Vital Records


East Hampton Deaths

1730 - 1739


An account of Deaths in East-Hampton, since my coming thither,
which was in September, 1696, kept by Nathl. Huntting.


08 Jan 1729-30 - Relative: 2nd wif of:Richard Shaw - Comment: burnt in his house abt. 1 of ye clock in ye morning, a negro man, woman and child burnt at same time

25 Jan 1729-30 - Relative: wid of:Phillip Leek, senr. - Age: abt. 76 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of clock P. M.

23 Feb 1729-30 - Relative: inf of:Josiah Osborn - Comment: twin

24 Feb 1729-30 - Relative: inf of:Josiah Osborn - Age: abt. 3 days

08 Sep 1729-30 - Name: Ananias Conklin, Junr. - Relative: son of:Jer. Conkling - Relative Comment: deceased

30 Aug 1729-30 - Relative: son of:Sam. Hudson - Comment: still born

03 Sep 1732 - Relative: dau of:Sam. Hudson - Age: abt. 5 days - Comment: died abt. 7 of ye clock

02 Nov 1732 - Name: Tho. Mulford, Senr. - Age: abt. 77 years - Comment: died abt. 7 A. M.

06 Nov 1732 - Name: Joseph King - Age: abt. 25 years - Comment: came with his wife on a visit to her father Chatfields & died of Pleurisie abt. 4 of clock P. M.

21 Jan 1732-3 - Relative: wif of:Tho. Osborn - Relative Comment: of Wainscot - Comment: died abt. 8 of ye clock at night

27 Jan 1732-3 - Relative: son of:Isaac Barnes, Junr. - Age: 7th year - Comment: died abt. 8 of clock suddenly; was winding quills the day before, at night complained of pain in his head or knees? & (I think) was about next morn, taken with vomiting & brought up 13 stomach worms & died abt. 8 at night

24 Feb 1732-3 - Relative: wif of:Matthias Hopping, Junr. - Comment: died abt. 11 of ye clock A. M.

26 Feb 1732-3 - Name: Samuel Filer - Comment: abt. 7 of clock P. M.

27 Apr 1733 - Relative: dau of:Sam. Hedges, Junr. - Comment: died early in morn abt. an hour or two after it was born

04 Jun 1733 - Relative: The second of:Deacon Mulford - Age: abt. 76 years - Comment: The second; died A. M.

20 Sep 1733 - Relative: wid of:Lion Gardiner - Age: abt. 65 years - Comment: abt. 2 of clock in morning, aged (I suppose)

07 Oct 1733 - Name: Mary Huntting - Age: 54 years & about 4 months - Comment: my dear wife, died just at five in ye morning

13 Nov 1733 - Name: James Hand - Age: abt. 82 years - Comment: died in eve

17 Nov 1733 - Relative: son of:Hezekiah Miller - Age: 12 years - Comment: died abt. 9 A. M.

14 Dec 1733 - Relative: son of:Rich. Shaws - Comment: in ye morn abt. an hour after it was born

10 Jan 1733-4 - Relative: son of:Henry Hudson - Age: abt. 4 days - Comment: died abt. 6 P. M.

15 Feb 1733-4 - Name: Roger Davis - Age: abt. 60 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of ye clock P. M., I suppose; No. 450

24 Apr 1734 - Relative: dau of:Sam Filer - Age: abt. 6 weeks - Comment: a little after noon

02 May 1734 - Relative: chi of:John Stretton, Junr. - Age: abt. 11 months - Comment: died abt. 7 P. M.

27 May 1734 - Relative: dau of:John Edwards, Junr. - Age: abt. 6 years - Comment: I suppose

06 Jun 1734 - Relative: wif of:Rob. More, Senr. - Age: abt. 83 years - Comment: died early in morn

07 Jul 1734 - Name: Mr. Stephen Hedges - Age: not wanting quite six months of an hundred years - Comment: died abt. one of ye clock in the morning, I suppose

