Vital Records
East Hampton Deaths
1830 - 1839
An account of Deaths in
East-Hampton, since my coming thither,
which was in September, 1696, kept by Nathl. Huntting.
- - 1830 - Name: Mrs. Elisabeth Mulford
- - 1830 - Name: Phebe - Relative: wif of:Benict Havens
- - 1830 - Name: George Phillips - Relative: son of:the Rev'nd
Mr. Phillips
- - 1830 - Name: Henry Elnathan - Relative: son of:William D.
- - 1830 - Name: Jediah Conkling
- - 1830 - Name: Philetus Osborn
- - 1830 - Name: Mary Buel - Relative: wid of:the Rev. Samuel
Comment: died the 27th of December, 1844, at Ten O'clock A. M.,
aged 78 years and Ten Months
- - 1830 - Name: Jerusha Buell - Relative: dau of:the Reverend
Dr. Samuel Buell
Comment: Deceased, departed this life September 29, 1829, in the
41 year of her age
- Jun 1830 - Name: Mrs. Fithian
- Jul 1830 - Name: Abram Faroe - Comment: an Indian
- Aug 1830 - Name: Abram Barns - Relative: chi of:Paul Fithian
14 Aug 1830 - Name: Andrew Strong;Terry - Comment: widow
11 Oct 1830 - Relative: wif of:David Miller
13 Oct 1830 - Name: Dering Ranger
17 Oct 1830 - Name: Widow Phele Miller
20 Oct 1830 - Name: Widow Catharine Dayton
25 Oct 1830 - Name: Merry Parsons
21 Nov 1830 - Name: Barzillah King
21 Nov 1830 - Relative: chi of:John Hedges
- Dec 1830 - Name: Elisha Paine
- Dec 1830 - Name: Nathaniel Talmage
14 Jan 1831 - Name: John Dimon
15 Jan 1831 - Name: Thomas Conkling
19 Jan 1831 - Name: Caleb Boswell
15 Feb 1831 - Name: Meriam Edwards
13 Mar 1831 - Name: David Hedges
07 Jul 1831 - Name: Melinda Barns
23 Aug 1831 - Name: Hetty - Comment: an Indian
06 Sep 1831 - Name: Betty -
27 Sep 1831 - Name: Rebecca -
02 Dec 1831 - Name: Henry Conkling
15 Dec 1831 - Name: Nathaniel Barns
19 Dec 1831 - Relative: wif of:Elisha Osborn
25 Dec 1831 - Name: Abraham Schellenger
27 Dec 1831 - Name: Mrs. Polly Osborn
29 Dec 1831 - Name: David Edwards
07 Jan 1832 - Name: Reuben Hedges
09 Jan 1832 - Relative: chi of:Chancey Osborn
20 Jan 1832 - Relative: chi of:Bennet King
14 Mar 1832 - Relative: chi of:Edward Tillinghast
31 Mar 1832 - Name: Lydia Hedges
31 Mar 1832 - Name: Huntting Miller
31 Mar 1832 - Relative: wif of:Talmage Barns
08 Apr 1832 - Relative: chi of:Talmage Barns
17 Apr 1832 - Relative: chi of:Joseph Osborn
22 Apr 1832 - Relative: dau of:Elisha Osborn
25 Apr 1832 - Name: Ebenezer Hedges
26 Apr 1832 - Name: William Edwards
25 Jun 1832 - Name: Edwin Rose - Comment: boarder in town
05 Jul 1832 - Comment: Colored woman
08 Jul 1832 - Name: Sherrel Conkling
09 Jul 1832 - Relative: chi of:Lewis Bennet
26 Jul 1832 - Comment: Colored child
05 Aug 1832 - Relative: chi of:Mrs. Field
11 Aug 1832 - Name: Robert Parsons
11 Aug 1832 - Name: Sophronia Edwards
12 Aug 1832 - Relative: chi of:Carl Hopping
17 Aug 1832 - Relative: chi of:Henry Bennet
