Antioch Christian Church
Arthur-Leonard Historic District
Clardy Heights Historic District
Clay County Savings Association Building
Clay County State Bank
Claybrook House
Clinton House
Compton, Dr. James, House
Dougherty-Prospect Heights Historic District
Elms Hotel
Excelsior Springs Hall of Waters Commercial East
Historic District
Excelsior Springs Hall of Waters Commercial West
Historic District
Garrison School Historic District
Hall of Waters
Hughes, Frank, Memorial Library
James Brothers' House and Farm
James Brothers' House and Farm (Boundary Increase)
Jewell Hall
Jewell--Lightburne Historic District
Major Hotel
Miller Building
Nebo Hill Archeological Site
Odd Fellows Home District
Sears, Roebuck and Company Warehouse Building
South Liberty Courthouse Square Historic District
West Liberty Courthouse Square Historic District
Wheeling Corrugating Company Building
Watkins Mill

Aker Cemetery
(added 1974
- Site - #74001071)
NE of Smithville off MO W, Smithville
Historic Significance: Event
Area of Significance: Social History
Period of Significance: 1825-1849, 1850-1874,
Owner: Federal
Historic Function: Funerary
Historic Sub-function: Cemetery
Current Function: Agriculture/Subsistence
Current Sub-function: Agricultural Fields

Christian Church
(added 1979
- Building - #79001358)
Also known as Antioch Community Church
4805 NE Antioch Rd., Kansas City
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Ricketts,Ben
Architectural Style: No Style Listed
Area of Significance: Architecture, Social History
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1875-1899,
1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Religion
Current Function: Education, Recreation And Culture

Historic District
(added 2001
- District - #00001608)
Roughly bounded by Ford Ave., Jewell St., Choctaw
St., and Missouri St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architectural Style: Prairie School,
Area of Significance: Community Planning And
Development, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1875-1899,
1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Current Function: Domestic

Clardy Heights
Historic District
(added 2001
- District - #00001609)
716, 736 and 758 W. Liberty Dr., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architectural Style: Greek Revival, Colonial Revival
Area of Significance: Community Planning And
Development, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1825-1849, 1850-1874,
1875-1899, 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Current Function: Domestic

Clay County
Savings Association Building
(added 1992
- Building - #92001675)
Also known as Jesse James Bank Museum Building
104 E. Franklin St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Unknown
Architectural Style: Federal
Area of Significance: Other, Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1875-1899,
1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Commerce/Trade
Historic Sub-function: Financial Institution,
Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic,
Recreation And Culture
Current Sub-function: Business, Multiple Dwelling,

Clay County
State Bank
(added 1984
- Building - #84004141)
Also known as Excelsior Springs Historic Museum
101 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs
Owner: Local Gov't

(added 1981
- Building - #81000332)
NE of Kearney, Kearney
Historic Significance: Architecture/Engineering,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Claybrook, George C.
Architectural Style: Federal
Historic Person: Claybrook, George E.
Significant Year: 1858
Area of Significance: Architecture, Agriculture
Period of Significance: 1850-1874
Owner: Local Gov't
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-function: Single Dwelling
Current Function: Work In Progress

Clinton House
(added 1978
- Building - #78001641)
Also known as Eskridge, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf,
404 S. Leonard St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Architecture/Engineering
Architect, builder, or engineer: Unknown
Architectural Style: No Style Listed
Area of Significance: Architecture
Period of Significance: 1875-1899
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Current Function: Domestic

Compton, Dr.
James, House
(added 1979
- Building - #79003677)
Also known as Sandy's Oak Ridge Manor Tea House
5410 NE Oak Ridge Rd., Kansas City
Historic Significance: Architecture/Engineering,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Unknown
Architectural Style: No Style Listed
Historic Person: Compton, Dr. James Howard
Significant Year: 1829
Area of Significance: Exploration/Settlement,
Period of Significance: 1825-1849, 1875-1899,
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Current Function: Domestic

Heights Historic District
(added 2001
- District - #00001605)
Roughly bounded by Mississippi St., Gallatin St.,
Schrader St., and Fairview Ave., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architectural Style: Prairie School,
Area of Significance: Community Planning And
Development, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1900-1924,
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Current Function: Domestic

Elms Hotel
(added 1985
- Building - #85000648)
Regent and Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Jackson &
Architectural Style: Tudor Revival, Gothic Revival
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1900-1924
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-function: Hotel
Current Function: Domestic
Current Sub-function: Hotel