07 Aug 1734 - Name: Jer. Conklin - Age: abt. 73 years - Comment: died abt. 9 of ye clock A. M.

12 Aug 1734 - Relative: son of:Joseph Conkling - Age: abt. a fortnight - Comment: died near night

19 Aug 1734 - Relative: wif of:Matthias Hopping - Age: between 40 & 50 years - Comment: died abt. 1 of clock P. M.., I suppose

29 Aug 1734 - Name: Deacon Mulford - Age: abt. 84 years - Comment: died abt. 2 in ye morning

19 Sep 1734 - Relative: son of:Joseph Osborne, 3d - Age: abt. a month

23 Sep 1734 - Name: Widow Holding - Age: abt. 60 years - Comment: I suppose

17 Oct 1734 - Name: Phebe - Relative: dau of: Eph. Burnet - Age: between 18 & 19 years - Comment: after a lingering illness above two years, died abt. 1 of clock in morn aged (I suppose)

23 Nov 1734 - Name: Robert More - Age: near 83 years - Comment: died abt. 5 oclock P. M.

20 Dec 1734 - Relative: son of:Dan. Leek - Comment: died soon after it was born

31 Jan 1734-5 - Relative: dau of: James Hand - Age: abt. 4 years - Comment: by his second wife; died abt. 4 of ye clock A. M.

09 Feb 1734-5 - Relative: twin son of:Nat. Talmage - Age: abt. 5 or 6 days - Comment: died abt. 4 P. M.

19 Feb 1734-5 - Name: Mr. John Stretton - Age: abt. 90 years - Comment: died abt. 7 of ye clock P. M.

21 Feb 1734-5 - Relative: dau of:Nath. Talmage - Comment: twin; died P. M. in night

06 Mar 1734-5 - Name: Wm. Skellinx - Age: above 80 years - Comment: died abt. 1 in morning; a little

24 Mar 1734-5 - Name: Daniel Bishop - Age: above 80 years - Comment: died abt. 2 in morn; a little

27 Aug 1734-5 - Name: Sam. Hedges, Junr. - Age: abt. 28 years - Comment: I suppose; died abt. 8 of ye clock in evening

08 Sep 1734-5 - Name: Thomas Baker - Age: abt. 80 years - Comment: died near night or in ye evening

12 Sep 1734-5 - Relative: wif of:John Conkling, senr. - Age: abt. 70 years - Comment: died abt. noon

27 Sep 1734-5 - Name: Bettie Davids - Age: between 60 & 70 years - Comment: died abt. 4 of clock A. M.; having been at work spinning ye day before

03 Feb 1735-6 - Relative: dau of:Jonath. Hedges - Age: abt. 2 days - Comment: died abt. 2 A. M.

27 Abt. Apr 1735-6 - Relative: chi of:Obadiah Osborns - Age: abt. two months

29 Abt. Apr 1735-6 - Relative: dau of:John Miller, Junr. - Comment: tis supposed of ye quinsey, going to bed well ye night before, died abt. 10 of ye clock A. M.

29 Abt. Apr 1735-6 - Name: Sam. Shaw - Relative: son of:Russel - Relative Comment: of Hogneck - Age: abt. 23 years - Comment: was drowned near Elizabethtown, wh. went with Russel; in his sloop, drowned out of a canoe, coming homeward

16 Jun 1735-6 - Relative: son of:Daniel Dayton - Age: almost 9 years - Comment: having drunk strong drink the night before (I think strong sweentened flip) after ye north wind mill was raised, was carried home in drink, vomited & was put to bed (but I think never spoke more), seemed to sleep sound all night & in morning fell into convulsions & died abt. 1-2 an hour before 12 of ye clock.

04 Jul 1735-6 - Relative: dau of:Geo. Smith - Age: abt. 3 years - Comment: died abt. 4 P. M.; of ye throat distemper

14 Jul 1735-6 - Relative: dau of:Joseph Chandler - Relative Comment: of ye throat distemper - Age: abt. 5 years - Comment: died abt. 3 P. M.