30 Aug 1832 - Name: Eliza Sherman
01 Sep 1832 - Name: Mariet Schellenger
08 Sep 1832 - Relative: chi of:Burnet Mulford
19 Sep 1832 - Relative: chi of:Jeremiah. Mulford
13 Oct 1832 - Name: Benjamin Conklin
29 Oct 1832 - Comment: Colored child
- Nov 1832 - Relative: wif of:Jeremiah King
- Dec 1832 - Relative: chi of:Abram Loper
01 Jan 1833 - Name: Abigail Conkling
04 Jan 1833 - Relative: chi of:David Barns
23 Jan 1833 - Relative: wif of:John King
02 Feb 1833 - Name: Isaac Plato
06 Feb 1833 - Name: Hannah Dimon
26 Feb 1833 - Name: Mrs. Phebe Hedges
02 Mar 1833 - Name: Sophia Hedges
07 Mar 1833 - Name: Phebe Osborn
22 Feb 1833 - Name: Mary B. Gardiner - Comment: at Columbia, S.
14 Mar 1833 - Relative: chi of:Widow Mitchel
26 Apr 1833 - Relative: chi of:Aaron Harkness
07 May 1833 - Name: Mrs. Adelia Parsons
08 Jun 1833 - Name: Cato -
13 Jun 1833 - Name: Stafford Hedges
27 Jun 1833 - Relative: wif of:Gardiner Miller
29 Jun 1833 - Relative: chi of:Samuel Parsons
- Aug 1833 - Comment: Colored woman
- Sep 1833 - Name: Zaccheus Hicks
- Sep 1833 - Name: Julia Hand
- Sep 1833 - Relative: chi of:Mrs. White
- Sep 1833 - Relative: wid of:Daniel Hopping
07 Oct 1833 - Relative: wif of:Nathl. Huntting
07 Oct 1833 - Comment: Colored Child
30 Oct 1833 - Name: Benjamin Miller
- Nov 1833 - Relative: wif of:Capt. Penny
17 Nov 1833 - Name: Henry Baker
26 Nov 1833 - Name: Jonathan Stratton
- Dec 1833 - Comment: Colored Child
- Dec 1833 - Name: Lucy - Comment: colored woman
- Dec 1833 - Name: Enoch Fithian
- Jan 1834 - Comment: Colored Child
09 Jan 1834 - Name: Martin Plato
01 Feb 1834 - Name: Widow Any Dayton
14 Feb 1834 - Name: Sarah - Comment: a coloured girl
16 Feb 1834 - Name: Sally Conkling
17 Feb 1834 - Name: Theophilus Smith
- Mar 1834 - Name: Phillip Hedges
- Mar 1834 - Relative: wif of:Capt. Fithian
16 Apr 1834 - Comment: Colored Child, Freetown
- May 1834 - Name: Elisha Parsons - Comment: Montauk
11 Apr 1834 - Name: Abram Sherrill - Comment: P.
07 Jul 1834 - Name: Lucreatia Hedges
21 Jul 1834 - Relative: chi of:Mrs. Scott - Comment: Wainscott
- Aug 1834 - Name: Burnet Conkling
14 Aug 1834 - Name: Mrs. Hicks - Comment: Amaganset
09 Sep 1834 - Name: Mrs. Field
13 Sep 1834 - Name: Joseph Barns, Junr.
14 Sep 1834 - Name: Widow Esther Conkling - Comment: P.
14 Sep 1834 - Relative: chi of:Terry Parsons
19 Sep 1834 - Relative: chi of:Agustus Bennett
22 Sep 1834 - Name: Jemima Barns
26 Sep 1834 - Relative: wif of:Ruel Hand - Comment: Wainscott
01 Oct 1834 - Relative: chi of:Elias Parsons
- Oct 1834 - Name: Dinah Barns - Comment: Freetown
16 Nov 1834 - Relative: chi of:Thomas Edwards, Junr.
- Dec 1834 - Comment: Colored child at Mr. Van Scoy's
- Dec 1834 - Relative: chi of:Josiah Dayton, Junr.
- Dec 1834 - Name: Benjamin Bennet, Senr.