Springs Hall of Waters
Commercial East Historic District
(added 1999
- District - #99000638)
Roughly along portions of East and West Broadway and
Main St., Excelsior Springs
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Curtiss, Louis S.
Architectural Style: Late Victorian, Late 19th And
20th Century Revivals
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1875-1899, 1900-1924,
Owner: Private , Local Gov't
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic, Health
Care, Recreation And Culture
Historic Sub-function: Clinic, Department Store,
Financial Institution, Hotel, Multiple Dwelling,
Resort, Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic,
Government, Recreation And Culture, Religion
Current Sub-function: City Hall, Hotel, Museum,
Professional, Religious Structure, Restaurant,
Specialty Store

Springs Hall of Waters
Commercial West Historic District
(added 1999
- District - #99000637)
Roughly along portions of Thompson, and St. Louis
Aves.; South, Main, Marietta, and Spring Sts.; and
Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Jackson, Frank J.,
Schrage, William F.
Architectural Style: Late Victorian, Late 19th And
20th Century Revivals
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1875-1899, 1900-1924,
Owner: Private , Local Gov't
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic, Health
Care, Recreation And Culture
Historic Sub-function: Clinic, Department Store,
Financial Institution, Hotel, Multiple Dwelling,
Resort, Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic,
Government, Recreation And Culture, Religion
Current Sub-function: City Hall, Multiple Dwelling,
Professional, Religious Structure, Restaurant,
Specialty Store, Theater

School Historic District
(added 2001
- District - #00001607)
Roughly along N. Main St. and N. Water St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event
Area of Significance: Black, Community Planning And
Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private , Local Gov't
Historic Function: Domestic, Education, Religion
Current Function: Domestic, Education, Religion,

Hall of Waters
(added 1983
- Building - #83000977)
Also known as Siloam Park and Springs
201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Keene & Simpson
Architectural Style: Modern Movement
Area of Significance: Commerce, Health/Medicine,
Science, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1875-1899, 1900-1924
Owner: Local Gov't
Historic Function: Health Care
Historic Sub-function: Resort
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Landscape,
Recreation And Culture
Current Sub-function: Park, Restaurant, Sport

Hughes, Frank,
Memorial Library
(added 1992
- Building - #92001676)
210 E. Franklin St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Wight & Wight
Architectural Style: Classical Revival
Area of Significance: Architecture, Social History
Period of Significance: 1925-1949
Owner: Local Gov't
Historic Function: Education
Historic Sub-function: Library
Current Function: Social
Current Sub-function: Civic, Clubhouse

IOOF Liberty
Lodge No. 49
(added 1992
- Building - #92001677)
16--18 E. Franklin St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Smith,Charles A.,
Miller-Stauch Construction Co.
Architectural Style: Moderne, Other
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Social
Historic Sub-function: Meeting Hall, Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade
Current Sub-function: Business, Specialty Store

Brothers' House and Farm
(added 1972
- Building - #72000709)
Also known as Birthplace Of Jesse James;See
Also:James Brothers' House and
2.25 mi. E of Kearney, Kearney
Historic Significance: Person
Historic Person: James, Jesse, et al.
Significant Year: 1847
Area of Significance: Politics/Government, Social
Period of Significance: 1825-1849, 1850-1874
Owner: Local Gov't
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-function: Single Dwelling
Current Function: Recreation And Culture
Current Sub-function: Museum

Brothers' House and Farm
(Boundary Increase)
(added 1978
- Site - #78003417)
Also known as Birthplace of Jesse James;See
Also:James Brothers' House and
NE of Kearney, Kearney
Historic Significance: Person
Historic Person: James,Jesse,et al.
Significant Year: 1847
Area of Significance: Politics/Government, Social
Period of Significance: 1825-1849, 1850-1874
Owner: Local Gov't
Historic Function: Agriculture/Subsistence
Historic Sub-function: Agricultural Fields
Current Function: Recreation And Culture
Current Sub-function: Museum

Jewell Hall
(added 1978
- Building - #78001642)
Jewell St. between Kansas and Mississippi Sts.,
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Jewell, William,
Sawyer, J.O.
Architectural Style: Classical Revival
Area of Significance: Military, Education,
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1875-1899,
1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Defense, Education, Health Care
Historic Sub-function: College, Hospital
Current Function: Education
Current Sub-function: School

Historic District
(added 2001
- - #00001606)
Roughly bounded by N. Jewell St., E. Mill St., Main
St. and Gordon St., Libery