02 Aug 1735-6 - Name: Nathan Hudson - Relative: son of:Rob Hudson - Relative Comment: deceased - Age: abt. 19 years & 5 months - Comment: died of the throat distemper just at sunrise

07 Aug 1735-6 - Name: Elizabeth Hudson - Relative: dau of:Saml. Hudson - Age: abt. 6 years - Comment: died of the throat distember abt. one in ye morning

16 Aug 1735-6 - Name: Brooks - Age: abt. 10 years - Comment: A girl; yt came from the Old Mans & lived at Joseph Conklings; pined away after ye throat distemper & died abt. noon

28 Aug 1735-6 - Relative: son of:Nathan Dayton - Age: abt. two years - Comment: died of throat distemper abt. 2 of clock in morning

14 Aug 1735-6 - Relative: dau of:Noah Barnes - Age: abt. 6 years - Comment: died of ye throat distemper abt. 2 of ye clock P. M.

14 Oct 1735-6 - Relative: son of:Isaac Barns, Junr. - Age: abt. 17 days - Comment: died abt. 4 P. M.

22 Oct 1735-6 - Name: Sarah - Relative: wif of:Isaac Barnes, Junr. - Age: abt. 36 years near 37 years - Comment: (I suppose); died P. M.

25 Oct 1735-6 - Name: Mrs. Denison - Relative: dau of:Deacon Mulfords - Age: abt. 50 years - Comment: of Stonington, formerly Coxal; came over here with her husband & died here after 2 or 3 days illness, abt 8 of ye clock in evening

31 Oct 1735-6 - Name: Tho. Edwards - Age: abt. 68 years - Comment: of ye hook; died abt. 2 P. M.

06 Jan 1736-7 - Relative: wif of:John Miller - Age: abt. 78 years - Comment: she eat her dinner & was taken presently after, could not speak for an hour or two, then came to her speach & senses & died abt. 8 p. m.

09 Jan 1736 - Name: Mr. John Hedges - Age: abt. 67 years - Comment: died abt. 7 in evening, had some sharp twitches of pain in breast the day before; this morning was not abroad, eat his dinner & thought to go to meeting afternoon & was taken more violently afternoon with pain in breast and died in evening

09 May 1737 - Relative: son of:Nathl. Baker, junr. - Age: abt. 11 years & 4 months - Comment: died abt. noon, his negro man, falling a tree in ye woods, the branches of the tree, tho abt. 40 feet distant, fell on him & killed him so that he spake but a word or two

17 May 1737 - Name: Mercy - - Relative: wif of:Tho. Mulford - Age: abt. 50 years or more - Comment: died abt. one of clock P. M.

17 May 1737 - Relative: dau of:Joseph Chandler - Age: a little more yn 5 months - Comment: died abt. noon

18 Jan 1737-8 - Name: Nathan Miller, Junr. - Age: abt. 21 years - Comment: who went to sea & died at Jamaica abt. 2 months ago

18 Feb 1737-8 - Relative: dau of:Rob. Parsons, Junr. - Age: abt. 6 weeks - Comment: died in morning

26 Feb 1737-8 - Relative: wif of:Stephen Hand, Senr. - Age: abt. 72 years - Comment: died abt. 5 of the clock P. M.; only a few days wanting

14 Apr 1738 - Relative: dau of:Edw'd Huntting - Relative Comment: son - Comment: abt. 2 of clock in morning, died abt. half an hour after it was born

04 Jun 1738 - Name: Leah Howel - Relative: dau of:Widow Howel - Relative Comment: of Mecox - Age: abt. 21 years - Comment: having sojourned here sevl. months, died of throat distemper just at noon, died at Rob. Leeks. No. 500

19 Jun 1738 - Name: Keziah Howel - Relative: dau of:Widow Howel - Relative Comment: of Mecox - Comment: (1 suppose twin sister of Leah Howell) brought up by Stephen Hand, Senr., died of ye throat distemper at sd. Steph. Hands abt. 1 of ye clock A. M.

22 Jun 1738 - Relative: son of:Ebenezer Edwards - Age: abt. 5 years & half - Comment: died of ye throat distemper abt. 7 a. m.

