Vital Records
East Hampton Deaths
1850 - 1859
An account of Deaths in
East-Hampton, since my coming thither,
which was in September, 1696, kept by Nathl. Huntting.
26 Sep 1850 - Name: Talmage Jones
Age: 82 - Comment: Old age
14 Oct 1850 - Name: Hannah Hedges
Age: 89 - Comment: Old age
31 Oct 1850 - Name: Lois Lester
Age: 90 - Comment: Old age
02 Dec 1850 - Name: Lafayette S. Miller
Age: 6 months - Comment: Lung Fever
10 Dec 1850 - Name: Jeremiah Terry
Age: 79 - Comment: Old age
22 Dec 1850 - Name: Bathsheba Hand - Comment: col'd. unk. Old age
16 Jan 1851 - Name: Emeline - Relative: wif of:Samuel Sanford
Age: 43 - Comment: Child Bed.
21 Jan 1851 - Name: Alexander M. Gardiner
Age: 32 - Comment: Bil. Chol.
04 Feb 1851 - Name: Sophia Barnes
Age: 45 - Comment: Debility
19 Feb 1851 - Name: Susan Adelia Bennett
Age: 15 months - Comment: Whooping Cough
01 Mar 1851 - Name: Dorlinska J. Mulford
Age: 14 mo. - Comment: Whooping Cough
19 Mar 1851 - Name: George Schellinger
Age: 24 - Comment: Ship fever
23 Mar 1851 - Name: Gloriana Smith
Age: 76 - Comment: Lung Fever
23 Mar 1851 - Name: Hannah B. Van Scoy
Age: 43 - Comment: Cancer
21 May 1851 - Name: Edward Bennett
Age: 87 - Comment: Old age
25 May 1851 - Name: Jane Dayton
Age: 82 - Comment: Old age
04 Jul 1851 - Name: Samuel P. Hedges
Age: 21 - Comment: Unk.
20 Jul 1851 - Name: Sarah Hannibal - Comment: (Indian); Consump
20 Aug 1851 - Name: Mary Dayton
Age: 83 - Comment: Dry Mortification
28 Aug 1851 - Name: Mary Talkhouse - Comment: (Indian); Consump
02 Sep 1851 - Name: Hannah Strong
Age: 51 - Comment: Consumption
09 Sep 1851 - Name: Harvey Dayton
Age: 66 - Comment: Consumption
12 Sep 1851 - Name: Abraham L. Sanford
Age: 8 mos. - Comment: Dysentery
06 Oct 1851 - Name: Huldah - Relative: wif of:Jonathan Miller
Age: 53 - Comment: Consumptn
15 Oct 1851 - Name: Abraham Osborn
Age: 79 - Comment: Old age
29 Oct 1851 - Name: David D. Edwards
Age: 18 mos. - Comment: Dysentery
27 Oct 1851 - Name: Abraham Jack
Age: 51 - Comment: col'd man; Intempe
15 Nov 1851 - Name: Abraham Huntting
Age: 79 - Comment: Old age
16 Dec 1851 - Name: Thomas Dilling
Age: 11 - Comment: Brain Fever
16 Jan 1852 - Name: Matsy M. Ranger
Age: 34 - Comment: Consum
23 Jan 1852 - Name: Abraham H. Leek
Age: 38 - Comment: Dropsy
02 Feb 1852 - Name: Cynthia Miller
Age: 58 - Comment: Debility
15 Feb 1852 - Name: Samuel Terry
Age: 67 - Comment: Lung Fever
22 Feb 1852 - Name: Joann Miller
Age: 35 - Comment: Inflam. of bowels
27 Feb 1852 - Name: Septimus Osborn
Age: 73 - Comment: Apoplexy
03 Mar 1852 - Name: Abraham Leek
Age: 71 - Comment: Lung Fever
30 Mar 1852 - Name: Harvey Conklin
Age: 70 - Comment: Debility
07 Apr 1852 - Name: Maria R. Parsons
Age: 45 - Comment: Apoplexy
19 Apr 1852 - Name: Miller King
Age: 67 - Comment: Pleurisy
20 Apr 1852 - Name: Esther Bennett
Age: 82 - Comment: Old age
03 May 1852 - Name: Phillis Hannibal
Age: 38 - Comment: Consm
29 May 1852 - Name: Nathaniel Dominy
Age: 82 - Comment: Old age
29 Jul 1852 - Name: Aaron F. Conklin
Age: 67 - Comment: Gravel
09 Oct 1852 - Name: William Strong
Age: 52 - Comment: Rupture of bl. ves.