Major Hotel
(added 1992
- Building - #92001678)
Also known as Colonial Hotel;Franklin House
112 E. Franklin St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Keene & Simpson,
Huggins Construction
Architectural Style: Colonial Revival, Prairie School
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic, Social
Historic Sub-function: Hotel, Meeting Hall,
Current Function: Domestic
Current Sub-function: Multiple Dwelling

(added 1992
- Building - #92001679)
2 E. Franklin St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Unknown
Architectural Style: Late Victorian, Other
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1875-1899,
1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Social
Historic Sub-function: Meeting Hall, Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic
Current Sub-function: Multiple Dwelling, Specialty

Nebo Hill
Archeological Site
(added 1971
- Site - #71000465)
Also known as Archaeological Survey of Missouri
Number 23-CL-11
Address Restricted, Liberty
Historic Significance: Information Potential
Area of Significance: Prehistoric
Cultural Affiliation: Archaic, Nebo Hill Complex
Period of Significance: 5000-6999 BC, 3000-4999 BC,
1000-2999 BC, 500-999 BC, 499-0 BC
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-function: Camp
Current Function: Agriculture/Subsistence,
Industry/Processing/Extraction, Landscape
Current Sub-function: Park

Odd Fellows
Home District
(added 1987
- District - #87001595)
Also known as Winner Hotel;Reed Springs;
Reed Mineral Spring;Reed Sulphur S MO 291, Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Ittner,William B.,
et al.
Architectural Style: Tudor Revival, Other
Area of Significance: Architecture, Social History
Period of Significance: 1900-1924
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Education, Health Care
Historic Sub-function: Hospital, Sanatorium, School
Current Function: Health Care
Current Sub-function: Sanatorium

Sears, Roebuck
and Company Warehouse Building
(added 1997
- Building - #97000411)
Also known as Missouri Poster and Sign Company,
Inc.;Bellas Hess Antique M
715 Armour Rd., North Kansas City
Historic Significance: Architecture/Engineering,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Nimmons, George C.
Architectural Style: Late Gothic Revival, Chicago
Area of Significance: Community Planning And
Development, Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade
Historic Sub-function: Warehouse
Current Function: Commerce/Trade
Current Sub-function: Specialty Store

South Liberty
Courthouse Square Historic District
(added 1992
- District - #92001680)
2 S. Main St., 10 E. Kansas St., 1--17 E. Kansas St.,
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Wight & Wight,
Haeussler, A.F.
Architectural Style: Classical Revival, Late
Victorian, Modern Movement
Area of Significance: Commerce, Politics/Government,
Period of Significance: 1875-1899, 1900-1924,
Owner: Private , Local Gov't
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Government
Historic Sub-function: Courthouse, Financial
Institution, Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Government
Current Sub-function: Courthouse, Financial
Institution, Specialty Store

West Liberty
Courthouse Square Historic District
(added 1992
- Building - #92001681)
12--16 N. Main St., Liberty
Historic Significance: Event,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Unknown
Architectural Style: Italianate, Other
Area of Significance: Commerce, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1875-1899, 1900-1924,
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Health Care
Historic Sub-function: Department Store, Medical
Business/Office, Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Recreation And
Current Sub-function: Museum, Specialty Store

Corrugating Company Building
(added 1994
- Building - #94001220)
Also known as Cook Composites and Polymers (CCP)
820 E. 14th Ave., North Kansas City
Historic Significance: Event
Area of Significance: Commerce, Industry
Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade,
Historic Sub-function: Business, Manufacturing
Current Function: Commerce/Trade,
Current Sub-function: Business, Manufacturing

(added 1978
- Building - #78001640)
Also known as Arnold, Elbridge, Homestead; Crouch,
Edwin Y.,Residence
8900 NE Flintlock Rd., Kansas City
Historic Significance: Architecture/Engineering,
Architect, builder, or engineer: Myers, Frederick,
Morrison, Thomas
Architectural Style: Greek Revival
Historic Person: Arnold, Elbridge
Significant Year: 1855, 1856
Area of Significance: Exploration/Settlement,
Architecture, Social History, Agriculture
Period of Significance: 1850-1874
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Current Function: Domestic

Watkins Mill
(added 1966
- District - #66000416)
6 mi. NW of Excelsior, Excelsior
Historic Significance: Event
Area of Significance: Industry
Period of Significance: 1850-1874, 1875-1899
Owner: State
Historic Function: Domestic,
Historic Sub-function: Institutional Housing,
Manufacturing Facility
Current Function: Landscape, Recreation And Culture
Current Sub-function: Museum, Park