:Wm. Osborn - Comment: died abt. 2 of clock P. M.

16 Dec 1744 - Relative: wid of:Ephr. Osborn - Age: 70 years old or more - Comment: died abt. 3 weeks before this, tho I never heard of till this day, I suppose

16 Dec 1744 - Relative: wif of:Mr. David Gardiner - Relative Comment: of the Isle of Wight - Age: somewt. above 50 years - Comment: who had been ill some time & come over to live in town, died abt. 8 of ye clock in the morning; I suppose

10 Apr 1745 - Name: Edward - - Age: 41 years & almost 2 months - Comment: My son; died at 7 of ye clock in morning

11 Apr 1745 - Relative: dau of:Edward - Relative Comment: my son - Age: 1 year & 3 months - Comment: died abt. 6 of ye clock P. M.

17 May 1745 - Relative: dau of:Stephen Cooper - Age: abt. 3 months - Comment: I suppose over laid in night a young child

23 Jun 1745 - Name: Tho. Osborn, Senr. - Age: abt. 85 years, wanting but abt. 5 weeks - Comment: of Wainscott, died abt. noonon

14 Sep 1745 - Relative: dau of:Jer. Talmage - Age: abt. 5 or 6 weeks

21 Sep 1745 - Name: Edward Jones - Age: abt. 67 years - Comment: died of bloody flux, abt. 11 at night

04 Oct 1745 - Name: Capt. Burnet - Age: abt. 72 years - Comment: died at noon

03 Oct 1745 - Relative: son of:Obadiah Osborn - Age: abt. 4 or 5 days

13 Oct 1745 - Relative: son of:Lemuel Hedges - Age: 1 year & 1-2 - Comment: had bloody flux, taken on thursday & died this morning abt. 2 of clock, I suppose

25 Jan 1745-6 - Name: Mary Mulford - Relative: dau of:Jer. Mulford - Age: abt. 20 years - Comment: died abt. 5 of clock in morning; of a consumption

30 Jan 1745-6 - Name: Mr. Samuel Dayton - Age: abt. 80 years - Comment: died in a fit abt. 5 of clock P. M.

21 Mar 1745-6 - Relative: dau of:Stephen Burnet - Age: abt. 15 days

28 Apr 1746 - Name: John Conkling - Age: near 77 years - Comment: died abt. sun down

30 Apr 1746 - Name: Beriah Dayton - Age: abt. 72 years - Comment: died abt. 11 A. M.

05 May 1746 - Name: Eliakim Conkling - Age: 33 years & abt. 4 months - Comment: died abt. 10 A. M.

21 Jul 1746 - Name: Jer. Conkling - Age: abt. 27 years - Comment: of Amagansett, died abt. 7 A. M.

05 Sep 1746 - Relative: dau of:Sam. Merry - Comment: still born

05 Sep 1746 - Name: Joseph Chandler - Comment: died at Albany, a soldier, of smallpox, abt. 5 weeks before this time

02 Oct 1746 - Name: Lewis Conkling - Age: abt. 70 years - Comment: died abt. 5 of clock A. M.

09 Oct 1746 - Name: Nathan Conkling - Relative: son of:Elisha Conkling - Age: 23 years & abt. 6 months - Comment: died abt. 9 P. M. of a consumption

08 Nov 1746 - Name: Mrs. Grant - Comment: a stranger yt came over for her health wn Mr. Buel was to be installed, was ill all the time was here & died abt. 10 of clock in evening. No. 646

02 Oct 1746 - Name: Lewis Conkling - Age: about 70 years - Comment: died about 5 a clock A. M.

09 Oct 1746 - Name: Nathan Conkling - Relative: son of:Elisha Conkling - Age: 23 years & about 6 months - Comment: Died abt. 9 P. M., of a consumption

08 Nov 1746 - Name: Mrs. Grant - Comment: yt come from New England to my installment. Died in this place, was ill all ye time after she come till she Died of a Consumption about 10 oclock Saturday evening

- Jan 1746 - Name: Benjamin Conkling - Age: abt. 44 - Comment: Died about midnight

28 Apr 1746 - Relative: chi of:Mr. Jon. Gardiners - Age: about 2 years - Comment: Died of a consumption; by name John

12 May 1746 - Name: The Jerman Dator - Age: about 35 - Comment: died of a Plurasy about 3 quarters of a year after he came to town

