Vital Records


East Hampton Deaths

1720 - 1729


An account of Deaths in East-Hampton, since my coming thither,
which was in September, 1696, kept by Nathl. Huntting.


06 May 1720 - Relative: dau of:Thomas Chatfield - Age: abt. 5 or 6 weeks - Comment: died abt. 11 a. m.

16 Jun 1720 - Relative: wif of:James Hand, Senr. - Age: abt. 22 years - Comment: formerly Dibble, died abt. 10 at night

04 Aug 1720 - Relative: dau of:Sam. Hedges - Age: abt. 2 years - Comment: died abt. 6 P. M.

17 Aug 1720 - Relative: dau of:Isaac Hedges - Age: abt. a fortnight - Comment: died at 4 p. m.

22 Aug 1720 - Relative: son of:Th. Osborn - Relative Comment: of Wainscott - Age: abt. 4 years - Comment: died abt. 9 in evening

01 Sep 1720 - Relative: chi of:Hezekiah Miller - Age: abt. 3 years

12 Sep 1720 - Name: Hannah - - Relative: dau of:Ananias Conklin - Age: abt. 13 years - Comment: died abt. eleven of ye clock in the night

14 Sep 1720 - Name: Mrs. Johnson - Relative: mot of:Ebenezer Johnson - Relative Comment: (yt married Rebecca Shaw) - Comment: died at his house & was carried to be buried at Bridgehampton

24 Oct 1720 - Relative: wif of:John Hand, Junr. - Comment: died abt. 4 in the morning

01 Nov 1720 - Name: Rebckah - - Relative: dau of:Dan. Osborn - Relative Comment: deceased - Age: abt. 18 years - Comment: died abt. 7 A. M.

25 Dec 1720 - Relative: son of:Wm. Carl - Comment: died abt. two P. M., being scalded abt. 3 or 4 days before

- Dec 1720 - Name: Henry Buck - Age: abt. 22 years - Comment: having been outdone in a cold storm, coming ashore at Rhode Island, almost dead, died a little after he got on shore; It was abt. ye middle of yt months yt he died

24 Jan 1721 - Relative: dau of:Daniel Baker - Age: abt. 6 or 7 weeks - Comment: died abt. 5 in ye morning

03 Feb 1721 - Name: Rebecca - - Relative: sis of:Eliph. Stretton - Age: abt. 18 years - Comment: being come into town about a month or 5 weeks, after 3 weeks illness, died this morning abt. 8 of ye clock

18 Feb 1721 - Relative: son of:Matthias Hopping - Age: abt. 8 or 9 years - Comment: taken ill on the 17th his teeth quickly set, yn had convulsions & died on 18 abt. noon

06 Mar 1721 - Relative: dau of:Nathl. Dominy - Age: almost 2 years - Comment: died abt. 6 of ye clock P. M.

16 Mar 1721 - Relative: wif of:Sam. Filer, Senr. - Age: between 40 & 50 years - Comment: died abt. 3 a. m.

- Jun 1721 - Relative: dau of:Thomas Chatfield - Age: about 5 or 6 weeks - Comment: While I was gone to Boston; child

28 Jul 1721 - Relative: son of:Henry Piersons - Age: abt. 4 month - Comment: of Southampton, nursed up at Sam Parsons; died in night

29 Sep 1721 - Name: John Stretton, Junr. - Relative: son of:Mr. John Stretton - Age: abt. 22 years - Comment: died a little after sunrise

13 Dec 1721 - Name: James Diament - Age: abt. 75 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of clock in morning

05 Feb 1722 - Relative: dau of:Elias Mulford - Age: abt. 2 years - Comment: died abt. 4 a. m.

18 Feb 1722 - Relative: wif of:John Diament - Age: abt. 26 years - Comment: I suppose; died of a consumption, abt. 8 of ye clock in ye morning

27 Feb 1722 - Name: Ben Osborn - Age: abt 75 years - Comment: died abt. 10 a. m.

20 Apr 1722 - Relative: son of:John Edwards, Junr. - Age: abt 7 weeks - Comment: died suddenly. No. 300

22 Apr 1722 - Relative: chi of:Jos. Dibbles - Age: about a week - Comment: died abt. 9 A. M.

18 May 1722 - Relative: wif of:Nathal. Baker - Age: abt. , - Comment: died abt. 3 A. M.

31 Jul 1722 - Relative: son of:The widow Jessups;son of:Th. Mulford - Relative Comment: -;- - Age: abt. 4 years; near 23 years - Comment: died abt. 4 of clock in morning

