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six counties of the Unassigned Lands prior to statehood,
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Family Story was submitted by Leslie Penn...
& Hubbard Families

B. Hubbard Hill
father, George Edward Hubbard, ran for mayor
and owned a hotel in Kingfisher called the Hubbard
Land Run of April 19, 1892
As told by John Clark Hill to his niece, Mrs. Grace
Paulsen, Moline, Ill.
On April 19, 1892, the Cheyenne and Arapahoe land was
thrown open to homestead settlement by the government. It
was a strip of land about 60 miles wide north and south
by 175 miles east and west. It was a very fertile,
well-watered land, mostly prairie, some good timber
oak and cedar, pecan and walnut.
the above date at high noon the government had said
United States citizens over 21 years of age could enter
this land and claim 160 acres for a homestead and to
establish your claim you had to be the first one to enter
it, set your stake, and claim it for your home.
Naturally, this attracted the attention of more than
50,000 people, and they gathered on lines ready for the
greatest race ever run in all ancient or modern history.
you imagine sitting astride a horse, or in a buggy, or a
covered wagon on that line waiting for the soldiers to
give the signal gun to go? Out in front was 160 acres
worth $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and ***. If you could get
there first. Standing on that line were 10,000 people
(since estimated) within 4 miles all keyed up to the
highest pitch, determined to be the first one on a
coveted 160 acres.
were more people than there were claims (160 acres);
therefore, some would fail, that was the thing that made
your hair stand on end when the gun was fired. I had
secured an old, sure-footed cowhorse and gone out to the
line at midnight, 12 hours to wait, but hundreds were
there already.
I finally worked right up to the line in an old cow trail
and there I stayed. But going back on my story a little,
I had met in King Fisher one of the prettiest, sweetest
girls in all the Southwest Country and she had partially
agreed with me that, if I was successful in this race and
secured a good claim, she might help me hold it down for
the five years that the government required.
I had more at stake than some others. Directly behind me
stood a four-horse covered wagon and back of that stood
buggies, wagons, horsebackmen, some on foot, some with
rifles, some with six shooters and 10,000 people yelling.
At a minute or two before twelve oclock, they
became as silent as the grave the soldiers out in
front raised their guns and that mad mob started. I do
not believe anyone heard that gun; the field was open in
front, but oh, that mob behind. Would my horse fall? If
he did well, it would be all over. I would be
trampled as though a stampede of wild cattle had gone
that way.
in front of me I had noticed a sort of little draw and
weeds grown up in it and I wondered how deep it was, and
if my horse could jump it, and about that heavy
four-horse drawn wagon right behind me. My horse went
down in the ditch, I felt his legs buckle a little, I
held tight to the reins, but he came on the other side
he was scared as badly as I was. That yelling mob
behind would have scared the very Imps in Hades.
buggy lost a wheel and its occupants went sprawling. My
old horse hit a pace that would have put Man of War to
shame and I went one and one-half miles before I could
stop him. When I did, I jumped off and stuck my stake
although I was eight rod ahead of the nearest person. It
was rather cold, but sweat ran down my face as it does in
The first person to come along was R. A. Lyle, an
attorney I knew. He motioned to me to let him have my
horse, his was all in. He jumped on mine. I told him to
be sure and go one-half mile so as not to stop on my
claim. He went a mile before he could stoop that old
horse, but secured a claim so, that horse secured
a claim for each of us.
were twelve or fifteen stopped on my claim, but I proved
(as the records show) that I was 80 rod ahead of the
nearest person. Everyone saw that old, wild, white horse,
scared as a jack rabbit, far ahead of them all. I secured
a patent from the government to my claim and I sold it
for $2,000. The owner has since told me that he has
refused $16,000.
Now the most important thing about this story is to come.