15 May 1746 - Name: Old Madam Gardiner - Age: about 64 - Comment: Died of a Colack suddenly

10 Jun 1746 - Relative: chi of:Nathan Conklins - Comment: Died soon after it was born

- Aug 1746 - Name: Sarah - - Relative: chi of:Jon Parsons - Age: about 2 years

- Aug 1746 - Name: Recompence Sherrys, Jur. - Relative: chi of:Puer - Age: about 2 years

- Sep 1747 - Name: Rebeckah Hopin - Age: about 40

- Sep 1747 - Relative: chi of:Daniel Leeks

- Sep 1747 - Name: Abigail Osborne - Age: about 40

- Sep 1747 - Relative: chi of:Jeremiah Osborns

16 Oct 1747 - Name: Hezekiah Miller - Age: about 50

- Dec 1747 - Relative: wif of:Lanier Davis - Age: about 60

- Jan 1747-8 - Name: Old Mrs. Jones - Age: 97

- Jan 1747-8 - Name: Old Mr. Barnes - Age: about 70 - Comment: Died at ye village

- Jan 1747-8 - Relative: chi of:Elisha Conklings

12 May 1747-8 - Relative: wif of:George Miller - Age: about 55 - Comment: at ye Brickkills

08 Aug 1747-8 - Relative: wif of:Nathaniel Dominie - Age: about 60

26 Aug 1747-8 - Name: Gene - - Age: about a year & 9 months - Comment: my negro girl

10 Sep 1748 - Relative: chi of:Elisha Davises - Age: about 3 months

13 Sep 1748 - Relative: wif of:Benjamin Conklin - Age: about 70

16 Sep 1748 - Name: Thomas Filer - Age: about 38

16 Sep 1748 - Relative: son of:Timothy Millers

28 Sep 1748 - Name: Abiah Hase - Age: about 70

09 Oct 1748 - Name: Miller - - Relative: rel of:Leut. Miller - Age: 96 year - Comment: Widow

- Oct 1748 - Name: Baker - - Comment: Widow; at ye Jarseyes upon a visit

31 Oct 1748 - Name: Captain Conklin - Age: about 70

31 Oct 1748 - Name: Mary - Relative: wif of:David Conklin - Comment: If I mistake his Christian name

31 Oct 1748 - Name: Mar Dible - Age: about 27

11 Nov 1748 - Relative: chi of:Obadiah Osborns - Age: about 12 months

30 Nov 1748 - Relative: wif of:Daniel Baker - Age: about 35 - Comment: at ye village

20 Jan 1748-9 - Name: Jerusha - - Age: about a year & 4 months - Comment: my only Daughter; Pleasant child yt she was

18 Jun 1748-9 - Relative: wif of:Elisha Davis

20 Aug 1748-9 - Name: Pompa - - Age: about 7 years - Comment: negro child of Seth Parsons

27 Aug 1748-9 - Relative: wif of:Isaack Barnes - Age: about 70

25 Sep 1748-9 - Relative: wif of:Nathan Datan - Age: about 50 years

29 Nov 1748-9 - Name: Nathan Miller - Age: about 60

31 Dec 1748-9 - Name: Tone - Comment: a negro boy; servant of Seth Parsons

07 Jan 1749-50 - Name: Phebe Esquier - Age: about 65 - Comment: Widow

16 Jan 1749-50 - Name: Miller - Comment: widow; Died about 2 months after Husband

23 Jan 1749-50 - Name: Polly - Comment: Negro Child of Seth Parsons

22 Mar 1749-50 - Name: Old Mrs. Daton - Age: about 70

14 Apr 1749-50 - Age: about 2 hours - Comment: Servant Child of the Widow Mulford

06 May 1749-50 - Name: Aaron Fithian - Age: about 60

16 May 1749-50 - Name: Jon. Dominie - Comment: a young man, his death was exceeding sudden, he took hold of another man to wrastle for about ye space of a minute & with out any perception of a hurt by others or complaint of his own, he Presently Died away

- May 1749-50 - Comment: Negro Child of Burnet Millers

13 Jun 1749-50 - Relative: chi of:Elisha Davises - Age: about 10 years - Comment: No. 50

03 Jul 1749-50 - Comment: negro child of Burnett Millers

20 Jul 1749-50 - Name: Henry - Relative: chi of:Daniel Bakers - Age: about fortnight

13 Aug 1749-50 - Relative: wif of:Benm. Heairs;dau of:Deacon Osborn


This page was last updated March 9, 2004.