28 Jul 1722 - Name: Robert Dayton - Age: abt. 30 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of ye clock in ye afternoon

28 Jul 1722 - Relative: chi of:Matthias Hoppin - Age: abt. 15 months - Comment: This day or day after; a son I think

17 Oct 1722 - Relative: son of:Isaac Barnes - Age: abt. 6 1-2 years - Comment: died abt. 6 A. M.

19 Oct 1722 - Name: John Hoppin - Age: abt. 80 years - Comment: died abt. 4 of clock in ye morning

29 Oct 1722 - Name: Phebe - - Relative: dau of:John Squire - Age: a little above 2 years - Comment: died abt. 7 at night of quinsey or like distemper, after abt. 24 hours illness

13 Nov 1722 - Name: Thomas Talmage, Junr. - Relative: son of:Capt. Onesimus Talmage - Age: abt. 20 years - Comment: died abt. noon

10 Dec 1722 - Name: Sherry - - Age: abt. 80 years - comment: widow; died abt. 5 in ye morning

13 Dec 1722 - Relative: dau of:Isaac Hedges - Age: abt. 20 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of ye clock in morning

19 Dec 1722 - Relative: chi of:John Coopers;chi of:Abraham Skelinx - Relative Comment: -;- - Comment: died presently after it was born; died abt. ys time, I suppose presently after it was born

23 Dec 1722 - Name: Joseph Stretton - Age: abt. 73 years - Comment: died abt. 10 of ye clock in ye morning

04 Jan 1723 - Name: Jeremiah - - Relative: son of:Isaac Hedges - Age: abt. 2 years - Comment: died abt. 9 in evening

12 Jan 1723 - Name: Abraham - - Relative: eldest son of:Isaac Hedges - Age: abt. 30 years - Comment: ; died abt. 7 of clock at night

16 Jan 1723 - Name: Jacob Hedges - Relative: son of:Isaac Hedges - Age: abt. 25 years - Comment: died about 1 of clock in morning

18 Jan 1723 - Relative: dau of:Dan. Osborn - Age: abt. 5 years - Comment: died abt. noon

01 Feb 1723 - Name: Capt. Onesimus Talmage - Age: abt. 61 years - Comment: died abt. 11 of ye clock A. M.

21 Mar 1723 - Relative: dau of:Isaac Mulfords - Age: abt 9 years - Comment: died abt. noon

26 Mar 1723 - Name: Stephen Griswold - Comment: married abt. 3 or 4 months before to S. Filers daughter, came over & died here abt. 4 of clock A. M.

03 Apr 1723 - Name: Enos Talmage - Age: near 30 years - Comment: about 10 a. m.; I suppose

18 Apr 1723 - Relative: dau of:Nathl. Earl - Age: abt. 8 months - Comment: died abt. 7 P. M.

25 Apr 1723 - Name: Daniel Bushnel - Age: abt. 24 years - Comment: a stranger that came hither on whaling design, died abt. 3 A. M.

26 Apr 1723 - Name: Deborah - - Relative: dau of:Cornel. Miller - Age: abt. 16 years - Comment: died abt. 11 A. M.

26 Apr 1723 - Relative: dau of:Stephen Hand, Junr.? - Comment: About this time

29 Jul 1723 - Comment: A sloop was wrecked & people drowned of wh. 5 men came on shore, one of which was John Christopher

30 Aug 1723 - Relative: wif of:John Talmage - Age: about 38 years - Comment: I suppose; died abt. 5 P. M.

23 Sep 1723 - Name: Lion Gardiner, Senr. - Age: abt. - years - Comment: died A. M., being shot by Sam Bennet, both of them hunting deer

13 Oct 1723 - Name: Nathan Mulford - Age: abt. 35 years - Comment: died abt. 6 P. M.

24 Nov 1723 - Name: Justice Rob. Hudson - Age: abt. 50 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of clock P. M.