You know that pretty girl I told you about? Well, she was
to come out to live, get as close as she could to see the
race. Her father owned a hotel in King Fisher and had a
cab drawn by two blooded horses. This girl was very
expert in driving or racing, so she took the cab, sat on
the drivers seat, put her mother and several other
ladies inside and started out to see the sight. The
horses became stalled on a steep hill because of a jam
and backed off an embankment, turned the cab over in the
creek and floated the occupants all out in the mud and
water. Though none was seriously hurt, she failed to see
the mighty race. But she stayed out her agreement and
together we lived on that farm for several years.
going was hard sometimes, but from that day to this (49
years), I have never heard her complain. She has taken
the ups and downs which have been our lot always
with a smile, always, like the woman with "the
lantern in her hand," ready for whatever came
at which I sometimes wonder. If I can only make her last
days as happy and thrilling as those earlier ones, I will
be happy, but she deserves all I can give and more. There
are few her equal and none her superior.
John Clark Hill (born May 19, 1866, Monica, Peoria Co.,
Illinois; died March 6, 1950, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Co., Oklahoma; buried Kingfisher Cemetery, Kingfisher
Co., Oklahoma)
Edna B. Hubbard (born December 3, 1873, Marseilles.,
Illinois; died August 24, 1955, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Co., Oklahoma; buried Kingfisher Cemetery, Kingfisher
Co., Oklahoma)
on September 14, 1892, only a few months after the run.
She is the "girl" he was speaking of in his
marriage was written up on the The Kingfisher Free Press,
Thursday, September 22, 1892:
HILL-HUBBARD On Wednesday evening, September 14,
the marriage of Mr. John C. Hill to Miss Edna B. Hubbard,
was solemnized by the Rev. J. C. Calnon, pastor of the
First Congressional church of this city.
The ceremony was performed at the Hubbard House. That
popular hostelry was brilliantly illuminated, while the
piazza was festooned with vari-colored Japanese lanterns.
The parlors were beautifully embellished with clematis
and other beautiful floral decorations. Several pretty
floral pieces also added to the attractiveness of the
rooms, among which were a star and crescent, a horseshoe.
A large bell woven from white lace plant hung from the
center of the north side of the parlor and behind this
were the hearts of pansies joined, significant of two
souls beating in unison. The arrangements were elaborate
in every particular.
The guest began arriving at eight oclock, and by
half after that hour fully a hundred friends and
relatives were present to witness the ceremony. The
weather was cool and everything was most auspicious for a
happy hour.
At nine Mendelssohns wedding march was played by
Jefferson Warren and C. M. Makepeaces orchestra
with piano accompaniment by Mrs. J.W. Hammond, and the
wedding party started on its progress. Down the long
stairway and through the hallway, all the while in an
aisle of silken cords, preserved symmetrical by little
Misses Ethel and Edith Gillette, Letha Gage and Hallie
Mansfield, the party entered the parlor and took their
respective stations. The beautiful bell above the happy
couple seemed almost to move in its endeavor to ring out
the gladsome tidings of two hearts about to be united.
Mr. H. H. Watkins and Miss Nell Crosthwait assisted in
the picture.
Rev. Calnon, after the impressive manner laid down in the
Congressional ritual, pronounced the ceremony.
A short prayer for the happy ones, in which all joined
with a hearty amen, concluded the marriage service.
After a short time given over to congratulations, the
guests were invited to a banquet. The long tables laid
with the whitest of linens, resplendent with silver and
cut glass, and burdened with dainty dishes of countless
numbers was surely inviting. And those present did ample
justice to it.
The description would be incomplete without a remark on
the beautiful costumes of the bride and her maid.
The bride wore a brocaded Gloria silk, elaborately
trimmed with chiffon and white ribbons. A pretty gold
necklace, with diamond pendant encircled her neck. Clad
in white slippers and gloves and carrying a bouquet of
tea roses she indeed seemed divine.
Miss Crosthwait appeared in a becoming blue Gloria silk,
with white trimmings, square front, trimmed with crepe de
chene, with ribbon train. White gloves and slippers
completed her attire.
The groom and best man, as usual, wore the mournful
The young couple entering into this happy contract are
well known in our community. Mrs. Hill, as Miss Hubbard,
has maintained front rank in social circles. Her presence
has been invaluable as a leader in church affairs.
Charming as a maiden she will be doubly so as a wife.
Mr. Hill is well and favorably known in business circles
as the foremen of the Free Press office, where his
services and knowledge of details is a constant help to
his employer.
The young folks will be at home to their friends at their
home, three miles west of the city after the 15th of
