
Clay County
An area of
contrasts, Clay County offers lifestyles
and business settings ranging from big
city sophistication to small town
simplicity. The land in Clay County is
beautiful. Gentle rolling hills and
meadows afford panoramic views
throughout the county. Clay County is
over 400 square miles in size, yet 60%
of the county remains undeveloped.
Clay County,
Missouri is one of the major counties
that comprise the Kansas City
metropolitan area. It is the third most
populous county in the metro. Nine
percent of Greater Kansas City's
population, and close to 10% of its jobs
are in Clay County. In the next five
years, population is expected to
increase by nearly 14%.
Recreational and
historical attractions are numerous
within the county and include major
amusement parks and exciting riverfront
developments. Some of these distinct
attractions include Smithville Lake, and
the notorious farm home of Jesse and
Frank James.
Clay County offers
major advantages that are unique in all
the United States. It is located in the
middle of the continent, only a few
hours from both geographic and
population centers of the nation.

To post your Queries,
Biographies, Bible Records, Deeds,
Obituaries, Pensions, and Wills, please
visit the Ancestry Message Board for
Clay County, Missouri.
Clay County
Message Board

My name is LaRae
and my daughter,
Eireann Brooks, and I are the County
for the Clay County MOGenWeb Project.
If you would
like to contribute your information
to this page, please
let us know.
If you are
interested in hosting another county
in Missouri for the MOGenWeb Project,
please visit the Orphan Counties page.

Sincere THANK YOU to Terry Parcel, who did such a
terrific job
as the previous Clay County Coordinator.
All of Terry's hard work has been preserved on
these pages,
and can be seen in many of the valuable research
especially all the Cemetery descriptions...just
beautiful....THANKS, Terry....8-)

The Hawthorn -- Official
Missouri State Flower

© 1997-2024 by the Clay County
for the MOGenWeb Project