02 Jan 1723-4 - Name: Liut. Miller - Age: abt. 67 years - Comment: died abt. 10 A. M.

08 Jan 1723-4 - Relative: son of:Tim. Mulford - Age: abt. 7 weeks - Comment: died abt. 11 A, M.

28 Feb 1723-4 - Name: Widow Barnes - Age: near 80 years - Comment: died abt. 11 at night

07 Mar 1723-4 - Relative: dau of:Th. Dibble - Age: abt. 6 years - Comment: weaver, a little before midnight

10 Apr 1723-4 - Relative: son of:Nathan Coopers - Age: abt. 16 months - Comment: died abt. 8 of clock P. M.

19 Aug 1723-4 - Name: Norris - - Age: abt. 84 years - Comment: widow; formerly Mulford, died abt. 10 P. M.

08 Oct 1723-4 - Name: Dorcas - - Relative: wif of:John Conkling, Junr. - Age: abt. 33 years - Comment: died abt. 9 A. M., I suppose

26 Oct 1723-4 - Relative: son of:Hez. Miller - Age: about month

07 Dec 1723-4 - Relative: wif of:Benoni Flint - Age: above 70 years - Comment: of Sag, came to Josiah Osborns at Wainscot & died abt. 5 of ye clock ys morning

20 Dec 1723-4 - Name: Hannah - - Relative: wif of:Ths. Dibble, Junr. - Age: 45 - Comment: died A. M.

19 Jan 1724-5 - Relative: dau of:John Hand - Age: abt. year & half - Comment: abt. 2 A. M.

09 Apr 1724-5 - Relative: twin son of:Mat. Mulford - Comment: expiring soon after it was born

16 Apr 1724-5 - Relative: son of:John Fields - Age: a little above 2 years - Comment: died early in morning

21 Aug 1724-5 - Name: Capt. Sam Mulford - Age: almost 81 years - Comment: having been out in the morning was taken abt. 7 a. m. with a pain in his head, yn vomited & quickly fell into a sort of a sleep & after yt spoke no more, died a little after 3 P. M.

19 Sep 1724-5 - Name: Seth Parsons, senr. - Age: a little above 60 years - Comment: after a lingering illness, gradually coming on for above a month, died abt. noon

21 Sep 1724-5 - Name: Hannah - - Relative: dau of:Humphrey Holding - Age: abt. 15 years - Comment: died abt. 5 of ye clock A. M.

21 Sep 1724-5 - Name: -? - Relative: wif of:Saml. Gardiner - Age: abt. - - Comment: died between 3 & 4 of ye clock P. M. (having been at meeting ye Sabbeth before well)

03 Sep 1724-5 - Relative: son of:Josiah Osborn - Age: above a year - Comment: as I suppose

06 Sep 1724-5 - Name: Mindwell - - Relative: dau of:Tho. Barns - Age: abt. 16 years - Comment: who lived with John Hedges, died abt. 9 a. m.

15 Sep 1724-5 - Name: Sarah - - Relative: dau of:Seth Parsons - Relative Comment: deceased - Age: abt. 31 years - Comment: died about 2 of ye clock in ye morning

01 Feb 1725-6 - Name: Timothy Solly - Comment: who lived here formerly, died at Sag Harbor, he was here now wth a sloop stopped from going home to Cohansy by ye storm & winter weather

22 Mar 1725-6 - Relative: dau of:Nathan Millers - Age: abt. 2 years

30 Mar 1725-6 - Name: Wm. Barns - Age: abt. 24 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of ye clock P. M., being taken violently wth a pain in his head, died in abt. 48 hours after he was taken

23 Apr 1725-6 - Name: Saml. - - Relative: son of:Saml. Dayton - Age: abt 20 years - Comment: died abt. noon; died in abt. 7 days illness

29 Apr 1725-6 - Name: Saml. Conkling - Age: abt. 24 years - Comment: died abt. 9 at night; having been ill just abt. 6 days

30 Apr 1725-6 - Relative: son of:Adam Cady - Age: abt. 3 months - Comment: child; died just at night

17 May 1725-6 - Relative: wid of:James Diamond - Age: abt. 76 years - Comment: died abt. noon

10 Jun 1725-6 - Name: Ebenezer Leek - Age: abt. 75 years - Comment: died abt. 7 A. M.; being taken suddenly in the morning, June 5 & lying all the time after as if in a gentle sleep, only moving his hand to his head at times; he spake not all ye while & tis supposed could neither see nor hear & scarce swallowed down any thing all ye while