- Dec 1834 - Name: Nathan Miller
28 Dec 1834 - Name: Jeremiah Loper
- Dec 1834 - Relative: chi of:I. Schellenger
22 Feb 1835 - Name: Sophia Smith - Comment: Wainscott. C. M.
28 Feb 1835 - Name: Elisha Osborn, Sen. - Comment: Wainscott
07 Mar 1835 - Comment: Colored child, Freetown
04 Mar 1835 - Name: Nathaniel Terry - Comment: Northwest
10 Mar 1835 - Relative: chi of:John Osborn, Junr.
16 Mar 1835 - Relative: wif of:Hedges Conkling
17 Mar 1835 - Comment: Child at Kingstown
20 Mar 1835 - Relative: wif of:Abram Leek, Junr. - Comment: C. M.
02 Apr 1835 - Name: Mrs. Charlotte Parsons - Comment: C. M.
- May 1835 - Name: Jason - Comment: a colored man
- May 1835 - Name: Sophia Miller - Comment: Fire Place
- May 1835 - Name: George - Comment: an Indian
- May 1835 - Comment: Colloured Child at Freetown
- Aug 1835 - Name: Thomas Edwards - Comment: Amaganset
- Oct 1835 - Name: Thomas Filer
- Nov 1835 - Relative: chi of:Asa Miller
- Nov 1835 - Name: Mark - Comment: Coloured man, Springs
- Dec 1835 - Relative: chi of:Jefferson Mulford
- Dec 1835 - Name: Mary Miller - Comment: East Side
- Jan 1836 - Name: Jubiter - Comment: Coloured man
23 Jan 1836 - Relative: chi of:Lewis Millers
27 Jan 1836 - Relative: chi of:Daniel Dayton
09 Feb 1836 - Name: John Huntting
28 Apr 1836 - Name: Susan Hedges
12 May 1836 - Name: Abraham Edwards
12 May 1836 - Name: Hannah Osborn - Comment: Amagansett
12 May 1836 - Name: Nancy - Comment: Coloured woman
24 Jun 1836 - Relative: wif of:John Huntting
- Jul 1836 - Relative: wif of:Jeremiah Schelenger
- Aug 1836 - Comment: Coloured child, F. town
- Sep 1836 - Name: Amanda Barns
- Sep 1836 - Name: Jua Hand - Comment: Wainscot
- Oct 1836 - Name: John Miller - Comment: 1.
- Nov 1836 - Relative: chi of:Daniel Dayton - Comment: 2.
- Nov 1836 - Name: Elnathan Parsons - Comment: 3.
11 Dec 1836 - Name: Henry Osborn - Comment: 4.
15 Feb 1837 - Name: Lucretia Parsons
Relative: wid of:Elnathan Parsons - Comment: 5.
27 Mar 1837 - Name: Samuel Isaacs - Comment: 6.
30 Mar 1837 - Name: W. Puah Hedges - Comment: 7.
10 Apr 1837 - Name: Sally Titus - Comment: 8.; Blackwoman
19 Apr 1837 - Name: Peter Depp - Comment: 9.; Blackman
10 May 1837 - Name: Harry - Comment: 10.; collored man
23 Jun 1837 - Name: John Chatfield - Comment: 11.
20 Jul 1837 - Name: Eleaser Miller - Comment: 12.
08 Aug 1837 - Name: Gilbert Bennet - Relative: chi of:E. Bennets
- Comment: 13.
- Aug 1837 - Name: Miss Hannah Edwards - Comment: 14.
- Sep 1837 - Relative: Two Infan chi of:D. Daytons - Comment: 15.
28 Oct 1837 - Name: Ester Miller - Comment: 16.
29 Oct 1837 - Name: John Plato - Comment: 17.; a man of coller
04 Nov 1837 - Name: Lucretia Hedges - Comment: 18.
- Nov 1837 - Relative: chi of:Mr. Millers - Comment: 19.
10 Dec 1837 - Name: Mrs. Fields - Comment: 20.
10 Jan 1838 - Name: Mrs. Bennet - Comment: 21.
15 Jan 1838 - Name: Samuel Ranger - Comment: 22.
09 Feb 1838 - Name: Miss Ester Conklin - Comment: 23.
- Feb 1838 - Name: Mrs. Rebecca Conklin - Comment: 24.
- Mar 1838 - Name: Mrs. Elsia Conklin - Comment: 25.; of Wainscot
13 Apr 1838 - Name: Mrs. Ambros Parsons - Comment: 26.
03 May 1838 - Name: Miss Sarah Edwards - Comment: 27.
12 May 1838 - Relative: chi of:Charles Hand - Comment: 28.
15 May 1838 - Name: Mr. Baker - Comment: 29.; an aged man
- Jun 1838 - Name: Nathan Plato - Comment: 30.; cold. man
09 Jul 1838 - Name: Richard King - Comment: 31.
12 Jul 1838 - Relative: chi of:David A. Hedges - Comment: 32.
16 Jul 1838 - Name: Mrs. Ann Bennet - Comment: 34.
- Aug 1838 - Name: Mrs. Samuel Parsons - Comment: 35.
- Sep 1838 - Name: Mrs. Ephriam Edwards - Comment: 36.
- Sep 1838 - Name: Mrs. John Miller - Comment: 37.