09 Oct 1852 - Name: Jonathan Talkhouse - Comment: (Indian);
22 Oct 1852 - Name: Sophia Jones
Age: 74 - Comment: Fall
08 Nov 1852 - Name: Roswell C. Bushnell - Comment: Suicide
13 Dec 1852 - Name: Betsey Parsons
Age: 80 - Comment: Old age
08 Dec 1852 - Name: Phebe Lester
Age: 73 - Comment: Dropsy
25 Dec 1852 - Name: Puah Barnes
Age: 59 - Comment: Consn
15 Jan 1953 - Relative: inf of:Marcus Hand - Age: 3 days
06 Feb 1953 - Name: Samuel Howes
Age: 3 yrs. - Comment: Brn. Fever
08 Feb 1953 - Name: Matsy Edwards - Comment: Dropsy
29 Mar 1953 - Name: Mary F. Clarke
Age: 34 - Comment: Jannde
31 Mar 1953 - Name: Mercy A. Edwards
Age: 35 - Comment: Croup
05 Apr 1953 - Name: Jane Conklin
Age: 84 - Comment: Old age
11 Apr 1953 - Name: Henry Nickerson
Age: 72 - Comment: Paralysis
29 Apr 1953 - Name: Hannah Miller
Age: 64 - Comment: Dropsy
01 May 1953 - Name: Jason Cuffie - Comment: Dropsy
10 Jul 1953 - Name: Joseph Hicks
Age: 66 - Comment: Janndice
18 Jul 1953 - Name: Wm. B. King
Age: 24 - Comment: Drowned
03 Aug 1953 - Name: Adeline S. Parsons
Age: 27 - Comment: Typhoid Bilious Fever
23 Aug 1953 - Name: Betsey Osborn - Comment: Eresipelas
26 Sep 1953 - Name: Phebe E. Barnes
Age: 19 - Comment: Consumption
26 Sep 1953 - Name: Gloriana Osborn - Age: 4 mos.
23 Oct 1953 - Name: Caroline Joe - Comment: (col'd); Consumption
24 Oct 1953 - Name: Aaron Fithian
Age: 52 - Comment: Intemperance
06 Nov 1953 - Name: Henry L. Mulford
Age: 63 - Comment: Intemperance
17 Nov 1953 - Name: Rachel Parsons - Comment: Hearts Disease
24 Nov 1953 - Name: Henry Loper
Age: 78 - Comment: Old age
19 Dec 1953 - Name: Esther Edwards - Comment: Cancer
23 Dec 1953 - Name: Jonathan Baker
Age: 91 - Comment: Old age
23 Dec 1953 - Name: Lewis Parsons
Age: 64 - Comment: Apoplexy
28 Dec 1953 - Name: - Foster - Age: 4 mos.
21 Jan 1854 - Name: - Ring - Age: 18 mos.
25 Jan 1854 - Name: Abraham Hedges
Age: 76 - Comment: Old age
02 Feb 1854 - Name: David Van Scoy
Age: 87 - Comment: Consumption
13 Feb 1854 - Name: Mrs. Frances M. Osborn
Age: 31 - Comment: from Child birth
18 Feb 1854 - Name: Phebe T. Parsons
Age: 7 weeks - Comment: Fits
19 Feb 1854 - Name: Charlotte E. Collum
Age: 8 yrs. - Comment: Croup
21 Feb 1854 - Name: Samuel L. Parsons
Age: 6 yrs. - Comment: Croup
03 Mar 1854 - Name: Mrs. Esther Ann Eldredge
16 Mar 1854 - Name: Miss Clara Dominie
Age: 72 - Comment: Dropsy (sudden)
18 May 1854 - Name: Abraham Van Scoy
Age: 57 yrs. - Comment: Cut his throat
01 Jun 1854 - Name: Julia Quaw