28 Jun 1725-6 - Relative: son of:Severns Gold - Age: abt. 2 years & a half - Comment: died abt. 8 P. M., I suppose of a bladder in the throat

09 Jul 1725-6 - Name: William Edwards, Junr. - Age: abt. 20 year & 8 months - Comment: died between 5 & 6 in ye evening

22 Aug 1725-6 - Name: Edward Jones, Senr. - Age: abt. 76 years - Comment: died abt. 10 of ye clock A. M.

06 Nov 1725-6 - Name: Josiah - - Relative: son of:John Muford, Junr. - Age: abt. - - Comment: died abt. 1 P. M.

09 Nov 1725-6 - Relative: dau of:John Wheeler, 3d - Age: abt. 2 1-2 years - Comment: died abt. 7 A. M., of bladder in throat

11 Nov 1725-6 - Name: Isaac Matthews - Relative: son of:Capt. Matthews - Age: abt. 20 years - Comment: died abt. 5 P. M.

17 Nov 1725-6 - Name: Jeremiah - - Relative: son of:Th. Edwards - Age: abt. 19 years - Comment: died abt. one in ye morning

20 Nov 1725-6 - Name: Capt. Matthews - Age: abt. - Comment: died abt. 8 P. M. (was at meeting ye Sabbath before & taken ill at meeting)

22 Nov 1725-6 - Name: Isaac Hedges, Senr. - Age: abt. - Comment: died abt. 4 of ye clock in ye morning

22 Nov 1725-6 - Name: Elisabeth - - Relative: dau of:Th. Edwards - Age: abt. 18 years - Comment: died abt. 9 of ye clock A. M.

22 Nov 1725-6 - Relative: dau of:David Conkling - Age: abt. 20 years

04 Dec 1725-6 - Relative: son of:John Squires - Age: abt. 5 years - Comment: died A. M.

07 Dec 1725-6 - Relative: son of:Isaac Hedges - Comment: died abt. 10 in evening, having seen ye light but a few hours

14 Dec 1725-6 - Relative: twin son of:Eb. Johnson - Age: abt. 3 weeks

17 Dec 1725-6 - Relative: twin son of:Eben Johnson

23 Dec 1725-6 - Name: John Carl, Senr. - Age: abt. 60 years - comment: died A. M.; I suppose

27 Dec 1725-6 - Relative: son of:Sam. Bennetts - Age: abt. 5 years - Comment: A. M.

28 Dec 1725-6 - Name: Nathan - - Relative: son of:John Mulford, Junr. - Age: a little above 2 years - Comment: died P. M. abt. 4 of ye clock

30 Dec 1725-6 - Name: Hannah - - Relative: dau of:John Mulford, Junr. - Age: abt. 7 years - Comment: died at 4 of ye clock in ye afternoon

31 Dec 1725-6 - Name: Mary - - Relative: dau of:John Mulford, Junr. - Age: abt. 11 years - Comment: died abt. midnight

05 Jan 1726-7 - Name: John Mulford, Junr. - Age: abt. 44 years - Comment: died abt. 3 of ye clock P. M.

08 Jan 1726-7 - Name: Hannah Mason - Age: abt. 32 years - Comment: died abt. 11 of ye clock A. M.

12 Jan 1726-7 - Name: John - - Relative: son of:John Edwards, Senr. - Age: abt. 20 years - Comment: died abt. 9 of ye clock in ye evening

17 Jan 1726-7 - Relative: wid of:John Mulford, Junr. - Age: abt. 37 years - Comment: died abt. 4 of ye clock P. M.

17 Jan 1726-7 - Name: Mr. Matthews; John Mulfords; Capt. Conklings; John Diaments - Comment: negro maid; negro woman; Indian servt.; Indian boy

11 Feb 1726-7 - Name: Ebenezer Tompson - Age: abt. 20 years - Comment: servt. of Eben Johnson, died abt. 7 of clock P. M.; after 2 or 3 days illness; tho indisposed a few days before