- Sep 1838 - Relative: chi of:Daniel King - Comment: 38.
- Oct 1838 - Relative: chi of:Capt.
Clark - Comment: 39.
- Oct 1838 - Relative: chi of:Daniel King - Comment: 40.
- Oct 1838 - Name: Mrs. Charlotta Van Scoy - Comment: 41.
- Dec 1838 - Name: Mr. Eliezor Miller - Comment: 42.
02 Jan 1839 - Name: Sarah - Age: 1 - Comment: 43.; Soloured woman
02 Jan 1839 - Name: Mary Hedges - Age: 2 - Comment: 44.
05 Jan 1839 - Name: Jonathan Schellinger - Age: 3 - Comment: 45.
05 Jan 1839 - Name: General J. Miller - Age: 4 - Comment: 46.
05 Jan 1839 - Name: John Chatfield - Age: 5 - Comment: 47.
- Feb 1839 - Name: Josiah Dayton - Age: 6 - Comment: 48.
- Feb 1839 - Relative: chi of:George Miller - Age: 7 - Comment:
49.; Acabonac
- Feb 1839 - Age: 9 - Comment: 50.; Two collored children, at
- Mar 1839 - Relative: chi of:Mr. Bakers - Age: 10 - Comment: 51.
- Mar 1839 - Name: Mrs. Ranger - Age: 11 - Comment: 52.
- Apr 1839 - Name: Miss Phebe Miller - Age: 12 - Comment: 53.
- Apr 1839 - Relative: chi of:Henry Stratton - Age: 13 - Comment:
- Apr 1839 - Name: Miss Mattie Stratton - Age: 14 - Comment: 55.
- Apr 1839 - Name: Miss Mary Talmage - Age: 15 - Comment: 56.
- Apr 1839 - Relative: chi of:Mr. Miller Bennett - Age: 16 -
Comment: 57.
- Jun 1839 - Name: Deacon Preserved Sherald - Age: 17 - Comment:
- Jun 1839 - Name: Hon. Jonathan Conklin - Age: 18 - Comment: 59.
- Jun 1839 - Name: Mrs. Betsey Hedges - Age: 19 - Comment: 60.
- Aug 1839 - Name: Augustus Parsons - Age: 20 - Comment: 61.
- Aug 1839 - Relative: chi of:Wilson King - Age: 21 - Comment:
- Aug 1839 - Name: Mrs. David Sherald - Age: 22 - Comment: 63.
- Sep 1839 - Name: Mrs. Tery Parsons - Age: 23 - Comment: 64.
- Sep 1839 - Name: Mr. Henry Terry - Age: 24 - Comment: 65.
- Sep 1839 - Name: Mrs. Marsy Baker - Age: 25 - Comment: 66.
- Sep 1839 - Name: Mrs. - Hedges - Age: 26 - Comment: 67.; of
- Sep 1839 - Name: Mr. Henry Tuttle -
Age: 27 - Comment: 68.
- Sep 1839 - Relative: chi of:Mr. Strong - Age: 28 - Comment: 69.
- Sep 1839 - Name: Mrs. - Hedges
Relative: wif of:Mr. David Hedges - Age: 29 - Comment: 70.
- Sep 1839 - Relative: dau of:Mr. King - Age: 30 - Comment: 71.;
North Side
27 Nov 1839 - Comment: 72.; Two Indians at the Point, who were
burned to death
- Oct 1839 - Comment: 94.; A youth at Daniel Bakers
- Oct 1839 - Name: Mrs. George Stratton - Age: 22 - Comment: 95.
- Oct 1839 - Name: Miss Mary Hedges - Age: 23 - Comment: 96.
- Oct 1839 - Name: Mr. Wm. Hedges - Age: 24 - Comment: 97.
- Oct 1839 - Name: Mr. - Bennet - Age: 25 - Comment: 98.; from
- Oct 1839 - Name: Mr. Samuel Miller - Age: 26 - Comment: 99.
- Oct 1839 - Name: Mrs. Daniel Loper - Age: 27 - Comment: 100.
- Oct 1839 - Relative: son of:Jacob Skelinger - Age: 28 -
Comment: 101.
- Oct 1839 - Name: Levi - Age: 29 - Comment: 102.; a colord man;
Pegs husband
- Oct 1839 - Relative: chi of:Mr. King - Age: 30 - Comment: 103.
- Oct 1839 - Name: Mr. Asa Miller - Age: 31 - Comment: 104.
This page was last updated March 9, 2004.