25 Jun 1738 - Name: Mr. John Gardiner - Age: abt. 77 years & abt. 2 months - Comment: went over to New London & fell of an horse ye 19th in Groton & died ye 25th P. M. abt. midnight

13 Jul 1738 - Name: Phebe - - Relative: dau of:John Edwards - Relative Comment: deceased - Age: I suppose abt. 20 years - Comment: died abt. 3 P. M., she with ye fever had also the throat distemper

28 Jul 1738 - Relative: son of:Nathan Miller - Age: 2 years & about 2 months - Comment: died abt. 6 A. M., tis supposed of ye throat distemper

09 Aug 1738 - Relative: son of:Edward Huntting - Relative Comment: my son - Age: 4 years & about 10 months - Comment: abt. one of ye clock in ye morning; a very lovely, desirable child, of ye throat distemper & tis thought ye quinsey joined with it

10 Aug 1738 - Relative: son of:John Stretton - Age: abt. nine months - Comment: (I suppose of ye throat distemper), abt. 6 P. M.

15 Aug 1738 - Name: Sharper - - Comment: servt. of Capt. Mulford, died abt. noon

17 Aug 1738 - Relative: dau of:Rob. Parsons, senr. - Age: abt. 4 years - Comment: died of throat distemper abt. 5 A. M.

25 Aug 1738 - Relative: wid of:Capt. Josiah Hobart - Relative Comment: formerly Squire - Age: abt. 78 years & half - Comment: died abt. 9 in eve

30 Aug 1738 - Name: Mary - - Relative: dau of:Nathaniel Huntting - Relative Comment: my son - Age: 3 years, 3 months & 21 days - Comment: died of ye throat distemper, P. M. a little before midnight, an extraordinary pleasant child to me & all others

06 Sep 1738 - Relative: son of:Wm. Dixhorn - Age: abt. 5 weeks - Comment: died abt. 9 A. M.

16 Sep 1738 - Relative: dau of:Lion Loper - Age: 1 month - Comment: died abt. 2 of clock P. M.; tis said this child had the throat distemper canker in its month
19 Sep 1738 - Name: John Squire, Junr. - Comment: of ye small pox in West indies

25 Sep 1738 - Relative: son of:Jonathan Stretton - Age: just two years - Comment: died abt. 3 P. M. It had been ill some time & if it had not ye throat distemper before it died It was said it was thought it had it

26 Sep 1738 - Relative: dau of:Jonathan Stretton - Age: almost 3 weeks - Comment: died about 3 P. M.

30 Sep 1738 - Name: Joseph - - Relative: 2nd son of:Nathl. Huntting - Relative Comment: my son - Age: 6 years, 9 months & I suppose abt. 13 or 14 days - Comment: & died of ye throat distemper abt. half an hour after three of ye clock P. M.

30 Sep 1738 - Relative: dau of:Jeremiah Talmage - Comment: Abt.a month before; died a few hours after it was born

12 Oct 1738 - Relative: dau of:Ezekiel Jones - Age: abt. 4 years & 4 months - Comment: died of ye throat distemper abt. 2 or 3 of clock P. M.

14 Oct 1738 - Name: Jeremiah Hedges - Age: 25 years & abt. 9 months - Comment: died of Lung fever a little after 9 A. M.

01 Nov 1738 - Name: Henry Parsons - Relative: son of:Robert Parsons - Age: almost 18 years - Comment: died abt. 10 of clock at night; died of lung fever

05 Nov 1738 - Name: Sarah - - Relative: wif of:Rec. Leek, Junr. - Age: abt. 25 years - Comment: abt. 10 of clock A. M., of lung fever; I suppose

06 Nov 1738 - Name: John Osborn - Relative: son of:Thomas Osborn, senr. - Relative Comment: of Wainscot - Age: above 24 years, abt. 24 years & 1-2 - Comment: died of lung fever abt. 7 of clock in evening; a little

07 Nov 1738 - Name: Lewis Hedges - Relative: son of:Wm. Hedges - Age: abt. 16 years - Comment: died of lung fever abt. 10 of clock in eve

29 Nov 1738 - Relative: dau of:John Edw'ds - Age: abt. 12 years - Comment: yt lived with Henry Conkling, died of throat distemper abt. 4 of ye clock P. M.