13 Feb 1726-7 - Name: Edward Penny - Age: abt. - - Comment: died abt. 4 of ye clock P. M.

15 Feb 1726-7 - Name: Henry Hand - Age: abt. - - Comment: died abt. 10 of ye clock P. M.

20 Feb 1726-7 - Name: Leiut. Fithian - Age: abt. 80 years - Comment: died at Mr. Gardiners Island abt. 5 of ye clock P. M., was brought over here the next morning to be buried

04 Apr 1727 - Relative: dau of:John Diamond - Age: abt. a year 1-2 - Comment: died abt. 5 in morning

25 Apr 1727 - Relative: wif of:Elias Hand - Comment: died abt. 11 of clock P. M. of convulsion fits, after lying in

08 May 1727 - Name: Robert Earl - Comment: drowned going with a canoe on board a boat; he was drowned at Mr. Gardiners Island

25 May 1727 - Name: Capt. Saml. Gardiner - Age: abt. - Comment: died after 8 or 9 days illness, abt. 11 P. M.

29 May 1727 - Relative: dau of:James Hand, Junr. - Age: abt. 14 years - Comment: abt. 11 P. M.

15 Jun 1727 - Relative: wid of:Jer. Conkling, senr. - Age: abt. 89 years - Comment: died abt. 3 in morning

17 Jun 1727 - Relative: wif of:James Hand, Junr. - Comment: died abt. 1 of the clock in morning

18 Jun 1727 - Name: Capt. Wheeler - Age: abt. 80 years - Comment: died abt. 9 A. M.; One half a leaf the Record lost

14 Sep 1728 - Relative: dau of:Timothy Mulford - Age: about a month - Comment: died about 5 of ye clock P. M. No. 404

18 Sep 1728 - Name: Robert Cady - Age: about 92 years - Comment: died abt. 9 of ye clock in ye evening

03 Oct 1728 - Name: Ald Widow Parsons - Age: abt. 83 years - Comment: died abt. 4 of ye clock, P. M.

13 Oct 1728 - Relative: wif of:Joseph Osborne, Senr. - Age: abt. - - Comment: formerly Hossington, died abt. 5 A. M.

20 Nov 1728 - Name: John Edwards, Senr. - Age: near 50 years - Comment: died abt. 11 at night

05 Jan 1728-9 - Relative: dau of:Eliph. Strettons - Age: abt. 7 years & 8 months - Comment: a little after 5 at night

07 Jan 1728-9 - Relative: son of:Joseph Hicks - Age: about 8 months - Comment: died abt. 11 at night

14 May 1729 - Relative: dau of:Jacob Wickham - Comment: lived but a few hours after it was born

27 May 1729 - Relative: chi of:David Edwards - Comment: lived but a little after it was born A. M.

30 Jun 1729 - Relative: dau of:Capt. Matthew Mulford - Age: abt. 4 years - Comment: died abt. 9 A. M.

29 Aug 1729 - Relative: dau of:John Talmage - Age: abt. 6 years - Comment: abt. 1 A. M.

10 Sep 1729 - Relative: son of:John Diament - Age: abt. 3 or 4 days - Comment: in ye night abt. midnight

12 Sep 1729 - Relative: 2nd wif of:John Diament - Comment: abt. 10 at night

23 Nov 1729 - Name: David Baker - Age: abt. 27 years - Comment: died abt. 3 p. m.

08 Jan 1729-30 - Relative: 2nd wif of:Richard Shaw - Comment: burnt in his house abt. 1 of ye clock in ye morning, a negro man, woman and child burnt at same time

25 Jan 1729-30 - Relative: wid of:Phillip Leek, senr. - Age: abt. 76 years - Comment: died abt. 2 of clock P. M.

23 Feb 1729-30 - Relative: inf of:Josiah Osborn - Comment: twin

24 Feb 1729-30 - Relative: inf of:Josiah Osborn - Age: abt. 3 days

08 Sep 1729-30 - Name: Ananias Conklin, Junr. - Relative: son of:Jer. Conkling - Relative Comment: deceased

30 Aug 1729-30 - Relative: son of:Sam. Hudson - Comment: still born


This page was last updated March 9, 2004.