Age: 72 yrs. - Comment: Palsy, sudden
04 Jun 1854 - Name: Henry Howes
Age: 7 yrs. 8 mos. - Comment: Convulsions, sudden
- Nov 1854 - Name: John Cuffee
Age: 72 - Comment: Dry Mortification in feet
10 Jun 1854 - Name: Maria Barnes
Age: 53 - Comment: Apoplexy, sudden
24 Sep 1854 - Name: Ruth Hand
Age: 62 - Comment: Apoplexy, sudden
07 Dec 1854 - Name: Mrs. Abigail Tuthill
Age: 82, 10 mos. & 2 days. - Comment: Old age
20 Dec 1854 - Name: Mrs. Harriet Miller
Age: 58 - Comment: Consumption
29 - 1855 - Name: Mrs. Betsy D. Smith - Comment: Dysentery
20 Jan 1855 - Name: Capt. Mulford Hand
Age: 50 about - Comment: Disease of Heart
30 Jan 1855 - Name: Jason
Age: 53 - Comment: (col'd); Dyspepsia
09 Feb 1855 - Name: George Stratton - Age: 1 yr.
25 Feb 1855 - Name: Mrs. Phebe Plato
Comment: (col'd); Old age
12 Feb 1855 - Name: Miss Mary H. Filer
Age: 21 - Comment: Consumption
16 Mar 1855 - Name: Mrs. Cynthia Dayton
Age: 61, 11 mos. - Comment: Debility
10 Apr 1855 - Name: Tuttle Miller
Age: 75 - Comment: Old age
23 May 1855 - Name: James S. Newbury
Age: 72 - Comment: Dry Mortification in feet
23 May 1855 - Name: Mrs. Chloe Conklin - Comment: Dry
Mortification in feet
15 Aug 1855 - Name: Jane Joraleman Davenport
Age: 3 yr. 3 mos. - Comment: Dysentery
15 Aug 1855 - Name: Mrs. Dinah Buell Jack
Age: 52 yrs. - Comment: (col'd); Consumption
17 Aug 1855 - Name: Mrs. Phebe Barnes
Age: 58 yrs. - Comment: Consumption
12 Jul 1855 - Name: Geo. Mulford
Age: 16 - Comment: Lockjaw
16 Sep 1855 - Name: Dea. Abraham Osborne
Age: 79 - Comment: General Debility
13 Oct 1855 - Name: Ezra Payne
Age: 56 - Comment: Lockjaw
18 Oct 1855 - Name: David Baker
Age: 56 - Comment: Killed from falling from load
20 Nov 1855 - Name: Elizabeth Wright
Age: 16 - Comment: (col'd); Consumption
02 Jan 1856 - Name: Isaac Barnes Edwards
Age: 80 - Comment: Old age
14 Feb 1856 - Name: Sallie Mitchell
Age: 46 - Comment: (col.); Consumption
28 Feb 1856 - Name: Hubbard King
Age: 63 - Comment: A fall & c.
19 May 1856 - Name: Mrs. Phebe Hedges
Age: 24 - Comment: Debility after confinement
01 Jun 1856 - Name: James Clark
Age: 26 yrs. - Comment: Dropsy & Erysipelas, Brights, Kidneys
17 Jun 1856 - Name: Betsey Hedges
Age: 67 yrs. - Comment: Erysipelas
14 Sep 1856 - Name: Mary Frances Edwards
Age: 1 yr. 10 mos. - Comment: Summer Complaint
24 Jul 1856 - Name: Frank Hewitt
Age: 14 yrs. - Comment: Lockjaw
- Aug 1856 - Name: Wm. Henry Wright
Age: 8 yrs. - Comment: (col'd); Consumption
- Sep 1856 - Name: Jeremiah Jones - Age: 9 mos.