04 Dec 1738 - Name: David Conkling, senr. - Age: abt. 71 years - Comment: abt. noon

05 Dec 1738 - Name: John Miller - Age: 84 years & abt. 8 months - Comment: died abt. 9 P. M.

17 Dec 1738 - Relative: dau of:John Flint - Relative Comment: of Sag - Age: abt. 14 years - Comment: that lived with Mr. Chatfield, died abt. 2 P. M.

03 Jan 1738-9 - Relative: dau of:George Miller - Age: abt. 2 years - Comment: died abt. three in ye morning; It was scalded tho lived abt. 12 days after

05 Jan 1738-9 - Relative: dau of:Elisha Conkling - Age: abt. 7 years - Comment: died abt. 5 A. M., died of quinsey or throat distemper, it may be a compound illness

07 Jan 1738-9 - Name: Francis Shaw - Age: 68 years - Comment: died abt. 3 in ye morning

14 Feb 1738-9 - Name: Thomas Edwards - Relative: bro of:Wm. Edwards - Age: 68 years - Comment: who had been distracted many years, died suddenly abt. noon, I can't tell whether ill at all before he fainted & died

21 Feb 1738-9 - Relative: son of:Benjamin Leek - Age: abt. 2 months, a few days more - Comment: died abt. 8 of ye clock in morn

21 Feb 1738-9 - Name: James Edwards - Age: abt. fourty-three or four - Comment: died near 5 P. M.

27 Feb 1738-9 - Name: Mr. Nathl. Baker - Age: 84th year - Comment: died abt. sun down

16 Mar 1738-9 - Relative: son of:Timothy Miller - Age: abt. 4 years - Comment: died of ye throat distemper, about 2 P. M.

13 Apr 1739 - Name: Patience - - Relative: wif of:John Parsons, Junr. - Relative Comment: son of Sam. Parsons, Senr. - Age: 38 yrs. & abt. 9 mos - Comment: died A. M. abt. 11 of ye clock

16 May 1739 - Relative: son of:Isaac Hedges - Age: abt. 11 years old, abt. 8 A. M. - Comment: of the throat distemper -
abt. 25 Jul 1739 - Relative: son of:Elias Hand - Comment: died abt. 12 hours after it was born

28 Aug 1739 - Relative: dau of:Wm. Conkling - Age: abt. 2 years, 7 months - Comment: died abt. 11 oclock at night

13 Sep 1739 - Name: Henry - - Relative: son of:John Squire - Age: 12 years & abt. 9 months - Comment: who lived with An. Conkling, Junr., died abt. 9 A. M.

15 Sep 1739 - Name: Recompence Barns - Age: near 50 years - Comment: died abt. 11 A. M., I suppose

15 Oct 1739 - Relative: dau of:Eliakim Conkling, Junr. - Age: abt. 7 weeks

22 Nov 1739 - Relative: wid of:John Hedges - Age: abt. years - Comment: died abt. 11 of ye clock A. M.

24 Nov 1739 - Relative: wid of:Sam. Bennett - Comment: died abt. 2 of ye clock in ye morning

06 Dec 1739 - Relative: son of:Elisha Osborn - Age: 3 years & abt. 8 months - Comment: died abt. 11 of clock A. M.

15 Jan 1739-40 - Relative: dau of:Rob. Parsons, Junr. - Age: 3 months - Comment: abt. 1 of ye clock P. M.

17 Jan 1739-40 - Relative: dau of:Tho. Osborn, Junr. - Relative Comment: of Amagansett - Age: between 16 & 17 years - Comment: died a little before night

30 Jan 1739-40 - Name: John Conkling, Junr. - Age: abt. - years - Comment: died abt. 8 A. M.

01 Mar 1739-40 - Name: Ananias Conkling, Senr. - Age: 67 years & 6 months - Comment: died abt. one of the clock in morning


This page was last updated March 9, 2004.