- Sep 1856 - Name: Danl. King
Age: 73 - Comment: Apoplexy
- Mar 1856 - Name: Capt. Edward Baker
Age: 46 - Comment: Inflam. of bowels
- Nov 1856 - Name: Mrs. Sophronia C. Beeker
Age: 23 - Comment: Inflam. of bowels
09 Dec 1856 - Name: Elisha Osborn
Age: 87 - Comment: Old age
15 Sep 1856 - Name: Wm. Bennett
Age: 49 - Comment: (1st Mate of Italy); Killed by a bomb at sea.
21 Dec 1856 - Name: Col. Saml. Miller
Age: 76 - Comment: Old age
21 Dec 1856 - Name: Capt. Jonathan Osborn
Age: 86 - Comment: Old age
01 Jan 1857 - Name: Col. David Hedges
Age: 77 - Comment: Old age
24 Jan 1857 - Name: Nancy Parsons
Age: 71 - Comment: Found dead in bed.
25 Jan 1857 - Name: Bethwell Edwards
Age: 81 - Comment: Old age
31 Jan 1857 - Name: Mary Ranger
Age: 29 - Comment: Debility
22 Feb 1857 - Name: Harriet M. Hedges
Age: 25 - Comment: Measles
23 Feb 1857 - Name: Maria Conklin
Age: 62 - Comment: Measles
23 Feb 1857 - Name: Elizabeth Cartwright
Age: 15 - Comment: Measles
27 Feb 1857 - Name: Etephen Conklin
Age: 69 - Comment: Old age
27 Feb 1857 - Name: Harvey Miller - Comment: (a child); Pneumonia
04 Mar 1857 - Name: Cynthia Miller
Age: 70 - Comment: Uterine Cancer
04 Mar 1857 - Name: Alice Dexter Conklin
Age: 8 mos., 10 days. - Comment: Measles
27 Mar 1857 - Name: Huntting M. Hedges
Age: 22 - Comment: Typhoid Pneumonia
30 Mar 1857 - Name: Labara Hedges
Age: 75 - Comment: Old age
16 May 1857 - Name: Mrs. Sarah Dayton
Age: 72, 6 mos. - Comment: Apoplexy
- Jun 1857 - Name: Mrs. Polly Hand
Age: abt. 87 - Comment: Old age
25 Jun 1857 - Name: Sarah Lavina Jones
Age: 6 yrs., 10 mos.
02 Feb 1857 - Name: Hannah Devoll
Age: 16 - Comment: Measles
- Jul 1857 - Name: Chas. Bennett
Age: 25 - Comment: Drowned
24 Oct 1857 - Name: Esther Mulford
Age: 64 - Comment: Consumption
01 Nov 1857 - Name: Mrs. Hannah B. Lester
Age: 32 - Comment: Hearts disease
12 Nov 1857 - Name: Catherine Osborn
Age: 45 - Comment: Dropsy
19 Dec 1857 - Name: Miss Esther T. Conklin
Age: 58 - Comment: Consumption
02 Feb 1858 - Name: Isaac Barnes
Age: 84 - Comment: A severe cold.
20 Feb 1858 - Name: Capt. Ephraim Harding
Comment: and 23 others, on John Milton, wrecked on Montauk
21 Feb 1858 - Name: Betsy Miller
Age: 79 - Comment: Old age and Palsy
18 Feb 1858 - Relative: Infant son of:U. & Emeline King -
Age: 2 days
19 Mar 1858 - Relative: Infant dau of:Wm. Rachel Lester - Age: 19
17 Apr 1858 - Name: Molly Stevens
Relative: formerly wif of:Johua Penny
Age: 85 yrs. - Comment: Old age
18 Apr 1858 - Name: Josephine -
Age: 17 - Comment: Indian; Consumption
06 Mar 1858 - Name: Benjamin Parsons - Age: 87
- May 1858 - Comment: Three Sailors, Brothers. Wrecked of
13 May 1858 - Name: Doct. Abel. Huntington
Age: 81 - Comment: Old age
28 May 1858 - Name: Jerusha Filer - Comment: Consumption
31 May 1858 - Name: David H. Miller
Age: 62 - Comment: Hearts Disease
12 Jun 1858 - Name: Caroline J. Parsons
Age: 54 - Comment: General Debility & cold.
28 Jun 1858 - Name: Joseph Edwards
Age: 27 - Comment: Consumption
04 Jul 1858 - Name: Prudence Bennett - Comment: Dropsy
14 Jul 1858 - Name: Lewis Osborn
Age: 76 - Comment: Old age, &c.
17 Jul 1858 - Name: Harvey Osborn
Age: 69 - Comment: Convulsions
20 Jul 1858 - Name: John Norton - Age: 2 - Comment: (col'd)
26 Jul 1858 - Name: Mary Jane Osborn
Age: 13 - Comment: Inflamation of Brain
21 Aug 1858 - Name: James Drake - Age: 7 mos.
02 Sep 1858 - Name: William G. Osborn
Age: 51 - Comment: Consumption
21 Sep 1858 - Name: Abelia Bennett - Age: 6 mos., 22 days
- Oct 1858 - Name: Elizabeth Bennett
Age: 99 - Comment: Old age
22 Oct 1858 - Name: Ozern Harley Filer
Age: 58 - Comment: Suddenly
- Nov 1858 - Name: Turah - Comment: (Col'd); Consumption
22 Nov 1858 - Name: Albert Hulse
Age: 40 - Comment: Intemperance
29 Nov 1858 - Name: Elizabeth King
Age: 71 - Comment: Erysipelas
12 Dec 1858 - Name: Hannah M. Payne
Age: 48 - Comment: Died suddenly, Heart disease
13 Dec 1858 - Name: Julia King
Age: 7 - Comment: Effusion of Brain
15 Jan 1859 - Name: Thomas Edwards
Age: 75 - Comment: Palsy
19 Jan 1859 - Name: David Conklin
Age: 65 - Comment: Apoplexy
28 Jan 1859 - Name: Polly Saxton
Age: 90 - Comment: Old age
03 Feb 1859 - Name: Fanny H. Crane
Age: 64 - Comment: Consumption
02 Apr 1859 - Name: Uriah Miller - Age: 74, 6 mos.
12 Apr 1859 - Name: Jonathan Miller
Age: 84 - Comment: Old age
22 Apr 1859 - Name: David E. Hedges
Age: 15, 3 mos. - Comment: Severe Cold
07 May 1859 - Name: Erastus Barnes
Age: 51 - Comment: Consumption
18 May 1859 - Name: Talmage Barnes - Age: 77
29 May 1859 - Name: Ollie Ranger
Age: 95 - Comment: Old age
01 Jun 1859 - Name: Daniel Edwards - Comment: Old age
- Dec 1858 - Name: Capt. Henry Conklin
Age: 45 - Comment: Died suddenly at Sandwich Islands
16 Jun 1859 - Name: Hannah Baker - Comment: Consumption
06 Jul 1859 - Name: Sarah P. Bennett - Age: 51
11 Jul 1859 - Name: Emily Davis
Age: 55 - Comment: (Col'd); Heart Disease
23 Jul 1859 - Name: Jane B. Dayton
Age: 26 yrs. 7 mos. 7 days - Comment: Debility
02 Aug 1859 - Name: Daniel Osborn
Age: 62 - Comment: Consumption & Dropsy
01 Sep 1859 - Name: Isaac B. Edwards - Age: 48
18 Sep 1859 - Relative: inf of:Wm. Jackson Bennett - Age: 5 mos.
21 Sep 1859 - Name: Elias Jefferson Mulford
Age: 5 mos. - Comment: Brain Disease
03 Oct 1859 - Name: Margaret J. Strong
Age: 24 - Comment: Consumption
21 Oct 1859 - Name: Josiah C. Dayton
21 Oct 1859 - Name: Mr. Edwards
26 Oct 1859 - Name: Dea. Baldwin C. Talmage - Comment: General
Debility, old age
05 Nov 1859 - Name: Lyman B. Loper - Comment: Consumption
11 Nov 1859 - Relative: inf of:David Fithian
30 Dec 1859 - Name: Jenetta Hedges - Comment: Consumption
This page was last updated March 9, 2004.